Socialist Power in America

Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

I disagree with the definition that socialism is government ownership. That is statism parading around as socialism.

When the state is taxing you at an excessive percent rate, in essence, they do own you. I want no part of Sweden, Europe, etc.

And interesting that SOME EU 'States' are backtracking...It's become unsustainable...lest they end up as Greece? Spain?
I disagree with the definition that socialism is government ownership. That is statism parading around as socialism.

When the state is taxing you at an excessive percent rate, in essence, they do own you. I want no part of Sweden, Europe, etc.

And interesting that SOME EU 'States' are backtracking...It's become unsustainable...lest they end up as Greece? Spain?

Exactly. They dont want to become the P.I.G.S.
blah, blah, blah....more rw kook nonsense from you.

Socialism is when workers own the means of production. Please enlighten us on:

1. Why this is bad.

2. Why this is not occurring.

1.Socialism is a method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.
I believe in free markets and capitalism as the proven method of improving the condition of individuals and of nations.

2. From the OP: "Through control of the government by the Democratic Party coalition, led by anti-corporate forces, a progressive program regulating the corporations, redistributing income, fostering economic growth and expanding social programs could be realized."
This command-and-control form of economy has been shown to produce shortages, poor quality and poverty.

3. From the OP: " DSA also calls for a breaking down the American-style notions of nationalism and national sovereignty."
For myself, and for most Americans, nationalism and the concomitant sovereignty are superior to one-world-government.

4. "... international social movements..." See item #3.

5. Socialism is closely allied with communism, as seen in the following:
"The Internationale," the worldwide anthem of Communism and socialism.
"Red Revolution" sung to the tune of "Red Robin," with these lyrics: "When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along, there'll be no more lootin' when we start shootin' that Wall Street throng. ..."

"Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?" Lyrics included: "Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie. And when the revolution comes, We'll kill you all with knives and guns, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie."

If you were otherwise involved, and missed the fact that over one hundred million of our fellow human beings were slaughtered by communist movements in the previous century, I strongly suggest Courtois, et. al.'s scholarly work, "The Black Book of Communism."

If you hurry, the copy that I returned to the library on Friday might still be available.

6. Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, a socialist, and has some 83 members in Congress. That information, while useless to you, would be useful to folks who believe in the America of the Constitution and the Founders.

7. Clearly there are many who find socialism and communism inimical to the principles of the United States of America...and so the Left goes to great extents to hide their true goals. That can be seen in the statement: "Stressing our Democratic Party work will establish some distance from the radical subculture and help integrate you to the milieu of the young liberals."
The link is in the OP.
Seems a plan, to use the youth and inexperience of the young against them, eh?

8. In summary, "Socialists at every level of government are calling for the federal government takeover of the management of American business, health care, education and the American family."
I believe in individual liberty.

And, a conjecture on style, I note that those on the Left are fearful of standing alone in support of their beliefs.
Therefore, they, you, regularly write as though spokesperson for some large group of ubiquitious thinkers....using "us" or "we" as both a technique and a shield.

From your post: "Please enlighten us on..."

Speak for yourself.

Socialism is not statism. There are many socialists who are anarchists (go read Proudhon).

Anyways, you never answered my question. Why is worker ownership over the means of production a bad thing?

However, you are just a dumbass rw kook who comes up with moronic arguments based off of ignorance who negs people who disagrees with their worldview. I really don't expect an honest answer from you. In fact, I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance.

1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?
1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?

Why didn't you answer my question? What is wrong with worker cooperatives?

Out of all my questions, why did you ignore the most pertinent one?

You have only highlighted the fact that you are a troll.

You are not partisan. You are a shill.
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1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?

Why didn't you answer my question? What is wrong with worker cooperatives?

Out of all my questions, why did you ignore the most pertinent one?

You have only highlighted the fact that you are a troll.

You are not partisan. You are a shill.

PC is not a troll. She has always backed up her arguments, regardless if you agree with her or not.
blah, blah, blah....more rw kook nonsense from you.

Socialism is when workers own the means of production. Please enlighten us on:

1. Why this is bad.

2. Why this is not occurring.

1. Because it is failed collectivist claptrap for slackers.
2. Because the majority of Americans understand (1).
1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?

Why didn't you answer my question? What is wrong with worker cooperatives?

Out of all my questions, why did you ignore the most pertinent one?

You have only highlighted the fact that you are a troll.

You are not partisan. You are a shill.

You have spotlighted the fact that you are a poor judge of individuals.

Your question is a 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.

I never said there was anything wrong with 'worker cooperatives.' whatever that is.

Clearly you don't know what socialism is.

As for what workers do, or form, that is entirely up to them. I believe in
individual liberty....surely you understand what that means....

Are you the same guy from Wheel of Fortune who said “is there an ‘f’ as in pharoh?”
1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?

Why didn't you answer my question? What is wrong with worker cooperatives?

Out of all my questions, why did you ignore the most pertinent one?

You have only highlighted the fact that you are a troll.

You are not partisan. You are a shill.

You have spotlighted the fact that you are a poor judge of individuals.

Your question is a 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.

I never said there was anything wrong with 'worker cooperatives.' whatever that is.

Clearly you don't know what socialism is.

As for what workers do, or form, that is entirely up to them. I believe in
individual liberty....surely you understand what that means....

Are you the same guy from Wheel of Fortune who said “is there an ‘f’ as in pharoh?”

sure....just ramble and be incoherent, and then blame your incoherency on your opponent.

I'll ask again, Why is collective ownership the means of production bad?
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PC is not a troll. She has always backed up her arguments, regardless if you agree with her or not.

lol....getting negged and the excuse is that you are a "moron" is hardly backing up the fact.

However, you live in a delusional world.

While you may be a moron, you certainly have me confused with someone else with whom
you lost a battle....

I grew up in the birthplace of socialism in North America, where the government nationalized large tracks of the economy out of ideology, not necessity. Ain't nothing like that here.
1.Socialism is a method of achieving public ownership of private property and the means of production.
I believe in free markets and capitalism as the proven method of improving the condition of individuals and of nations.

2. From the OP: "Through control of the government by the Democratic Party coalition, led by anti-corporate forces, a progressive program regulating the corporations, redistributing income, fostering economic growth and expanding social programs could be realized."
This command-and-control form of economy has been shown to produce shortages, poor quality and poverty.

3. From the OP: " DSA also calls for a breaking down the American-style notions of nationalism and national sovereignty."
For myself, and for most Americans, nationalism and the concomitant sovereignty are superior to one-world-government.

4. "... international social movements..." See item #3.

5. Socialism is closely allied with communism, as seen in the following:
"The Internationale," the worldwide anthem of Communism and socialism.
"Red Revolution" sung to the tune of "Red Robin," with these lyrics: "When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along, there'll be no more lootin' when we start shootin' that Wall Street throng. ..."

"Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?" Lyrics included: "Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie. And when the revolution comes, We'll kill you all with knives and guns, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie."

If you were otherwise involved, and missed the fact that over one hundred million of our fellow human beings were slaughtered by communist movements in the previous century, I strongly suggest Courtois, et. al.'s scholarly work, "The Black Book of Communism."

If you hurry, the copy that I returned to the library on Friday might still be available.

6. Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, a socialist, and has some 83 members in Congress. That information, while useless to you, would be useful to folks who believe in the America of the Constitution and the Founders.

7. Clearly there are many who find socialism and communism inimical to the principles of the United States of America...and so the Left goes to great extents to hide their true goals. That can be seen in the statement: "Stressing our Democratic Party work will establish some distance from the radical subculture and help integrate you to the milieu of the young liberals."
The link is in the OP.
Seems a plan, to use the youth and inexperience of the young against them, eh?

8. In summary, "Socialists at every level of government are calling for the federal government takeover of the management of American business, health care, education and the American family."
I believe in individual liberty.

And, a conjecture on style, I note that those on the Left are fearful of standing alone in support of their beliefs.
Therefore, they, you, regularly write as though spokesperson for some large group of ubiquitious thinkers....using "us" or "we" as both a technique and a shield.

From your post: "Please enlighten us on..."

Speak for yourself.

Socialism is not statism. There are many socialists who are anarchists (go read Proudhon).

Anyways, you never answered my question. Why is worker ownership over the means of production a bad thing?

However, you are just a dumbass rw kook who comes up with moronic arguments based off of ignorance who negs people who disagrees with their worldview. I really don't expect an honest answer from you. In fact, I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance.

1. "... who negs people..."
I have been on the USMB for about three years, and in that time I have never used the negative rep function. Never.
I fight my battles in public, and feel that I am articulate enough to response in that manner.
Further, I often give give positive reps to opponents who have interesting or couragous posts.
Ask Truthie...'She has been the recipient of several, and we never agree.

2. "... just a dumbass rw kook who ..."
Nor do I use language as uncivil as you do.

3. "I really don't expect an honest answer from you.
My posts are never less than honest.
The previous post was an answer to you in the sense that you seem a supporter of

4. "I expect a hostile attack based off of ignorance."
That would be "I expect a hostile attack based ON ignorance."
Is that what you mean by hostile?

As to your #4 here? Could that statement be tentamount to an admission that the poster could be admiiting that they might be...wrong?
blah, blah, blah....more rw kook nonsense from you.

Socialism is when workers own the means of production. Please enlighten us on:

1. Why this is bad.

2. Why this is not occurring.

3. Why Obama and the Statists in the Congress are trying TO MAKE IT HAPPEN...
why cant you counter the real arguement made.

Why do you people have to pretend some big hairy socialist is out to get you?

This is America and we are capitalists.

I am and will always be a capitalist and you would be haard pressed to find anyone more liberal democrat than me.

This whole smoke and mirrors crap proves that your positions are so weak you fear the real discussion of what your fellow Americans want to see happen in this country.

You know you will lose the real debate so you throw up this confetti in the air as if thinking people will actually buy it.

Put away your childish boogey men and face like adults the real discussion of what we should do to improve this country for Americans.
PC is not a troll. She has always backed up her arguments, regardless if you agree with her or not.

lol....getting negged and the excuse is that you are a "moron" is hardly backing up the fact.

However, you live in a delusional world.

While you may be a moron, you certainly have me confused with someone else with whom
you lost a battle....

IOW, you cannot answer my question of why the collective means of ownership is a bad thing.

IOW, you are trolling me. Bye.
lol....getting negged and the excuse is that you are a "moron" is hardly backing up the fact.

However, you live in a delusional world.

While you may be a moron, you certainly have me confused with someone else with whom
you lost a battle....

IOW, you cannot answer my question of why the collective means of ownership is a bad thing.

IOW, you are trolling me. Bye.

Be it known that what you pupport isn't the American WAY...It's 180 out of the Founders.
blah, blah, blah....more rw kook nonsense from you.

Socialism is when workers own the means of production. Please enlighten us on:

1. Why this is bad.

2. Why this is not occurring.
Socialism leads to communism because all the puppets, people who think socialism is good, fall victim to the real power, corrupt dictators. If you think socialism is good you are an idiot.

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