Soldier: Obama not U.S. born, can't send me to Afghanistan

Bottom line is if Obama would just allow people to see his birth certificate this would be done...period...
They aren't a soldier if they won't serve.
Lock him up like they did Jose Padilla and take away all his rights for years. No habius, no due process, no lawyer and no, please do not torture him.

Just use Cheney's enhanced interrogation techniques.

More to it than that. He is a soldier until he is discharged and you just called for the torture of a US Soldier. Neg rep coming asshole.

First off, execution is not torture.

Secondly, what about that muslim US Soldier that threw a grenade into his CO's tent?

Isn't he up for courtmartial and/or execution?

I found this from a right winger:

Muslim-American soldier throws grenades at 101st Airborne Command Tent
Update: It's now being reported that this attack was carried out by a Muslim-American U.S. soldier. Unforgivable, craven and cowardly, for which I'm sure he'll be court-martialled, if not executed.
That is, if he's a real GI.
If Muslim-American soldiers will put their loyalty to "Islam" above their loyalty to their country, then Washington, we have a problem and these people will have to be weeded out of the military!

Not all Republicans are bad, not all soldiers are good, not all muslims are bad, not all Americans are good.

Do you really live in a black and white world? No shades of gray?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate - and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons - just revoked."

A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, was scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.

Join the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

"As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a 'natural-born citizen,' he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief," he told WND only hours after the case was filed.

(Story continues below)


This is important folks. As far as I'm just opened up the flood gates.
Just like a court can be used in other cases.

I hope that more fall in line until they force the presidents hand!

I'm lovin it!!
This is bullshit! What a coward. When I was in the Corps I could've been deployed at anytime to Iraq for Desert Storm 2 (it never happened but there were many times when we were on alert to deploy). I didn't agree with it. But I never, ever even thought about not going. I enlisted and made a solemn oath that didn't have any "ifs or buts" about it. I didn't swear to defend the Constitution except if I didn't agree with the war or if I didn't think the President was born in the US. It doesn't matter. He's the POTUS, the people have spoken, there aren't any credible challenges to the matter, and I would've deployed even if it had been Bush.

What is this gonna mean to all the other young men and women getting ready to deploy? What's it gonna do to military discipline? What a bunch of bullshit.

They just need to kick his ass OUT.
They aren't a soldier if they won't serve.

Lock him up like they did Jose Padilla and take away all his rights for years. No habius, no due process, no lawyer and no, please do not torture him.

Just use Cheney's enhanced interrogation techniques.

YOU said 'They need to put that soldier (it's wrong) in front of a firing squad'; when someone else says 'soldier (it's wrong) you say it's wrong. Do as I say, not as I do. :lol:

No I don't.

Yes, you do. btw, nice edit job of the (it's wrong) after your original post. Gotta give you credit, you are the master of CYA.

You're like my 12 year old . . . when presented with something you don't like you just say the opposite. :rolleyes:
Interesting... so what is the military saying???? Do they know that Obama is not qualified to be President?

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez

the army is sweeping him under the rug, and treasonous cowards never win.

So funny how the righties on USMB want the President of the United States to

a. Debate Rush Limbaugh
b. Respond to some punk ass right wing private

But they claimed Executive privilage on everything they were asked.

A House Judiciary subcommittee held a hearing today, despite the fact that its sole witness decided not to attend. The panel had subpoenaed former White House Counsel Harriet Miers to ask her about the firings of several federal prosecutors last year.

President Bush asked Miers not to attend the hearing. Committee chairman John Conyers was already aggravated that Miers was not planning to answer questions, based on the president's claim of executive privilege.

I don't give a fuck if he was born in Kenya or Kentucky to be honest with you. Just like they didn't care if Bush lied us into Iraq or let 9-11 happen in order to push his radical agenda.

Is that insane? So is the suggestion that Obama wasn't born in the US.

Was it crazy to suggest that Bush was a draft dodger? Then so is this story. Tit for tat.
YOU said 'They need to put that soldier (it's wrong) in front of a firing squad'; when someone else says 'soldier (it's wrong) you say it's wrong. Do as I say, not as I do. :lol:

No I don't.

Yes, you do. btw, nice edit job of the (it's wrong) after your original post. Gotta give you credit, you are the master of CYA.

You're like my 12 year old . . . when presented with something you don't like you just say the opposite. :rolleyes:

First of all, I never ever once suggested torturing the guy. WTF is wrong with you?

And don't credit me for how your kids turn out. You're their rolemodel.
This is bullshit! What a coward. When I was in the Corps I could've been deployed at anytime to Iraq for Desert Storm 2 (it never happened but there were many times when we were on alert to deploy). I didn't agree with it. But I never, ever even thought about not going. I enlisted and made a solemn oath that didn't have any "ifs or buts" about it. I didn't swear to defend the Constitution except if I didn't agree with the war or if I didn't think the President was born in the US. It doesn't matter. He's the POTUS, the people have spoken, there aren't any credible challenges to the matter, and I would've deployed even if it had been Bush.

What is this gonna mean to all the other young men and women getting ready to deploy? What's it gonna do to military discipline? What a bunch of bullshit.

They just need to kick his ass OUT.

Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.
What the heel does the Framer's intent have to do with anything? We have SCOTUS rulings. Two of them. Elk v. Wilkins and United States v. Wong Kim Ark.

These two rulings outlined who qualifes and who does not.

These people qualify:

-Children born to U.S. citizens

-Children born to aliens who are lawfully inside the United States who intend to obey its laws

Obama qualifies under the bolded part, no matter what the geography is.

geography does matter....if only one parent is a citizen and that is obama's case...

Certain individuals born outside of the United States are born citizens because of their parents, according to the principle of jus sanguinis (which holds that the country of citizenship of a child is the same as that of his / her parents). The U.S. Congress is responsible for enacting laws that determine how citizenship is conveyed by a U.S. citizen parent or parents according to the principle of jus sanguinis. These laws are contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Information on who is a citizen or national at birth can be found in the following sections of the INA: § 301, § 302, § 303, § 304, § 305, § 306, § 307, § 308, and § 309.

USCIS - Naturalization Eligibility

ProPublish Reference

I have a very limited knowledge of Immigration and Naturalization Law. After going through the INA, I have to admit, there is smoke here. It has to be proven that he was born in Kenya, though. At this point it might be easier to prove that there was a shooter on the grassy knoll.

I think the Birthers have a taped phone call with the 90+ year old Kenyan gramma who doesn't speak clear English saying that Barack was born in Kenya. Just think, if Berg had won his Supreme Court review of this, he would have transported her all the way to the United States to testify. Cross-examination would have been fascinating. :lol:
This is bullshit! What a coward. When I was in the Corps I could've been deployed at anytime to Iraq for Desert Storm 2 (it never happened but there were many times when we were on alert to deploy). I didn't agree with it. But I never, ever even thought about not going. I enlisted and made a solemn oath that didn't have any "ifs or buts" about it. I didn't swear to defend the Constitution except if I didn't agree with the war or if I didn't think the President was born in the US. It doesn't matter. He's the POTUS, the people have spoken, there aren't any credible challenges to the matter, and I would've deployed even if it had been Bush.

What is this gonna mean to all the other young men and women getting ready to deploy? What's it gonna do to military discipline? What a bunch of bullshit.

They just need to kick his ass OUT.

Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.

Bullshit. I think this shit stain should be locked up under Ft. Leavenworth.

I pointed out your hypocrisy of thinkng that he should be tortured. :cool:
Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.

Yeah, and it pisses me off. The Right goes on and on about how hypocritical the Lefties are without ever realizing that they are just as hypocritical. They want a strong military and they're strong on defense, but they don't like the POTUS and so now its okay for a MAJOR to challenge his orders to deploy because of some conspiracy about the POTUS's birth certificate? His mother is from the US, so he is a US citizen. The vast majority of Americans voted for him. Bush didn't even win the 2000 elections, the SCOTUS just made him President (talk about activist judges!). Give me a break. What this major has just done for military discipline is unconscionable.

Where's Gunny, RGS, Crimson White, Bootneck, Navy1960 and the rest of my veteran brothers and what do they have to say about this?
This is bullshit! What a coward. When I was in the Corps I could've been deployed at anytime to Iraq for Desert Storm 2 (it never happened but there were many times when we were on alert to deploy). I didn't agree with it. But I never, ever even thought about not going. I enlisted and made a solemn oath that didn't have any "ifs or buts" about it. I didn't swear to defend the Constitution except if I didn't agree with the war or if I didn't think the President was born in the US. It doesn't matter. He's the POTUS, the people have spoken, there aren't any credible challenges to the matter, and I would've deployed even if it had been Bush.

What is this gonna mean to all the other young men and women getting ready to deploy? What's it gonna do to military discipline? What a bunch of bullshit.

They just need to kick his ass OUT.

Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.

Bullshit. I think this shit stain should be locked up under Ft. Leavenworth.

I pointed out your hypocrisy of thinkng that he should be tortured. :cool:

I still don't see where I said that you dishonest fuck.
Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.

Yeah, and it pisses me off. The Right goes on and on about how hypocritical the Lefties are without ever realizing that they are just as hypocritical. They want a strong military and they're strong on defense, but they don't like the POTUS and so now its okay for a MAJOR to challenge his orders to deploy because of some conspiracy about the POTUS's birth certificate? His mother is from the US, so he is a US citizen. The vast majority of Americans voted for him. Bush didn't even win the 2000 elections, the SCOTUS just made him President (talk about activist judges!). Give me a break. What this major has just done for military discipline is unconscionable.

Where's Gunny, RGS, Crimson White, Bootneck, Navy1960 and the rest of my veteran brothers and what do they have to say about this?

Excellent points. I love these stories that point out their doubletalk.
Notice the righties who would have said exactly what you said last year, have now flip flopped.

Bullshit. I think this shit stain should be locked up under Ft. Leavenworth.

I pointed out your hypocrisy of thinkng that he should be tortured. :cool:

I still don't see where I said that you dishonest fuck.

Well, its a good thng that I can use the quote function then. Putting someone in front of a firing squad and asking questions under the threat of death if the wrong answers are given is torture. Your hypocrisy is astounding, but funny. :cool:

They need to put that soldier in front of a firing squad and ask if they are SURE Obama isn't US born or is he/she just a right winger looking for an excuse to get out of serving.

BTW, go fuck yourself. :cool:
geography does matter....if only one parent is a citizen and that is obama's case...

Certain individuals born outside of the United States are born citizens because of their parents, according to the principle of jus sanguinis (which holds that the country of citizenship of a child is the same as that of his / her parents). The U.S. Congress is responsible for enacting laws that determine how citizenship is conveyed by a U.S. citizen parent or parents according to the principle of jus sanguinis. These laws are contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Information on who is a citizen or national at birth can be found in the following sections of the INA: § 301, § 302, § 303, § 304, § 305, § 306, § 307, § 308, and § 309.

USCIS - Naturalization Eligibility

ProPublish Reference

I have a very limited knowledge of Immigration and Naturalization Law. After going through the INA, I have to admit, there is smoke here. It has to be proven that he was born in Kenya, though. At this point it might be easier to prove that there was a shooter on the grassy knoll.

I think the Birthers have a taped phone call with the 90+ year old Kenyan gramma who doesn't speak clear English saying that Barack was born in Kenya. Just think, if Berg had won his Supreme Court review of this, he would have transported her all the way to the United States to testify. Cross-examination would have been fascinating. :lol:

i listened to the tape, his grandma said obama was born in hawaii, even with all the manipulative measures of the talk show host...its all been BS that she said he was born in kenya....FYI
This guy is a reservist who volunteered for the mission. He volunteered for active duty in May. If he had a problem with the CinC, why the hell volunteer for active duty? Sounds to me like he's a chicken shit who got cold feet and didn't have the heart to follow through and is now using this as an excuse. His personal politics probably don't factor into it very much, so it would be wrong to say this reflects on righties or lefties. It's just this guy's excuse de jour.
Bullshit. I think this shit stain should be locked up under Ft. Leavenworth.

I pointed out your hypocrisy of thinkng that he should be tortured. :cool:

I still don't see where I said that you dishonest fuck.

Well, its a good thng that I can use the quote function then. Putting someone in front of a firing squad and asking questions under the threat of death if the wrong answers are given is torture. Your hypocrisy is astounding, but funny. :cool:

They need to put that soldier in front of a firing squad and ask if they are SURE Obama isn't US born or is he/she just a right winger looking for an excuse to get out of serving.

BTW, go fuck yourself. :cool:

What???? Isn't he "SURE" of himself? If he's not 100% sure that the misinformation he has been swallowing isn't 100% true, then he better get his ass back to the barracks.

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