'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says

The media thinks they can just anoint Biden president:

"Democrats made four major mistakes this year.​
1.) They gave their criminal plot away when they acted so nonchalant about their senile candidate who could not fill a parking lot for a rally.​
2.) They underestimated President Trump’s massive appeal and did not steal enough votes in their original plan.​
3.) They overcompensated with obvious ballot dumps of hundreds of thousands of votes only for Joe Biden.​
4.) Now they expect Americans to just take it and shut up about it.​
Joe Biden will never be President."​

Playing golf?....Not exactly the actions of a guy who is concerned about how things are going to turn out in the end.

It's looking a lot like the sting operation scenario that has been making the rounds is gaining in probability.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.


Huh. Another mistake that benefits Biden. Well, golly gee.

You mean, golly gee, you brain-dead cultists fall for yet another fake conspiracy.
For the record, you are saying this story is fake?
For the record... of course it is, Tory...

Thank you for demonstrating how fucking dumb you are. You really should have done some googling before opening your slobbering retard mouth. :laugh:


You're truly fucked in the head, Tory. Even Michigan's Secretary of State says so.

As we all know, you are wrong. Also, whats with this weird "Tory" thing? Youre weird, man. :cuckoo:

Sure, Tory, tell Michigan's Secretary of State she doesn't know what she's talking about...

"Tory"? :cuckoo:

It's bad enough I've explained to you what a Tory is several times, but you're too stupid to Google it if you still can't understand it?
This weird "Tory" debate strategy of yours is fucking kooky, dude. :cuckoo:
Only to those who think it's a "debate strategy."
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

/----/ democRATs can't win in the arena of ideas, so they resort to stealing elections.
In Antrim County, a glitch caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who added that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same software that experienced the reported glitch.
The glitch, which “caused a miscalculation of the votes” in Antrim County, was so detrimental that it had actually caused the county to flip blue in favor of Joe Biden. The presidential election results have since been corrected, flipping the county back from Biden to President Donald Trump.
/——-/ @newtgingrich If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won
States that have been called, regardless of how close they are, were called because the remaining ballots are not enough to overcome the proclaimed winner of those respective states. Recounts can't begin until states complete their initial count, so nothing is being ignored. And election winners are always declared once the initial counts determine a winner, even though states typically take a week or two before submitting their official final tallies. There is nothing nefarious here.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.


Huh. Another mistake that benefits Biden. Well, golly gee.

You mean, golly gee, you brain-dead cultists fall for yet another fake conspiracy.
For the record, you are saying this story is fake?
For the record... of course it is, Tory...

Thank you for demonstrating how fucking dumb you are. You really should have done some googling before opening your slobbering retard mouth. :laugh:


You're truly fucked in the head, Tory. Even Michigan's Secretary of State says so.

As we all know, you are wrong. Also, whats with this weird "Tory" thing? Youre weird, man. :cuckoo:

Sure, Tory, tell Michigan's Secretary of State she doesn't know what she's talking about...

"Tory"? :cuckoo:

It's bad enough I've explained to you what a Tory is several times, but you're too stupid to Google it if you still can't understand it?
This weird "Tory" debate strategy of yours is fucking kooky, dude. :cuckoo:
Only to those who think it's a "debate strategy."
Whatever it is, its fucking weird, man. "Tory"? Pfff... :cuckoo:
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

From pjmedia. Really. I mean REALLY?

This media is labeled as fake news. How did this even get to USMB Breaking News?
If there are any truthfulness in any of this BS don’t you think it’s all over Fox News out let locally and nationally?
It doesn’t even shown in Fox News regular program...
Apparently the same software was used in all of the swing states currently being disputed.
Switching Trump to Biden votes.....I wonder who paid for the glitch?

Then the National republicans election committee should issue an order to stop the counting. But we don’t see any of that. Except pjmedia and the gullibles .

Those S/W are tested several times audited and certified by both sides before it goes lives. The chances of glitch is about zero to none.

Poll workers and watchers are set, selected and organized way before election by both sides. The dumb excuses of not having an access or observer by the republicans are pure hogwash.

You don’t go to Walmart and asking bunch volunteers during the elections.
You don’t go to a sensitive and very important battle then at the middle of fighting hand to hand you cannot see your DICK.
If this has not yet been mentioned, you would be wise to at least take a hard look:

Dominion Voting Systems: The company at the center of Michigan and Georgia voting ‘glitches’

Adding to the intrigue, Dominion Voting Systems has apparent ties to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat. Bloomberg reported in April of last year that Dominion Voting Systems — which commands more than a third of the voting-machine market without having Washington lobbyists — has hired its first, a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They hired Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account.

In Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada, the vote counts are being closely watched. Members of the Trump campaign have called for transparency and monitoring of the ongoing vote tallies while the Biden campaign has called for “all votes to be counted.” But with questions about the software that is counting millions of the votes, it’s likely the Trump campaign will want further scrutiny placed on numbers coming out of jurisdictions that work with Dominion Voting Systems.

NOQ report. Another fake news media by bias check...... Why is it that ONLY trump supporters catered to these kinds fake media?

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

From pjmedia. Really. I mean REALLY?

This media is labeled as fake news. How did this even get to USMB Breaking News?
If there are any truthfulness in any of this BS don’t you think it’s all over Fox News out let locally and nationally?
It doesn’t even shown in Fox News regular program...
/——/ Fox has moved to the Dark Side along with Drudge. Do try and keep up, dear.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

From pjmedia. Really. I mean REALLY?

This media is labeled as fake news. How did this even get to USMB Breaking News?
If there are any truthfulness in any of this BS don’t you think it’s all over Fox News out let locally and nationally?
It doesn’t even shown in Fox News regular program...

Translation: I can't counter the article, thus trash it instead.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

From pjmedia. Really. I mean REALLY?

This media is labeled as fake news. How did this even get to USMB Breaking News?
If there are any truthfulness in any of this BS don’t you think it’s all over Fox News out let locally and nationally?
It doesn’t even shown in Fox News regular program...

Translation: I can't counter the article, thus trash it instead.
The article's been utterly and thoroughly rebuked...

The crowned heads of Europe declared Biden the winner, must be true.

thats because they can count... unlike most right winger lunatics... :)
Which European nations have representatives counting ballots in our elections?

excuse my language there...
i meant "adding"...
just being able to add numbers together allows one to acknowledge the reality...
multiplication and division could also be useful too, but not mandatory... :)
The point, however, is that the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide are useless if the numbers being added are meaningless. If someone tells me that there are 100 brown cows and 50 black cows in one field while there are 50 brown cows and 25 black cows in another field, I can correctly add and say there are 150 brown cows and 75 black cows. If, however, the person that told me that was either flat out lying or going around painting black cows brown, my math may be impeccable but my conclusion is incorrect. That is what we are facing now. We have to make sure the people telling us the number of brown and black cows are doing so correctly. Until we ensure that, the math is irrelevant, and when we see people walking around with paint cans in their hands, we have reason to check the cows.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

/----/ democRATs can't win in the arena of ideas, so they resort to stealing elections.
In Antrim County, a glitch caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who added that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same software that experienced the reported glitch.
The glitch, which “caused a miscalculation of the votes” in Antrim County, was so detrimental that it had actually caused the county to flip blue in favor of Joe Biden. The presidential election results have since been corrected, flipping the county back from Biden to President Donald Trump.
/——-/ @newtgingrich If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won
States that have been called, regardless of how close they are, were called because the remaining ballots are not enough to overcome the proclaimed winner of those respective states. Recounts can't begin until states complete their initial count, so nothing is being ignored. And election winners are always declared once the initial counts determine a winner, even though states typically take a week or two before submitting their official final tallies. There is nothing nefarious here.
A recount is inevitable in all contested states where irregularities have went on. Even if Trump gives up out of fatigue setting in, the American voter needs to get to the bottom of this mess, and pick up the torch to run with it. If Trump wins after that, then it should be presented to him on a gold platter after all the hell you crazies put him through over these last 4 years.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

/----/ democRATs can't win in the arena of ideas, so they resort to stealing elections.
In Antrim County, a glitch caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who added that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same software that experienced the reported glitch.
The glitch, which “caused a miscalculation of the votes” in Antrim County, was so detrimental that it had actually caused the county to flip blue in favor of Joe Biden. The presidential election results have since been corrected, flipping the county back from Biden to President Donald Trump.
/——-/ @newtgingrich If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won
States that have been called, regardless of how close they are, were called because the remaining ballots are not enough to overcome the proclaimed winner of those respective states. Recounts can't begin until states complete their initial count, so nothing is being ignored. And election winners are always declared once the initial counts determine a winner, even though states typically take a week or two before submitting their official final tallies. There is nothing nefarious here.
A recount is inevitable in all contested states where irregularities have went on. Even if Trump gives up out of fatigue setting in, the American voter needs to get to the bottom of this mess, and pick up the torch to run with it. If Trump wins after that, then it should be presented to him on a gold platter after all the hell you crazies put him through over these last 4 years.
Other than rightie's lying, what irregularities?
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

/----/ democRATs can't win in the arena of ideas, so they resort to stealing elections.
In Antrim County, a glitch caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who added that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same software that experienced the reported glitch.
The glitch, which “caused a miscalculation of the votes” in Antrim County, was so detrimental that it had actually caused the county to flip blue in favor of Joe Biden. The presidential election results have since been corrected, flipping the county back from Biden to President Donald Trump.
/——-/ @newtgingrich If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won
States that have been called, regardless of how close they are, were called because the remaining ballots are not enough to overcome the proclaimed winner of those respective states. Recounts can't begin until states complete their initial count, so nothing is being ignored. And election winners are always declared once the initial counts determine a winner, even though states typically take a week or two before submitting their official final tallies. There is nothing nefarious here.
A recount is inevitable in all contested states where irregularities have went on. Even if Trump gives up out of fatigue setting in, the American voter needs to get to the bottom of this mess, and pick up the torch to run with it. If Trump wins after that, then it should be presented to him on a gold platter after all the hell you crazies put him through over these last 4 years.
Trump lost. You should get used to it. There aren't enough courts in American to overturn this election.
PJ Media

'Software Glitch' Switched 6,000 Votes in One County From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software, Mich. GOP Says


It may very well be that after all the smoke clears former Vice President Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

But the counting is not over, and neither is the need for serious scrutiny as irregularities are being discovered.

On Thursday the Michigan Republican Party held a press conference and said that a glitch in the tabulating software in one county gave 6,000 Republican votes, including those for President Trump, to Democrats.

/----/ democRATs can't win in the arena of ideas, so they resort to stealing elections.
In Antrim County, a glitch caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who added that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same software that experienced the reported glitch.
The glitch, which “caused a miscalculation of the votes” in Antrim County, was so detrimental that it had actually caused the county to flip blue in favor of Joe Biden. The presidential election results have since been corrected, flipping the county back from Biden to President Donald Trump.
/——-/ @newtgingrich If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won
States that have been called, regardless of how close they are, were called because the remaining ballots are not enough to overcome the proclaimed winner of those respective states. Recounts can't begin until states complete their initial count, so nothing is being ignored. And election winners are always declared once the initial counts determine a winner, even though states typically take a week or two before submitting their official final tallies. There is nothing nefarious here.
A recount is inevitable in all contested states where irregularities have went on. Even if Trump gives up out of fatigue setting in, the American voter needs to get to the bottom of this mess, and pick up the torch to run with it. If Trump wins after that, then it should be presented to him on a gold platter after all the hell you crazies put him through over these last 4 years.
Trump lost. You should get used to it. There aren't enough courts in American to overturn this election.
/——/ CBS News: Al Gore Won the 2000 Election

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