Socialist Party pushing $20/hr min. wage. offers job for $13/hr

I'll give you chumps a hint- when a dictator has weapons built by corporations, they are rightists. Like Mitsubishi, Messerschmitt, Krupp. WAKE UP!!!
Bitch all you want about wages, however a group that wants minimum wage at $29 an hour and is only willing to pay $13 an hour is pretty hypocritical and pretty funny. What a bunch of pretentious assholes!
Pure socialism goes against economics and human nature. It is all about emotions and not economic facts.

Under socialism the workers will work for FORCE to work for peanuts since they should be proud to be working for the almighty state.
That's communism, cold war dinosaur. Socialism since the 30's, when everyone saw what the USSR was actually up to, has been defined as DEMOCRATIC first of all, well regulated capitalism with a nationalized industry or 2- necessities like energy or health care...or not. Could you rephrase that btw?
Holy shit, the stupid has hit an all time high. It doesn't matter what you try to fucking name it the results are the same, every damn time. You can call socialism what the fuck ever you want to but in the end they all get the same title...failure and poverty.
Sweden, Norway, Germany are failures? You are absolutely clueless. What bought off demagogue do you get this crappe from, fool. I'm guessing Glenn. ... but they're all on the same team. Multimillionaires off you ignoramuses.

"We're all socialists now!" PM of Finland when O-Care passed. And he was right- except ours is still cheating everyone but the rich. The greedy rich have fucked your brains all up...FREEDOM!! to get absolutely screwed while they laugh all the way to the bank.

I'll give you chumps a hint- when a dictator has weapons built by corporations, they are rightists. Like Mitsubishi, Messerschmitt, Krupp. WAKE UP!!!
Only to a communist like yourself. When it's impossible for you to move any further left, then anyone not as radical as you is, by default, to your right, hence to communists the Nazis are right-wing. To normal people, they were left wing socialist nuts. Normal people recognize this as truth because they see that there is no progression from conservative principles which leads one to embrace National SOCIALISM.
Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.
Damn liberals, they can't ever practice what they preach:

It’s sometimes said that if some people didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. That applies to the Freedom Socialist Party.

In 2012, their official website was pushing for a drastic increase in the minimum wage. In fact, they pushed for a full $20 per hour minimum wage, even for the most basic jobs:

Well, if you are a socialist, I have good news: the Freedom Socialist Party is hiring! They must have competitive wages for a web developer, right? Not exactly.

The people who want people who flip hamburgers for a living to earn $20 an hour to do that are willing to pay an experienced web developer… $13 an hour.

Hell ... if minimum wage did get to $20 per hour I'd just quit my current job (with more than 20 years experience in a specialized market) and take a simple job. Stupid to pay unskilled worker three times what he's worth.
Pure socialism goes against economics and human nature. It is all about emotions and not economic facts.

Under socialism the workers will work for FORCE to work for peanuts since they should be proud to be working for the almighty state.
That's communism, cold war dinosaur. Socialism since the 30's, when everyone saw what the USSR was actually up to, has been defined as DEMOCRATIC first of all, well regulated capitalism with a nationalized industry or 2- necessities like energy or health care...or not. Could you rephrase that btw?

There are two general brands of Socialism that use different avenues to reach the same goal: Marxist Socialism (the more aggressive of the two) and Fabian Socialism (the more patient but dangerous of the two). Fabian Socialism is more insidious and approaches the issue of Socialism in a softer, more appealing manner than the harsh, Marxist version. Marxist Socialism is a sudden heart attack while Fabian Socialism is a slow moving cancer. It's the latter of the two that we're witnessing today. Nevertheless, both versions of Socialism embrace the tenets of the Communist Manifesto and seek to force that philosophy upon the whole of society whether we like it or not.
Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.

Economics is all about balancing supply and demand. We need to be careful as we may raise the cost of "work" far above the demand....In which case would kill businesses and lead to other problems.
Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.
Or you deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration, thus creating labor shortages which employers will first fill with the unemployed and then they'll raise wages offered to draw into the labor force those who have given up on the hope of finding a job. This process worked like gangbusters at creating prosperity between the end of WWII and the early 70s.

Labor scarcity has some kind of magical effect which raises wages without having govenrment distorting the labor market. Imagine that! Who'd have thought that adding 1 million new laborers into the labor market every year during periods of high unemployment would depress wages?
What would be better than increasing the minimum wage to $20 bucks per hour would be tying Ceo(boss/board, etc) pay to the lowest paid employee.

Let's say 1000 times the lowest paid to the highest (CEO) employee's....Every time the ceo wants to get paid more = they will have to consider the same % of pay increase for all employees.

This would keep them honest and would be more economical....As they would have an interest in advancing their employees.
Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.
Or you deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration, thus creating labor shortages which employers will first fill with the unemployed and then they'll raise wages offered to draw into the labor force those who have given up on the hope of finding a job. This process worked like gangbusters at creating prosperity between the end of WWII and the early 70s.

Labor scarcity has some kind of magical effect which raises wages without having govenrment distorting the labor market. Imagine that! Who'd have thought that adding 1 million new laborers into the labor market every year during periods of high unemployment would depress wages?
Practically speaking, how would you deport that many people?

Also, if less immigrants would fix the problem, why were unions formed a hundred years or so ago? Wouldn't the market have just fixed itself then?
Damn liberals, they can't ever practice what they preach:

It’s sometimes said that if some people didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. That applies to the Freedom Socialist Party.

In 2012, their official website was pushing for a drastic increase in the minimum wage. In fact, they pushed for a full $20 per hour minimum wage, even for the most basic jobs:

Well, if you are a socialist, I have good news: the Freedom Socialist Party is hiring! They must have competitive wages for a web developer, right? Not exactly.

The people who want people who flip hamburgers for a living to earn $20 an hour to do that are willing to pay an experienced web developer… $13 an hour.

Watching you post this without knowing what Socialism actually is...............Perhaps 5 minutes of Internet Research can help you.
Pure socialism goes against economics and human nature. It is all about emotions and not economic facts.

Another one that hasn't spent 5 minutes out of their day to learn what Socialism actually is................

Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.
Or you deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration, thus creating labor shortages which employers will first fill with the unemployed and then they'll raise wages offered to draw into the labor force those who have given up on the hope of finding a job. This process worked like gangbusters at creating prosperity between the end of WWII and the early 70s.

Labor scarcity has some kind of magical effect which raises wages without having govenrment distorting the labor market. Imagine that! Who'd have thought that adding 1 million new laborers into the labor market every year during periods of high unemployment would depress wages?
Practically speaking, how would you deport that many people?

The Eisenhower Administration did easy work using only the stone-age technology fo the time. Operation Wetback:

Operation Wetback was an immigration law enforcement initiative created by Director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Joseph Swing. The program was implemented in May of 1954 by the U.S. Attorney General Herbert Brownell, and utilized special tactics to combat the problem of illegal border crossing and residence in the United States by Mexican nationals. . . .

On May 17th, 1954 command teams of 12 Border Patrol agents, buses, planes, and temporary processing stations began locating, processing, and deporting Mexicans that had illegally entered the United States. 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators, 300 jeeps, cars and buses, and 7 airplanes were allocated for the operation.[32] Teams were focused on quick processing and deportation, as planes were able to coordinate ground efforts more quickly and increase mobility. [33] Those deported were handed off to Mexican officials, who in turn deported them into central Mexico where there were many labor opportunities.[34] While the operation would include the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, its main targets were border areas in Texas and California. [35] Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being captured from May to July 1954

Show up at schools and pick up kids, the schools have addresses for the children's home, go there and pick up the parents. Banks have account information, utilities have account information, insurance companies have account information, vehicle registry has owner information, cross check against citizenship data.

Also, if less immigrants would fix the problem, why were unions formed a hundred years or so ago? Wouldn't the market have just fixed itself then?

Samuel Gomper
s, founder and president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and himself an immigrant. From a letter to Congress dated March 19, 1924:

"America must not be overwhelmed.

"Every effort to enact immigration legislation must expect to meet a number of hostile forces and, in particular, two hostile forces of considerable strength.

"One of these is composed of corporation employers who desire to employ physical strength (broad backs) at the lowest possible wage and who prefer a rapidly revolving labor supply at low wages to a regular supply of American wage earners at fair wages.

"The other is composed of racial groups in the United States who oppose all restrictive legislation because they want the doors left open for an influx of their countrymen regardless of the menace to the people of their adopted country.'​
Socialism is very similar to Capitalism. Except the Government owns the businesses and the PEOPLE vote for the wages. It's why Socialist Firemen get WAY more money than America. You can't demand a fire. Welfare has nothing to do with Socialism or Capitalism, it's simply what American Voters chose to support. Yet we can't seem to police Welfare fraud because of the bigotry and profiling involved.

In Austrailia, the Government is manipulating Socialism just like in America we are manipulating Capitalism. It's really basic to see if you are not bias.

That being said, most Americans I talk to don't know what Socialism actually is. They don't know the difference between Communism and Socialism. And they think Welfare is part of one of the two. Sad day for American intellect.
a socialist pushing a business that makes a profit higher WAGES to employees ?

using the word socialist in a comment like that qualifies you as a candidate for dumbass of the year ...

I get the idea that you simply can't understand normal thinking.

I get the idea you don't understand socialism ... here smart guy, let me help

noun: socialism
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
nothing in the definition of socialism relates to private companies keeping their profits OR paying workers min wage ..

as for the rest of you morons, KMA. that means you red star boi ..
a socialist pushing a business that makes a profit higher WAGES to employees ?

using the word socialist in a comment like that qualifies you as a candidate for dumbass of the year ...

I get the idea that you simply can't understand normal thinking.

I get the idea you don't understand socialism ... here smart guy, let me help

noun: socialism
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
nothing in the definition of socialism relates to private companies keeping their profits OR paying workers min wage ..

as for the rest of you morons, KMA. that means you red star boi ..

It's funny watching leftists pretend to think. Look, get it through your heads, leftists are feelers, not thinkers. If you were a thinker then you'd see that your diatribe isn't supported by the dictionary definition you cite. Let me spell it out for you. Here's the definition you cite:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Under socialism, owners can keep their profits, but their freedom to control is limited by regulation, regulation designed to advance state interests.

Stick to your strengths, go back to emoting and leave the thinking to those who are good at it, the conservatives.
Damn liberals, they can't ever practice what they preach:

It’s sometimes said that if some people didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. That applies to the Freedom Socialist Party.

In 2012, their official website was pushing for a drastic increase in the minimum wage. In fact, they pushed for a full $20 per hour minimum wage, even for the most basic jobs:

Well, if you are a socialist, I have good news: the Freedom Socialist Party is hiring! They must have competitive wages for a web developer, right? Not exactly.

The people who want people who flip hamburgers for a living to earn $20 an hour to do that are willing to pay an experienced web developer… $13 an hour.

Libs have not a clue about most things. Why is that? A mental disorder?
Bill Maher made a great point about this.

Either you raise the minimum wage or you keep subsidizing huge companies that pay their workers peanuts.

Unless, of course, you're prepared to let Americans simply starve.

When people can find no jobs, even those with Bachelor's degrees?

That's not a symptom of a faulty corporate system.

That is a fault of the oppressive business climate Eboma has created in this country.

No one wants people to starve.

That is a cry of those who know little about the existing entitlements structure.

Virtually no one goes hungry in America because of a lack of entitlement programs.

They might be caught short of money at the end of the pay period but that is human nature.

Welfare and/or other Governmental or social services safety nets feed, clothe and house more than half of the number of Americans who are employed.

That is outrageously out of kilter.

The people who don't work live off the efforts of those who do work.

That is outrageously unfair.

The workers can't continue to support such a heavy burden.

In the last four years of the Reagan administration this is glimpse of what life was like in America.

Morning in America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Damn liberals, they can't ever practice what they preach:

It’s sometimes said that if some people didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. That applies to the Freedom Socialist Party.

In 2012, their official website was pushing for a drastic increase in the minimum wage. In fact, they pushed for a full $20 per hour minimum wage, even for the most basic jobs:

Well, if you are a socialist, I have good news: the Freedom Socialist Party is hiring! They must have competitive wages for a web developer, right? Not exactly.

The people who want people who flip hamburgers for a living to earn $20 an hour to do that are willing to pay an experienced web developer… $13 an hour.
Damn liberals, they can't ever practice what they preach:

It’s sometimes said that if some people didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. That applies to the Freedom Socialist Party.

In 2012, their official website was pushing for a drastic increase in the minimum wage. In fact, they pushed for a full $20 per hour minimum wage, even for the most basic jobs:

Well, if you are a socialist, I have good news: the Freedom Socialist Party is hiring! They must have competitive wages for a web developer, right? Not exactly.

The people who want people who flip hamburgers for a living to earn $20 an hour to do that are willing to pay an experienced web developer… $13 an hour.

Libs have not a clue about most things. Why is that? A mental disorder?


From birth.

Like Downs syndrome but usually the Libs are able to function somewhat adequately until they need Conservatives to bail them out of trouble.

Here, I just thought of a perfect illustration.

during the Hurrican Katrina disaster in New Orlean, Mayor Ray Nagin and co. thoroughly botched the city's response, leaving people dying, injured, wet, shelterless and hungry.

He was at his wits end until a Conservative stepped in and took over to coordinate things properly.

And boy was Nagin happy to see him!


Actually I meant LTG Russell Honore US Army, who Nagin called the Black John Wayne.

He was great, don't get me wrong. But his greatness stemmed in small part from his being a Conservative.

Liberals can't imagine people that different and with that much competence.

Here is the video I meant to share.

At the very very very last moment of the tape he says the John Wayne thing.

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