Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

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Even with 2008 technology it was well worth it
The carbon/pollution/energy equation favored Solar after 1-3 years.
2008 - Scientific American.

"...In fact, most of their dirty side derived from the INDIRECT emissions of the coal-burning power plants or other fossil fuels used to generate the electricity for PV manufacturing facilities.
These four types of solar cells pay back the energy involved in their manufacture in one to three years, according to an earlier analysis by the same team. And even the most energy-intensive to produce—monocrystalline silicate cells with the highest energy conversion efficiency of 14%—emit just 55 grams (1.9 ounces) of globe warming pollution per kilowatt-hour—a fraction of the near one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of greenhouse gases emitted by a coal-fired power plant per kilowatt-hour.
Even though thin-film solar PVs employ heavy metals such as cadmium recovered from mining slimes, the overall toxic emissions are "90 to 300 times lower than those from coal power plants," the researchers write in Environmental Science & Technology.
The energy benefits of solar photovoltaics will only improve as the technology continues to boost its efficiency at converting sunlight to electricity or proves to last longer than the 30 years anticipated by manufacturers. "There is no reason for this not to last a lot more than 30 years,"Fthenakis says.​
If solar energy begins to power its own production—a so-called PV breeder cycle, in which PV-generated electricity goes to produce more PV cells—the outlook is even sunnier. "I think 30% of the energy consumption in the [manufacturing] facilities is easily met from the land they have available [on] the roof and in the parking lot," Fthenakis says.​
(What I said. Solar powering Solar production)​
And, as Fthenakis and colleagues argued in a recent article in Scientific American, if storage technologies such as compressed air improve, then PV could provide the majority of electricity needs in the U.S. "With storage," Fthenakis says, "it is feasible to go to 100%."
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And we now have that storage too and much nearer ' PV breeder solar.'​
Battery Technology has Exploded since the above 2008 article.​
But even then Solar well paid for itself environmentally/financially/pollution-wise after 2-3 Years.​
You have to get some better non-agenda links.​
Pull up your pants now BOY.​
I'm dome with your cheap shot One-sided and way Wrong BS.​
You Lost AGAIN!​

Hahaha, finally you post something but it has nothing to do with the coal used to produce solar cells and how building solar period has increased our use of energy.

Pay back time? We were not talking about pay back time.

I point out how you dodge, you make the outrageous claim that is me dodging, and here we have abo afuk dodging points, facts, and comments the dumbass made claims against.

Dodging, yep, you are Dodging because you can not address fact.
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How do you maintain such idiocy? The fossil fuels NOT burned during the lifetime of a PV solar panel monumentally dwarf what pittance might have been used to produce the panel itself. This theme is the absolute height of disingenuous IGNORANCE.
You lost up and down the chain of cost and pollution.
Now nothing left but baying/barking at the moon.
(even lost on your Polysilicon DEFLECTION from the Overall issue)
But your wittle ego was broken.
You can't help yourself.
You barrage post, last word, move the goal posts.
You're a juvenile and an askhole.
Gameover... still.
Move the goal posts and changing the subject, every time I point out that you did something nefarious you take my comment, act as if I did not just make the comment, than accuse me of doing exactly what you did.

You are very stupid if you don't realize you are doing this. Very stupid indeed.

Deflection? Who brought up, "energy payback", that was your deflection.
(even lost on your Polysilicon DEFLECTION from the Overall issue)
But your wittle ego was broken.
You can't help yourself.
You barrage post, last word, move the goal posts.
You're a juvenile and an askhole.
Gameover... still.

Deflection? Moved the goal posts? Overall issue? Polysilcon is the overall issue I have been posting about and you have been dodging. You willingly engaged, replying over and over, now, again, you show your stupidity by not realizing what I have beat you over the head with a post after post, for days.
Deflection? Moved the goal posts? Overall issue? Polysilcon is the overall issue I have been posting about and you have been dodging. You willingly engaged, replying over and over, now, again, you show your stupidity by not realizing what I have beat you over the head with a post after post, for days.
Another double post.
Maybe you should look at thread title for what is a "deflection" or not.
The topic is the increasingly lower CO$T of solar relative to Fossil fuels.
You Deflected what you could not even debate.

And even on that deflected diversion, I indulged/engaged, and you LOST THAT TOO, as obviously the need of coal/carbon for Part of the Solar process is still better pollution-wise than going to an All Coal plant all the time. Duh.
Beat you any way you want/turn.

It/you was always an obvious loser but you wanted a source (really trying to win with the 'demand detail Fallacy' of what itself was a deflection!) and gave you a great source with numbers.
As if it needed one to prove either point to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.

Another double post.
Maybe you should look at thread title for what is a "deflection" or not.
The topic is the increasingly lower CO$T of solar relative to Fossil fuels.
You Deflected what you could not even debate.

And even on that deflected diversion, I indulged/engaged, and you LOST THAT TOO, as obviously the need of coal/carbon for Part of the Solar process is still better pollution-wise than going to an All Coal plant all the time. Duh.
Beat you any way you want/turn.

It/you was always an obvious loser but you wanted a source (really trying to win with the 'demand detail Fallacy' of what itself was a deflection!) and gave you a great source with numbers.
As if it needed one to prove either point to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.

Nice try, polysilicon is solar, dumbass! How in the hell is polysilicon a deflection in a solar thread? It is not. Now what were you projecting, about IQ's?
How do you maintain such idiocy? The fossil fuels NOT burned during the lifetime of a PV solar panel monumentally dwarf what pittance might have been used to produce the panel itself. This theme is the absolute height of disingenuous IGNORANCE.
Solar does not displace fossil fuels. You think you can prove otherwise, go ahead and try. I will wait.

Yes, ignorance, go ahead and prove you are anything other...
If it is so cheap why is the hardware and instillation so damned expensive?
Because the story doesn't count the equipment, installation or repairs/replacements.
In other words, it is a fantasy piece.
I would love to have solar power everything... but currently it is both painfully expensive, takes a lot of equipment and know how and just as expensive to maintain and operate.
Because the story doesn't count the equipment, installation or repairs/replacements.
In other words, it is a fantasy piece.
I would love to have solar power everything... but currently it is both painfully expensive, takes a lot of equipment and know how and just as expensive to maintain and operate.
It's labor cost that is high also.
It's labor cost that is high also.
For sure... $10,000s by the time you are done. And it is finicky, and unreliable.
Just recently watched a program of off grid people. They spent a part of the show talking about their solar setup.. breaks down, had to redo where they put the panels twice and they were totally down for 4 days waiting on a part that broke.
Someday we will be there, but it isn't now.
A household of 4 needs 5kW of solar powered energy. A 250W panel costs £314.99 and I would need 20. So I would have to outlay £6,300, then plus fitting etc.. to get the cheapest electric 🤔

If all that was £10,000 and it saved me £33 per month, that would take 25 years to get my money back. Does the guarantee last that long and don't they degrade over time?

Think I'll give that a miss.
Like buying a Tesla.....even at $3.25 a gallon of gas.
Another double post.
Maybe you should look at thread title for what is a "deflection" or not.
The topic is the increasingly lower CO$T of solar relative to Fossil fuels.
You Deflected what you could not even debate.

And even on that deflected diversion, I indulged/engaged, and you LOST THAT TOO, as obviously the need of coal/carbon for Part of the Solar process is still better pollution-wise than going to an All Coal plant all the time. Duh.
Beat you any way you want/turn.

It/you was always an obvious loser but you wanted a source (really trying to win with the 'demand detail Fallacy' of what itself was a deflection!) and gave you a great source with numbers.
As if it needed one to prove either point to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.

If Poopeyman dumass wasn't in the White House, the cost of gas would be much much less and we could continue our own production.
For sure... $10,000s by the time you are done. And it is finicky, and unreliable.
Just recently watched a program of off grid people. They spent a part of the show talking about their solar setup.. breaks down, had to redo where they put the panels twice and they were totally down for 4 days waiting on a part that broke.
Someday we will be there, but it isn't now.
I'd like to have a small set up to experiment with I can do all my own installation and maintenance.
Why do our taxes pay for the Military Industrial Complex? Why do our taxes pay for the Secret Service to rent golf carts at Mir a Lago? Why do corporations not pay any tax, based on the tax fraud signed by trump? Why did my tax dollars go to building a Wall on our Southern Border?
Those are a bunch of rhetorical questions, but I will correct you on one thing. Corporations don't pay taxes, they just pass them on to consumers. Taxes are an overhead expense like rent/mortgage, power, water and wages.
There's very few, if any, electric crappy vehicles that you can actually buy a tow bar for. When Toyota came up with an electric van, I asked them several times via email if I can buy a tow bar. They eventually lamented and admitted they do don't do a tow bar because it would destroy the range of the vehicle.
Yes, California. Were it a separate nation, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. Uses lots of electricity and has severe and increasing problems with high winds and fires. Yet still has a super charged economy. And helps support the welfare red states.
Yeah, you keep saying that, but all the middle class taxpayers are moving out. leaving only the rich and the poor. California has been abusing it's economic base since the eighties and the chickens are now coming home to roost.
Solar does not displace fossil fuels. You think you can prove otherwise, go ahead and try. I will wait.

Yes, ignorance, go ahead and prove you are anything other...
AGAIN you blind/stupid last-wording Clown
You deflected and lost/Didn't even address the Title topic: "Cheapest electricity."
and in fact solar and other renewables ARE "displacing fossil fuels." if not being able to eliminate them completely.

""Maybe you should look at thread title for what is a "deflection" or not.
The topic is the increasingly lower CO$T of solar relative to Fossil fuels not the components/or pollution therefrom.
You Deflected what you could not even debate.[/U]​
And even on that deflected diversion, I indulged/engaged, and you LOST THAT TOO, as obviously the need of coal/carbon for PART of the Solar process is still better pollution-wise than going to an ALL COAL plant all the time. Duh.
Beat you any way you want/turn.
It/you was always an obvious loser but you wanted a source (really trying to win with the 'demand detail Fallacy' of what itself was a deflection!) and gave you a great source with numbers.​
As if it needed one to prove either point to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.​
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