Solutions to Israel/Palestine

My thoughts on how to end this conflict is heavily influenced by the end of the Nicaraguan civil war in 1991, and the end of the Ireland 'troubles' during the 1990s.

We're talking about God Damn Jews, not white (or brown) Christians. There's no such thing as peace with such an animal, as many centuries of history will attest. The Bible observes that they are "of their father the devil" and are "hostile to all men". Their Talmud tells rabbis to suck little boys dicks and it teaches that it's okay to rape girls of the age of three. Their Talmud equates gentiles with animals, and teaches that it's okay to lie to them and kill them. Israel is in violation of more international laws than any other country on Earth, ever.

There will be no peace until the inevitable outcome of Israel being wiped off the map.
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Arte -

Yes, I must be very stupid. Clearly the year I spent working virtually full time on this story was wasted.

You win.
We're talking about God Damn Jews, not white (or brown) Christians. There's no such thing as peace with such an animal, as many centuries of history will attest. The Bible observes that they are "of their father the devil" and are "hostile to all men". Their Talmud tells rabbis to suck little boys dicks and it teaches that it's okay to rape girls of the age of three. Their Talmud equates gentiles with animals, and teaches that it's okay to lie to them and kill them. Israel is in violation of more international laws than any other country on Earth, ever.

There will be no peace until the inevitable outcome of Israel being wiped off the map.

I believe the Nazi forum is two doors down on the left. Ask for Himmler.
Arte -

Yes, I must be very stupid. Clearly the year I spent working virtually full time on this story was wasted.

You win.

So did you bother to read the report of the Belgian Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (where Daillaire refused to come and testify)? Did you interview any Belgian troops? do you know that Dallaire passed by the camp where the Belgian troops where being held and decided to leave them to their fate? The man is scum. Too bad he didn't succeed when he tried to kill himself.
If Israel was really put in charge of their own nation, they would have more than just the Palestinians to deal with. So that isn't what is happening now. Israel is protected by US military might and diplomatic backing. Cut them loose, let the middle east have their big fight and when the dust settles, well, the dust will settle.

Most Middle Eastern Militaries are a joke, if I were a betting man I would put my money on Israel, they have the best equipment, better training, better over all Military than Syria, Egypt, Lebanon or anyone there.

Agreed. There is no question that in a war, Israel would win.

The good news is - a lot of people in countries like Syria know this as well.

It must be due to the fact that there is hardly any scenario that the IDF has yet to experience. or deal with.
It must be due to the fact that there is hardly any scenario that the IDF has yet to experience. or deal with.


And it has to be said, in 1973 Israel did not just win - they utterly humiliated Syria.

I was in Quneitra a few years back and it's a humbling site. They simply pulverized it, and left it as a message.

I always remember a Syrian guy saying to me in Damascus that "I don't like Israel, but for my kids - I tell them not to fight a war with Israel. Because we always lose, and we will always lose."

I quite enjoyed hearing that!
It must be due to the fact that there is hardly any scenario that the IDF has yet to experience. or deal with.


And it has to be said, in 1973 Israel did not just win - they utterly humiliated Syria.

I was in Quneitra a few years back and it's a humbling site. They simply pulverized it, and left it as a message.

I always remember a Syrian guy saying to me in Damascus that "I don't like Israel, but for my kids - I tell them not to fight a war with Israel. Because we always lose, and we will always lose."

I quite enjoyed hearing that!
That's just the opinion of one senile old man.

Thankfully, the majority of Syrians don't think like that; especially the young. :cool:
My thoughts on how to end this conflict is heavily influenced by the end of the Nicaraguan civil war in 1991, and the end of the Ireland 'troubles' during the 1990s.

We're talking about God Damn Jews, not white (or brown) Christians. There's no such thing as peace with such an animal, as many centuries of history will attest. The Bible observes that they are "of their father the devil" and are "hostile to all men". Their Talmud tells rabbis to suck little boys dicks and it teaches that it's okay to rape girls of the age of three. Their Talmud equates gentiles with animals, and teaches that it's okay to lie to them and kill them. Israel is in violation of more international laws than any other country on Earth, ever.

There will be no peace until the inevitable outcome of Israel being wiped off the map.

You are a disgusting degenerate piece of cow shit.
My thoughts on how to end this conflict is heavily influenced by the end of the Nicaraguan civil war in 1991, and the end of the Ireland 'troubles' during the 1990s.

We're talking about God Damn Jews, not white (or brown) Christians. There's no such thing as peace with such an animal, as many centuries of history will attest. The Bible observes that they are "of their father the devil" and are "hostile to all men". Their Talmud tells rabbis to suck little boys dicks and it teaches that it's okay to rape girls of the age of three. Their Talmud equates gentiles with animals, and teaches that it's okay to lie to them and kill them. Israel is in violation of more international laws than any other country on Earth, ever.

There will be no peace until the inevitable outcome of Israel being wiped off the map.

Since when do they have computers in the close department of the loony bin?
It must be due to the fact that there is hardly any scenario that the IDF has yet to experience. or deal with.


And it has to be said, in 1973 Israel did not just win - they utterly humiliated Syria.

I was in Quneitra a few years back and it's a humbling site. They simply pulverized it, and left it as a message.

I always remember a Syrian guy saying to me in Damascus that "I don't like Israel, but for my kids - I tell them not to fight a war with Israel. Because we always lose, and we will always lose."

I quite enjoyed hearing that!
That's just the opinion of one senile old man.

Thankfully, the majority of Syrians don't think like that; especially the young. :cool:

They young will proven to be fools if trying to attack Israel.

But they will most likely be dead by Assad before.

But let them blaim Israel for their troubles. While we sit and click-clock out teeth.
It must be due to the fact that there is hardly any scenario that the IDF has yet to experience. or deal with.


And it has to be said, in 1973 Israel did not just win - they utterly humiliated Syria.

I was in Quneitra a few years back and it's a humbling site. They simply pulverized it, and left it as a message.

I always remember a Syrian guy saying to me in Damascus that "I don't like Israel, but for my kids - I tell them not to fight a war with Israel. Because we always lose, and we will always lose."

I quite enjoyed hearing that!

Yes, well, it all comes to the point of dealing with different situations. The IDF teaches you that more than anything. Israeli youngsters can sometimes, in 1 year, go through things that the European or American won't go through in a decade.

I myself served in the navy, which is one of the most cruel IDF systems to serve in. The limit you to the smallest tiny thing, and when being a Private you with less then the toilet you use. This is a cruel system, which makes you cry at nights, humiliates you, and other things which are to many to mention. But my greatest values I have learned from the army.

I learned about friendship more than all the years I have been with my friends. You don't screw up your army mate, each girl is like a sister, while doing something, help your friend, she's with you in battle and group if needed, you are always a part of something. If one girl collapses in running, give her your bottle, if she falls, not only she will have to run again, but the 70 girls who pushed forward without checking on her. if we don't have any room for a soldier in the table, we will push our elbows together, or all of us will eat standing. We have 1 hour of showering, each will shower 2 minutes (giving up the soap or shampoo) or no one will. That's what I've learned, i would have never gone through it if not in the army.

When I was about ten years old, I went with a relative to the amusement park of "6 Flags" in Maryland. they used to have this "sea-like-pool" there, and at the time, it was full so much, a needle could barely enter there. But I did. While the waves started, there was a huge mess, because a storm started suddenly, and people started pushing. I was in the deep area of the pull and my body was very small, and suddenly I felt that people began crushing me with their bodies. I was in a point where the surface was far from me, and I began drowning and sufficating, for long minutes faught for air, while rising my head about the water only to be sinking again. Lucklily, I succeded pushing myself up out of the pool, but was highly traumatized since then. I had a nearly drowning experience in Ko-Phi phi Tahiland, at sea, two friends of mine, sadly, didn't survive that incident. Those two experiences shook me up quite hardly.

When I got to the army, I was to belong to the navy. In the end of our first private training, we had to go through training phases in sea, one of them was testing your team work in time of emergency. We were pushed through a small room which simulated a ship cell, filled with water, and we needed to find a way out or block the holes of the boat before the water filled up. For me, it was like a flashback to a time which I didn't wanna remember. But we did it. The second one was going on to the sea on a rubber boat. one of the phases was carrying it for a place to place, the engine fell down and broke the leg of one of our soldiers, we have failed that task, but the second was, again, a drowning mission. we had to jump off and follow instruction. It was few kilometers from shore, and I again felt exposed. My commander yelled at me all the time, to let to of the rubber of the boat, she knew it was hard for me. I was a terrific sweemer as a kid and swam like a fish, but that specific experience in USA had it's influence on me. My commander kept yelling at me to obey the order, to let go, she kept barking that I was a soldier and that no-one gave a f*ck about my wierd fears, that I was in the IDF and not a sissy, and to push my head and go beneath the water. If I failed to do so, all the team was to fail the mission and to do it again, untill all of us succeded.

So I did it, for my team. And It was horrible, but I did it. My part in the force was not to be a fighter, but a battle-supporter, i was the brain behind the battle soldier, and went through things that I would not have imagine possible. But I'm glad I did. Most of us do in the service. they sort of train us for anything.
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Yes, well, it all comes to the point of dealing with different situations. The IDF teaches you that more than anything. Israeli youngsters can sometimes, in 1 year, go through things that the European or American won't go through in a decade.


Amazing stories, Lipush - thanks for posting those. It's so great to hear firsthand accounts.

I totally agree that IDF recruits go through more in 1 year than many youths in other countries never experience in a lifetime.

Although I have never been though military training, I feel a bit the same about some of the things I encounter as a journalist....I remember photographing chemically preserved bodies in Rwanda in particular. But also the devastating poverty in Ethiopia, where I once saw 4 dead bodies in one day, and the horro of visiting places like Birkenau, torture centres in Nicaragua and Cambodia.

Most people never see these things, and perhaps never should see them.

But I feel that I am a better, stronger person for seeing them.
If Israel was really put in charge of their own nation, they would have more than just the Palestinians to deal with. So that isn't what is happening now. Israel is protected by US military might and diplomatic backing. Cut them loose, let the middle east have their big fight and when the dust settles, well, the dust will settle.

Most Middle Eastern Militaries are a joke, if I were a betting man I would put my money on Israel, they have the best equipment, better training, better over all Military than Syria, Egypt, Lebanon or anyone there.

Agreed. There is no question that in a war, Israel would win.

The good news is - a lot of people in countries like Syria know this as well.

Israel did not achieve its objectives in Lebanon or in Gaza. It managed to kill a lot of civilians and destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure but it barely made a dent in the militant's capabilities.

It did, however, shoot itself in the foot on both occasions as it did with the flotilla and is still doing with its settlements and its siege on Gaza.

Nobody needs to destroy Israel. It is destroying itself.
Most Middle Eastern Militaries are a joke, if I were a betting man I would put my money on Israel, they have the best equipment, better training, better over all Military than Syria, Egypt, Lebanon or anyone there.

Agreed. There is no question that in a war, Israel would win.

The good news is - a lot of people in countries like Syria know this as well.

Israel did not achieve its objectives in Lebanon or in Gaza. It managed to kill a lot of civilians and destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure but it barely made a dent in the militant's capabilities.

It did, however, shoot itself in the foot on both occasions as it did with the flotilla and is still doing with its settlements and its siege on Gaza.

Nobody needs to destroy Israel. It is destroying itself.

Keep on dreaming your racist dream. Meanwhile the rest of us prefer to live in the real world.
Israel did not achieve its objectives in Lebanon or in Gaza. It managed to kill a lot of civilians and destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure but it barely made a dent in the militant's capabilities.

It did, however, shoot itself in the foot on both occasions as it did with the flotilla and is still doing with its settlements and its siege on Gaza.

Nobody needs to destroy Israel. It is destroying itself.

I totally agree that Israel screwed up horribly in Lebanon, just horribly.

And I'm not sure it really learned the lesson so apparent in Waltz With Bashir (the best movie ever made about this conflict).

But I don't think it is going to implode....I think most Israeli's realise that at the end of the day, Israel is their home.
Most Middle Eastern Militaries are a joke, if I were a betting man I would put my money on Israel, they have the best equipment, better training, better over all Military than Syria, Egypt, Lebanon or anyone there.

Agreed. There is no question that in a war, Israel would win.

The good news is - a lot of people in countries like Syria know this as well.

Israel did not achieve its objectives in Lebanon or in Gaza. It managed to kill a lot of civilians and destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure but it barely made a dent in the militant's capabilities.

It did, however, shoot itself in the foot on both occasions as it did with the flotilla and is still doing with its settlements and its siege on Gaza.

Nobody needs to destroy Israel. It is destroying itself.

Even liberals who love homosexuals hate Israel. Go figure.
Yes, well, it all comes to the point of dealing with different situations. The IDF teaches you that more than anything. Israeli youngsters can sometimes, in 1 year, go through things that the European or American won't go through in a decade.


Amazing stories, Lipush - thanks for posting those. It's so great to hear firsthand accounts.

I totally agree that IDF recruits go through more in 1 year than many youths in other countries never experience in a lifetime.

Although I have never been though military training, I feel a bit the same about some of the things I encounter as a journalist....I remember photographing chemically preserved bodies in Rwanda in particular. But also the devastating poverty in Ethiopia, where I once saw 4 dead bodies in one day, and the horro of visiting places like Birkenau, torture centres in Nicaragua and Cambodia.

Most people never see these things, and perhaps never should see them.

But I feel that I am a better, stronger person for seeing them.

Yeah, sometimes I think about that, all those journalists who get sended to the end of the world, in middile of a war Zone, and how come they aren't afraid of it. It came to my mind after the nearly rape thing to the journalist girl in Egypt. What it's like to be there.

It must be quite horrible, teaches you of cruelity and a "reality slap" giver. Were you rather not see those things, and stay in the dark, or did it help you shape your personality?

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