Solution to London machete terror attack:

A typical liberal reaction @ Solution to London machete terror attack: ban uniforms | Human Events Sickening!
The horrific murder of a soldier by a pair of self-described jihadis, in broad daylight on the streets of London yesterday, posed quite a conundrum. London is already a gigantic “gun-free zone,” although according to some reports the jihad killers somehow managed to get their hands on a firearm anyway. The murder weapons were knives and cleavers, which are common household and garden implements. The murderers began their savage and cowardly attack by running the victim down with a car, but despite the best efforts of environmentalists, cars haven’t been banned yet. So… what can the British government ban in response to this attack?



We used to have a British soldier here under the name Bootneck. Great guy. I wish he was here to weigh in on this. I bet he would tell you the British soldiers are not afraid and are going to CONTINUE to wear their uniforms in public.
We used to have a British soldier here under the name Bootneck. Great guy. I wish he was here to weigh in on this. I bet he would tell you the British soldiers are not afraid and are going to CONTINUE to wear their uniforms in public.
The very idea that we are now discussing the safety of wearing military uniforms in our own countries should give us pause for thought. That thought perhaps without the filter of political correctness.
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LOL! Hot-foot from France? When the Chunnel ride is what? 15 minutes? We're talking Europe here, not Moscow to Kamchatka. UK & France nearly border each other.

The Brits hide from wanna-be Jihadists? Nah, a citizen's patrol of soccer hooligans & good ol' cricket bats would do. Pshaw, the soccer hooligans - if properly razzed up & with a coupla good lagers under their belt - would go in barehanded. Might get messy, though, best if they had bats. That would make it a fair fight, I think. There's got to be more hooligans than wanna-be Salafists in the Big Smoke ...

[:) The Chunnel HAS to be longer than 15 minutes, doesn't it? Took me all afternoon by Channel ferry once......and very cold and windy it was, too. I don't know about UK and France nearly bordering each's kind of a wide river to call a border. Keeps out the French most of the time and the Germans, so far, all the time since about .....800.

Hasn't stopped the Muslims, though, since the Brits have been inviting them in, more fool they.

(My bold)

Wikipedia says 27 min. under Channel Tunnel. I'll take it, I was guessing @ the transit time. Cold & wind are not a problem @ depth, of course. (But management advises you not open any windows, just to be on the safe side ...)

As for kind of a wide river - you're joking, right?

They are a FRONT.
Who are they a FRONT for?
Those who get rich from killing Muslims?

I smell camel..............sniff sniff

Which part of the case I quoted don't you understand? They have already been tried and convicted for SUPPORTING TERRORISM.

Rich from killing Muslims...............a LIBERAL DRONE ATTACK.................


They can choose Peace over War. IT'S THEIR DECISION.
Kind of like it's your decision to apologize for the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims by the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? If the US would stop committing acts of terror for the economic benefit of Halliburton, Muslims would have no need for retaliation, would they?

If you want your bullshit quote about CAIR taken seriously, include a link:

"CAIR condemned the September 11 attacks in 2001 'within hours of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center", which it considers to be consistent with its general approach to terrorism.[33]

"CAIR published a paid advertisement in the Washington Post condemning 9/11 and terrorism in general.[14]..."

"In May 2007, the U.S. filed an action against the Holy Land Foundation (the largest Muslim charity in the United States at the time[54]) for providing funds to Hamas, and federal prosecutors filed pleadings.

"Along with 300 other organizations, they listed CAIR (and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad),[55] Islamic Society of North America (largest Muslim umbrella organization in the United States), Muslim American Society and North American Islamic Trust as unindicted co-conspirators, a legal designation that can be employed for a variety of reasons including grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

"While being listed as co-conspirator does not mean that CAIR has been charged with anything, the organization was concerned that the label will forever taint it.[56]

Particularly by kosher bigots who can't sniff out the connection between the terror attacks of 911 and five decades of knee-jerk US support for Israeli terrorism in Palestine.

If we JUST THINK NICE THOUGHTS THEY WILL GO AWAY..... Tap your red shoes together and say There is No place like home, ......there is no place like home............
Your shoes are stained red with the blood of innocent Muslims, Dorothy:

"The armed forces of the United States of America have committed war crimes throughout every war they had been involved in. Most - but not all - contemporary war crimes are defined by the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Geneva Conventions, and the associated laws of war under international law.[1] War crimes can be prosecuted through the War Crimes Act of 1996 in the United States, but the US government does not accept the jurisdiction of the ICC over its military forces.[2]

"United States violations of the laws of war falling under the rubric of jus in bello are discussed in the present article, while US violations of jus ad bellum, such as crimes against peace or wars of aggression under the Nuremberg Principles,[3] are discussed elsewhere[where..."

United States war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you proud?

Are you American? The blood of the innocent? Since Carter the rags have been pushing for a fight, and they got one after they KILLED THE INNOCENT ON 9/11. They are currently on a JIHAD AGAINST ALL THOSE NOT OF THEIR FAITH. They wanted this and can go to hell for all I care. They can get their 72 virgins, except they didn't know they'd all be Rosie Oddonells.

I'm sure Nice people in Germany died when we fought HITLER. I'm sure NICE PEOPLE died in JAPAN IN WWII. Yet this happens in War, and the NICE GUYS GO DOWN WITH THE EVIL ONES. That's been going on since the dawn of time. Nothing has changed in that aspect.

Am I proud? ABSOLUTELY. America has stood against tyranny for a long time. We have STOPPED THE HITLERS AND THE JAPANESE. We stood against Russian and Stalin would slaughtered 10'S OF MILLIONS OF THEIR OWN. And we NOW STAND AGAINST RADICAL ISLAM and CONTINUED ATTACKS AGAINST ALL WHO DON'T BELIEVE AS THEY DO.

So tell me, Skippy, what's a "rag?"
Something like a gook, ****, ******, or wop?
Something brain dead bigots invent to make themselves feel less ignorant and insignificant, maybe?
I'll bet even you can find the EVIL in Fallujah, right Skippy?

"By Saturday, November 6, the assault on Falluja began. U.S. rockets took out their first target: the Hai Nazal Hospital, a new facility that was just about ready to open its doors. A spokesman for the First Marines Expeditionary Force said, 'A hospital was not on the target list.' But there it is, reduced to a pile of rubble.

"Then on Sunday night the Special Forces stormed the Falluja General Hospital. They rounded up all the doctors, pushed them face down on the floor and handcuffed them with plastic straps behind their backs.

"With the hospital occupied, those wounded by the U.S. aerial bombings headed to the Falluja Central Health Clinic.

"And so at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 9, U.S. warplanes bombed that clinic as well, killing 35 patients, 15 medics, 4 nurses, 5 support staff and 4 doctors, according to a doctor who survived (The Nation, 13 December).

"U.S. fire also targeted an ambulance, killing five patients and the driver."

Shot up any ambulances lately, Skippy?
Were you proud?

They are a FRONT.
Who are they a FRONT for?
Those who get rich from killing Muslims?

Islamic terrorists. CAIR should be on the state dept. terrorist list. Most definitely.
"From 2002–2004 CAIR organized the Library Project, an effort to 'put quality materials about Islam in all 17,000 public libraries in the United States.' [38]

"The initiative sent a set of 18 books and tapes to public libraries written by Muslim and non-Muslim authors on Islamic history and practices, as well as an English translation of the Quran..."

"The initiative was funded with an initial $500,000 matching contribution from Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, whose donation to the Twin Towers Fund was refused by then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani because it came with a letter attributing US support for Israel for the 9/11 attacks."

AIPAC and the US military/industrial/congressional complex belong at the top of any global terrorist list.

As the article states they would return to a ban imposed due to the IRA attacks in the 70's and 80's.

Thing is this poor guy was not wearing a uniform. What's next ban soldiers from leaving the barracks this poor soldier was walking in front of? Ban short haircuts? Why make the target a prisoner because terrorism and those who advocate such are not being dealt with properly. Have you see the propaganda in signs and marchs calling for all soldiers death in the Uk and other areas in the region? Vocal calls for jihad and its tolerated.

As the British General said:

Personally, I would argue against it," he told the Today programme. "As we saw in this case you don't need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly.

He also went onto say the problem needs to be addressed in the article. Why should people live in fear because of a misdirected extreme group of radical Muslims?
Who are they a FRONT for?
Those who get rich from killing Muslims?

I smell camel..............sniff sniff

Which part of the case I quoted don't you understand? They have already been tried and convicted for SUPPORTING TERRORISM.

Rich from killing Muslims...............a LIBERAL DRONE ATTACK.................


They can choose Peace over War. IT'S THEIR DECISION.
Kind of like it's your decision to apologize for the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims by the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? If the US would stop committing acts of terror for the economic benefit of Halliburton, Muslims would have no need for retaliation, would they?

If you want your bullshit quote about CAIR taken seriously, include a link:

"CAIR condemned the September 11 attacks in 2001 'within hours of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center", which it considers to be consistent with its general approach to terrorism.[33]

"CAIR published a paid advertisement in the Washington Post condemning 9/11 and terrorism in general.[14]..."

"In May 2007, the U.S. filed an action against the Holy Land Foundation (the largest Muslim charity in the United States at the time[54]) for providing funds to Hamas, and federal prosecutors filed pleadings.

"Along with 300 other organizations, they listed CAIR (and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad),[55] Islamic Society of North America (largest Muslim umbrella organization in the United States), Muslim American Society and North American Islamic Trust as unindicted co-conspirators, a legal designation that can be employed for a variety of reasons including grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

"While being listed as co-conspirator does not mean that CAIR has been charged with anything, the organization was concerned that the label will forever taint it.[56]

Particularly by kosher bigots who can't sniff out the connection between the terror attacks of 911 and five decades of knee-jerk US support for Israeli terrorism in Palestine.

Council on American?Islamic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a Cherry picker on information?

[quoteIn 2007 the organization was named, along with 245 others, by U.S. Federal prosecutors in a list of unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers in a Hamas funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation,[3] which in 2009 caused the FBI to cease working with CAIR outside of criminal investigations due to its designation.[4] A federal appeals court removed the label for all parties and sealed the list on October 20, 2010, ruling the designation was the result of "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass." [5][6][7][8]][/quote]

Allegations of terrorist ties [edit]
Critics of CAIR, including six members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate,[59][88][89] have alleged ties between the CAIR founders and Hamas. The founders, Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad, had earlier been officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), described by a former FBI analyst and US Treasury Department intelligence official as "intimately tied to the most senior Hamas leadership."[90] Both Ahmad and Awad participated in a meeting held in Philadelphia on October 3, 1993, that involved senior leaders of Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation (which was designated in 1995 by Executive Order, and later convicted in court, as an organization that had raised millions of dollars for Hamas), and the IAP.[91][92][93] Based on electronic surveillance of the meeting, the FBI reported that "the participants went to great length and spent much effort hiding their association with the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas]."[94] Participants at the meeting discussed forming a "political organization and public relations" body, "whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous."[95]
Critics also point to a July 1994 meeting identifying CAIR as one of the four U.S. organizations comprising the working organizations of the Palestine Committee of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization and supporter of Hamas.[96][97] CAIR has responded by noting that Hamas was only designated a terrorist organization in January 1995 and did not commit its first wave of suicide bombings until late 1994, after Awad made the comment.[98][99]
The Anti-Defamation League states that CAIR's work as a civil rights organization is tainted by past links to Hamas, sometime failure to condemn terrorist organizations by name, and the presence of anti-Semites at some of its rallies.[100] Steven Emerson has accused CAIR of having a long record of propagating antisemitic propaganda.[101][102] Journalist Jake Tapper criticizes CAIR for refusing to condemn specifically Osama bin Laden and Islamic extremism, but rather making only vague and generic criticisms.[103][page needed]
In 2009, the FBI broke off formal outreach contacts with CAIR, following the Holy Land Foundation trial and rising concerns about the organization's ties with Hamas which is considered to be a terrorist group by the US government.[104][105]

They have had ties with Hamas. Enough to make the FBI break off formal outreach contacts with CAIR. Just because they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute doesn't mean they don't have their HANDS BLOODY WITH TIES TO HAMAS AND TERRORISM.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time
A typical liberal reaction @ Solution to London machete terror attack: ban uniforms | Human Events Sickening!
The horrific murder of a soldier by a pair of self-described jihadis, in broad daylight on the streets of London yesterday, posed quite a conundrum. London is already a gigantic “gun-free zone,” although according to some reports the jihad killers somehow managed to get their hands on a firearm anyway. The murder weapons were knives and cleavers, which are common household and garden implements. The murderers began their savage and cowardly attack by running the victim down with a car, but despite the best efforts of environmentalists, cars haven’t been banned yet. So… what can the British government ban in response to this attack?



Here's a solution to a guy attacking you with a knife


They hit the guy with a car. He was probably already dead before they started stabbing him. At the very least he was not conscientious.

How would a gun have stopped any of that?
They would also call it a "hate crime" and lock you up for good. How dare you defend yourself from Muslims?

No, no, the PC way to behave is to stand still so any Muslim who wants to chop you up can do it without inconvenience.

If you struggle, you might hurt the Muslim! And then, if you survive, you'd go to jail, because self-defence is totally illegal in Britain.

Which doesn't bear out what happened here.

Those guys were eventually shot.
Your shoes are stained red with the blood of innocent Muslims, Dorothy:

"The armed forces of the United States of America have committed war crimes throughout every war they had been involved in. Most - but not all - contemporary war crimes are defined by the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Geneva Conventions, and the associated laws of war under international law.[1] War crimes can be prosecuted through the War Crimes Act of 1996 in the United States, but the US government does not accept the jurisdiction of the ICC over its military forces.[2]

"United States violations of the laws of war falling under the rubric of jus in bello are discussed in the present article, while US violations of jus ad bellum, such as crimes against peace or wars of aggression under the Nuremberg Principles,[3] are discussed elsewhere[where..."

United States war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you proud?

Are you American? The blood of the innocent? Since Carter the rags have been pushing for a fight, and they got one after they KILLED THE INNOCENT ON 9/11. They are currently on a JIHAD AGAINST ALL THOSE NOT OF THEIR FAITH. They wanted this and can go to hell for all I care. They can get their 72 virgins, except they didn't know they'd all be Rosie Oddonells.

I'm sure Nice people in Germany died when we fought HITLER. I'm sure NICE PEOPLE died in JAPAN IN WWII. Yet this happens in War, and the NICE GUYS GO DOWN WITH THE EVIL ONES. That's been going on since the dawn of time. Nothing has changed in that aspect.

Am I proud? ABSOLUTELY. America has stood against tyranny for a long time. We have STOPPED THE HITLERS AND THE JAPANESE. We stood against Russian and Stalin would slaughtered 10'S OF MILLIONS OF THEIR OWN. And we NOW STAND AGAINST RADICAL ISLAM and CONTINUED ATTACKS AGAINST ALL WHO DON'T BELIEVE AS THEY DO.

So tell me, Skippy, what's a "rag?"
Something like a gook, ****, ******, or wop?
Something brain dead bigots invent to make themselves feel less ignorant and insignificant, maybe?
I'll bet even you can find the EVIL in Fallujah, right Skippy?

"By Saturday, November 6, the assault on Falluja began. U.S. rockets took out their first target: the Hai Nazal Hospital, a new facility that was just about ready to open its doors. A spokesman for the First Marines Expeditionary Force said, 'A hospital was not on the target list.' But there it is, reduced to a pile of rubble.

"Then on Sunday night the Special Forces stormed the Falluja General Hospital. They rounded up all the doctors, pushed them face down on the floor and handcuffed them with plastic straps behind their backs.

"With the hospital occupied, those wounded by the U.S. aerial bombings headed to the Falluja Central Health Clinic.

"And so at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 9, U.S. warplanes bombed that clinic as well, killing 35 patients, 15 medics, 4 nurses, 5 support staff and 4 doctors, according to a doctor who survived (The Nation, 13 December).

"U.S. fire also targeted an ambulance, killing five patients and the driver."

Shot up any ambulances lately, Skippy?
Were you proud?


Thus............RAG HEAD. I.e. Rap wrapped around head too tight making them yell ANBAR AKINBAR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT as they CHOP OFF HEADS WITH A MACHETTE.

Would you prefer I call them Camel Jockeys? Or a TARGET?

Fahallah campaign. 2 battles, in the first Bush made a Political move and LET THEM GO. They PROMISED TO BE NICE BUT DIDN'T. So the 2nd battle began. I can't help it if the Rags have a nasty HABIT OF HIDING BEHIND WOMEN AND CHILDREN, and setting up defenses in Hospitals.
BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
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Sniper earns Silver Star, fellow Marines' respect

Sniper earns Silver Star, fellow Marines' respect
Sniper earns Silver Star, fellow Marines' respect
By Harry Levins
Of the Post-Dispatch
Saturday, Jul. 09 2005

Killed 32 in fight for Fallujah

At his family's kitchen table in Lake Saint Louis, Ethan Place comes across as
a squared-away 22-year-old. He speaks softly and modestly. He smiles easily. He
could be a college student, even a seminarian.

Instead, Place is a trained killer. He has a Silver Star to prove it.

Last year, Place spent seven months in Iraq, his second combat tour there as a
Marine. In the spring, he took part in the first battle for Fallujah.

Tony Perry of the Los Angeles Times was embedded with the Marines in Fallujah.
Last month, Perry was at Place's home station, Camp Pendleton, Calif., to watch
the Marine get his Silver Star. Perry wrote that Place "is a sniper, able to
kill an enemy at 1,000 yards or more with a single shot. ... In the battle for
Fallujah, Iraq, in April 2004, Place had 32 confirmed kills, from April 11 to
April 24."

Place's Silver Star citation speaks of the sergeant's "calm, collected demeanor
under intense combat conditions." Although the citation makes no mention of 32
kills, it says that on April 26, Place "disregarded his own safety and left the
cover of his defensive position to close with and destroy the enemy," in the
process killing five insurgents.

But at the kitchen table, Place shrugs off the statistics. "Numbers? I don't
want to get into the numbers game," he says. "It's not about numbers. It's
about saving other Marines."

Those other Marines had their own award for Place. Back at Camp Pendleton, the
unit to which Place had been attached gave him the unit guidon its Marines had
carried across Iraq.

The guidon is a small red flag with yellow letters that spell out the unit's
designation - Company E, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines. The desert sun bleached
out much of the color from the guidon, which was modest to begin with.

But Place seems to value his war-weary guidon as much as he values his Silver
Star, the nation's third-highest decoration for valor.
Back to Britain.

DIVERSITY AND POLITICAL CORRECTNESS caused this. The Western powers including us, are so worried about HURTING THEIR FEELINGS that we ALLOW THE ENEMY WITHIN.

They allowed Sharia Law in their country. They allowed Sharia Courts to be formed. And set the stage for what happened to the British Soldier in this incident. Murdered BY RADICAL ISLAM.
CaféAuLait;7285776 said:

As the article states they would return to a ban imposed due to the IRA attacks in the 70's and 80's.

Thing is this poor guy was not wearing a uniform. What's next ban soldiers from leaving the barracks this poor soldier was walking in front of? Ban short haircuts? Why make the target a prisoner because terrorism and those who advocate such are not being dealt with properly. Have you see the propaganda in signs and marchs calling for all soldiers death in the Uk and other areas in the region? Vocal calls for jihad and its tolerated.

As the British General said:

Personally, I would argue against it," he told the Today programme. "As we saw in this case you don't need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly.

He also went onto say the problem needs to be addressed in the article. Why should people live in fear because of a misdirected extreme group of radical Muslims?

They must have jumped this guy from behind and then just starting chopping at him. Otherwise, unless he was trapped, he could have run away, and that doesn't appear to have been an option for him.
CaféAuLait;7285776 said:
So they are going to America's post-Vietnam War solution.

As the article states they would return to a ban imposed due to the IRA attacks in the 70's and 80's.

Thing is this poor guy was not wearing a uniform. What's next ban soldiers from leaving the barracks this poor soldier was walking in front of? Ban short haircuts? Why make the target a prisoner because terrorism and those who advocate such are not being dealt with properly. Have you see the propaganda in signs and marchs calling for all soldiers death in the Uk and other areas in the region? Vocal calls for jihad and its tolerated.

As the British General said:

Personally, I would argue against it," he told the Today programme. "As we saw in this case you don't need to have somebody in uniform, you just need to have someone who knows a bit about soldiers and does a bit of observation in the vicinity of a barracks and you can identify a soldier very quickly.

He also went onto say the problem needs to be addressed in the article. Why should people live in fear because of a misdirected extreme group of radical Muslims?

They must have jumped this guy from behind and then just starting chopping at him. Otherwise, unless he was trapped, he could have run away, and that doesn't appear to have been an option for him.

They ran over him with a car first.
I smell camel..............sniff sniff

Which part of the case I quoted don't you understand? They have already been tried and convicted for SUPPORTING TERRORISM.

Rich from killing Muslims...............a LIBERAL DRONE ATTACK.................


They can choose Peace over War. IT'S THEIR DECISION.
Kind of like it's your decision to apologize for the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims by the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? If the US would stop committing acts of terror for the economic benefit of Halliburton, Muslims would have no need for retaliation, would they?

If you want your bullshit quote about CAIR taken seriously, include a link:

"CAIR condemned the September 11 attacks in 2001 'within hours of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center", which it considers to be consistent with its general approach to terrorism.[33]

"CAIR published a paid advertisement in the Washington Post condemning 9/11 and terrorism in general.[14]..."

"In May 2007, the U.S. filed an action against the Holy Land Foundation (the largest Muslim charity in the United States at the time[54]) for providing funds to Hamas, and federal prosecutors filed pleadings.

"Along with 300 other organizations, they listed CAIR (and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad),[55] Islamic Society of North America (largest Muslim umbrella organization in the United States), Muslim American Society and North American Islamic Trust as unindicted co-conspirators, a legal designation that can be employed for a variety of reasons including grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

"While being listed as co-conspirator does not mean that CAIR has been charged with anything, the organization was concerned that the label will forever taint it.[56]

Particularly by kosher bigots who can't sniff out the connection between the terror attacks of 911 and five decades of knee-jerk US support for Israeli terrorism in Palestine.

Council on American?Islamic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a Cherry picker on information?

[quoteIn 2007 the organization was named, along with 245 others, by U.S. Federal prosecutors in a list of unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers in a Hamas funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation,[3] which in 2009 caused the FBI to cease working with CAIR outside of criminal investigations due to its designation.[4] A federal appeals court removed the label for all parties and sealed the list on October 20, 2010, ruling the designation was the result of "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass." [5][6][7][8]]

Allegations of terrorist ties [edit]
Critics of CAIR, including six members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate,[59][88][89] have alleged ties between the CAIR founders and Hamas. The founders, Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad, had earlier been officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), described by a former FBI analyst and US Treasury Department intelligence official as "intimately tied to the most senior Hamas leadership."[90] Both Ahmad and Awad participated in a meeting held in Philadelphia on October 3, 1993, that involved senior leaders of Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation (which was designated in 1995 by Executive Order, and later convicted in court, as an organization that had raised millions of dollars for Hamas), and the IAP.[91][92][93] Based on electronic surveillance of the meeting, the FBI reported that "the participants went to great length and spent much effort hiding their association with the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas]."[94] Participants at the meeting discussed forming a "political organization and public relations" body, "whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous."[95]
Critics also point to a July 1994 meeting identifying CAIR as one of the four U.S. organizations comprising the working organizations of the Palestine Committee of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization and supporter of Hamas.[96][97] CAIR has responded by noting that Hamas was only designated a terrorist organization in January 1995 and did not commit its first wave of suicide bombings until late 1994, after Awad made the comment.[98][99]
The Anti-Defamation League states that CAIR's work as a civil rights organization is tainted by past links to Hamas, sometime failure to condemn terrorist organizations by name, and the presence of anti-Semites at some of its rallies.[100] Steven Emerson has accused CAIR of having a long record of propagating antisemitic propaganda.[101][102] Journalist Jake Tapper criticizes CAIR for refusing to condemn specifically Osama bin Laden and Islamic extremism, but rather making only vague and generic criticisms.[103][page needed]
In 2009, the FBI broke off formal outreach contacts with CAIR, following the Holy Land Foundation trial and rising concerns about the organization's ties with Hamas which is considered to be a terrorist group by the US government.[104][105]

They have had ties with Hamas. Enough to make the FBI break off formal outreach contacts with CAIR. Just because they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute doesn't mean they don't have their HANDS BLOODY WITH TIES TO HAMAS AND TERRORISM.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time[/QUOTE]
Are you ignorant of the roots of Hamas, too?

"Another often cited example (of blowback) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9] "Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

The latest savagery near London is another example of the eternal blowback that occurs after 650,000 mostly European Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948.
BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
Why would you think anyone whose home town is being destroyed by USMC hired killers is under any obligation to BE NICE? What would you do, buy a subscription to Stars and Stripes?

BTW, since 911 US-lead hired killers have murdered, maimed, displaced, raped, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their hometowns. Terror attacks like those near London have increased seven fold in that time.

Whose fault is that?
Kind of like it's your decision to apologize for the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims by the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? If the US would stop committing acts of terror for the economic benefit of Halliburton, Muslims would have no need for retaliation, would they?

If you want your bullshit quote about CAIR taken seriously, include a link:

"CAIR condemned the September 11 attacks in 2001 'within hours of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center", which it considers to be consistent with its general approach to terrorism.[33]

"CAIR published a paid advertisement in the Washington Post condemning 9/11 and terrorism in general.[14]..."

"In May 2007, the U.S. filed an action against the Holy Land Foundation (the largest Muslim charity in the United States at the time[54]) for providing funds to Hamas, and federal prosecutors filed pleadings.

"Along with 300 other organizations, they listed CAIR (and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad),[55] Islamic Society of North America (largest Muslim umbrella organization in the United States), Muslim American Society and North American Islamic Trust as unindicted co-conspirators, a legal designation that can be employed for a variety of reasons including grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

"While being listed as co-conspirator does not mean that CAIR has been charged with anything, the organization was concerned that the label will forever taint it.[56]

Particularly by kosher bigots who can't sniff out the connection between the terror attacks of 911 and five decades of knee-jerk US support for Israeli terrorism in Palestine.

Council on American?Islamic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a Cherry picker on information?

[quoteIn 2007 the organization was named, along with 245 others, by U.S. Federal prosecutors in a list of unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers in a Hamas funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation,[3] which in 2009 caused the FBI to cease working with CAIR outside of criminal investigations due to its designation.[4] A federal appeals court removed the label for all parties and sealed the list on October 20, 2010, ruling the designation was the result of "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass." [5][6][7][8]]

Allegations of terrorist ties [edit]
Critics of CAIR, including six members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate,[59][88][89] have alleged ties between the CAIR founders and Hamas. The founders, Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad, had earlier been officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), described by a former FBI analyst and US Treasury Department intelligence official as "intimately tied to the most senior Hamas leadership."[90] Both Ahmad and Awad participated in a meeting held in Philadelphia on October 3, 1993, that involved senior leaders of Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation (which was designated in 1995 by Executive Order, and later convicted in court, as an organization that had raised millions of dollars for Hamas), and the IAP.[91][92][93] Based on electronic surveillance of the meeting, the FBI reported that "the participants went to great length and spent much effort hiding their association with the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas]."[94] Participants at the meeting discussed forming a "political organization and public relations" body, "whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous."[95]
Critics also point to a July 1994 meeting identifying CAIR as one of the four U.S. organizations comprising the working organizations of the Palestine Committee of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization and supporter of Hamas.[96][97] CAIR has responded by noting that Hamas was only designated a terrorist organization in January 1995 and did not commit its first wave of suicide bombings until late 1994, after Awad made the comment.[98][99]
The Anti-Defamation League states that CAIR's work as a civil rights organization is tainted by past links to Hamas, sometime failure to condemn terrorist organizations by name, and the presence of anti-Semites at some of its rallies.[100] Steven Emerson has accused CAIR of having a long record of propagating antisemitic propaganda.[101][102] Journalist Jake Tapper criticizes CAIR for refusing to condemn specifically Osama bin Laden and Islamic extremism, but rather making only vague and generic criticisms.[103][page needed]
In 2009, the FBI broke off formal outreach contacts with CAIR, following the Holy Land Foundation trial and rising concerns about the organization's ties with Hamas which is considered to be a terrorist group by the US government.[104][105]

They have had ties with Hamas. Enough to make the FBI break off formal outreach contacts with CAIR. Just because they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute doesn't mean they don't have their HANDS BLOODY WITH TIES TO HAMAS AND TERRORISM.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time
Are you ignorant of the roots of Hamas, too?

"Another often cited example (of blowback) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9] "Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

The latest savagery near London is another example of the eternal blowback that occurs after 650,000 mostly European Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in 1948.[/QUOTE]

Cherry picking history again.

The Ottoman Empire
ruled this entire region for hundreds of years. They fought with Germany in WWI and lost. As a result they lost their territories in the Middle East as they lost most of their territory in Europe as well. The only area they kept is now Present day Turkey.

Britain annexed the current area of this thread, while France was in charge of the other areas. Britain promised the Jews a home via Balfour, for WWI and later pushed it to the newly formed UN after WWII. Which ENRAGED THE Muslims to the point of creating a GRAND MUFTI in the region.

The Grand Mufti and HITLER AGREED ON THE EXTERMINATION OF THE JEWS, and 10's of THOUSANDS of Muslim's Joined the WAFFEN SS led by the Grand Mufti. The Grand Mufti was the UNCLE OF ARAFAT. They helped with the extermination of the Jewish people in WWII.


Israel created in 1948. Immediately attacked by all the Muslims in neighborhood. They directed nearly 750,000 arabs to leave the area WHILE THEY SLAUGHTERED THE JEWS.


Israel allowed Muslims to live in their country, YET the countries LIKE JORDAN DIDN'T TAKE THEM IN, AND LEFT THEM IN SETTLEMENTS AS PAWNS...........

and you get the picture. Endless War with the Muslims vowing to continue what Hitler and the Muftie started. The extermination of the Jewish people.

And the Muzzies are upset because Israel has KICKED THEIR BUTTS EVERY TIME.

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