Socialized Medicine, as demonstrated by Socialized Mail Delivery.

What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
Again, Where_r_my_Keys, isn't the fact that people will wait in line for postal services proof that they offer a valuable service?

The service they're waiting on is Parcel Shipments... . The value of which, is demonstrated by the explosive growth of companies that specialize in such.

The point which you're trying to conflate is letter service. The vast majority of which is now electronic, instant and comes at no additional cost beyond that common to one's ISP and/or cell/data rates.

No one is waiting in that line to send a letter... except of course, for the occasional obama constituent.
So those aren't people waiting in line?

Yes those are people standing in line... because they came to do business. Those are NOT people standing in the point of sale stations, therefore the potential for those people to do business is starkly limited.

And THAT is inexcusable.

They have the manpower, they have the facility, the material; everything is in place to DO business... INCLUDING THOSE PEOPLE STANDING IN LINE: OKA: THE MARKET... and THAT picture shows that they're failing, where virtually NO Private business organization would fail.

Now you can try to obscure that point. You can deflect from that point and you can try to hide from that point.

But the point will remain standing.
you cant run like a business when congress ties their hands and steps on their toes......
The post office spends inordinate amounts of money on rural delivery and maintaining post offices in very small towns. Although the number served is far less than in urban areas, these people exert consider pressure on congressmen. Couple that with the pressure from the pro-junk advertisers and the United Postal Workers Union and you have a very strong lobby to maintain all current services.

On the other side, UPS and FedX are always lobbying to privatize the postal system. Of course, just say the word privatize and you have a lot of Democrats against it plus a significant number of Republicans from rural districts. So I think we're going to have the postal service around a long time but it will eventually disappear.
thats all fine and dandy Flopper but if congress would allow the PO to make a modest profit to cover costs like those some of the monetary issues like these might disappear....
What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
back then yea but nobody cared....but i bet anyone who had the job back then would have been at a park sitting around like everyone included....
... I'm so happy I live where I do. Clearly there /are/ benefits to being "stuck in the 50's" heh

The ladies at the post office know most of us, not by name perhaps, but certainly they recognize us. My rural route carrier brings packages up to the door and we chat, the kids and I make her cookies for Christmas every year (she said she can't take any form of "cash" tip, not even gift cards so we have to make do.) Also everyone on my street puts the flags up, and when our carrier makes a mistake we put their mail in the right box, or even go drop it off to them (depends which neighbors, the ones across the street are handicapped so we don't make them walk to the door and the police officer couple works the night shift.)
she can take a cash just has to be under a certain amount and that is the postal inspections rules i think its $10.00.....99% of carriers dont pay attention to that rule anyway im surprised she is.....i worked with a carrier who delivered in an area with million dollar homes,he had 4-5 customers who tipped him $100.00 every christmas and he would pick up hundreds of dollars more from others on the route as well some nice gifts,but he has been their regular carrier for years...girls make out like bandits on their routes....
What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
back then yea but nobody cared....but i bet anyone who had the job back then would have been at a park sitting around like everyone included....

Actually, no...because I have this thing called a work ethic. Fuckin' parasite.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.

But honestly... look who's inspecting them for efficiency... the least efficient organization on earth.

Put it this way, few of those working for the USPS, have a future at Fed-Ex or UPS.
why would anyone working for the PO want to work for Fed-x or UPS?......

Not only would such a person not want to... They're technically unqualified to do so, given their demonstrated limitations in the attitude and skills required by UPS and FedEx.

Attitude? Did you mean to say aptitude?

The USPS rocks. They don't use tax dollars and they have been extremely reliable in my experience.

The OP is an anti government tool.
What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
back then yea but nobody cared....but i bet anyone who had the job back then would have been at a park sitting around like everyone included....

Actually, no...because I have this thing called a work ethic. Fuckin' parasite.
yea sure you wouldn't fucking lying sack of shit....and if you dont think 95% of letter carriers dont work for their pay....come on down and show us how its done....we have seen dipshits like you come in thinking its a kick back job and never come back after a week of trying to carry a route...come on axel those guys need someone to laugh at...
Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.

But honestly... look who's inspecting them for efficiency... the least efficient organization on earth.

Put it this way, few of those working for the USPS, have a future at Fed-Ex or UPS.
why would anyone working for the PO want to work for Fed-x or UPS?......

Not only would such a person not want to... They're technically unqualified to do so, given their demonstrated limitations in the attitude and skills required by UPS and FedEx.

Attitude? Did you mean to say aptitude?

The USPS rocks. They don't use tax dollars and they have been extremely reliable in my experience.

The OP is an anti government tool.
keys is just another long line of people on the outside looking in and thinking they know whats going on.....
What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
back then yea but nobody cared....but i bet anyone who had the job back then would have been at a park sitting around like everyone included....

Actually, no...because I have this thing called a work ethic. Fuckin' parasite.
yea sure you wouldn't fucking lying sack of shit....and if you dont think 95% of letter carriers dont work for their pay....come on down and show us how its done....we have seen dipshits like you come in thinking its a kick back job and never come back after a week of trying to carry a route...come on axel those guys need someone to laugh at...

If you were able to finish your day by 1, it wasn't that hard a fucking job, parasite!
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

This is the problem I have with the GOP, they create shit and then they want to whine about it. They cut funding on just about everything, including security for ambassadors overseas and now we have this Bengazi mess to deal with. These morons need to deal with the crap they elect and shut the hell up
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

This is the problem I have with the GOP, they create shit and then they want to whine about it. They cut funding on just about everything, including security for ambassadors overseas and now we have this Bengazi mess to deal with. These morons need to deal with the crap they elect and shut the hell up
yup; just the right creating more social rules and more social regulations on public sector means of production; while complaining about socialism.
The service they're waiting on is Parcel Shipments... . The value of which, is demonstrated by the explosive growth of companies that specialize in such.

The point which you're trying to conflate is letter service. The vast majority of which is now electronic, instant and comes at no additional cost beyond that common to one's ISP and/or cell/data rates.

No one is waiting in that line to send a letter... except of course, for the occasional obama constituent.
So those aren't people waiting in line?

Yes those are people standing in line... because they came to do business. Those are NOT people standing in the point of sale stations, therefore the potential for those people to do business is starkly limited.

And THAT is inexcusable.

They have the manpower, they have the facility, the material; everything is in place to DO business... INCLUDING THOSE PEOPLE STANDING IN LINE: OKA: THE MARKET... and THAT picture shows that they're failing, where virtually NO Private business organization would fail.

Now you can try to obscure that point. You can deflect from that point and you can try to hide from that point.

But the point will remain standing.
you cant run like a business when congress ties their hands and steps on their toes......
The post office spends inordinate amounts of money on rural delivery and maintaining post offices in very small towns. Although the number served is far less than in urban areas, these people exert consider pressure on congressmen. Couple that with the pressure from the pro-junk advertisers and the United Postal Workers Union and you have a very strong lobby to maintain all current services.

On the other side, UPS and FedX are always lobbying to privatize the postal system. Of course, just say the word privatize and you have a lot of Democrats against it plus a significant number of Republicans from rural districts. So I think we're going to have the postal service around a long time but it will eventually disappear.
thats all fine and dandy Flopper but if congress would allow the PO to make a modest profit to cover costs like those some of the monetary issues like these might disappear....
I don't see how the post office can a make profit without cutting services.
What's bullshit? THe fact that some of the workers are being phased out by technology?
no its what you said about the Unions stopping jobs from disappearing.....the PO had eliminated something like 200,000 workers just by people retiring and not hiring anyone in the last 7 years i was there ....many positions were eliminated in the clerk craft....and the PO of the early 80's is WAY different than now....back then i was able to get through with any route by 1 PM and hide for the last 3 hours.....that all disappeared in the early 90's with the advent of DPS mail,when they automated 70% of the letters and now the flats are it is a totally different ball game....

And that shows that you are the fucking problem!
back then yea but nobody cared....but i bet anyone who had the job back then would have been at a park sitting around like everyone included....

Actually, no...because I have this thing called a work ethic. Fuckin' parasite.
yea sure you wouldn't fucking lying sack of shit....and if you dont think 95% of letter carriers dont work for their pay....come on down and show us how its done....we have seen dipshits like you come in thinking its a kick back job and never come back after a week of trying to carry a route...come on axel those guys need someone to laugh at...

If you were able to finish your day by 1, it wasn't that hard a fucking job, parasite!
you dont read very well do you?....but then you are one of the more ignorant around here....try reading it again or have a 3rd grader read it for you....when the kid gets to the part where i said things changed in the early 90's....if you dont get at that time,have them explain it to you.....
So those aren't people waiting in line?

Yes those are people standing in line... because they came to do business. Those are NOT people standing in the point of sale stations, therefore the potential for those people to do business is starkly limited.

And THAT is inexcusable.

They have the manpower, they have the facility, the material; everything is in place to DO business... INCLUDING THOSE PEOPLE STANDING IN LINE: OKA: THE MARKET... and THAT picture shows that they're failing, where virtually NO Private business organization would fail.

Now you can try to obscure that point. You can deflect from that point and you can try to hide from that point.

But the point will remain standing.
you cant run like a business when congress ties their hands and steps on their toes......
The post office spends inordinate amounts of money on rural delivery and maintaining post offices in very small towns. Although the number served is far less than in urban areas, these people exert consider pressure on congressmen. Couple that with the pressure from the pro-junk advertisers and the United Postal Workers Union and you have a very strong lobby to maintain all current services.

On the other side, UPS and FedX are always lobbying to privatize the postal system. Of course, just say the word privatize and you have a lot of Democrats against it plus a significant number of Republicans from rural districts. So I think we're going to have the postal service around a long time but it will eventually disappear.
thats all fine and dandy Flopper but if congress would allow the PO to make a modest profit to cover costs like those some of the monetary issues like these might disappear....
I don't see how the post office can a make profit without cutting services.
the PO makes lots of money its how they spend it and what they spend it on that counts......
... I'm so happy I live where I do. Clearly there /are/ benefits to being "stuck in the 50's" heh

The ladies at the post office know most of us, not by name perhaps, but certainly they recognize us. My rural route carrier brings packages up to the door and we chat, the kids and I make her cookies for Christmas every year (she said she can't take any form of "cash" tip, not even gift cards so we have to make do.) Also everyone on my street puts the flags up, and when our carrier makes a mistake we put their mail in the right box, or even go drop it off to them (depends which neighbors, the ones across the street are handicapped so we don't make them walk to the door and the police officer couple works the night shift.)
she can take a cash just has to be under a certain amount and that is the postal inspections rules i think its $10.00.....99% of carriers dont pay attention to that rule anyway im surprised she is.....i worked with a carrier who delivered in an area with million dollar homes,he had 4-5 customers who tipped him $100.00 every christmas and he would pick up hundreds of dollars more from others on the route as well some nice gifts,but he has been their regular carrier for years...girls make out like bandits on their routes....

Maybe there's a law up here? I don't know, but the postal carrier said they can't take "as cash" tips, and so did our trash guys. It kind of annoys me to be honest, I mean they do a good job and I want to reward them for it but w/e rules and regulations won't let me. I can tip my newspaper delivery person, or a waiter/bartender, but not a cashier, post man, or trash guy. I can sort of understand not being able to tip police officers cause of the corruption issues, and such, but I mean really - what's the trash guy or postal carrier going to do on my behalf? Take my trash earlier than the neighbors? Deliver my mail earlier than the neighbors? What? I find it all a bit stupid heh
... I'm so happy I live where I do. Clearly there /are/ benefits to being "stuck in the 50's" heh

The ladies at the post office know most of us, not by name perhaps, but certainly they recognize us. My rural route carrier brings packages up to the door and we chat, the kids and I make her cookies for Christmas every year (she said she can't take any form of "cash" tip, not even gift cards so we have to make do.) Also everyone on my street puts the flags up, and when our carrier makes a mistake we put their mail in the right box, or even go drop it off to them (depends which neighbors, the ones across the street are handicapped so we don't make them walk to the door and the police officer couple works the night shift.)
she can take a cash just has to be under a certain amount and that is the postal inspections rules i think its $10.00.....99% of carriers dont pay attention to that rule anyway im surprised she is.....i worked with a carrier who delivered in an area with million dollar homes,he had 4-5 customers who tipped him $100.00 every christmas and he would pick up hundreds of dollars more from others on the route as well some nice gifts,but he has been their regular carrier for years...girls make out like bandits on their routes....

Maybe there's a law up here? I don't know, but the postal carrier said they can't take "as cash" tips, and so did our trash guys. It kind of annoys me to be honest, I mean they do a good job and I want to reward them for it but w/e rules and regulations won't let me. I can tip my newspaper delivery person, or a waiter/bartender, but not a cashier, post man, or trash guy. I can sort of understand not being able to tip police officers cause of the corruption issues, and such, but I mean really - what's the trash guy or postal carrier going to do on my behalf? Take my trash earlier than the neighbors? Deliver my mail earlier than the neighbors? What? I find it all a bit stupid heh
its higher than what i thought but if your carrier is saying she cant its because she doesnt want to but she can take gifts....and as for the one pays attention to it...
Employee Tipping and Gift-Receiving Policy
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mmk yea so she's right, they can't take cash or "as cash" cards - but I could give her a coffee mug or something, so long as it wasn't worth more than $20... I'll keep that in mind, though I've no idea what I might get her as a gift.
Maybe there's a law up here? I don't know, but the postal carrier said they can't take "as cash" tips, and so did our trash guys. It kind of annoys me to be honest, I mean they do a good job and I want to reward them for it but w/e rules and regulations won't let me. I can tip my newspaper delivery person, or a waiter/bartender, but not a cashier, post man, or trash guy. I can sort of understand not being able to tip police officers cause of the corruption issues, and such, but I mean really - what's the trash guy or postal carrier going to do on my behalf? Take my trash earlier than the neighbors? Deliver my mail earlier than the neighbors? What? I find it all a bit stupid heh
I live in a large retirement community (2,400 condos). The mailman who works our section is very efficient. He goes out of his way to do everything right and he picks up outgoing mail that we leave out for him.

I give him $25 at Christmas and I know just about everyone else gives him at least $10. So he does okay at Christmas -- and he deserves it.

I've been using the Postal Service for more than sixty years (I'm 79), twelve of those years I sold books by mail-order and everything was shipped via Postal Service. In all those years I don't recall ever having a problem with incoming or outgoing mail or packages.

When we consider that a letter or package placed in the mail stream in California will arrive at an address in New York two or three days later, I call that impressive. I think we sometimes take that service for granted and lose appreciation for it.
Maybe there's a law up here? I don't know, but the postal carrier said they can't take "as cash" tips, and so did our trash guys. It kind of annoys me to be honest, I mean they do a good job and I want to reward them for it but w/e rules and regulations won't let me. I can tip my newspaper delivery person, or a waiter/bartender, but not a cashier, post man, or trash guy. I can sort of understand not being able to tip police officers cause of the corruption issues, and such, but I mean really - what's the trash guy or postal carrier going to do on my behalf? Take my trash earlier than the neighbors? Deliver my mail earlier than the neighbors? What? I find it all a bit stupid heh
I live in a large retirement community (2,400 condos). The mailman who works our section is very efficient. He goes out of his way to do everything right and he picks up outgoing mail that we leave out for him.

I give him $25 at Christmas and I know just about everyone else gives him at least $10. So he does okay at Christmas -- and he deserves it.

I've been using the Postal Service for more than sixty years (I'm 79), twelve of those years I sold books by mail-order and everything was shipped via Postal Service. In all those years I don't recall ever having a problem with incoming or outgoing mail or packages.

When we consider that a letter or package placed in the mail stream in California will arrive at an address in New York two or three days later, I call that impressive. I think we sometimes take that service for granted and lose appreciation for it.
carriers have been taking cash for years at Christmas time.....the only ones who know are the carrier and those who gave him the cash or some of his/her fellow carriers that they might tell..... and all the people in management know this goes on,nobody cares.....i used to deliver to a Mobile Home retirement park....5-7 hundred dollars cash every Christmas plus some great baked goods.....

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