Solution for Failed Public Schools?


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For those desperate parents, I would like to offer another alternative: that communities, churches, and other charitable organizations band together to create their own private (which is to say, non-government) schools that would offer high-quality education and be open to all, regardless of beliefs or ability to pay. I propose that these schools be built upon three main pillars: excellence, affordability, and accessibility.
A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For those desperate parents, I would like to offer another alternative: that communities, churches, and other charitable organizations band together to create their own private (which is to say, non-government) schools that would offer high-quality education and be open to all, regardless of beliefs or ability to pay. I propose that these schools be built upon three main pillars: excellence, affordability, and accessibility.
The public school education has been weaponized by the state

Schools are now there to indoctrinate children, on such things as the Left-wing gender theories, teaching them a whole new vocabulary, and their race theories, teaching them that people are either a victim or victimizer based on their skin color.

Meanwhile, in math and science, where the high paying jobs reside, the US ranks in the 40's among countries, but spends the most of them all.

In short, the Left is using education as indoctrination camps where children will not come out in a position to earn a good wage, but they will know their thousands of newly created pronouns for their thousands of new genders. They will just be poor, miserable, sexually confused, and racist as they will then depend on government for the rest of their lives as they vote "D" till they die.

Home schooling is one thing, but what about college? That is where they get ya! Children may go in conservative thinking, but they will come out with their genitals mutilated and wanting to disown their parents.

Remember, cults know that the first order of business is to divide parent from child forever. Only then do they have full control over their victim.
A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For those desperate parents, I would like to offer another alternative: that communities, churches, and other charitable organizations band together to create their own private (which is to say, non-government) schools that would offer high-quality education and be open to all, regardless of beliefs or ability to pay. I propose that these schools be built upon three main pillars: excellence, affordability, and accessibility.
Re-inventing the wheel never improves it.
Re-inventing the wheel never improves it.
Public schools are essentially government sanctioned segregation.

You have the poor schools, filled with minorities that are full of gangs and crime and poor education, and the rich kids who live in neighborhoods the poor can't live in that have a better education.

Of course, democrats are the ones who oppose school choice that might break the cycle of poverty for minorities, but they want their democrat voting block to remain dependent and stupid, so they keep voting for them.

Then you have the teachers unions, that are run by the democrat party, that pretend to be concerned with the education and welfare of the children. The Covid shutdowns proved otherwise. Children were not effected, it was all about what the teachers wanted

Kids today are still years behind academically due to teachers insisting on not going back to work.
The problems with the public school system is that it doesn't teach useful skills, it doesn't teach children in a way that they enjoy learning, boys in particular, the curriculum has been dumbed down, there is no discipline in the schools anymore, and it's been corrupted by teachers' unions, politicians, and administrators who serve not the children of the community, but the employees of the public school system.

The voters have always had the power to fix this, but they have chosen partisan politics over quality.
The problems with the public school system is that it doesn't teach useful skills, it doesn't teach children in a way that they enjoy learning, boys in particular, the curriculum has been dumbed down, there is no discipline in the schools anymore, and it's been corrupted by teachers' unions, politicians, and administrators who serve not the children of the community, but the employees of the public school system.

The voters have always had the power to fix this, but they have chosen partisan politics over quality.
They teach children gender confusion and a myriad of new pronouns to use.

What more do you want?

Again, these are democrat indoctrination centers, they would learn more at Trump U.
Public schools are essentially government sanctioned segregation.

You have the poor schools, filled with minorities that are full of gangs and crime and poor education, and the rich kids who live in neighborhoods the poor can't live in that have a better education.

Of course, democrats are the ones who oppose school choice that might break the cycle of poverty for minorities, but they want their democrat voting block to remain dependent and stupid, so they keep voting for them.

Then you have the teachers unions, that are run by the democrat party, that pretend to be concerned with the education and welfare of the children. The Covid shutdowns proved otherwise. Children were not effected, it was all about what the teachers wanted

Kids today are still years behind academically due to teachers insisting on not going back to work.

With all due respect, you are full of shit! Public schools are not segregated by the government. They are segregated by housing patterns. I lived in Jacksonville FL when I was a teacher. The entire northwest corner of the city was and still remains predominantly black. Another portion of the western side of the area east of the river was also black. The remainder of the city was mostly integrated. I taught and was an AP in a high school to the east from 1996-2006. We had a large minority population, and you could say our school was very integrated and we were the largest high school in northeast Florida. We had gated communities and housing projects. The vast majority of our area was suburban family homes and apartments.

As to your COVID comments, many, many schools did not shut down at all and the vast majority went to distance learning. I know because my grandchildren did. The unions had no impact. The problem you have with the progress was caused by liberals controlling education in the major cities with Democrats in charge. Out here in flyover country, everything seems to be back to normal. Of course, our schools are run by conservatives.
The public school education has been weaponized by the state

Schools are now there to indoctrinate children, on such things as the Left-wing gender theories, teaching them a whole new vocabulary, and their race theories, teaching them that people are either a victim or victimizer based on their skin color.

Meanwhile, in math and science, where the high paying jobs reside, the US ranks in the 40's among countries, but spends the most of them all.

In short, the Left is using education as indoctrination camps where children will not come out in a position to earn a good wage, but they will know their thousands of newly created pronouns for their thousands of new genders. They will just be poor, miserable, sexually confused, and racist as they will then depend on government for the rest of their lives as they vote "D" till they die.

Home schooling is one thing, but what about college? That is where they get ya! Children may go in conservative thinking, but they will come out with their genitals mutilated and wanting to disown their parents.

Remember, cults know that the first order of business is to divide parent from child forever. Only then do they have full control over their victim.

This looks nothing at all like the schools I have taught in, nor the one I teach in now. It's some schools, sure. Far from all schools.
A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For those desperate parents, I would like to offer another alternative: that communities, churches, and other charitable organizations band together to create their own private (which is to say, non-government) schools that would offer high-quality education and be open to all, regardless of beliefs or ability to pay. I propose that these schools be built upon three main pillars: excellence, affordability, and accessibility.

Ah yes, Utopia. Free! Free! Everything is free!
The problems with the public school system is that it doesn't teach useful skills, it doesn't teach children in a way that they enjoy learning, boys in particular, the curriculum has been dumbed down, there is no discipline in the schools anymore, and it's been corrupted by teachers' unions, politicians, and administrators who serve not the children of the community, but the employees of the public school system.

The voters have always had the power to fix this, but they have chosen partisan politics over quality.

Even should we agree on what the problems ARE, no one can begin to agree on how to fix them.

Look at two statements here:

--doesn't teach children in a way they enjoy learning
--there is no discipline in the schools anymore

I don't disagree with either of these statements, but the public is very much at odds. Some want students to love school every minute of the day (were that in force, there would be no self-discipline employed or taught). Some want students to experience little enjoyment and more discipline. Some in these forums have proposed keeping kindergarten students at desks all day long so the teacher can stay in one spot to be videotaped for live cameras the parents can watch (this when I said there are real privacy concerns in taping classrooms live. Poster said, hey that's all right, just make the 5yo stay in their seats all day and the teacher can stand on the X to be taped. Sure.)

People are never more dumb than when they pontificate about the schools.

Solution for Failed Public Schools?​

A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For those desperate parents, I would like to offer another alternative: that communities, churches, and other charitable organizations band together to create their own private (which is to say, non-government) schools that would offer high-quality education and be open to all, regardless of beliefs or ability to pay. I propose that these schools be built upon three main pillars: excellence, affordability, and accessibility.
Likely to disappoint. Leaves out too many variables.
With all due respect, you are full of shit! Public schools are not segregated by the government. They are segregated by housing patterns. I lived in Jacksonville FL when I was a teacher. The entire northwest corner of the city was and still remains predominantly black. Another portion of the western side of the area east of the river was also black. The remainder of the city was mostly integrated. I taught and was an AP in a high school to the east from 1996-2006. We had a large minority population, and you could say our school was very integrated and we were the largest high school in northeast Florida. We had gated communities and housing projects. The vast majority of our area was suburban family homes and apartments.

As to your COVID comments, many, many schools did not shut down at all and the vast majority went to distance learning. I know because my grandchildren did. The unions had no impact. The problem you have with the progress was caused by liberals controlling education in the major cities with Democrats in charge. Out here in flyover country, everything seems to be back to normal. Of course, our schools are run by conservatives.
By in large the poor kids live in minority communities with a minority school district.

And those poor minority school districts are absolute prisons, they are hell on earth!

I have experienced this firsthand. An inner-city school I entered had all the doors chain locked but one, with a metal detector and a guard there. Every day bloody fights broke out, the pregnancy rate was off the charts among the kids, and the graduation rates were abysmal.

I knew a couple who sold their house to move into a cramped apartment just so they could live in a half was decent school district, but the very poor are stuck in DNC public school hell.

I in no way mean to imply that some rich black folk, like privileged Obama in growing up in cushy Hawaii, are segregated 100% of the time.

And I'm glad you live in Florida. DeSantis kept the Covid police away from his schools, along with the woke police, but realize the rest of the country was not as lucky.

This was akin to child abuse.

And those poor minority school districts are absolute prisons, they are hell on earth!

I have experienced this firsthand. An inner-city school I entered had all the doors chain locked but one, with a metal detector and a guard there. Every day bloody fights broke out, the pregnancy rate was off the charts among the kids, and the graduation rates were abysmal.

Ok Morgan Freeman, how long did you teach there?
By in large the poor kids live in minority communities with a minority school district.

And those poor minority school districts are absolute prisons, they are hell on earth!

I have experienced this firsthand. An inner-city school I entered had all the doors chain locked but one, with a metal detector and a guard there. Every day bloody fights broke out, the pregnancy rate was off the charts among the kids, and the graduation rates were abysmal.

I knew a couple who sold their house to move into a cramped apartment just so they could live in a half was decent school district, but the very poor are stuck in DNC public school hell.

I in no way mean to imply that some rich black folk, like privileged Obama in growing up in cushy Hawaii, are segregated 100% of the time.

And I'm glad you live in Florida. DeSantis kept the Covid police away from his schools, along with the woke police, but realize the rest of the country was not as lucky.

This was akin to child abuse.
Did you report the school for violating the fire code? What year was this? 1970?

Poor schools are also filled with white kids in the rural areas. I taught in numerous rural districts in Kentucky. Those schools were fantastic.

I am retired and live in Tennessee where we have great schools, even though I never taught here.

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