Society's Unsung Victims


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
I have a special place in my heart for all the single Moms out there. God bless you for taking on to yourselves the awesome responsibility of raising your own kids in lieu of aborting them. You have a tough row to how and while society does offer a small measure of relief, it fails to answer the long-term issues.

Let us, for the sake of making it easy upon me, to assume a single Mom aged 20 who gives birth to twins. OK. She does receive medical assistance with the delivery and medical care for the children. She receives free school lunches for the twins.

Let us further say that this Mom wins $500.00 per month in child support from the children's father. This is by no means a guaranteed amount. If the father is out of a job, as many often are, then the father makes no monthly child support payments.

Let's assume the Mom has a job as a waitress and earns some $15000.00 per year in salary and tips. She is eligible to file a tax form claiming Head of Household and receive a tax check from the IRS in the amount of $6,200.00. Let us further assume she and the kids reside in a mobile home with a rent of $500.00 per month which is exactly what she is supposed to receive each month from the kids' father.

She and the kids manage to survive.

Flash forward 18 years. The kids are out of high school. The child support payments stop. The earned income credit stops. For all intents and purposes, the dear lady now must live off her waitress salary. The can has been kicked down the road. Even her Social Security retirement will be small because it is based upon her waitress earnings. We have here a lifetime "VICTIM".

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