Society of Friends VS Other Relegous sects

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.
In my whole life I have only known one Quaker family and they happened to be from Indiana.

The father was a math teacher and a savant.

His wife was a nice lady and very normal.

They had 2 kids who were shy.

I know they were anti-Viet-Nam-War and fairly pacifist.

They kept to themselves and did not go to neighborhood events much.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.
No bargaining? The first thing William Penn did was negotiate a treaty with local Native American Indians for land that was paid for.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.
They did not enlist but would serve if drafted. Nixon was brought up a Quaker.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.
They did not enlist but would serve if drafted. Nixon was brought up a Quaker.
Nixon served stateside in the USN reserves. No combat duties.
Society of Friends and other Religions. Anyone know much about the "Quakers". I know a little that they were formed in England when the Catholic Church was banned. Since they became and called themselves a Society it was legal. They had some stric rules. Plain was in, and business was done as what was fair. No bargaining was the word of the day. Speak not badly of anyone unless they violated the work of the bible. Marriage was by committee. Drinking was a no, no. Slaves were not kept. Females had full "rights". Separate seating at "Meetings" . They did not enlist at wartime. You had to marry in the Order only. They had no Head of the Church. Silence was orders during the meetings, only spoken word was if something need to be said, suce as a sin that needed attention. My question is what else do you know about this bunch of English men.


You just have to stay awake. Silence until one is moved to speak. That makes the following fun.

The Quakers obey the law, pay taxes and are good citizens, so I say, good for them.
I took the quiz at Belief Net and it came up that my beliefs are very similar to Quakers so it was number one..underneath that was Jewish, and under that was Bahai.

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