Soldier: Obama not U.S. born, can't send me to Afghanistan

If these comments are accurate the attorney is seriously mistaken and appears to have the tactical understanding of a turtle.

You apparently aren't familiar with the stupidity that is Orly Taitz. You could spend an entire night reading about her iditotic shenanigans, but I'll give you the short version:

She was originally a Dentist, got a law degree from an unaccredited online law school and passed the California bar (the only state that allows anyone to sit for the bar).

Her legal pleadings are laughable and barely literate (she is a Russian immigrant). They've only recently gotten better after she has enlisted a thrice disbarred conficted felon/former attorney as a paralegal.

I am not making this up.

This is the lawyer who the birthers have hung their hopes and dreams on.
Really? Please explain why my brother and I, both born on military bases in other countries to TWO American citizens had to become naturalized citizens and cannot run for the presidency?

Is it just our military children that we take that right from?

Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

wasnt mccain born ouside the u.s. to a military family?
If these comments are accurate the attorney is seriously mistaken and appears to have the tactical understanding of a turtle.

You apparently aren't familiar with the stupidity that is Orly Taitz. You could spend an entire night reading about her iditotic shenanigans, but I'll give you the short version:

She was originally a Dentist, got a law degree from an unaccredited online law school and passed the California bar (the only state that allows anyone to sit for the bar).

Her legal pleadings are laughable and barely literate (she is a Russian immigrant). They've only recently gotten better after she has enlisted a thrice disbarred conficted felon/former attorney as a paralegal.

I am not making this up.

This is the lawyer who the birthers have hung their hopes and dreams on.

I'm not familiar so thanks for that info.

Andy Warhol comes to mind.
Really? Please explain why my brother and I, both born on military bases in other countries to TWO American citizens had to become naturalized citizens and cannot run for the presidency?

Is it just our military children that we take that right from?

Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

SADLY, someone misinformed her...

and she has not taken the time to research the US CODE regarding this herself.

I have taken the time to research it and children born overseas to an american citizen parent in the military is a citizen at birth, a natural born citizen....there is some paperwork and years lived in the usa or abroad for the military prior to the child's birth as with all citizens if only 1 parent is a us cit as protocol requires....

sheila is considered a citizen at birth with both her parents us cits, one in the military, FOR CERTAIN....even though paperwork was required....

equal protection, under the law....

military children born overseas would get citizenship passed on to them as with any civilian citizen would pass on their citizenship.

the constitution DOES NOT SAY one must be a NATIVE born citizen at birth to be president, it specifically stated NATURAL born citizen, which had meaning at the be DIFFERENT than BORN on USA SOIL, or NATIVE born.

Born outside of the USA was not excluded from being a NATURAL born citizen, as passing ones citizenship, on to your child through blood, through adoption, and through soil....natural born citizen encompasses means to be a us citizen at birth that do not solely rely on SOIL, on whether you were native born.

The very first act of our congress just 2 years or so after the constitution was writen, our founders passed the first Naturalization Act of 1790 with description of a natural born citizen....any child born on usa soil or abroad to one usa citizen parent is a citizen at birth, a natural born citizen....

of course there has been 100 laws and acts instituted since, 10 miles high of codes and regs, which is just typical of our political bimbos... :(
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This guy is a reservist who volunteered for the mission. He volunteered for active duty in May. If he had a problem with the CinC, why the hell volunteer for active duty? Sounds to me like he's a chicken shit who got cold feet and didn't have the heart to follow through and is now using this as an excuse. His personal politics probably don't factor into it very much, so it would be wrong to say this reflects on righties or lefties. It's just this guy's excuse de jour.

It's definitely not fair to say this reflects badly on all righties, but this asshole is no coward, just a fuckin' asshole. Here's part of his FreeRepublic profile:

Army Reserve Officer (MAJ)/DOD Contractor. Spent 19 months in Kuwait from February 2002 through September 2003 as a Defense Contractor providing IT support to CFLCC HQ. Also served as a reservist (mostly not on active duty) in Kuwait. Mobilized in support of the Global War on Terror in the SOUTHCOM AOR from Aug 2005-Jul 2007. br />
Combat Engineer - Faciendum est

BS Economics, St. John's University 1983.
MBA Finance & Quantitative Analysis, Fordham University GBA 1986.
MS Total Quality Management (TQM), Anna Maria College 1996.

CCNA, CCDA, MCSA, CCNP, CCDP, CCDE(Qual), ITIL foundations, NSO L2, (Quintessential IT GEEK)

Staunch Republican and defender of the faith.

That doesn't seem at all like a guy who would suddenly just quit a mission because of "cold feet". No, this douche volunteered so he could then refuse in an attempt to cause problems for the Prez with the help of that lawyer.

I predict it's not gonna work in the long run, despite the talk it's causing now.
That soldier is a dummy who did this.

Whether or not Obama showed a birth cert doesn't matter. He IS the Presdient which means he is the Commander in Cheif. Therefore he can send any troop anyplace he wants whether people like it or not.

and yet the court ruled in favor of the soldier...hmmmm wonder why?
Really? Please explain why my brother and I, both born on military bases in other countries to TWO American citizens had to become naturalized citizens and cannot run for the presidency?

Is it just our military children that we take that right from?

Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

You have to be a "natural born citizen", not a "naturalized" citizen. We had to get naturalized, we have our citizenship's pretty clear we can't run for president. McCain, on the other hand, had congress say he could.
Really? Please explain why my brother and I, both born on military bases in other countries to TWO American citizens had to become naturalized citizens and cannot run for the presidency?

Is it just our military children that we take that right from?

Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

wasnt mccain born ouside the u.s. to a military family?

Yes...and congress held a special session to declare him eligible to run for the presidency. Why would they have to hold that session if he already was qualified???
That soldier is a dummy who did this.

Whether or not Obama showed a birth cert doesn't matter. He IS the Presdient which means he is the Commander in Cheif. Therefore he can send any troop anyplace he wants whether people like it or not.

and yet the court ruled in favor of the soldier...hmmmm wonder why?

What do you mean "the court ruled in favor of the soldier"?????

Are you even READING any of this???
Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

wasnt mccain born ouside the u.s. to a military family?

Yes...and congress held a special session to declare him eligible to run for the presidency. Why would they have to hold that session if he already was qualified???

That soldier is a dummy who did this.

Whether or not Obama showed a birth cert doesn't matter. He IS the Presdient which means he is the Commander in Cheif. Therefore he can send any troop anyplace he wants whether people like it or not.

and yet the court ruled in favor of the soldier...hmmmm wonder why?
What court, Shelia? There was no court ruling...only the military deciding not to send a hysteric into battle.

Okay fine, the military ruled in favor of the man....the point is that they have not provided proof of Obama's eligibility and it cost them a soldier, and they LET it cost them a soldier, why?
and yet the court ruled in favor of the soldier...hmmmm wonder why?
What court, Shelia? There was no court ruling...only the military deciding not to send a hysteric into battle.

Okay fine, the military ruled in favor of the man....the point is that they have not provided proof of Obama's eligibility and it cost them a soldier, and they LET it cost them a soldier, why?

It didn't cost them any soldier.

This President is under no obligation to prove to an O3 his eligibility to command him any more than Bush was obligated to go out and meet the anti-war protestors who were calling on him to come out at the Crawford Ranch.

Are you deliberately being silly?
What court, Shelia? There was no court ruling...only the military deciding not to send a hysteric into battle.

Okay fine, the military ruled in favor of the man....the point is that they have not provided proof of Obama's eligibility and it cost them a soldier, and they LET it cost them a soldier, why?
umm...because he's an idiot or a coward that doesn't want to live up to his promise to serve his country? That is my best guess.

I don't think they ruled in his favor, btw. More likely they are keeping him on ice until the court martial.

Of course it is....
Really? Please explain why my brother and I, both born on military bases in other countries to TWO American citizens had to become naturalized citizens and cannot run for the presidency?

Is it just our military children that we take that right from?

Are you positive that you can't run for the presidency, or are you making an assumption based on other's interpretation of the law? As far as I know, this matter has not been definitively established.

You have to be a "natural born citizen", not a "naturalized" citizen. We had to get naturalized, we have our citizenship's pretty clear we can't run for president. McCain, on the other hand, had congress say he could.

no sheila, the Senate did not pass anything BINDING that said mccain was a citizen, the Senate passed a NON BINDING resolution clarifying the law that said such...and clarifying that such law WAS RETROACTIVE and covered mccain.

NOTHING becomes law without the house and senate voting yea and the president signing it. the Senate resolution meant nothing, was a "Sense of the Senate" resolution reconfirming the law was retroactive. and covered mccain.
No I don't.

Yes, you do. btw, nice edit job of the (it's wrong) after your original post. Gotta give you credit, you are the master of CYA.

You're like my 12 year old . . . when presented with something you don't like you just say the opposite. :rolleyes:

First of all, I never ever once suggested torturing the guy.
WTF is wrong with you?

And don't credit me for how your kids turn out. You're their rolemodel.

Wasn't what I was referring to. But you knew that.

Another tactic of a 12 year old, play stupid.
Wouldn't it be some shit if it is found that Obama wasn't born in the US and it is still ruled that he can be President because hs mother was a US Citizen?

What these people fal to comprehend is that a US Citizen gave birth to the man, therefore he is a natural born citzen no matter where he was born.
There's much debate on that. It would have to be a court ruling I think, probably all the way up to the SCOTUS. The Constitution isn't really all that clear in this regard, as it applies to the CinC.

Here is what the Constitution says:
Article II Section 1: No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.

Article III Section 2: The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution.

Article I Section 8: The Congress shall have power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.

The immigration and naturalization service by statute recognizes that a person born overseas to US parents is born "naturally" as a US citizen.

In choosing not to establish clarity, Congress has recognized the Constitutional requirements stated here for citizenship. The Supreme Court cannot define citizenship. That is the job of Congress. This man is simply a coward.

I am not a democrat or a republican. I am a centrist. I voted republican my whole life and yet served MY COUNTRY willingly as a Marine under President Clinton (who I greatly disapproved of).

The republicans need to accept that the majority of the country was ready for new leadership and prepare for 2012/16 when the next wave of change begins.
Okay fine, the military ruled in favor of the man....the point is that they have not provided proof of Obama's eligibility and it cost them a soldier, and they LET it cost them a soldier, why?

Um no.

The military is not concerned with Obama's elgibility. To the overwhelming majority of the military, he is viewed as the CINC. Just as the overwhelming majority of Americans view him as President.

The military is not going to waste one second argueing Obama's elgibility to be President, because it's "outside of their lane".

Cook was let go, because he pissed of the commanding general of SOCOM (his gaining unit). Unfortunately for Cook, he also worked for SOCOM as a civilian contractor, so he's also been fired. He will most likely lose his TS clearance.

I would venture to guess the attitude of the CG is not that he was "cost" a soldier but that he "saved" a lot of headache by sending an unstable moron downrange.
It didn't cost them any soldier.

This President is under no obligation to prove to an O3 his eligibility to command him any more than Bush was obligated to go out and meet the anti-war protestors who were calling on him to come out at the Crawford Ranch.

Are you deliberately being silly?

Cook's an O-4.

But not for long.


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