Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio

According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section
Sounds about right with the tip distribution from her. What's hers she keeps and what's yours she would divide. Hugo Chavez was one rich socialist
along with his cabinet. The rest of the people....not so much.
The DEM-Socialist-Communist Bernie owns three luxury residences.
The one on the private lake sure looks nice.
Does everyone get three homes Bernie? Or just the people running Socialist parties?

That's how Socialism works!!! The Leaders get the honey, the people sing the blues. Why is anyone still surprised?
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section
She was born rich, Really.

Can you believe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had the nerve to grow up in a HOUSE? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hardly. That seat is so democratic she would have to murder somebody to lose

Our Congress is no place for a hard core Socialist, Marxist or Communist.
Socialist ideals are 100% contrary to our Constitution.
That it's even being considered, much less allowed threatens our Constitution.
We The People are failing miserably to protect our Constitution.
Think Canada Australia and New Zealand and change the channel... Super duper.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
Forget communism and third world Venezuela and think Canada Australia New Zealand EU Scandinavia, that is known as socialism outside the bubble of ignorance of the GOP... Fear mongered super toop...
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
Don't worry about what policies she wants, just character assassinate her with garbage like every other Democrat. That is a tiny house LOL
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net, always democratic. Change the channel, Super Duke.
Didn't she also attend an exclusive Ivy League College?

In 2011, Ocasio-Cortez earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Boston University.

She's a college graduate with a degree in economics but no one will hire her except for a job in a bar.

Tell you anything?
35 years of GOP tax rates and policy have ruined our middle class and Country d u h.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
Don't worry about what policies she wants, just character assassinate her with garbage like every other Democrat. That is a tiny house LOL
I have to wonder why they care. There are maybe ten House districts that could elect a person with a similar campaign. I mean I realize its a distraction and they want to believe all dems are castros but it's like they work hard at convincing themselves.
Hardly. That seat is so democratic she would have to murder somebody to lose

Our Congress is no place for a hard core Socialist, Marxist or Communist.
Socialist ideals are 100% contrary to our Constitution.
That it's even being considered, much less allowed threatens our Constitution.
We The People are failing miserably to protect our Constitution.

The dredges of society don't care about the Constitution. They want their free shit.
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section
Sounds about right with the tip distribution from her. What's hers she keeps and what's yours she would divide. Hugo Chavez was one rich socialist
along with his cabinet. The rest of the people....not so much.
ALL Socialist leaders are filthy rich, that's why they love it. Even after watching the slow motion collapse of Venezuela under socialism, morons still think it's a good idea
Most of the rich love the FEUDAL SYSTEM. There are only two classes. The rich and utterly dependent. Meaning the rich and the hopeless. Those in SERF class have ZERO opportunity. That is what socialism MORPHS into every time. It nothing new, no matter how many new names they apply to it.

That is how it is for the poor in ALL socialist countries. Why would anyone suppose ALL of these poor people in those socialist countries are so DESPERATE to get here, and not the other way around?

When was the last time we even heard poor people from here building a rickety raft to go to Cuba? How many poor from America are desperate to go to Mexico or South America for an OPPORTUNITY? Never heard of one case.

The rich stupid spoiled college know it alls have no clue and never answer those questions. Test it here. They never will. They will giggle.
As always you are talking about communism not socialism
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows socialism is fair capitalism with a good safety net... Like original EU Canada Australia Scandinavia New Zealand
So goddamn stupid change the channel.

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

That piece is absolute shite. Zero credentialed references to Nazis made. How you gonna holler "Nazi" , then jump all the way back to Constantine? That does not support his thesis in ary a way whatsoever. Constantine was not a Nazi. Next!

I bet that guy got Cs or lower in English.
Hardly. That seat is so democratic she would have to murder somebody to lose

Our Congress is no place for a hard core Socialist, Marxist or Communist.
Socialist ideals are 100% contrary to our Constitution.
That it's even being considered, much less allowed threatens our Constitution.
We The People are failing miserably to protect our Constitution.

The dredges of society don't care about the Constitution. They want their free shit.
Republicans are the stupidest voters in the modern world, so brainwashed. The GOP wrecks the country and you blame the victims...
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”

Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”

True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.

That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:

According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

Is anyone surprised by this? More @ Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio After Getting Called Out for Very Misleading Section
Sounds about right with the tip distribution from her. What's hers she keeps and what's yours she would divide. Hugo Chavez was one rich socialist
along with his cabinet. The rest of the people....not so much.
ALL Socialist leaders are filthy rich, that's why they love it. Even after watching the slow motion collapse of Venezuela under socialism, morons still think it's a good idea
Most of the rich love the FEUDAL SYSTEM. There are only two classes. The rich and utterly dependent. Meaning the rich and the hopeless. Those in SERF class have ZERO opportunity. That is what socialism MORPHS into every time. It nothing new, no matter how many new names they apply to it.

That is how it is for the poor in ALL socialist countries. Why would anyone suppose ALL of these poor people in those socialist countries are so DESPERATE to get here, and not the other way around?

When was the last time we even heard poor people from here building a rickety raft to go to Cuba? How many poor from America are desperate to go to Mexico or South America for an OPPORTUNITY? Never heard of one case.

The rich stupid spoiled college know it alls have no clue and never answer those questions. Test it here. They never will. They will giggle.
As always you are talking about communism not socialism
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows socialism is fair capitalism with a good safety net... Like original EU Canada Australia Scandinavia New Zealand
So goddamn stupid change the channel.

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

That piece is absolute shite. Zero credentialed references to Nazis made. How you gonna holler "Nazi" , then jump all the way back to Constantine? That does not support his thesis in ary a way whatsoever. Constantine was not a Nazi. Next!

I bet that guy got Cs or lower in English.
When you separate little children from their parents and don't keep records of where they are, it is no big jump LOL duh.
Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

She is a liar and a fraud committing to push policies that will lock in herself to to true 1 percent and destroy The Middle Class. The fact she does not scare anyone on the Left is scary itself.
Link to any such thing, babbling idiot?

I gave my opinion based on a woman who grew up in a wealthy county, passing herself off as a poor Latina who grew up in the Bronx and is pushing Socialism which is against Capitalism. People want to come to America for Capitalism. Capitalism funds Socialist programs.
Don't worry about what policies she wants, just character assassinate her with garbage like every other Democrat. That is a tiny house LOL
I have to wonder why they care. There are maybe ten House districts that could elect a person with a similar campaign. I mean I realize its a distraction and they want to believe all dems are castros but it's like they work hard at convincing themselves.
As usual, propaganda takes one person and makes it the whole party... GOP propaganda machine does it all the time, ditto the chumps...
Sounds about right with the tip distribution from her. What's hers she keeps and what's yours she would divide. Hugo Chavez was one rich socialist
along with his cabinet. The rest of the people....not so much.
ALL Socialist leaders are filthy rich, that's why they love it. Even after watching the slow motion collapse of Venezuela under socialism, morons still think it's a good idea
Most of the rich love the FEUDAL SYSTEM. There are only two classes. The rich and utterly dependent. Meaning the rich and the hopeless. Those in SERF class have ZERO opportunity. That is what socialism MORPHS into every time. It nothing new, no matter how many new names they apply to it.

That is how it is for the poor in ALL socialist countries. Why would anyone suppose ALL of these poor people in those socialist countries are so DESPERATE to get here, and not the other way around?

When was the last time we even heard poor people from here building a rickety raft to go to Cuba? How many poor from America are desperate to go to Mexico or South America for an OPPORTUNITY? Never heard of one case.

The rich stupid spoiled college know it alls have no clue and never answer those questions. Test it here. They never will. They will giggle.
As always you are talking about communism not socialism
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows socialism is fair capitalism with a good safety net... Like original EU Canada Australia Scandinavia New Zealand
So goddamn stupid change the channel.

Yeah, she must really scare you NaziCons. She should...

Since you've made up a word, please define it.

Given your expertise in history and encyclopedic knowledge of the NAZI party, this will be enlightening. Please don't leave out the parts about gas chambers, firing squads and crematoriums.

Six million murdered Jews can't wait to be minimized just one more time.

Maybe this will help your education...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

That piece is absolute shite. Zero credentialed references to Nazis made. How you gonna holler "Nazi" , then jump all the way back to Constantine? That does not support his thesis in ary a way whatsoever. Constantine was not a Nazi. Next!

I bet that guy got Cs or lower in English.
When you separate little children from their parents and don't keep records of where they are, it is no big jump LOL duh.

Oh, and Stupor Dooper? The difference between all those "socialized" countries and us? They're not us, and can fuck off. :)
Hardly. That seat is so democratic she would have to murder somebody to lose

Our Congress is no place for a hard core Socialist, Marxist or Communist.
Socialist ideals are 100% contrary to our Constitution.
That it's even being considered, much less allowed threatens our Constitution.
We The People are failing miserably to protect our Constitution.

The dredges of society don't care about the Constitution. They want their free shit.
Republicans are the stupidest voters in the modern world, so brainwashed. The GOP wrecks the country and you blame the victims...

You sound soooooooooooo very smart with these kinds of assertions.

Keep it up.
Hardly. That seat is so democratic she would have to murder somebody to lose

Our Congress is no place for a hard core Socialist, Marxist or Communist.
Socialist ideals are 100% contrary to our Constitution.
That it's even being considered, much less allowed threatens our Constitution.
We The People are failing miserably to protect our Constitution.

The dredges of society don't care about the Constitution. They want their free shit.
Republicans are the stupidest voters in the modern world, so brainwashed. The GOP wrecks the country and you blame the victims...
And probably racist based while you are at it...
She has some pretty good ideas in free education and health care, which was enough to frighten the extreme conservatives on this board for some strange reason. I mean, how can you make America great without free, or at least affordable education and health care after all, like all other modern countries except USA has? Trump let the cat out of the bag by confessing he wants citizens and immigrants from socialist countries like Norway, remember?
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