SOCIALIST Sen. Bernie Saunders wants a Dem. CHALLENGER to Pres. Obama


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Jun 28, 2009
Remarkably, the Socialist wants a challenger to the ultra liberal President Obama to serve as an anchor, of sorts, to stop the President's alleged drift to the RIGHT! ". . . I think one of the reasons the president has been able to move so far to the right is that there is no primary opposition to him . . . ."


Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

This President (with a couple of exceptions which I concede) has been as far left as anybody could possibly be and still be an American President.

There has never been as far left a flaming lib in the Oval Office as this President.

Yet for the Socialist Senator from the lame State of Vermont, that's not far ENOUGH left. :cuckoo:

Putting his "reason" aside, who agrees with ol' Bernie?

SHOULD the President get a CHALLENGER from within the ranks of the liberal Democrat Parody?
Remarkably, the Socialist wants a challenger to the ultra liberal President Obama to serve as an anchor, of sorts, to stop the President's alleged drift to the RIGHT! ". . . I think one of the reasons the president has been able to move so far to the right is that there is no primary opposition to him . . . ."


Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

This President (with a couple of exceptions which I concede) has been as far left as anybody could possibly be and still be an American President.

There has never been as far left a flaming lib in the Oval Office as this President.

Yet for the Socialist Senator from the lame State of Vermont, that's not far ENOUGH left. :cuckoo:

Putting his "reason" aside, who agrees with ol' Bernie?

SHOULD the President get a CHALLENGER from within the ranks of the liberal Democrat Parody?


As if obama wasn't far enough left they really think the country would elect someone further left after the giant domestic fail of the last 3 years under obama?
The Far Left does not have a voice in the Obama Administration, the Coffee Party needs to select a third party rival for 2012
Bernie is spot on when he discusses how the middle class is dwindeling. I will give him that. Nobody can really argue against this.
"Ultra liberal". LOL

No. Of course. Bernie's right. That must be it.

The President isn't a liberal at all. Yeah yeah. That's it. He's a CONSERVATIVE.


Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?
President Obama never has been an "Ultra Liberal". He's more of a slightly left centrist in the vein of William Clinton..and in fact..I think he leans a bit more right..then Bill.

Everything about Obama screams "Wonky Nerd". He's a straight arrow, personally...attends church, has strong family values and is a lousy dancer.
President Obama never has been an "Ultra Liberal". He's more of a slightly left centrist in the vein of William Clinton..and in fact..I think he leans a bit more right..then Bill.

Everything about Obama screams "Wonky Nerd". He's a straight arrow, personally...attends church, has strong family values and is a lousy dancer.

He may be a straight arrow. That's not a sin.

He attends "church" or used to, anyway. That's nice until you consider WHICH church.

He seems to have decent family values. One of the few things I like about him is his devotion to his little girls (and I presume that also extends to the First Lady, too).

Not being able to dance is not a bad thing in my eyes. :D

But this President is not even remotely a "centrist."

He is FAR FAR left. He took a hard left turn at left and then ran ahead a few miles.
No. Of course. Bernie's right. That must be it.

The President isn't a liberal at all. Yeah yeah. That's it. He's a CONSERVATIVE.


Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

George Washington - (Deist, Revolutionary)
Abraham Lincoln - (Enacted radical change that collapsed a whole industry (Slavery) and caused the civil war)
Franklin Roosevelt - (Sweeping social changes)
John F Kennedy - (Began to enact sweeping social changes)
Lyndon Banes Johnson - (Civil rights reform)
William Clinton - (Tried and failed to enact single payer)
Well it would take a socialist to to say obama is moving to the right.

Thus hinting that the left thought big 0 was a socialist at one point.

How further left can he get and still pay lip service to the Constitution?

Works for and hires union heads.
Takes from what works and gives to what doesn't
foments class warfare
say "fair" like it's fashionable
started more wars for no reason
wants to keep the poor, poor.

That's the standard play book.

Who would they put up? clinton is just to the right of him. grayson is unelectable, weiner did himself in, Blago is doing time, pelosi :lol:, Boxer is a traitor.

I'd love to see what they pull out as a 3rd [4th] party person. That way Americans can see the future of the DNC.

But the dems lack the balls to stray from the heard, so there will be no one out there repping the far left.
Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

George Washington - (Deist, Revolutionary)
Abraham Lincoln - (Enacted radical change that collapsed a whole industry (Slavery) and caused the civil war)
Franklin Roosevelt - (Sweeping social changes)
John F Kennedy - (Began to enact sweeping social changes)
Lyndon Banes Johnson - (Civil rights reform)
William Clinton - (Tried and failed to enact single payer)

Pres. Washington actually valued the Constitution and understood the purpose of LIMITING Government.

Abraham Lincoln fought to preserve the American Union.

FDR was pretty far left, but not as far as Pres. Obama.

JFK embracing social changes doesn't make him more liberal than Pres. Obama.

LBJ: ditto what I just noted about JFK.

Bubba: a lefty without doubt, but not even remotely on par with Pres. Obama.
Bernie is spot on when he discusses how the middle class is dwindeling. I will give him that. Nobody can really argue against this.

I've been hearing the dwindle middle class spew since the 70's.

most of the middle class got sucked under, the killing of the dollar made it harder and harder to get by.
The term 'far left' in this thread seems to mean "everything I don't like."
No. Of course. Bernie's right. That must be it.

The President isn't a liberal at all. Yeah yeah. That's it. He's a CONSERVATIVE.


Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

Oh, so you're comparing him to past presidents and not to the current landscape of the country? I see. So that would be like saying "Obama is ultra black". Compared to past presidents you can easily say that.

But Obama has not been an Ultra liberal president no matter what you want to believe. If he was, he would have insisted on only tax increases without entitlement cuts, or he would have insisted on single payer instead of handing more patients to private insurance.

Maybe you just are so far right, you think everyone is ultra liberal.
Remarkably, the Socialist wants a challenger to the ultra liberal President Obama to serve as an anchor, of sorts, to stop the President's alleged drift to the RIGHT! ". . . I think one of the reasons the president has been able to move so far to the right is that there is no primary opposition to him . . . ."


Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

This President (with a couple of exceptions which I concede) has been as far left as anybody could possibly be and still be an American President.

There has never been as far left a flaming lib in the Oval Office as this President.

Yet for the Socialist Senator from the lame State of Vermont, that's not far ENOUGH left. :cuckoo:

Putting his "reason" aside, who agrees with ol' Bernie?

SHOULD the President get a CHALLENGER from within the ranks of the liberal Democrat Parody?

I do. Maybe the problem is we have had too many far right leaning presidents, and arguments from the left are dismissed without debate?

LIEability's post is an example of someone on the right - far right if one considers his intolerance of ideas which conflict with his own - unwillingness to listen to and consider ideas and policy which do not fit into the dogma which has framed the conservative movement for 40 years.

Why do 'conservatives' fear ideas? Why still use "Red Scare" tactics now that Russia (no longer the USSR) and China have foresaken the economic theories of Marx and Engles? Both are conservative countries who reject revolution and are now Authoritarian and conservative.

What is wrong with universal preventative healthcare provided to all citizens? Why is that idea considered far left?
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President Obama never has been an "Ultra Liberal". He's more of a slightly left centrist in the vein of William Clinton..and in fact..I think he leans a bit more right..then Bill.

Everything about Obama screams "Wonky Nerd". He's a straight arrow, personally...attends church, has strong family values and is a lousy dancer.

He may be a straight arrow. That's not a sin.

He attends "church" or used to, anyway. That's nice until you consider WHICH church.

He seems to have decent family values. One of the few things I like about him is his devotion to his little girls (and I presume that also extends to the First Lady, too).

Not being able to dance is not a bad thing in my eyes. :D

But this President is not even remotely a "centrist."

He is FAR FAR left. He took a hard left turn at left and then ran ahead a few miles.

Nothing that I listed are "good" or "bad" attributes.

And unless you are a far rightie..nothing that President Obama has done is at all radical. He hasn't departed in anyway from strategies used to deal with economic distress in the past. And health care is an issue almost a century old in this country. Almost every administration since Truman has been trying to pass some health care reform package in one form or another.

"Far Far right" for me would be an invasion of another country that never attacked knock over their government and install our own. That's a radical departure from anything that's previously been done in this country.

"Far Far left" for me would be to enact a whole new entitlement program with no means to pay for it.

Both were done by President Bush. A very radical President.

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