Solar Likely To Become Dominant Source Of Electricity Globally By 2050, IEA Forecasts


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Solar Likely To Become Dominant Source Of Electricity Globally By 2050, IEA Forecasts

The International Energy Agency says solar energy – a combination of solar PV and concentrated solar thermal with storage – is likely to become the dominant source of energy across the world, accounting for more than 27 per cent of all electricity produced by 2050.

The IEA says its core scenarios for reaching climate targets by 2050 call for 68 per cent of generation to be sourced from renewable energy, but in the (increasingly likely) event that carbon capture and storage and nuclear cannot take up their imagined shares, then the IEA has painted a “high renewables” scenario where solar takes an even greater role.

This might sound like some mighty radical thinking from what is one of the world’s most conservative energy organisations (it was established in the 1970s to devise policies to ensure a continuation of oil supplies), but in reality it is not.

Solar PV, for instance, is likely to expand way beyond even the IEA’s most bullish scenarios, as a result of widespread deployment and continuing cost cuts. The IEA suggests that solar PV could account for 16 per cent of global generation by 2050, although this would require an average of more than 116GW of solar PV to be deployed over that time.
Read more at Solar Likely To Become Dominant Source Of Electricity Globally By 2050, IEA Forecasts | CleanTechnica
If the technology makes it economical then, yeah, it'll happen.

But it could also be driven by making conventional electricity so artificially expensive (taxes) that it can't compete.

Once solar becomes dominant you can bet liberals will find a way to tax sunshine just as they now tax health.
If the technology makes it economical then, yeah, it'll happen.

But it could also be driven by making conventional electricity so artificially expensive (taxes) that it can't compete.

Once solar becomes dominant you can bet liberals will find a way to tax sunshine just as they now tax health.

China already made it affordable by subsidizing their manufacturers. I'll bet you didn't take advantage of that, did you?

Do you guys in Canada have solar?, or even sunlight?
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China is kicking our ass in everything besides natural gas!

China is building coal, expanding oil, building dams, putting up wind and spreading solar. China is growing at 7+ percent per year.
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California drought: Solar desalination plant shows promise - SFGate
Right now its efforts produce just 14,000 gallons a day. But within a year, WaterFX intends to begin expanding that one small startup plant into a sprawling collection of 36 machines that together can pump out 2 million gallons of purified water daily.

Within about five years, WaterFX company co-founder Aaron Mandell hopes to be processing 10 times that amount throughout the San Joaquin Valley. And here's the part that gets the farmers who buy his water most excited: His solar desalination plant produces water that costs about a quarter of what more conventionally desalinated water costs: $450 an acre-foot versus $2,000 an acre-foot.
Solar Likely To Become Dominant Source Of Electricity Globally By 2050, IEA Forecasts

The International Energy Agency says solar energy – a combination of solar PV and concentrated solar thermal with storage – is likely to become the dominant source of energy across the world, accounting for more than 27 per cent of all electricity produced by 2050.

The IEA says its core scenarios for reaching climate targets by 2050 call for 68 per cent of generation to be sourced from renewable energy, but in the (increasingly likely) event that carbon capture and storage and nuclear cannot take up their imagined shares, then the IEA has painted a “high renewables” scenario where solar takes an even greater role.

This might sound like some mighty radical thinking from what is one of the world’s most conservative energy organisations (it was established in the 1970s to devise policies to ensure a continuation of oil supplies), but in reality it is not.

Solar PV, for instance, is likely to expand way beyond even the IEA’s most bullish scenarios, as a result of widespread deployment and continuing cost cuts. The IEA suggests that solar PV could account for 16 per cent of global generation by 2050, although this would require an average of more than 116GW of solar PV to be deployed over that time.
Read more at Solar Likely To Become Dominant Source Of Electricity Globally By 2050, IEA Forecasts | CleanTechnica

That would be nice but I think that it's a pipe dream. I can see a few obstacles in the way:

1. Big oil and its buddies. You won't get rid of oil completely, there will never be a solar powered airplane, and probably no solar powered cars or trucks or trains.

2. BOTH democrat and republican politicians are puppets of big businesses wether you want to admit it or not. These businesses will not make the necessary changes without major resistance.

3. Fusion power will be achieved before 2050.

4. The big energy producers of the world will not allow solar to achieve world wide use until they figure out how to control it's use for their profit.
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If the technology makes it economical then, yeah, it'll happen.

But it could also be driven by making conventional electricity so artificially expensive (taxes) that it can't compete.

Once solar becomes dominant you can bet liberals will find a way to tax sunshine just as they now tax health.

China already made it affordable by subsidizing their manufacturers. I'll bet you didn't take advantage of that, did you?

Do you guys in Canada have solar?, or even sunlight?

You know what is said about ASSumptions, right?

I've been putting solar to use in appropriate locations for going on 20 years. What's appropriate? Depends on the state of the technology and the economics.

First application was with several very remote mountain-top radio repeater sites. In each case accompanied by a very large number of batteries. At the beginning the investment in panels approximated the investment in the batteries. The extraordinary number of batteries was dictated by the latitude (long winter nights), the temperature (cold on the mountains and batteries not very efficient when not happily warm) and further complicated by accumulations of ice and snow on the panels. Still, the panels outlasted the batteries by about 3 to 1 so the ratio of production to storage cost was better than it looked if only the first year were examined.

Later prices of panels, especially when Japan began dumping them, fell to the point where they were economical at lower elevations where there were other practical alternatives.

Panel prices now are low enough that applications where grid power is available but having service installed is even moderately high they make good sense even when considering the extra cost of building extra space to accommodate storage.

Once storage has become inexpensive and doesn't have to maintained or replaced at regular intervals then, yes, solar can come into its own.

But to be economically competitive government will have to ignore the "revenue enhancement" that would come from heavily taxing equipment and especially to resist the temptation to impose some sort of "sunshine tax". I doubt that is possible without insurrection.
The white house just installed solar panels. The electricity generated can power six light bulbs.
The white house just installed solar panels. The electricity generated can power six light bulbs.

Hey ignorance is bliss - It's actually 44 kilowatt hours per day, so those must be big ass light bulbs. The roof size of the White House isn't large enough to provide all of the energy needed.

Writing of large roof's; Walmart generates 89 megawatts nation wide per day.
China is kicking our ass in everything besides natural gas!

China is building coal, expanding oil, building dams, putting up wind and spreading solar. China is growing at 7+ percent per year.

Simple, they don't have Republicans.
A Chinese made solar panel on every roof!

Chinese made batteries in the cellar where Onesey used to blog!

Yeah, I can see that as progress.

China wiped out every solar panel manufacturer in the world through their subsidies of their solar panel businesses. Of course Republicans took the opportunity to bash Obama instead of being the least bit concerned for American workers.
A Chinese made solar panel on every roof!

Chinese made batteries in the cellar where Onesey used to blog!

Yeah, I can see that as progress.

China wiped out every solar panel manufacturer in the world through their subsidies of their solar panel businesses. Of course Republicans took the opportunity to bash Obama instead of being the least bit concerned for American workers.

OK, you've explained your love of solar. Who in hell ARE you, Nancy Pelosi? I mean, with all that self-interest in promoting imports from China?
Fossil rules will not last forever. I expect that in the future most surfaces of structures built by man that are exposed to sun light will have some type of solar panels on them to collect energy. Even the roads will be constructed so that the suns energy can be collected.

This might be 2250 rather than 2050.
Fossil rules will not last forever. I expect that in the future most surfaces of structures built by man that are exposed to sun light will have some type of solar panels on them to collect energy. Even the roads will be constructed so that the suns energy can be collected.

This might be 2250 rather than 2050.

Not at all impossible.

Of course there will still be a need for lubricants. But if there are no fossil fuels available for the purpose we could start "aquaculturing" whales for their oil - excellent for fine machinery! Then have the leftover to feed the hungry. An acquired taste, it is true, but like other things it is said that once you get past the smell you got it licked.

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