Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

What should anyone be afraid of? Definitely not some brain dead socialist...

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
Maybe this will help your education...

I don't need an education on the NAZIs. I'm extremely well read on the defunct NAZI era.

You invented a word. Tell us what it means.

Tell us how modern people are using gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums to depopulate what they consider undesirable populations.

How do you defend demeaning the murder of six million Jews?

You own this slur.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

This thread is just sad... They have nothing to complain about so they just spread a rumour... Even the columnist in OP said
"Most of the staff at Flats Fix, the East 16th Street taco and tequila bar, say nice things about Sandy, as they knew her for the four years..."

So these tulips want to ban all socialism, So they want to get ring of the Military, Police, Fire Dept, Public Health, EPA,...

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Leftards view anything that is against the commie agenda as "nazism" when the socialist push resembles the very fascism that they claim to be against.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Nazis are far left.

She should scare every freedom-loving American because she wants to shred our constitution and turn us into Venezuela. The sad part is that the little indoctrinated students think socialism sounds good. It has never worked and will never work.

Socialism makes as much sense as powdered water or electric batteries. Useless.
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section
Sounds about right with the tip distribution from her. What's hers she keeps and what's yours she would divide. Hugo Chavez was one rich socialist
along with his cabinet. The rest of the people....not so much.
ALL Socialist leaders are filthy rich, that's why they love it. Even after watching the slow motion collapse of Venezuela under socialism, morons still think it's a good idea
Most of the rich love the FEUDAL SYSTEM. There are only two classes. The rich and utterly dependent. Meaning the rich and the hopeless. Those in SERF class have ZERO opportunity. That is what socialism MORPHS into every time. It nothing new, no matter how many new names they apply to it.

That is how it is for the poor in ALL socialist countries. Why would anyone suppose ALL of these poor people in those socialist countries are so DESPERATE to get here, and not the other way around?

When was the last time we even heard poor people from here building a rickety raft to go to Cuba? How many poor from America are desperate to go to Mexico or South America for an OPPORTUNITY? Never heard of one case.

The rich stupid spoiled college know it alls have no clue and never answer those questions. Test it here. They never will. They will giggle.
As always you are talking about communism not socialism
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda nose socialism is fair capitalism with a good safety net... Like original EU Canada Australia Scandinavia New Zealand
So goddamn stupid change the channel.
And it's stupid brainwashed assholes like you who block living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap College and training Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, good SSID card that would end illegal immigration like all other modern countries. GOP voters are the worst in the modern world. Idiocy!
Give this account a rest. It sounds way to smart. Come back to it when you can dump it back down, prog duppe
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Hey...your comment is just what I would expect.

Don't address the OP that does not fit your fairy tale world.

Scared....why. We want her and her politics pasted all over the place. The exodus from the democratic party is only going to get bigger.

Please run Hillary Clinton again.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Leftards view anything that is against the commie agenda as "nazism" when the socialist push resembles the very fascism that they claim to be against.


This socialist woman is a hypocrite, as they all are. She was born into a wealthy family and she is doing better than most. If she and others truly believed in socialism (and communism since that is always how socialism ends up), they wouldn't own shit. They would have redistributed their own money already if they believe that is what everyone should do. Socialist leaders are abundantly wealthy. The people suffer. When someone wants to impose things on other people while exempting themselves, who in their right mind trusts them?

Libs need to stop calling others what they actually are- Nazis. Hitler was a leftist. He hated Jews, just like libs do today. He believed in population control, just like the left. He believed in socialism, just like the left. He believed in disarming the public, just like the left. He believed in limiting speech, just like the left. He believed in controlling the media, just like the left. He believed the state should control healthcare, just like the left. He believed the state should control the whole private sector, just like the left. He controlled education, just like the left. He promised the people that government would keep them safe and provide for them, just like the left. He believed in big powerful government, just like the left. He convinced people to give all power to him, trusting that he'd keep his promises. We cannot allow the left to do that here.

The right believes in freedom and liberty, unlike Hitler and other dictators. We believe in the 1st and 2nd amendment, and all the other things in the Bill of Rights and the constitution. The left wants to shred those things. The left hates words like patriot, freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility. They love words like entitlement and victim. It's all a ruse to convince people to cede freedoms and trust them to do the right thing. Has never happened in all of history and damn sure won't happen now.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Leftards view anything that is against the commie agenda as "nazism" when the socialist push resembles the very fascism that they claim to be against.


This socialist woman is a hypocrite, as they all are. She was born into a wealthy family and she is doing better than most. If she and others truly believed in socialism (and communism since that is always how socialism ends up), they wouldn't own shit. They would have redistributed their own money already if they believe that is what everyone should do. Socialist leaders are abundantly wealthy. The people suffer. When someone wants to impose things on other people while exempting themselves, who in their right mind trusts them?

Libs need to stop calling others what they actually are- Nazis. Hitler was a leftist. He hated Jews, just like libs do today. He believed in population control, just like the left. He believed in socialism, just like the left. He believed in disarming the public, just like the left. He believed in limiting speech, just like the left. He believed in controlling the media, just like the left. He believed the state should control healthcare, just like the left. He believed the state should control the whole private sector, just like the left. He controlled education, just like the left. He promised the people that government would keep them safe and provide for them, just like the left. He believed in big powerful government, just like the left. He convinced people to give all power to him, trusting that he'd keep his promises. We cannot allow the left to do that here.

The right believes in freedom and liberty, unlike Hitler and other dictators. We believe in the 1st and 2nd amendment, and all the other things in the Bill of Rights and the constitution. The left wants to shred those things. The left hates words like patriot, freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility. They love words like entitlement and victim. It's all a ruse to convince people to cede freedoms and trust them to do the right thing. Has never happened in all of history and damn sure won't happen now.
You would have to know every socialist woman to accurately make such a statement.
Since you obviously don't, than your statement was either a fabrication on your part. Or you are too ignorant to realize it.

And I only read the first sentence of your post...Icannot imagine the mistakes the rest of your post contains.
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section

Who gives a shit? She could have sex with 20 men a night while snorting an 8 ball of cocaine for all I care. I only care about where she stands on the issues that interest me.

Leave it to Trumpbots to attack the person first...the issues later.

Trumpbots. Most simply do not appear to have the intellectual/educational capacity for intelligent, mature, rational discussion.
All they seem to know is base, simplistic, hate-based thoughts.
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