Solar v Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming

Look, fellow, you have been given real information with which to make an informed decision.
And yet you refuse to answer my original question. Why is that? Do you not have an answer? If so, simply say, "I don't know." Or even better don't say anything. No, you couldn't help yourself, you had to attack me for posing a question.

So, can you answer the original question or not?
Look, fellow, you have been given real information with which to make an informed decision.
And yet you refuse to answer my original question. Why is that? Do you not have an answer? If so, simply say, "I don't know." Or even better don't say anything. No, you couldn't help yourself, you had to attack me for posing a question.

So, can you answer the original question or not?

And the denier cult troll continues to bleat - 'answer my dumbass meaningless question 'cause I ain't gonna look at your damned scientific evidence until you do'. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Typical denier cult troll moronic stunt.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the planet continues to heat up, the ice continues to rapidly melt, the oceans are warming and the sea levels are rising.....and the world scientific community is even more certain that this un-natural, abrupt, and very rapid warming is definitely anthropogenic in origin.
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Look, fellow, you have been given real information with which to make an informed decision.
And yet you refuse to answer my original question. Why is that? Do you not have an answer? If so, simply say, "I don't know." Or even better don't say anything. No, you couldn't help yourself, you had to attack me for posing a question.

So, can you answer the original question or not?

And the denier cult troll continues to bleat - 'answer my dumbass meaningless question 'cause I ain't gonna look at your damned scientific evidence until you do'. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Typical denier cult troll moronic stunt.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the planet continues to heat up, the ice continues to rapidly melt, the oceans are warming and the sea levels are rising.....and the world scientific community is even more certain that this un-natural, abrupt, and very rapid warming is definitely anthropogenic in origin.
I have posed a simple question, you insist on name calling and attempts to redirect the topic. Tactics of someone who either does know the answer, or refuses to admit the answer. Therefore, I am done discussing this any further, not because I do not wish to debate the science, or even whether it is, indeed, valid, but because you are so obviously blinded by your, near religious, fervor that anyone who does not agree with you and your view is somehow part of some "denier cult".

For the record, I already know the answer to my question, this was an exercise in determining if anyone is willing to answer and discuss. Obviously, as I expected, no one is.
No, this was a tap dance on your part to make a non-point.

Now, at 73, I am pursuing a degree in geology. Now should I just talk to people with no degrees or history working in that field, and say that will make me a geologist? No, I go to a university and take classes taught by people with Phd's and Master's in that subject. You were provided with links to Physicists and people with degrees actively involved in climate science. And you rejected that, stating that we should make the argument. As far as I know right now there is only one person on this board with the bona fides to make statements that have real weight.

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