Solution to London machete terror attack:

Back to Britain.

DIVERSITY AND POLITICAL CORRECTNESS caused this. The Western powers including us, are so worried about HURTING THEIR FEELINGS that we ALLOW THE ENEMY WITHIN.

They allowed Sharia Law in their country. They allowed Sharia Courts to be formed. And set the stage for what happened to the British Soldier in this incident. Murdered BY RADICAL ISLAM.
The War on Islam caused this, and we've barely begun to feel the blowback:

"Some critics[who?] claim that the War on Terror is in fact a war on Islam itself.

"After his release from Guantanamo in 2005, ex-detainee Moazzam Begg appeared in the Islamist propaganda video 21st Century CrUSAders and claimed the U.S. is engaging in a new crusade:[23][24]

"I think that history is definitely repeating itself and for the Muslim world, and I think even a great part of the non-Muslim world now, are beginning to recognize that there are ambitions that the United States has on the lands and wealth of nations of Islam.

Ex-United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark has described the war on terror as a war against Islam.[25]"

BTW, Bigot... are you predicting those charged with the latest terror attack near London will be tried in Sharia Courts?
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BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
Why would you think anyone whose home town is being destroyed by USMC hired killers is under any obligation to BE NICE? What would you do, buy a subscription to Stars and Stripes?

BTW, since 911 US-lead hired killers have murdered, maimed, displaced, raped, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their hometowns. Terror attacks like those near London have increased seven fold in that time.

Whose fault is that?

The Radical Muslims fault. They believe ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD. They believe in killing NON-BELIEVERS and have BEEN DOING SO SINCE CARTER.

HELL, when they aren't killing Christians they are killing each other. Saying my ISLAM IS BETTER THAN YOUR ISLAM and BS like that.

If that would happen here, it'd be like the Baptist attacking the Catholics and the Catholics attacking the Lutherans, and etc.... YOU GET THE PICTURE.

Prime examples are the Iran Iraq War. Where each side killed the other. We didn't go to War in that region UNTIL IRAQ INVADED KUWAIT. When we kicked them out, OBL got upset that we DARED STEP INTO HIS HOLIER THAN THOU SANDBOX. On which he declared a Jihad against us. This after we HELPED THE A-HOLE GET RUSSIA OUT OF Afghanistan.

Moreover, we stopped the SLAUGHTER OF MUSLIMS IN BOSNIA.

Moreover, we went to SOMALIA TO SAVE STARVING PEOPLE only to be attacked by the JIHADIST THERE. The Warlords there, got assists from Al-Qaeda to fight us. And we were there to PROTECT FOOD CONVOYS BEING DELIVERED TO STARVING PEOPLE.

You've got alot of nerve pal.
Back to Britain.

DIVERSITY AND POLITICAL CORRECTNESS caused this. The Western powers including us, are so worried about HURTING THEIR FEELINGS that we ALLOW THE ENEMY WITHIN.

They allowed Sharia Law in their country. They allowed Sharia Courts to be formed. And set the stage for what happened to the British Soldier in this incident. Murdered BY RADICAL ISLAM.
The War on Islam caused this, and we've barely begun to feel the blowback:

"Some critics[who?] claim that the War on Terror is in fact a war on Islam itself.

"After his release from Guantanamo in 2005, ex-detainee Moazzam Begg appeared in the Islamist propaganda video 21st Century CrUSAders and claimed the U.S. is engaging in a new crusade:[23][24]

"I think that history is definitely repeating itself and for the Muslim world, and I think even a great part of the non-Muslim world now, are beginning to recognize that there are ambitions that the United States has on the lands and wealth of nations of Islam.

Ex-United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark has described the war on terror as a war against Islam.[25]"

Cherry picking quotes..............

If this were like the CRUSADES, then we would have already blown the middle east off the map. We aren't YELLING GOD WILLS IT, and SLAUGHTERING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US. The Middle EAST IS VERY LUCKY WE AREN'T LIKE THEM....
Back to Britain.

DIVERSITY AND POLITICAL CORRECTNESS caused this. The Western powers including us, are so worried about HURTING THEIR FEELINGS that we ALLOW THE ENEMY WITHIN.

They allowed Sharia Law in their country. They allowed Sharia Courts to be formed. And set the stage for what happened to the British Soldier in this incident. Murdered BY RADICAL ISLAM.
The War on Islam caused this, and we've barely begun to feel the blowback:

"Some critics[who?] claim that the War on Terror is in fact a war on Islam itself.

"After his release from Guantanamo in 2005, ex-detainee Moazzam Begg appeared in the Islamist propaganda video 21st Century CrUSAders and claimed the U.S. is engaging in a new crusade:[23][24]

"I think that history is definitely repeating itself and for the Muslim world, and I think even a great part of the non-Muslim world now, are beginning to recognize that there are ambitions that the United States has on the lands and wealth of nations of Islam.

Ex-United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark has described the war on terror as a war against Islam.[25]"

Cherry picking quotes..............

If this were like the CRUSADES, then we would have already blown the middle east off the map. We aren't YELLING GOD WILLS IT, and SLAUGHTERING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US. The Middle EAST IS VERY LUCKY WE AREN'T LIKE THEM....
How many civilians have Muslims murdered in your home town?
How many schools, hospitals, and churches have they blown up?
Seen many Muslim drones over your house lately?
How many Muslim millionaires have been created from Islam's invasion of the US?

The US began killing Muslims for money when Reagan intervened in Lebanon's civil war in the 80s.
The US funded both sides of the Iran/Iraq war until it appeared Iran would win.
The US gave Saddam a green light to liberate Kuwait before Bush I drew his line in the sand.

Over the past twenty years millions of innocent Iraqi civilians have lost their homes, lives, and freedom because of the US lead War on Terror. How does that compare to the effect Muslims have had on US citizens? The US is very lucky Muslim patience has lasted as long as it has. It is not eternal...but greed is.
If this were like the CRUSADES, then we would have already blown the middle east off the map. We aren't YELLING GOD WILLS IT, and SLAUGHTERING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US. The Middle EAST IS VERY LUCKY WE AREN'T LIKE THEM....

We should be, though. Dieu le veult!

And it may well come to that. This terrible rise of Islam definitely needs to be put back in its box.

It's the worst civilization crisis in centuries, and it's happening in our lifetimes.
BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
Why would you think anyone whose home town is being destroyed by USMC hired killers is under any obligation to BE NICE? What would you do, buy a subscription to Stars and Stripes?

BTW, since 911 US-lead hired killers have murdered, maimed, displaced, raped, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their hometowns. Terror attacks like those near London have increased seven fold in that time.

Whose fault is that?

The Radical Muslims fault. They believe ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD. They believe in killing NON-BELIEVERS and have BEEN DOING SO SINCE CARTER.

HELL, when they aren't killing Christians they are killing each other. Saying my ISLAM IS BETTER THAN YOUR ISLAM and BS like that.

If that would happen here, it'd be like the Baptist attacking the Catholics and the Catholics attacking the Lutherans, and etc.... YOU GET THE PICTURE.

Prime examples are the Iran Iraq War. Where each side killed the other. We didn't go to War in that region UNTIL IRAQ INVADED KUWAIT. When we kicked them out, OBL got upset that we DARED STEP INTO HIS HOLIER THAN THOU SANDBOX. On which he declared a Jihad against us. This after we HELPED THE A-HOLE GET RUSSIA OUT OF Afghanistan.

Moreover, we stopped the SLAUGHTER OF MUSLIMS IN BOSNIA.

Moreover, we went to SOMALIA TO SAVE STARVING PEOPLE only to be attacked by the JIHADIST THERE. The Warlords there, got assists from Al-Qaeda to fight us. And we were there to PROTECT FOOD CONVOYS BEING DELIVERED TO STARVING PEOPLE.

You've got alot of nerve pal.

(My bold)

The various denominations of Christianity did war on each other, in the early US. There were riots, assaults, destruction of property, killings, the usual. As the federal gov. was deliberately secular, & eventually extended that to the states, religion was disestablished & a more secular gov is the result.

We have been active in the ME for a long time - in fact, the current mess with US-Iran is largely the US' fault. UK approached Prexy Truman, wanting us to reinstall the Shah of Iran & overthrow PM Mossadeq - because UK didn't want to pay up for their oil concession in Iran. Truman said no, we don't do that. UK then approached Eisenhower, & made the pitch as being anti-Communist. Ike fell for it, CIA spread money about, & we put the Shah in. The Iranians remember that, & will consequently never trust us.

We blindly sold the Shah any military or other hardware he wanted, & we never bothered to keep an eye on the internal situation there. The Shah blundered about, & finally lost his hold again. Prexy Carter admitted the Shah, & Iranian irregulars seized the US embassey there.

Because of this, Prexy Carter began helping the mujahadeen in Afghanistan - to fight off the Communist gov. & later the USSR regulars - they succeeded, but slaughtered a lot of people - including teachers, health workers, doctors, which we never cared about @ the time. The biggest massacres were after the Soviets left, as the winners squabbled over the spoils.

When Iraq's Saddam invaded Iran, we sided with Iraq: We sold them spares, ammo, strategic intel, training. It wasn't enough, but both countries bled & bled - to no particular end.

We - like any other country - act in what we see as our own self-interest. Reimposing the Shan on Iran was a horrendous mistake. Overthrowing Guatemala, Chile, helping Argentina in their Dirty War, & on & on - all in the name of anti-Communism. The CIA has managed to politicize itself out of a job. Since they can't or won't do analysis - their actual mission - they're now a cozy resting stop for high-ranking military to R&R on their way out of the Pentagon, & before the cushy job with the MIC.
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Syria and the CIA...then and now

"In an article (August, 2012) about France urging Syrian rebels to form a provisional government, the New York Times scrubbed a passage which revealed that the CIA was helping funnel arms to rebel groups that have aligned themselves with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

"Version three of the story, posted at 19:45:05 UTC yesterday and entitled France Says It Would Recognize Provisional Syrian Government, included the line, ' American intelligence agents have helped funnel arms to rebel groups.'

"However, fifteen minutes later the revelation that the CIA was arming the rebels was removed and replaced with the words, 'American intelligence agents have helped to identify the rebel groups that receive arms.'

"Copies of the two different versions of the article can be viewed here."

The CIA has been supplying weapons and training to al-Qa'ida types since the Russians invaded Afghanistan. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Libya, and Iraq have fallen, and Syria and Lebanon appear to be the next Muslim heads on NATO's chopping block.
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BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
Why would you think anyone whose home town is being destroyed by USMC hired killers is under any obligation to BE NICE? What would you do, buy a subscription to Stars and Stripes?

BTW, since 911 US-lead hired killers have murdered, maimed, displaced, raped, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their hometowns. Terror attacks like those near London have increased seven fold in that time.

Whose fault is that?

BTW. The PEACEFUL Muslims have carried out 20,934 DEADLY ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 around the globe.

I guess that's just everybody else's fault................ Huh...............

If they want PEACE, STOP TERRORISM. They'll have it. But as long as they continue the PLAGUE OF THE EARTH OF JIHAD, they can go to hell.

Riddle me this about Fahallah.................. What did the INSURGENTS THERE SAY ABOUT THE MARINE SNIPERS surrounding them...................... When they cut a deal to BE NICE?
Why would you think anyone whose home town is being destroyed by USMC hired killers is under any obligation to BE NICE? What would you do, buy a subscription to Stars and Stripes?

BTW, since 911 US-lead hired killers have murdered, maimed, displaced, raped, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their hometowns. Terror attacks like those near London have increased seven fold in that time.

Whose fault is that?

Capitali$m is a more likely candidate than Islam for the thousands of Americans and millions of Muslims who've been maimed and murdered since 9/10/2001"

In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years:

"'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.'"

Nineteen Saudi terrorists with magical box cutters use two jumbo jets to collapse three steel-framed skyscrapers in New York, and two months later the Pentagon is "on track" for the invasion/occupation of Iraq with Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran scheduled to follow.

By what stretch of any fundamentalist's imagination is Islam responsible for the millions of innocent lives ruined since 911 or the millions more likely to occur in the next decade?
If this were like the CRUSADES, then we would have already blown the middle east off the map. We aren't YELLING GOD WILLS IT, and SLAUGHTERING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US. The Middle EAST IS VERY LUCKY WE AREN'T LIKE THEM....

We should be, though. Dieu le veult!

And it may well come to that. This terrible rise of Islam definitely needs to be put back in its box.

It's the worst civilization crisis in centuries, and it's happening in our lifetimes.

Piffle. Islam & even radical Salafist or Jihadi or Wahhabi Islam are not an existential threat to the US, nor to West Civ. Even Al Queda in its day had specific political complaints about US actions & policy in the ME. We've fumbled our way through foreign policy in the area, ever since we both signed up with Saudi Arabia in 1944 to supply us oil, & we'd supply any necessary muscle to defend the kingdom; & @ nearly the same time dusted off the Shah of Iran & slid him back onto the Peacock Throne in Iran. Schizoid policy renders schizoid results.

We need to resolve the question of Israel & Palestine. I would prefer a two-state solution, but time is ticking, the Israelis are trying to put into place a fait accompli & claim that their political pain will be too great.

We're bleeding vast amounts of material, money, manpower & political capital into Afghanistan, & we're still subsidizing Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan & anyone else who'll @ least pretend to listen to our voices in their ear. The gravy train is drying up, it's time we demanded results for all our effort, money & support.

I'll believe that Islam is a threat to the US when the extremist voices on the Right volunteer to go fight on the frontlines, or send their children & loved ones to do so. Shipping off a professional volunteer army & a swarm of "military/security contractors" is cheap patriotism indeed, & hardly worth the name - plus the contractors are incredibly expensive, not significantly any more effective despite the fancy prices, & completely out of our chain of command - by contract. It's not a pretty picture, we need to get rid of the contractors, reinstall the draft - if we're serious about policing the World again - & make going to war a wrenching political decision that Congress has to decide. Just like the Founding Fathers intended.
The US public is getting fed up with policing the world on behalf of Wall Street.
Perhaps even a few of those on the Right who think every war is a just war are beginning to question the fiscal wisdom of expecting the next two or three generations of Americans to pay for the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Some of the richest patriots expect other people's children to fight the wars as well as pay the taxes; however, NATO may redistribute some of the social costs outside the US while insuring private profits continue to accrue to the richest of the patriots.

From Global Research 14 September 2012:

"By the time Nato started its war on Libya in March, 2011, it was conducting operations in the Atlantic, Arctic and Indian oceans, the Mediterranean and Red seas, and the Gulf of Aden, as well as in countries on four continents that included Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the former Yugoslavia, Nazemroaya says.

"As part of these adventures, the US and its Nato allies have lowered 'a new iron curtain' from the Baltic to the Aegean 'to castrate and contain the European core of Russia and its allies in Eastern Europe,' Nazemroaya writes.

"He points out that Sergey Markov, co-chair of the National Strategic Council of Russia, described the 2008 war between Georgia and South Ossetia as being, in effect, 'a US attack on Russia.'”

Since that article was published, NATO has expanded to the point its current member states collectively spend 70% of annual global "defense" spending. All in the interest of Pax Americana and democracy for all, of course.
If this were like the CRUSADES, then we would have already blown the middle east off the map. We aren't YELLING GOD WILLS IT, and SLAUGHTERING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US. The Middle EAST IS VERY LUCKY WE AREN'T LIKE THEM....

We should be, though. Dieu le veult!

And it may well come to that. This terrible rise of Islam definitely needs to be put back in its box.

It's the worst civilization crisis in centuries, and it's happening in our lifetimes.

Piffle. Islam & even radical Salafist or Jihadi or Wahhabi Islam are not an existential threat to the US, nor to West Civ. Even Al Queda in its day had specific political complaints about US actions & policy in the ME. We've fumbled our way through foreign policy in the area, ever since we both signed up with Saudi Arabia in 1944 to supply us oil, & we'd supply any necessary muscle to defend the kingdom; & @ nearly the same time dusted off the Shah of Iran & slid him back onto the Peacock Throne in Iran. Schizoid policy renders schizoid results.

We need to resolve the question of Israel & Palestine. I would prefer a two-state solution, but time is ticking, the Israelis are trying to put into place a fait accompli & claim that their political pain will be too great.

We're bleeding vast amounts of material, money, manpower & political capital into Afghanistan, & we're still subsidizing Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan & anyone else who'll @ least pretend to listen to our voices in their ear. The gravy train is drying up, it's time we demanded results for all our effort, money & support.

I'll believe that Islam is a threat to the US when the extremist voices on the Right volunteer to go fight on the frontlines, or send their children & loved ones to do so. Shipping off a professional volunteer army & a swarm of "military/security contractors" is cheap patriotism indeed, & hardly worth the name - plus the contractors are incredibly expensive, not significantly any more effective despite the fancy prices, & completely out of our chain of command - by contract. It's not a pretty picture, we need to get rid of the contractors, reinstall the draft - if we're serious about policing the World again - & make going to war a wrenching political decision that Congress has to decide. Just like the Founding Fathers intended.

STFU Move it to the Badlands Moderator....................

I served 10 years, how about you?

My nephew was wounded around Fallujah by an IED after fighting in the 1st Battle there. This after we let the aholes go the first time. Everyone in the Humvee DIED BUT HIM. And now he's permanently disabled PUNK.

Two more nephews have served over there in both Iraq and Iran, and BOTH ARE THERE NOW.

My brother flew missions out of Sicily during the Cold War by Libya's LINE OF Death.

Uncles fought in Vietnam, Korea. My Father and Father n Law both fought in WWII.

And etc.............. You get the point.

Now who the Fuck said people like me want to be the World's Police Force? That's BS. I want the Rag's to knock it off. If they want to live in PEACE then they need to end TERRORISM, or people like me and my family will send them to Allah EARLY.

That's the deal, and as usual a LIB NUT JOB LIKE YOU talks about Patriotism and HONOR and tells everyone else they are fake.

The US public is getting fed up with policing the world on behalf of Wall Street.
Perhaps even a few of those on the Right who think every war is a just war are beginning to question the fiscal wisdom of expecting the next two or three generations of Americans to pay for the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Some of the richest patriots expect other people's children to fight the wars as well as pay the taxes; however, NATO may redistribute some of the social costs outside the US while insuring private profits continue to accrue to the richest of the patriots.

From Global Research 14 September 2012:

"By the time Nato started its war on Libya in March, 2011, it was conducting operations in the Atlantic, Arctic and Indian oceans, the Mediterranean and Red seas, and the Gulf of Aden, as well as in countries on four continents that included Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the former Yugoslavia, Nazemroaya says.

"As part of these adventures, the US and its Nato allies have lowered 'a new iron curtain' from the Baltic to the Aegean 'to castrate and contain the European core of Russia and its allies in Eastern Europe,' Nazemroaya writes.

"He points out that Sergey Markov, co-chair of the National Strategic Council of Russia, described the 2008 war between Georgia and South Ossetia as being, in effect, 'a US attack on Russia.'”

Since that article was published, NATO has expanded to the point its current member states collectively spend 70% of annual global "defense" spending. All in the interest of Pax Americana and democracy for all, of course.

Notice how he doesn't mention OBAMA IN HIS COMMENTS.

The same that condemned Bush for not getting Congressional Approval for Iraq. Which was a Lie. Then orders the U.S. military into Libya.

What did that other Lib nut say..............PIFFLE.
We should be, though. Dieu le veult!

And it may well come to that. This terrible rise of Islam definitely needs to be put back in its box.

It's the worst civilization crisis in centuries, and it's happening in our lifetimes.

Piffle. Islam & even radical Salafist or Jihadi or Wahhabi Islam are not an existential threat to the US, nor to West Civ. Even Al Queda in its day had specific political complaints about US actions & policy in the ME. We've fumbled our way through foreign policy in the area, ever since we both signed up with Saudi Arabia in 1944 to supply us oil, & we'd supply any necessary muscle to defend the kingdom; & @ nearly the same time dusted off the Shah of Iran & slid him back onto the Peacock Throne in Iran. Schizoid policy renders schizoid results.

We need to resolve the question of Israel & Palestine. I would prefer a two-state solution, but time is ticking, the Israelis are trying to put into place a fait accompli & claim that their political pain will be too great.

We're bleeding vast amounts of material, money, manpower & political capital into Afghanistan, & we're still subsidizing Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan & anyone else who'll @ least pretend to listen to our voices in their ear. The gravy train is drying up, it's time we demanded results for all our effort, money & support.

I'll believe that Islam is a threat to the US when the extremist voices on the Right volunteer to go fight on the frontlines, or send their children & loved ones to do so. Shipping off a professional volunteer army & a swarm of "military/security contractors" is cheap patriotism indeed, & hardly worth the name - plus the contractors are incredibly expensive, not significantly any more effective despite the fancy prices, & completely out of our chain of command - by contract. It's not a pretty picture, we need to get rid of the contractors, reinstall the draft - if we're serious about policing the World again - & make going to war a wrenching political decision that Congress has to decide. Just like the Founding Fathers intended.

STFU Move it to the Badlands Moderator....................

I served 10 years, how about you?

My nephew was wounded around Fallujah by an IED after fighting in the 1st Battle there. This after we let the aholes go the first time. Everyone in the Humvee DIED BUT HIM. And now he's permanently disabled PUNK.

Two more nephews have served over there in both Iraq and Iran, and BOTH ARE THERE NOW.

My brother flew missions out of Sicily during the Cold War by Libya's LINE OF Death.

Uncles fought in Vietnam, Korea. My Father and Father n Law both fought in WWII.

And etc.............. You get the point.

Now who the Fuck said people like me want to be the World's Police Force? That's BS. I want the Rag's to knock it off. If they want to live in PEACE then they need to end TERRORISM, or people like me and my family will send them to Allah EARLY.

That's the deal, and as usual a LIB NUT JOB LIKE YOU talks about Patriotism and HONOR and tells everyone else they are fake.


1. Members of my family fought in WWII, Korea, & in the interwar years. I'm not impugning their service, nor yours, nor your family's.

2. I'm saying that the move to an all-volunteer military & more & more security contractors (from Prexy Clinton on) is a bad move - our military & war-making runs better with citizen-soldiers, because then we know the costs of sending troops overseas. As it stands, relatively few people know military members & so we tend to "forget" about our troops overseas.

3. Arms are an honorable profession - but I don't think we need expenditures of 7 times the next 10 militaries combined in order to secure the US.

4. I think it was a mistake to invade Afghanistan & Iraq. A token presence in Afghanistan seemed to work OK, & perhaps raids to deal with Iraq's Saddam Hussein, if that was the objective. Otherwise, our forces & NATOs are mostly targets for insurgents & the various & many factions there.

5. Afghan can't keep their roads open, nor collect taxes internally. They're not a threat to the US. Iraq had a fine national police force, but as we saw, they couldn't stand up to an actual military. Once they went guerrilla, though, we didn't have the right kinds of forces nor nearly enough to isolate the bad guys.

6. I mentioned patriotism in passing, & honor not @ all.
The US public is getting fed up with policing the world on behalf of Wall Street.
Perhaps even a few of those on the Right who think every war is a just war are beginning to question the fiscal wisdom of expecting the next two or three generations of Americans to pay for the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Some of the richest patriots expect other people's children to fight the wars as well as pay the taxes; however, NATO may redistribute some of the social costs outside the US while insuring private profits continue to accrue to the richest of the patriots.

From Global Research 14 September 2012:

"By the time Nato started its war on Libya in March, 2011, it was conducting operations in the Atlantic, Arctic and Indian oceans, the Mediterranean and Red seas, and the Gulf of Aden, as well as in countries on four continents that included Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the former Yugoslavia, Nazemroaya says.

"As part of these adventures, the US and its Nato allies have lowered 'a new iron curtain' from the Baltic to the Aegean 'to castrate and contain the European core of Russia and its allies in Eastern Europe,' Nazemroaya writes.

"He points out that Sergey Markov, co-chair of the National Strategic Council of Russia, described the 2008 war between Georgia and South Ossetia as being, in effect, 'a US attack on Russia.'”

Since that article was published, NATO has expanded to the point its current member states collectively spend 70% of annual global "defense" spending. All in the interest of Pax Americana and democracy for all, of course.

Notice how he doesn't mention OBAMA IN HIS COMMENTS.

The same that condemned Bush for not getting Congressional Approval for Iraq. Which was a Lie. Then orders the U.S. military into Libya.

What did that other Lib nut say..............PIFFLE.
What did Wesley Clark say about his meeting in the Pentagon two months after the "Rags" collapsed three steel framed skyscrapers with two jumbo jets, remember?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Carter and Clark all serve the same master:
The 1% of the US population who get rich from wars fought with other people's blood and paid for with the next generation's taxes.
When are those with the guts to do the killing and dying in those wars going to catch on?
I can't be bothered with with paranoid conspiracy theories.^

It may not be a solution, but whacking their heads off with a machete sounds good to me.

It's certainly something they can understand and relate to. And it would be a lot cheaper than drones......
England has no idea what's going to happen to them. Some individual British know, the government will try to root them out, but that will undoubtably make things much worse.

Terror police called in after prison warden stabbed in attack 'inspired by Woolwich murder' - Telegraph

Counter-terrorism police are investigating an attack on a prison warden by alleged fanatical Islamic inmates believed to have been inspired by the Woolwich murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.

Former head of MI5 calls for people to spy on neighbours following murder of soldier Lee Rigby | Mail Online

The former head of MI5 Dame Stella Rimington has called for British people to inform security services if they suspect their neighbours maybe extremists.

Dame Stella, who supports the Government’s controversial ‘snoopers’ charter’, said people need to be more alert because it is impossible for security services to spot every threat.

She called for a wartime vigilance

Unfortunately any white Briton reporting extremist activity by a muslim will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law prohibiting racial animosity.
I can't be bothered with with paranoid conspiracy theories.^

It may not be a solution, but whacking their heads off with a machete sounds good to me.
Wesley Clark didn't get rich from peddling conspiracy theories

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years:

"'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"'This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, cluster bombs can whack off far more heads than machetes, AND their profit margin is much higher.

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