"Solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun"


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2015
For some reason this article reminded me of USMB:

Town's Fear of Solar Farms Is an Internet Sensation

A man voiced concern that "solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not come to Woodland," in the words of the newspaper. "You’re killing your town," he told planning officials. "All the young people are going to move out." A retired science teacher also worried that solar farms would interfere with photosynthesis and result in dead plants around town, and might even cause cancer.

A "retired science teacher"? Retired when - during the time of Copernicus? :wtf:
So it's true...global warming can be reduced by going solar!
that shit is very disgusting, again its on the backs of the poor. Its those evil corporations again but t his time its GREEN corporations
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China

Yeah, well theres a reason they don't make those solar panels here in the US
Really? How about a list of 72 solar panel manufactures right here in the US? Perhaps you would like to demonstrate ignorance on other subjects, also?

http://www.enfsolar.com/directory/panel/United States

Whatever Rocks, I cant be right 100% of then time its more like 85, but the fact is we are Importing cheap panels from China and they've been devastating their environment with the chemicals it takes to make these things. Im not anti-solar I think its a great technology , but just pointing out that it has its nasty side of the industry that the world hasn't dealt with yet. And that is a fact.

Mojave Desert solar plant cooking 'alarming' number of birds in mid-air
Well, you are certainly correct about the pollution from the Chinese panel factories. And I think that we should have a very large import tax on their panels for that very reason. We have rather strict environmental laws, and that makes our panels more expensive. Should level that out with the tax.

One Weird Trick Prevents Bird Deaths At Solar Towers

According to the compliance report filed by Stantec with regulators as required by the BLM:

“Approximately 3,000 heliostats were staged in a position which reflected light and heat to a concentrated point above the central tower. A halo above the tower was visible from the ground (Figure 1). The heat was so intense that birds flying into the halo were immediately burned and smoke was clearly evident. Approximately 115 mortalities were noted between 11:15 AM and 3:30 PM. Appropriate agencies, including BLM, were notified of the situation around 12:27 PM when bird mortalities associated with the halo were confirmed.”

SolarReserve shut down the test and brainstormed how to solve the problem to reduce solar flux in standby position. The engineering team recalibrated the standby algorithm and the next day they put this into effect. Their new algorithm was designed so that no more than four ‘suns’ would hit any one focal point during standby.

“The difficulty is that that was a concentrated solar energy in that area above the tower,” SolarReserve CEO Kevin Smith told me this week.

“So what we did is we spread them over a several hundred meters of a sort of ‘pancake’ shape so any one point is safe for birds — it’s 4 suns or less.”
Bit of an education for people who support solar energy but IGNORE "costs". which don't matter to them >>>

Suntech’s Imminent Bankruptcy May Have a Silver Lining | MIT Technology Review

duh...........we have an oversupply of cheap solar panels so new technology is completely stalled!! Doesn't matter to the AGW k00ks......these people just don't get it. The inability to think on the margin is fascinating to me!!:eusa_dance:
Both Republicans and Democrats just agreed to extend tax credits for solar and wind. That shows how popular renewable energy is now. Rs and Ds don't agree on much, but they agreed on that.

What Just Happened in Solar Is a Bigger Deal Than Oil Exports

Here that sound? It's the sound of Skook losing again. It's like traffic noise. You've probably gotten so used to hearing it that you just tune it out now.

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