Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

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23 posts by elektra and No posts about Solar being the cheapest... or Not.
Not a Single post Contradicting or even Addressing the OP.

I have put up Multiple Links including the OP and the top of the last page replete with Chart, etc, to prove my point.
He doesn't logically argue the point, and denies everything, just link bashes credible links like the IEA and Popular Science.

This is like 'debating' the Creationists/Evolution-deniers in the Science section.
What a mb!

elektra is a total washout/FRAUD with ZERO counterargument.

At least he's keeping my thread at the top of the section and UNWITtingly helping me forward my Title and put up more and more evidence, with still More Coming.
Nothing like a weak opponent (in this case NO opponent/empty basher) to help win a point.
Hope the next 10 pages are as easy as the first.
A hundred posts by Abu afuc and not one quote or comment from the report this OP is based on!!!!

And yes, I get it, you are pleading for me to stop by pointing out you are at the top of the page.

Quote and comment on your link, moron!
A hundred posts by Abu afuc and not one quote or comment from the report this OP is based on!!!!

And yes, I get it, you are pleading for me to stop by pointing out you are at the top of the page.

Quote and comment on your link, moron!
24 posts by elektra and No posts about Solar being the cheapest... or Not.
Not a Single post Contradicting or even Addressing the OP.

I have put up Multiple Links including the OP and the top of the last page replete with Chart, etc, to prove my point.
He doesn't logically argue the point, and denies everything, just link bashes very credible links like the IEA and Popular Science.

This is like 'debating' the Creationists/Evolution-deniers in the Science section.
What a mb!

elektra is a total washout/FRAUD with ZERO counterargument.
Here is Another Link from just 3 days ago from my HOME Page: the Wall Street Journal.


Solar has increasingly become one of the cheapest power sources, judged by the levelized cost of electricity—a way used to compare potential investments that considers the present cost of building a power plant against the power generated over its expected lifetime. Levelized costs are usually in price per megawatt-hour, or one million watts of electricity for an hour.

The levelized cost of solar photovoltaic systems has fallen to about $45 per megawatt-hour this year from $381 in 2010, according to IHS Markit. That makes it the CHEAPEST form of electricity on a Global basis, and doesn’t take into account tax breaks or other subsidies that governments may provide, which would push costs Down More. Coal-fired generation is around $55 per megawatt-hour, down from $62 in 2010.

Falling costs have made panels more affordable to a wider range of homeowners and has shortened payback times.".."

What a Rout!

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Busted link but congrats on breaking the 10 word barrier for a change.
From the search terms/link I can see it's about Federal O&G subsidies which I haven't brought up one way or another, and never alleged.
You may want to address your post to Old Rocks.
Works fine for me. Maybe you're the
Works fine for me. Maybe you're the
Except and again, You posted to me AS IF I made a claim of O&G getting subsidies.
I did not, nor close to it.
So YOU are still the confused one/problem.
(but keeping your posts 10 words or less, consistent with what you know about anything)
Except and again, You posted to me AS IF I made a claim of O&G getting subsidies.
I did not, nor close to it.
So YOU are still the confused one/problem.
(but keeping your posts 10 words or less, consistent with what you know about anything)
You laughed at my post that corrected the lie that oil and gas companies get subsidies. Why did you laugh, if you agreed with me?
24 posts by elektra and No posts about Solar being the cheapest... or Not.
Not a Single post Contradicting or even Addressing the OP.

I have put up Multiple Links including the OP and the top of the last page replete with Chart, etc, to prove my point.
He doesn't logically argue the point, and denies everything, just link bashes very credible links like the IEA and Popular Science.

This is like 'debating' the Creationists/Evolution-deniers in the Science section.
What a mb!

elektra is a total washout/FRAUD with ZERO counterargument.
Here is Another Link from just 3 days ago from my HOME Page: the Wall Street Journal.


Solar has increasingly become one of the cheapest power sources, judged by the levelized cost of electricity—a way used to compare potential investments that considers the present cost of building a power plant against the power generated over its expected lifetime. Levelized costs are usually in price per megawatt-hour, or one million watts of electricity for an hour.

The levelized cost of solar photovoltaic systems has fallen to about $45 per megawatt-hour this year from $381 in 2010, according to IHS Markit. That makes it the CHEAPEST form of electricity on a Global basis, and doesn’t take into account tax breaks or other subsidies that governments may provide, which would push costs Down More. Coal-fired generation is around $55 per megawatt-hour, down from $62 in 2010.

Falling costs have made panels more affordable to a wider range of homeowners and has shortened payback times.".."

What a Rout!

Yet you never quote or comment on the report that the "news" article you link to, refers to.

That is just a piss poor performance on your part.
Here ya go!

Keep Digging Little ****.
Let's go for WHIFF #21 (Excuse NOT to tackle THEE Thread topic) by elektra/bye elektra.

I guess this will be my 25th post with abu afuc failing to comment, quote, or link to the report his/her entire OP is based on.

I followed your link and it is broken, leads to nowhere? I guess it is not up to the author of an OP to provide links they make claims from. It is not up to the author of an OP to quote a link so we can actually talk about something. It is not even up to the author of an OP to read what that dictate everyone else must read and believe and comment on.

You are a lazy fucking bastard that don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Screenshot from 2021-11-13 17-17-18.png


  • Screenshot from 2021-11-13 17-17-18.png
    Screenshot from 2021-11-13 17-17-18.png
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Oh, and another thing stupid ass, your Wall St. Journal link requires me to pay to view. That is another link you should of quoted from, in length, so we could discuss something.

But hey, you are not here to discuss, you are here to dictate.
I guess this will be my 25th post with abu afuc failing to comment, quote, or link to the report his/her entire OP is based on.

I followed your link and it is broken, leads to nowhere? I guess it is not up to the author of an OP to provide links they make claims from. It is not up to the author of an OP to quote a link so we can actually talk about something. It is not even up to the author of an OP to read what that dictate everyone else must read and believe and comment on.

You are a lazy fucking bastard that don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

View attachment 563684
It absolutely was there, you saw/quoted it, and now the link is temporarily not working, but you had chance to read/cite/refute all and Any of it.

Now with the WSJ I posted, You want the reverse: the Link/Whole article and not just the relevant quote.

YOU'VE WIFFED for the 25th, 26th, and 27th time on any chance of "Discussing it."
(another of your multi-post inadequacy/bury attempts)
I've been demanding discussion, while you just link bash.

Now you say you want to "discuss" the topic?

You could have at ANY time.
You conspicuously avoided ANY topical discussion.
I've posted the IEA via carbonbrief in the OP, and (on demand) separately, PopularScience, and now the WSJ.

Fact is you have ZERO to discuss after I DID discuss YOUR now non sequitur PolyS claim. (and RW conspiracy link)

YOU'VE WIFFED for the 25th, 26th, and 27th time on any chance of "Discussing it."
I've been demanding discussion, while you just link bash.

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You laughed at my post that corrected the lie that oil and gas companies get subsidies. Why did you laugh, if you agreed with me?
No you stupid ****.
That was Old Rocks who gave you a funny.
And now you post AGAIN to me AS IF I were he, despite me already correcting your mistaken identity once already.
Does 'Old Rocks' look like 'abu afak' to you LSD guy?
What a loon.
No you stupid ****.
That was Old Rocks who gave you a funny.
And now you post AGAIN to me AS IF I were he, despite me already correcting your mistaken identity once already.
Does 'Old Rocks' look like 'abu afak' to you LSD guy?
What a loon.
You were saying?
YOU were having a discussion with Old Rocks on the subsidy topic.
I never mentioned it.
I did give you several funnies including the post above it in which you said 'you want to spend your money on wind and solar go ahead, but not mine.'
When the FACT is Solar IS the Cheapest and you have zero to say to me except Stupid/unbacked quip.

Might you have gotten an extra funny? Sure
You stupid dipshlt there is no substance to any of your posts.
They're ALL funny. (and short)

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24 posts by elektra and No posts about Solar being the cheapest... or Not.
Not a Single post Contradicting or even Addressing the OP.

I have put up Multiple Links including the OP and the top of the last page replete with Chart, etc, to prove my point.
He doesn't logically argue the point, and denies everything, just link bashes very credible links like the IEA and Popular Science.

This is like 'debating' the Creationists/Evolution-deniers in the Science section.
What a mb!

elektra is a total washout/FRAUD with ZERO counterargument.
Here is Another Link from just 3 days ago from my HOME Page: the Wall Street Journal.


Solar has increasingly become one of the cheapest power sources, judged by the levelized cost of electricity—a way used to compare potential investments that considers the present cost of building a power plant against the power generated over its expected lifetime. Levelized costs are usually in price per megawatt-hour, or one million watts of electricity for an hour.

The levelized cost of solar photovoltaic systems has fallen to about $45 per megawatt-hour this year from $381 in 2010, according to IHS Markit. That makes it the CHEAPEST form of electricity on a Global basis, and doesn’t take into account tax breaks or other subsidies that governments may provide, which would push costs Down More. Coal-fired generation is around $55 per megawatt-hour, down from $62 in 2010.

Falling costs have made panels more affordable to a wider range of homeowners and has shortened payback times.".."

What a Rout!

If my posts are so irrelevant you need not scream and cry and rant so heavily against them.
It absolutely was there, you saw/quoted it, and now the link is temporarily not working, but you had chance to read/cite/refute all and Any of it.

Now with the WSJ I posted, You want the reverse: the Link/Whole article and not just the relevant quote.

YOU'VE WIFFED for the 25th, 26th, and 27th time on any chance of "Discussing it."
(another of your multi-post inadequacy/bury attempts)
I've been demanding discussion, while you just link bash.

Now you say you want to "discuss" the topic?

You could have at ANY time.
You conspicuously avoided ANY topical discussion.
I've posted the IEA via carbonbrief in the OP, and (on demand) separately, PopularScience, and now the WSJ.

Fact is you have ZERO to discuss after I DID discuss YOUR now non sequitur PolyS claim. (and RW conspiracy link)

YOU'VE WIFFED for the 25th, 26th, and 27th time on any chance of "Discussing it."
I've been demanding discussion, while you just link bash.

Bullshit, you are a liar, I never quoted from your broken link.

You never quoted from it, had you, you would of seen it was broke.

You really are a lunatic, pathetic, worm
If my posts are so irrelevant you need not scream and cry and rant so heavily against them.
Because they are ALL off Topic, and as we both know, you're a Fraud.
You have never even addressed the thread topic.
If my posts are so irrelevant you need not scream and cry and rant so heavily against them.
Why are you quoting my post which points out you WHIFFED on the thread topic for the 24th time, instead of the later one which (names my major links) and Points out you've Whiffed on the thread Topic for the 25th, 26th, and 27th time in one of your Multi-post burial attempts instead of saying Anything ON TOPIC. Dodging many Credible links, and any discussion of the cost of solar.

Of course, we now have elektra whiffing for the 28th and 29th time without ever addressing the OP Topic. He's down to one sentence of saying nothing/last-wording now tho.

And BTW, those are some might strange hours you keep.
RW posting from 2AM to 5AM. (to say nothing)
You're wasting a lot of your time, but not mine, as you keep emptily bumping my thread/headline up with your last wording.
Now at 12 pages and 5K views.

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Because they are ALL off Topic, and as we both know, you're a Fraud.
You have never even addressed the thread topic.
Off topic? Polysilicon is off topic in a thread about Solar cells made from polysilicon.

You prove yourself dumb, over and over.
Dodging many Credible links, and any discussion of the cost of solar.
And BTW, those are some might strange hours you keep.
RW posting from 2AM to 5AM. (to say nothing)
Credible links? Your links are broke.

You don't quote from your links.

Links don't mean shit, even more so when the author of the OP has not read or quoted from them.
Credible links? Your links are broke.
You don't quote from your links.
Links don't mean shit, even more so when the author of the OP has not read or quoted from them.

Liar elektra's 30th and 31st posts Not addressing the premise that solar is Now the Cheapest electricity. While I did address his side argument on polyS, and Laughed away his idiot's contention that solar is going to cause an increase in Coal use.

ALL my links work.
CarbonBrief (OP summarizing the IEA)
PopularScience (quoted)
The Wall Street Journal. (quoted)
The IEA itself which was down for 24 hours but is back up:

elektra is a complete FRAUD and last-wording/inadequate multi-posting juvenile Troll.

If you tax folks 10¢/kW-hr ... and charge them 2¢/kW-hr ... the cost is 12¢/kW-hr ... I'm just pointing out a rather lengthy article about how cheap solar is only has ONE sentence about the actual costs ...
Don't confuse the OP with facts. He's from a third world shit hole where facts can be anything he is told.
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