Solution to London machete terror attack:

A typical liberal reaction @ Solution to London machete terror attack: ban uniforms | Human Events Sickening!
The horrific murder of a soldier by a pair of self-described jihadis, in broad daylight on the streets of London yesterday, posed quite a conundrum. London is already a gigantic “gun-free zone,” although according to some reports the jihad killers somehow managed to get their hands on a firearm anyway. The murder weapons were knives and cleavers, which are common household and garden implements. The murderers began their savage and cowardly attack by running the victim down with a car, but despite the best efforts of environmentalists, cars haven’t been banned yet. So… what can the British government ban in response to this attack?



Here's a solution to a guy attacking you with a knife


And in the next frame? Do you become the felon?
Ban Machetes!

After all, who really needs one in an urban environment?

Interesting you should mention that. Machetes are for chopping away heavy underbrush, vines - jungle - the Muslims buying machetes should be on a list for M 16 to review. Go pay them a visit. - Jeri
If I had my way that murderous bastard's head would now be on a pike and placed at the exact spot where he beheaded the soldiers. I wouldn't take it down until it had been picked clean by blowflies, and then I'd throw it in the nearest pig pen.

Ah, the European heritage, it's a beautiful thing........... [:)

We don't really have the heads-on-pikes tradition here, but it was big in Europe and England.
I wish they'd have blown him away at the scene so we wouldn't have the BS we have now. My feelings about this SCUMBAG are mutual.

I suppose they deliberately wounded them so they could find out how far this infects these types and where it's coming from. Good idea, IMO.
Seems that some here don't keep abreast of the news. There is no uniform ban. The day after the desk jockey commanders in the MoD issued the order, the prime minister rescinded it.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online
Seems that some here don't keep abreast of the news. There is no uniform ban. The day after the desk jockey commanders in the MoD issued the order, the prime minister rescinded it.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

Whoa!! Thank you very much for that post, Colin! I wondered about that knee-jerk reaction, how would Britons feel about such a ban on soldiers looking like soldiers so everyone could kowtow to the Muslims???

So Cameron has some sense, good for him.

"As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence."

Omigod, this is great.

People, you have GOT to fight what is going on, this Muslim rise to take over the world, before it is too late and we lose the tremendous progress that ONLY the European/American culture has brought to the world and humanity goes into another Dark Ages like when Rome fell to similar barbarians. Of COURSE it can happen here: it often does.
I think if all military personnel wear Burkas it would prevent Muslim immigrants from lashing out like this.
A typical liberal reaction @ Solution to London machete terror attack: ban uniforms | Human Events Sickening!
The horrific murder of a soldier by a pair of self-described jihadis, in broad daylight on the streets of London yesterday, posed quite a conundrum. London is already a gigantic “gun-free zone,” although according to some reports the jihad killers somehow managed to get their hands on a firearm anyway. The murder weapons were knives and cleavers, which are common household and garden implements. The murderers began their savage and cowardly attack by running the victim down with a car, but despite the best efforts of environmentalists, cars haven’t been banned yet. So… what can the British government ban in response to this attack?


Do you really think in such simplistic terms? It is not the 'solution.' It is a preventative measure. They have hardly had time to put together a solution.

I realize you think the solution is arming every citizen and turning the UK into Dodge City. Fortunately the British are not that childish.

don't do anything, it's always so much fun watching crazed savage muslims hack off heads. That's the decent British thing to do don't ya think?
Seems that some here don't keep abreast of the news. There is no uniform ban. The day after the desk jockey commanders in the MoD issued the order, the prime minister rescinded it.

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

Exactly the impression I got when I heard it! Good gosh! Give them their firearms and their uniforms back and then let them do the job the police obviously don't have the courage for! Someone needs to take control over there! - Jeri
They would also call it a "hate crime" and lock you up for good. How dare you defend yourself from Muslims?

No, no, the PC way to behave is to stand still so any Muslim who wants to chop you up can do it without inconvenience.

If you struggle, you might hurt the Muslim! And then, if you survive, you'd go to jail, because self-defence is totally illegal in Britain.
They would also call it a "hate crime" and lock you up for good. How dare you defend yourself from Muslims?

No, no, the PC way to behave is to stand still so any Muslim who wants to chop you up can do it without inconvenience.

If you struggle, you might hurt the Muslim! And then, if you survive, you'd go to jail, because self-defence is totally illegal in Britain.
:clap: :lmao:
Breaking news at 11:30 from Reuters:

UK fighters escort Pakistan plane to airport, two arrests 11:30am EDT

LONDON - British fighter jets escorted a Pakistan International Airlines passenger plane to Stansted Airport near London on Friday, where police went on board and arrested two men on suspicion of endangering an aircraft.

Do you think it might be Muslims trying to crash the plane?

Oh, no, we are told by our leftie friends that Muslims are such peaceful people!! Couldn't possibly be Muslim violence, Muslims never do violence. Right?

That is pretty disgusting, but I am assuming for now that they only mean to do that for a few days or a couple weeks? Cameron hot-footed it back from France because those Nigerians said they meant to start a race war, and so soldiers would be particularly vulnerable, presumably, if easy to identify.

I don't think it's awful to stop with uniforms for a few days till the situation calms. After that.................that would be creepy, I agree, if Britain has to hide its soldiers, its whites, its Christians, for fear they'll all be chopped up.

(My bold)

LOL! Hot-foot from France? When the Chunnel ride is what? 15 minutes? We're talking Europe here, not Moscow to Kamchatka. UK & France nearly border each other.

The Brits hide from wanna-be Jihadists? Nah, a citizen's patrol of soccer hooligans & good ol' cricket bats would do. Pshaw, the soccer hooligans - if properly razzed up & with a coupla good lagers under their belt - would go in barehanded. Might get messy, though, best if they had bats. That would make it a fair fight, I think. There's got to be more hooligans than wanna-be Salafists in the Big Smoke ...
LOL! Hot-foot from France? When the Chunnel ride is what? 15 minutes? We're talking Europe here, not Moscow to Kamchatka. UK & France nearly border each other.

The Brits hide from wanna-be Jihadists? Nah, a citizen's patrol of soccer hooligans & good ol' cricket bats would do. Pshaw, the soccer hooligans - if properly razzed up & with a coupla good lagers under their belt - would go in barehanded. Might get messy, though, best if they had bats. That would make it a fair fight, I think. There's got to be more hooligans than wanna-be Salafists in the Big Smoke ...

[:) The Chunnel HAS to be longer than 15 minutes, doesn't it? Took me all afternoon by Channel ferry once......and very cold and windy it was, too. I don't know about UK and France nearly bordering each's kind of a wide river to call a border. Keeps out the French most of the time and the Germans, so far, all the time since about .....800.

Hasn't stopped the Muslims, though, since the Brits have been inviting them in, more fool they.
LOL! Hot-foot from France? When the Chunnel ride is what? 15 minutes? We're talking Europe here, not Moscow to Kamchatka. UK & France nearly border each other.

The Brits hide from wanna-be Jihadists? Nah, a citizen's patrol of soccer hooligans & good ol' cricket bats would do. Pshaw, the soccer hooligans - if properly razzed up & with a coupla good lagers under their belt - would go in barehanded. Might get messy, though, best if they had bats. That would make it a fair fight, I think. There's got to be more hooligans than wanna-be Salafists in the Big Smoke ...

[:) The Chunnel HAS to be longer than 15 minutes, doesn't it? Took me all afternoon by Channel ferry once......and very cold and windy it was, too. I don't know about UK and France nearly bordering each's kind of a wide river to call a border. Keeps out the French most of the time and the Germans, so far, all the time since about .....800.

Hasn't stopped the Muslims, though, since the Brits have been inviting them in, more fool they.

You ain't in Kansas anymore Circe!
When I was in N. Ireland, which was a warzone in every sense of the word where on duty and off duty personnel faced being attacked by sectarians, we were allowed to carry a Browning Hi-Power when off-base while in uniform.

If the British government wasn't at war with common sense and actually cared about their troops (they don't, they only care about themselves), they'd instruct the Ministry of Defense to authorise military personnel to withdraw a 9mm from the armoury before leaving the base in uniform.

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