Solar Bankruptcy hits India!


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having ZERO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to do simple Google searches, to understand the basics of what a Solar Power System is.

Many parts of the Solar Power System are failing, and the Companies that manufactured said components have gone bankrupt and thus, do not exist to honor the warranties.

It "works", its "green", is a lie, by government and advocates alike.

The response is obvious, Companies begging the U.S. Government for bailouts! The Green Energy industry is, "Too Big to Fail!".

Ouch, that hurts, 100's of billions to save the industry?

Bankrupt Solar companies are cannot supply replacement parts nor honor their warranties.

This is a major problem in India, most likely already a problem here.

india solar warranties Search Results BRIDGE TO INDIA

Indian projects face a high risk of losing module warranties: Abound Solar bankruptcy Mr. Jasmeet Khurana covers projects and financing as a consultant in the Market Intelligence team at BRIDGE TO INDIA. The bankruptcy announcement by Abound Solar has highlighted the risk of projects losing their module warranties as module manufacturers across the world fail. Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail Failing companies will leave projects with warranties that will not be honored in the fu

Undercut by Chinese subsidized manufacturers? And it cost Americans a dollar? Oh my.

Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW. TIA
Undercut by Chinese subsidized manufacturers? And it cost Americans a dollar? Oh my.

Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW. TIA
My technical knowledge, the short answer is Electrical Power Research Institute Analyst.

Lets talk about X onasis's general ability to comprehend and read, where is it said that India is suffering because the Chinese low prices are forcing manufacturers into bankruptcy?

It is simply that Solar is a failing technology which the bankruptcies reflect.

In this case, in India, the PV inverters are failing, which are under warranty, and it so happens the companies have gone bankrupt.

Seems Obama spent to much to fast on products that were not ready for market, that has nothing to do with China, if the product was a proven technology, the failures would not be so high.

Solar Power has failed, its not about the price, its about stuff that broke from companies that went bankrupt.
Undercut by Chinese subsidized manufacturers? And it cost Americans a dollar? Oh my.

Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW. TIA
My technical knowledge, the short answer is Electrical Power Research Institute Analyst.

Lets talk about X onasis's general ability to comprehend and read, where is it said that India is suffering because the Chinese low prices are forcing manufacturers into bankruptcy?...(additional nonsense deleted)

You do research, but can't answer questions, nor even read the words you posted?

" Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail ..."

Ok. One more time. Let's see if your bluff, ad hominem, and rambling non sequiturs are hiding the simple fact you have no idea what you're talking about. Someone who's really a "power research analyst" should find these very easy questions to answer. Here you go again- Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW.

OK? Thanks.
Exponential growth-curve on a semi-log scale

Growth of photovoltaics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 19 years, growth from 100 mw to 185,000 mw. That is not failure in anyone's book. Bankruptcies in the industry? Of course. How many computer comapanies came and went when that was a developing industry?

That you are braying this nonsense is simply an indication of your mental health, not the health of the Photovoltaic Solar industry.
Undercut by Chinese subsidized manufacturers? And it cost Americans a dollar? Oh my.

Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW. TIA
My technical knowledge, the short answer is Electrical Power Research Institute Analyst.

Lets talk about X onasis's general ability to comprehend and read, where is it said that India is suffering because the Chinese low prices are forcing manufacturers into bankruptcy?...(additional nonsense deleted)

You do research, but can't answer questions, nor even read the words you posted?

" Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail ..."

Ok. One more time. Let's see if your bluff, ad hominem, and rambling non sequiturs are hiding the simple fact you have no idea what you're talking about. Someone who's really a "power research analyst" should find these very easy questions to answer. Here you go again- Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW.

OK? Thanks.
What type of system, PV made with Cadium?

Preemptive surrender? Where do you pull that Phrase from, which link, why don't you start by linking to your thoughts. Certainly that is the language used by those who lobby and have one the tariffs, without Solar in the U.S. will not survive. We are talking of my money supporting a failed industry, called Solar. So lets speak cash, how much are we speaking of specifically, when you speak of forever tariffs, is it simply a 100? billion? 200$ billion?

Are you actually calling Green Energy or Solar and wind as sustainable, now that is pure Bullshit? Abound Solar was not sustainable and now India faces replacing their failed modules, how is that sustainable.

Sustainable, is using "rare" earth minerals, is that sustainable. Massive mines are required to feed the Solar industry the largest amount of materials ever produced, those largest in the world solar projects we always here about require the worlds largest amounts of material, how are massive mines, part of that sustainable Solar industry? Solar uses more stuff and you post "Sustainable"?

What about the power required to make Solar Power, are you prepared to discuss this? That is part of the Sustainable in which you brought into this conversation.

First and foremost Solar components, PV, inverters, miles of copper wire, anything involved in Solar manufacture requires a mix of power that Solar will never supply. Solar will not and can not pump even the water required every year.

Sustainable, how is increasing the use of everything to build Solar sustainable. Solar is a huge money pit, not sustainable, as proven in germany and spain.

AGW, solar increases CO2, any increase in consumption increases CO2. Solar plants are the largest in the world, takes the largest amount of stuff to build that seen from space Solar plant. That increases CO2, all that heavy industry in which your stolen $100's of billions of dollars of tax money financed.

Solar increases pollution, in the manufacture, simply by covering 100's of square miles of land, Solar increases pollution because those world's largest power plants providing nothing still get maintained, much more than anything else, constant cleaning and replacing of faulty components rushed to production to get all that free money the governments are spending on Solar.

Now of course we have to throw away all that faulty Solar, which thus far, nobody has disagreed with, that Solar is faulty and failing, and is a problem, takes a lot of energy to recycle Solar, that pollutes.

Solar is nothing more than a giant science experiment for the universities, a huge money pit, Solar even needs AGW, without AGW theory Solar does not exist, is not needed. Solar and AGW go hand and hand, and surprisingly they benefit Oil directly, Solar manufacture directly increases the use of Oil. Hence Solar Benefits Exxon, and of course increased Oil Production increases taxes to the U.S. Government.

You can not call Solar Sustainable, Solar is the world's largest polluter, pollution is not sustainable.
Talk about word salad. Wow. There's absolutely nothing there but unsubstantiated opinion in that continued rant. I asked you to answer simple questions after you implied some expertise and criticized others for having no technical knowledge or even the ability to do a Google search. And you can't even put together a complete sentence, let alone a coherent thought.

"Linking to my thoughts"? Seriously? And then it got even less substantive and technical. Sarah Palin has a more thoughtful presentation on thermodynamics, I'm sure.

"Solar is the world's largest polluter," is probably the single most stupid statement I've heard on the subject since some bozo told me that "solar doesn't work" while standing in a passive solar home on a sunny day in winter. And that was 35 years ago.

I don't know who you think you're fooling to claim you have some technical knowledge, but it ain't me.
X.Onasis, Yes, talk about word salad, you throw out some garbage you Google'd, and when I do not play your false premise game, you fail to respond, you simply troll.

Seriously, you made the claim that Solar is Sustainable, in this thread, are you going to substantiate that claim. Just because you state something as sustainable does not mean its so.

Technical Knowledge, tell us how Solar is technically sustainable when it increase the use of Oil, when Solar can not operate without Oil, tell us about the sustainability of increasing the consumption of rare earth metals, stuff called elements.

Technical Knowledge, technically speaking, X, ONASSIS is the only person in this thread not stating a thing, technical.

Go ahead, list your qualifications, you make claims about others yet you have not qualified yourself to speak.

Thermodynamics, gee, seems hard to respond to that?

Electrical Power Research Institute, I have already stated that as my qualification, X onassis shows a serious superficial understanding of all he or she reads.

It just so happens, that the Electrical Power Research Institute, which I am an Analyst of, deals specifically with thermodynamics

x onassis, you do not do your homework, let alone expand your simple Google searches, nor do you even think before you post. The only person here who has no career related or school related, "technical expertise", is x onAssis

EPRI Search Results thermodynamics

Program on Technology Innovation: Thermodynamic Data to Support High-Temperature Syngas Quench Design
Product ID: 1015542 File: Adobe PDF (.pdf) 404.25 KB
Published: 31-Jan-2008 Type: Technical Results
Program: Fossil Fleet for Tomorrow (Search this Program Only)
Abstract: This report describes the development of a method for predicting water content in synthesis gas (syngas) quenched at high temperature by water. The method, generated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is presented in detail along with further analysis performed by EPRI.ObjectiveThe project to develop thermodynamic data to support high-temperature syngas quench design through vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations was funded by the EPRI Program for Technology Innovation. EPRI ret...

epri analysis.jpg
epri analysis.jpg

How about pics from where I work, I will include a mock-up, x onassis can tell us all exactly how the mock-up relates to thermodymics, the other is a pic of my computer screen, of course x onassis can also easily tell how this type of work is important, to the theory and actual work of thermodynamics.

A fool makes the accusations that X onAssis makes.

Now establish your Thermodynamic credentials. Or any Technical credential or knowledge, or just support your opinion that Solar is sustainable, which you brought into this thread.

Dodge and deflect, as you have been, but as all can see, the truth is plain to see.
What a bunch of hooey!
I asked you to simply substantiate the idiotic claims YOU made. And you did nothing but attack me. This isn't about me, pal. I haven't had to do a single Google search. Why would I? First, your illiteracy suggests an inadequate secondary education, and certainly nothing beyond that. As I stated, you can't put together a coherent sentence or thought, and clearly you know nothing about technical analysis. Your insistence on referring to your own opinion as fact is clear testament to that. Further, you've made a number of asinine statements, demonstrating both a lack of knowledge of the traditional and the emerging solar technologies, but worse - an apparent inability to understand or willingness to learn even the words you use yourself.

Yes, solar energy is sustainable. If you don't understand that, it's a wonder you have a job at all.

Were I a more generous person, I'd demonstrate point-by-point, the nonsense you've displayed, but I suspect unlike even a casual observer, you would never see it. You obviously have too much invested in your own idiocy. Spend no more on my account.
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What a bunch of hooey!
I asked you to simply substantiate the idiotic claims YOU made. And you did nothing but attack me. This isn't about me, pal. I haven't had to do a single Google search. Why would I? First, your illiteracy suggests an inadequate secondary education, and certainly nothing beyond that. As I stated, you can't put together a coherent sentence or thought, and clearly you know nothing about technical analysis. Your insistence on referring to your own opinion as fact is clear testament to that. Further, you've made a number of asinine statements, demonstrating both a lack of knowledge of the traditional and the emerging solar technologies, but worse - an apparent inability to understand or willingness to learn even the words you use yourself.

Yes, solar energy is sustainable. If you don't understand that, it's a wonder you have a job at all.

Were I a more generous person, I'd demonstrate point-by-point, the nonsense you've displayed, but I suspect unlike even a casual observer, you would never see it. You obviously have too much invested in your own idiocy. Spend no more on my account.
Solar Companies going bankrupt are not able to honor the Warranties, that is substantiated and fact.

I only attacked you? Are you mental, you never offered or posted anything that disagreed with the fact of the OP, you simply replied with a "political" question you most likely thought of while google searching a reply.

I know nothing of Technical Analysis, right, lets speak of stuff like PWSCC or IGASCC. That is pretty much, technical analysis.

It is not opinion that Solar Warranties are not being honored because the companies no longer exist.

Now you claim that Solar is Sustainable, why, because you and all the websites you go to say so.

X onASSis, go ahead and prove your technical knowledge, explain how building the World's largest structures which obviously takes the largest amount of "stuff". Explain how that is sustainable.

can X onASSis even admit to the amount of consumption, in tons, that Solar consumes compared to equivalent power sources.

Yes, Xonassis, you came in this thread and did nothing but offer technical knowledge and facts right? Is that what the "preemptive surrender" of tariffs and subsidies all about? Technical Facts?

either way, nobody can prove or show that Solar is sustainable, so do don't feel to bad not being able to support nor defend your OPINION.
Undercut by Chinese subsidized manufacturers? And it cost Americans a dollar? Oh my.

Please share your "technical knowledge" of "what a Solar Power System is" and why preemptive surrender in subsidizing sustainable energy production is preferred. Oh, and please pay particular attention to air and water pollution and AGW. TIA
This is such a friendly reply, to my OP, challenging me to share my Technical Knowledge, and you accuse me of attacking you, boy are you an asshole jerk. There is no sarcasm in your post, no condescending tone.

Oh, and please pay particular attention, to your lack of originality, why not tell us where you got your statement, you have definitely proved you lack imagination.

Crying when your attacked, grow up, if you can't take it, do not troll the threads.
Crying? Don't be silly. Lookup the definition of "sustainable energy", knothead.

You believe you know what I can or can't imagine, but don't see I got everything in my first post from your original post? And you want people to think you're (notice how that's spelled, BTW) some type of analyst? All your huffing and puffing says the opposite.

Your dancing away from substantiating ANY of your pinheaded claims while both denying and admitting that all you've done is attack me is easily noted by someone who not only understands irony but that your original link doesn't mean what you think it does. Your squirming, however, especially in your illiterate way continues to be amusing. Keep it up.
Crying? Don't be silly. Lookup the definition of "sustainable energy", knothead.

You believe you know what I can or can't imagine, but don't see I got everything in my first post from your original post? And you want people to think you're (notice how that's spelled, BTW) some type of analyst? All your huffing and puffing says the opposite.

Your dancing away from substantiating ANY of your pinheaded claims while both denying and admitting that all you've done is attack me is easily noted by someone who not only understands irony but that your original link doesn't mean what you think it does. Your squirming, however, especially in your illiterate way continues to be amusing. Keep it up.
Right, tell us about how Solar is sustainable, I missed that. Ad that preemptive surrender stuff, brilliant.

Pat yourself on the back for being a nice parrot.

Squirming, against what? Your idea that 100 billion dollar subsidies is sustainable.

This evening, solar is providing zero energy to homes, now if only we had that magic battery.

With the best warranty.

Sustainable, as in solar is excellent at providing shade, certainly not energy.

Anybody who thinks billion dollar power plants that don't produce, but consume, is sustainable, is a fool.
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The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having ZERO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to do simple Google searches, to understand the basics of what a Solar Power System is.

Many parts of the Solar Power System are failing, and the Companies that manufactured said components have gone bankrupt and thus, do not exist to honor the warranties.

It "works", its "green", is a lie, by government and advocates alike.

The response is obvious, Companies begging the U.S. Government for bailouts! The Green Energy industry is, "Too Big to Fail!".

Ouch, that hurts, 100's of billions to save the industry?

Bankrupt Solar companies are cannot supply replacement parts nor honor their warranties.

This is a major problem in India, most likely already a problem here.

india solar warranties Search Results BRIDGE TO INDIA

Indian projects face a high risk of losing module warranties: Abound Solar bankruptcy Mr. Jasmeet Khurana covers projects and financing as a consultant in the Market Intelligence team at BRIDGE TO INDIA. The bankruptcy announcement by Abound Solar has highlighted the risk of projects losing their module warranties as module manufacturers across the world fail. Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail Failing companies will leave projects with warranties that will not be honored in the fu

I'm sorry.
If I read your excerpt properly, there are manufacturers that are producing substandard products and then going out of business meaning that the liability for the poor quality items falls on the installers.
I don't understand how this proves that solar doesn't work.
Isn't this just a commercial matter?
The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having ZERO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to do simple Google searches, to understand the basics of what a Solar Power System is.

Many parts of the Solar Power System are failing, and the Companies that manufactured said components have gone bankrupt and thus, do not exist to honor the warranties.

It "works", its "green", is a lie, by government and advocates alike.

The response is obvious, Companies begging the U.S. Government for bailouts! The Green Energy industry is, "Too Big to Fail!".

Ouch, that hurts, 100's of billions to save the industry?

Bankrupt Solar companies are cannot supply replacement parts nor honor their warranties.

This is a major problem in India, most likely already a problem here.

india solar warranties Search Results BRIDGE TO INDIA

Indian projects face a high risk of losing module warranties: Abound Solar bankruptcy Mr. Jasmeet Khurana covers projects and financing as a consultant in the Market Intelligence team at BRIDGE TO INDIA. The bankruptcy announcement by Abound Solar has highlighted the risk of projects losing their module warranties as module manufacturers across the world fail. Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail Failing companies will leave projects with warranties that will not be honored in the fu

I'm sorry.
If I read your excerpt properly, there are manufacturers that are producing substandard products and then going out of business meaning that the liability for the poor quality items falls on the installers.
I don't understand how this proves that solar doesn't work.
Isn't this just a commercial matter?
Actually it doesn't say manufacturers are producing poor quality, substandard products, it suggests that Indian companies are facing potential liabilities because thin film PV manufacturers' warranties may not be honored as technologies are changing and improving, prices are being reduced, Chinese subsidies are affecting the market, and other related factors are causing some companies into bankruptcy.

Elektra has some kind of prejudice against "green energy" that's caused even a mental block toward understanding the common term, "sustainable energy." (Who knows what causes the random capitalized words and letters.)

Of course, "solar works." The sun shines every day, and we've been harnessing solar energy in different ways for eons and will continue forever. But yeah, this is a commercial matter, a function of whether or not it's good business practice to invest in energy production and risk involvement in developing technologies. It's certainly worthy of discussion, but not with an illiterate, blowhard, claiming his assumptions and seemingly endless list of logical fallacies are indisputable.

Discussing this has been like playing online poker against "ProCardShark" from "Los Vagas"... You won't learn anything.
The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having ZERO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to do simple Google searches, to understand the basics of what a Solar Power System is.

Many parts of the Solar Power System are failing, and the Companies that manufactured said components have gone bankrupt and thus, do not exist to honor the warranties.

It "works", its "green", is a lie, by government and advocates alike.

The response is obvious, Companies begging the U.S. Government for bailouts! The Green Energy industry is, "Too Big to Fail!".

Ouch, that hurts, 100's of billions to save the industry?

Bankrupt Solar companies are cannot supply replacement parts nor honor their warranties.

This is a major problem in India, most likely already a problem here.

india solar warranties Search Results BRIDGE TO INDIA

Indian projects face a high risk of losing module warranties: Abound Solar bankruptcy Mr. Jasmeet Khurana covers projects and financing as a consultant in the Market Intelligence team at BRIDGE TO INDIA. The bankruptcy announcement by Abound Solar has highlighted the risk of projects losing their module warranties as module manufacturers across the world fail. Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail Failing companies will leave projects with warranties that will not be honored in the fu

I'm sorry.
If I read your excerpt properly, there are manufacturers that are producing substandard products and then going out of business meaning that the liability for the poor quality items falls on the installers.
I don't understand how this proves that solar doesn't work.
Isn't this just a commercial matter?
Actually it doesn't say manufacturers are producing poor quality, substandard products, it suggests that Indian companies are facing potential liabilities because thin film PV manufacturers' warranties may not be honored as technologies are changing and improving, prices are being reduced, Chinese subsidies are affecting the market, and other related factors are causing some companies into bankruptcy.

Elektra has some kind of prejudice against "green energy" that's caused even a mental block toward understanding the common term, "sustainable energy."

Of course, "solar works." The sun shines every day, and we've been harnessing solar energy in different ways for eons and will continue forever. But yeah, this is a commercial matter, a function of whether or not it's good business practice to invest in energy production and risk involvement in developing technologies. It's certainly worthy of discussion, but not with an illiterate, blowhard, claiming his assumptions and seemingly endless list of logical fallacies are indisputable.

Discussing this has been like playing online poker against "ProCardShark" from "Los Vagas"... You won't learn anything.
Right, lets talk about your idea of Sustainable, sure the Sun shines, but what you catch that Sun with is made with Oil, its not made with just "electricity". It is made with Energy from Fossil Fuels.

How do you explain that the largest structures made by man do not use the largest amount of Oil?

As far as India goes, and the Warranties, this is just one aspect of the failure of Solar.

Solar panels do not last as long as Nuclear Power plants, Solar panels do not last as long a CoGen plant, they are constantly replaced,

OF COURSE, X.Onasis knows all this, you specifically search and educate yourself on the failure rate of PV modules.


Or on seeing my thread, my OP, you found yourself confronted with something you never thought of, hence you reply with Gibberish about, "preemptive surrender"?

Now you want to pretend its actually not a problem that the Solar Industry is attempting to resolve, that it was just India asking what if?

So, to be specific, what bit of TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to you bring to this thread? That the Sun Shines everyday and its SUSTAINABLE.

That is your gift of Technical Knowledge?

Seriously, you have done nothing but rant, politically, weakly.

How about thermodynamics, ever figure out what this is? I posted it before, you seem to think you know something about everything while stating nothing technical.

So what is this? I will tell you because your technical knowledge is so little, that you would not even know what to plug into your Google search, this my friend is the Super Heater region of a Steam Generator, this is used to train the workers who go in and inspect, clean, and repair the damage that is caused by, Thermodynamics.

xonasis, you just learned something, despite you proclaiming otherwise.

now maybe you might be ready to discuss something Technical, or are you afraid, and please feel free to point out all that technical stuff you have brought into this conversation while crying that all I did was attack you.

You asked for qualifications of technical knowledge, you brought thermodynamics into this conversation, and I responded with and from an organization you had no idea existed, yet an organization that every single Electrical power producer in the USA recognizes and respects.

Its called EPRI, that which I am a part of, Electrical Power Research Institute. Everything having to do with Electricity, to include Solar.

and in case you did not hear me, while you cry about ranting, show us which post of yours contained all that "technical knowledge", which was relevant to the OP.

yea, like it is just one article from one country, speculating they may have problems. Just like the lie, Ivanpah is working.

Solar Struggle A Rise Of Poorly Made PV Modules
California, USA -- Has the pressure to compete in a world market beset by an equipment glut and plummeting prices over the past two years led to an increase in poor quality solar panels?

The answer is “yes” say some executives in the business of selling materials, insurance and performance testing and on-site factory monitoring businesses. They said they are seeing the use of substandard materials for the metal contact lines, backsheets and encapsulants for protecting each panel from UV radiation and other environmental damage, and for insulating wire cables. The process of soldering, or connecting the cells together inside a panel, also is a source of lousy workmanship

In all seriousness, what kind of idiot thinks we can simply dumb billions of dollars into an Old Industry like Solar, and make it a valuable source of Energy?

Ivanpah failed, PV modules are failing, they liter the world, and we are to believe Solar is sustainable, yet Solar is entirely dependent on Fossil Fuel, simply to operate and be maintained?

Solar, so many excuses, all resulting in higher electric bills, for us in our homes.

Obama is literally sticking it to the Middle Class with Solar.
The list is like a battlefield, in ways that those who advocate for Solar are incapable of imagining (intellectually), Solar Companies going Bankrupt is effecting India as well as the entire World. It is a sad fact that those who promote Green Energy do so based on personal feelings while having ZERO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to do simple Google searches, to understand the basics of what a Solar Power System is.

Many parts of the Solar Power System are failing, and the Companies that manufactured said components have gone bankrupt and thus, do not exist to honor the warranties.

It "works", its "green", is a lie, by government and advocates alike.

The response is obvious, Companies begging the U.S. Government for bailouts! The Green Energy industry is, "Too Big to Fail!".

Ouch, that hurts, 100's of billions to save the industry?

Bankrupt Solar companies are cannot supply replacement parts nor honor their warranties.

This is a major problem in India, most likely already a problem here.

india solar warranties Search Results BRIDGE TO INDIA

Indian projects face a high risk of losing module warranties: Abound Solar bankruptcy Mr. Jasmeet Khurana covers projects and financing as a consultant in the Market Intelligence team at BRIDGE TO INDIA. The bankruptcy announcement by Abound Solar has highlighted the risk of projects losing their module warranties as module manufacturers across the world fail. Two projects in India are using Abound Solar modules and they will have to face the liability if the technology does not perform as expected till the year 2036. As more manufacturers are expected to fail, a large number of projects in India may find themselves without warranties. Abound Solar has decided to file bankruptcy and has blamed aggressive pricing actions from Chinese solar panel companies for its failure As there is no track record for new technologies like CdTe, company accruals for warrantee claims on modules are based on guessing the cost of repair and replacement in 25 years The continuously falling costs of c-Si puts the pressure on the financial health of thin film manufacturers and may cause some more to fail Failing companies will leave projects with warranties that will not be honored in the fu

I'm sorry.
If I read your excerpt properly, there are manufacturers that are producing substandard products and then going out of business meaning that the liability for the poor quality items falls on the installers.
I don't understand how this proves that solar doesn't work.
Isn't this just a commercial matter?
You mean a manufacturing issue?

I would say it is more of a Political issue. It is politicians and government that created the Solar Industry in its current form. A rush to government dollars, a literal race to receive billions and billions. That creates the problem.

There are Manufacturers that have gone bankrupt, that is a problem as the components they sold fail. The government of India is more than concerned. I will most likely search for some more articles to see the depth of the problem, like if the government of india has recourse through world trade courts.

Do poor quality Solar PV modules or components equal Solar has failed, not at all, that would be a poor argument.

Solar has failed for many reasons. The biggest is simply cost, nobody knows the true price tag, but what is known had we invested as much in Nuclear Energy is such a short period, we would be paying pennies for electricity. Dollar for Dollar, Solar is waiting for not only the sunrise, but High Noon. At that Solar is waiting for perfect days, nothing less. Hence dollar for dollar, Solar provides nothing. Solar can not heat my water for a midnight bath, in actuality Solar prevents me from having hot baths except at Noon, when I am not home.

Homes do not need Solar, we work during the day, when the sun shines. We need our TV and Hot Showers at Night.

Solar is always sold as, providing the electricity for thousands of homes, never for Industry. Yet Industry is what gives us jobs, goods, our life, food.

I am now told I have to have a 20 year loan for Solar, I literally have to finance my future Electric use now, to Solar, regardless if there are better, cheaper, technologies here today, or discovered tomorrow.

Solar fails on its own merit, on its own weakness.
Obama? Now we're getting to the heart of your problem I suspect, eh?

No matter. It was interesting for you to link to an editorial pushing private evaluations of PV companies. Some interesting stuff there, as they press for the development and investment in sustainable energy. What do you think? Are you in favor of the federal government getting involved in overseeing standards and regulation? Something tells me you're an anti-regulation guy. Anyway, Ms. Wang led me to a couple interesting links. Perhaps you'll like them too.

Solar Markets Around The World

Is it boom time ahead again for solar panel manufacturing mdash Tech News and Analysis

And did you see that First Solar stock went up 7.47% today? You aren't some kind of reverse investment psychic are you?
Got any other tips?

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