'somali muslims' in Mineapolis is the Terrorist recruiting Capitol of USA

It's not about you. It's about the next American killed by an illegal. Perhaps someone you love, would that be ok?
It's God's will so be it.

Quite easily said by someone uninvolved. Tell me, is everything that happens "gods will"?
It was according to my Grandmother.

That wasn't the question was it.
Do you need an anvil heavy answer, you can't read between the lines?

I don't "need" anything, why are you afraid of giving a straight answer?
It's God's will so be it.

Quite easily said by someone uninvolved. Tell me, is everything that happens "gods will"?
It was according to my Grandmother.

That wasn't the question was it.
Do you need an anvil heavy answer, you can't read between the lines?

I don't "need" anything, why are you afraid of giving a straight answer?
I already did just because it didn't match your prefabed retort is not my fault.
This is why Obama was such an extraordinary president. Look at all the trouble Trump has getting his wall. Given that Obama is responsible for these Somalis in Minnesota, it is amazing that he was getting them there at least 18 years before his presidency. I guess it takes a community organizer to be president.
Actually, it just proves he is a great American who is not a religious bigot like you. Brainwashed functional moron.

Barack Hussein has never been an American and certainly not a great one....he's a homosexual muslim turned into a grifter by his "wife" Mike and the Chicago street trash he hung out with. You sucker fish bleeding hearts decided we needed a halfrican in the WH, bought into the bullshit and got him there. I can tell you the FBI and CIA both know he was born in Kenya and blackmailed him for 8 years to turn themselves into the gestapo and SS.
Yes, they're nuts, and the U.S. govt. had the census of every Somali in Minneapolis as early as 1978.
I trust them over a bunch of you tinfoil right-wing conspiracy nut jobs racists and bigots...

Here's hoping the next one who dies at their hands is someone you love.
What a drama queen. These refugees are about as dangerous as kittens, and make great citizens. Unlike right-wing tinfoil racist bigot conspiracy nut jobs.

Is Omar a racist bigot?
No. lots of people are sick to death of right-wing Israeli assholes like sharon and netanyahu.

LOL, you truly are an idiot. She is a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Just like you are.
She and I believe like the Constitution and science that all people are equal. Do you, brainwashed functional racist bigot a******?
Actually, it just proves he is a great American who is not a religious bigot like you. Brainwashed functional moron.

Barack Hussein has never been an American and certainly not a great one....he's a homosexual muslim turned into a grifter by his "wife" Mike and the Chicago street trash he hung out with. You sucker fish bleeding hearts decided we needed a halfrican in the WH, bought into the bullshit and got him there. I can tell you the FBI and CIA both know he was born in Kenya and blackmailed him for 8 years to turn themselves into the gestapo and SS.
You are out of your tiny little mind. The GOP propaganda machine and people like you are a disgrace. Everything you know is garbage.
Here's hoping the next one who dies at their hands is someone you love.
What a drama queen. These refugees are about as dangerous as kittens, and make great citizens. Unlike right-wing tinfoil racist bigot conspiracy nut jobs.

Is Omar a racist bigot?
No. lots of people are sick to death of right-wing Israeli assholes like sharon and netanyahu.

LOL, you truly are an idiot. She is a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Just like you are.
She and I believe like the Constitution and science that all people are equal. Do you, brainwashed functional racist bigot a******?

Neither she nor you know anything about the Constitution son. ALL people ARE equal but ALL people don't earn equal. That's beyond you I know.
Here's hoping the next one who dies at their hands is someone you love.
What a drama queen. These refugees are about as dangerous as kittens, and make great citizens. Unlike right-wing tinfoil racist bigot conspiracy nut jobs.

Is Omar a racist bigot?
No. lots of people are sick to death of right-wing Israeli assholes like sharon and netanyahu.

LOL, you truly are an idiot. She is a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Just like you are.
She and I believe like the Constitution and science that all people are equal. Do you, brainwashed functional racist bigot a******?

She is (like you) an emotional child.
Franco is losing it again....
Not yet there has been no mention of hater-dupes...
You don't agree they are duped and hate because of it? It is the big story in World politics the last 30 years, the GOP propaganda machine and its Nut Job dupes. Without an imaginary planet for them to live on, no one would vote for the GOP disaster, at least for everyone but the rich.
What a drama queen. These refugees are about as dangerous as kittens, and make great citizens. Unlike right-wing tinfoil racist bigot conspiracy nut jobs.

Is Omar a racist bigot?
No. lots of people are sick to death of right-wing Israeli assholes like sharon and netanyahu.

LOL, you truly are an idiot. She is a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Just like you are.
She and I believe like the Constitution and science that all people are equal. Do you, brainwashed functional racist bigot a******?

She is (like you) an emotional child.
Yep, being a brainwashed parrot of garbage propaganda and a racist and a bigot should be no problem LOL. Just don't leave the bubble of rubes or expect to get anywhere good in the afterlife...
You don't agree they are duped and hate because of it? It is the big story in World politics the last 30 years, the GOP propaganda machine and its Nut Job dupes. Without an imaginary planet for them to live on, no one would vote for the GOP disaster, at least for everyone but the rich.

You enjoy being stupid....lazy people like you couldn't care less what people think of you because there's always somebody just as stupid who will give you a "winner" rep...misery loves company.
Is Omar a racist bigot?
No. lots of people are sick to death of right-wing Israeli assholes like sharon and netanyahu.

LOL, you truly are an idiot. She is a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Just like you are.
She and I believe like the Constitution and science that all people are equal. Do you, brainwashed functional racist bigot a******?

She is (like you) an emotional child.
Yep, being a brainwashed parrot of garbage propaganda and a racist and a bigot should be no problem LOL. Just don't leave the bubble of rubes or expect to get anywhere good in the afterlife...

I'm going to heaven son. ALL people ARE equal, they just don't all deserve the same reward. Is that beyond you?
You don't agree they are duped and hate because of it? It is the big story in World politics the last 30 years, the GOP propaganda machine and its Nut Job dupes. Without an imaginary planet for them to live on, no one would vote for the GOP disaster, at least for everyone but the rich.

You enjoy being stupid....lazy people like you couldn't care less what people think of you because there's always somebody just as stupid who will give you a "winner" rep...misery loves company.
Yep every respected newspaper and media in the world is against you and your garbage. I have a masters in history, you have a masters in garbage propaganda wake up and smell the coffee.

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