Socialistic Nations = Happiest People

All of those countries rely heavily on immigration to do the menial work they are unwilling to do, they have infact set up a happy life for themselves, and an underclass of workers who make it work for them.

Such a foundation is a house of cards and it will colapse in on teh Europeans.

Umm, ever hire a maid? Or see a janitor? Or watch construction workers? Or watch farm workers? Or watch day laborers?

America relies on immigration a lot more than European countries do.

DO THEY?.....other forums with a lot of Europeans posting sure as hell dont give me that feeling,they seem to have just about as many as the US....only many of theirs are from the African Cont......
Dude, you've never been to scandinavia, let alone been friends with scandinavians. I worked with a mulitnational company, and all of the norwegian employees I worked with and were friends with were happy with their health care.

thats what they tell you RD then when your gone they bitch and moan about it among themselves.....
Germany 62.5% Belgium 100% and france 67.5 % have higher debt to GDP ratios than the US and France is privatisng much of it's industry.. Sweden is also roughly 95% Swede, France 90% French, GErmany 95% German. The largest ethnic minority in Germany is Turks at 2%.

Canada sits on a sea of oil And Sweden isn't for all it's rep otherwise isn't a whole lot more socialist than we are with the only major difference being Medical. All countries with so-called single payer systems (ie government) suffer from an acute shortage of medical staff for the government run hospitals. It is by the way exactly what you would expect. After all why spend 8 -12 years in college to take on an extraordinarily stressful job that doesn't pay significantly more than driving a truck?
Germany 62.5% Belgium 100% and france 67.5 % have higher debt to GDP ratios than the US and France is privatisng much of it's industry.. Sweden is also roughly 95% Swede, France 90% French, GErmany 95% German. The largest ethnic minority in Germany is Turks at 2%.

Canada sits on a sea of oil And Sweden isn't for all it's rep otherwise isn't a whole lot more socialist than we are with the only major difference being Medical. All countries with so-called single payer systems (ie government) suffer from an acute shortage of medical staff for the government run hospitals. It is by the way exactly what you would expect. After all why spend 8 -12 years in college to take on an extraordinarily stressful job that doesn't pay significantly more than driving a truck?

According to the OECD, the US is the 6th most indebted nation of the 28 nations in the OECD.
The American system is broken and is in a lot more trouble financially than most European countries, or Australia and NZ....poor buggers....
Germany 62.5% Belgium 100% and france 67.5 % have higher debt to GDP ratios than the US and France is privatisng much of it's industry.. Sweden is also roughly 95% Swede, France 90% French, GErmany 95% German. The largest ethnic minority in Germany is Turks at 2%.

Canada sits on a sea of oil And Sweden isn't for all it's rep otherwise isn't a whole lot more socialist than we are with the only major difference being Medical. All countries with so-called single payer systems (ie government) suffer from an acute shortage of medical staff for the government run hospitals. It is by the way exactly what you would expect. After all why spend 8 -12 years in college to take on an extraordinarily stressful job that doesn't pay significantly more than driving a truck?

According to the OECD, the US is the 6th most indebted nation of the 28 nations in the OECD.

hmmmm.....every rightwing talking point has collapsed.

They really were clinging to that canard that the europeans had MUCH more debt than we did, weren't they.

Why, its almost as if the rightwing blogs they read, just routinely lie to them and make shit up out of whole cloth! :eek:
Germany 62.5% Belgium 100% and france 67.5 % have higher debt to GDP ratios than the US and France is privatisng much of it's industry.. Sweden is also roughly 95% Swede, France 90% French, GErmany 95% German. The largest ethnic minority in Germany is Turks at 2%.

Canada sits on a sea of oil And Sweden isn't for all it's rep otherwise isn't a whole lot more socialist than we are with the only major difference being Medical. All countries with so-called single payer systems (ie government) suffer from an acute shortage of medical staff for the government run hospitals. It is by the way exactly what you would expect. After all why spend 8 -12 years in college to take on an extraordinarily stressful job that doesn't pay significantly more than driving a truck?

According to the OECD, the US is the 6th most indebted nation of the 28 nations in the OECD.

hmmmm.....every rightwing talking point has collapsed.

They really were clinging to that canard that the europeans had MUCH more debt than we did, weren't they.

Why, its almost as if the rightwing blogs they read, just routinely lie to them and make shit up out of whole cloth! :eek:

Europe does a lot of things well, and we can learn from them.
According to the OECD, the US is the 6th most indebted nation of the 28 nations in the OECD.

hmmmm.....every rightwing talking point has collapsed.

They really were clinging to that canard that the europeans had MUCH more debt than we did, weren't they.

Why, its almost as if the rightwing blogs they read, just routinely lie to them and make shit up out of whole cloth! :eek:

Europe does a lot of things well, and we can learn from them.

like coddle dictators.
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hmmmm.....every rightwing talking point has collapsed.

They really were clinging to that canard that the europeans had MUCH more debt than we did, weren't they.

Why, its almost as if the rightwing blogs they read, just routinely lie to them and make shit up out of whole cloth! :eek:

Europe does a lot of things well, and we can learn from them.

like coddle dictators.

No, that's what we do.
does the name Neville Chamberlain mean anything to you?

Yep, he was the Prime Minister of England who declared war on Germany - 2 years and 2 months before that non-coddler Roosevelt did....

Roosevelt didn't declare war on Germany. France could have stopped Hitler in 1936 if they had sent troops into the Rheinland. They didn't. Chamberlain did all he could to appease Hitler. Doesn't sound like people I want to learn from.

Roosevelt didn't declare war on Germany. France could have stopped Hitler in 1936 if they had sent troops into the Rheinland. They didn't. Chamberlain did all he could to appease Hitler. Doesn't sound like people I want to learn from.

Actually thanks for reminding me, the US didn't even have the nads to declare war on Germany, Hitler declared war on the US. So what does the rest of the world learn from that?

Yeah, well, other than a civil war that had occurred long after the last participant died, you wouldn't know what it was like for people living in post WWI Europe. WWI was very much in the memories of Europeans and they tried to stop it happening again. Hindsight is 20/20. The last time the French did anything of military significance Napoleon Bonaparte was the head honcho...

Yet the US gets involved in a war it has no business being in (Viet Nam). What lesson did you learn from that? Nothing. 36 years later you're in another war that is none of your business. Your country certainly sounds like a place the rest of us could learn from, problem is we already took the lesson notes and learned from it. Pity you guys couldn't do the same...
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childish. wanna play candyland while we're at it?

So, let's get this straight. You belittle Europe for mollycoddling to one dictator, I point out the US has done that to at least five, and I'm being childish? wonder you righties never learn....

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