Somali Terror Group Calls for Attack on Mall of America

We can thank Slick Willie for going politically correct and letting that cesspool fester


The al Qaeda-linked Somali terror group al-Shabaab has released a video that calls for an attack on the Mall of America, near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Al-Shabaab is the same group that claimed responsibility for the deadly 2013 terror attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, that left more than 60 people dead.

Anna Kooiman reported on "Fox and Friends Weekend" this morning that the new video depicts an image of the mega-mall with its GPS coordinates as a man tells followers to use the Westgate massacre as inspiration.

The Mall of America has taken the threat very seriously, increasing security and releasing a statement that says, "Mall of America is aware of a video that was recently released which included a mention and images of the Mall. We will continue to monitor events with the help of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies."

Somali Terror Group Calls for Attack on Mall of America


Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?

We can thank Slick Willie for going politically correct and letting that cesspool fester


The al Qaeda-linked Somali terror group al-Shabaab has released a video that calls for an attack on the Mall of America, near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Al-Shabaab is the same group that claimed responsibility for the deadly 2013 terror attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, that left more than 60 people dead.

Anna Kooiman reported on "Fox and Friends Weekend" this morning that the new video depicts an image of the mega-mall with its GPS coordinates as a man tells followers to use the Westgate massacre as inspiration.

The Mall of America has taken the threat very seriously, increasing security and releasing a statement that says, "Mall of America is aware of a video that was recently released which included a mention and images of the Mall. We will continue to monitor events with the help of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies."

Somali Terror Group Calls for Attack on Mall of America


Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?


You put his photo in with your article, Einstein.

Now, I understand why you didn't go find a photo of the al Shabaab group. Because they look pretty silly and won't support your agenda to sensationalize your headline.

So here, I found one real quick for you. This is al Shabaab. These guys look like they can barely afford a boat much less an operation to invade America:

Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?


You put his photo in with your article, Einstein.

Now, I understand why you didn't go find a photo of the al Shabaab group. Because they look pretty silly and won't support your agenda to sensationalize your headline.

So here, I found one real quick for you. This is al Shabaab. These guys look like they can barely afford a boat much less an operation to invade America:


This would be all moot if we could just get them jobs


Satirical Sunday Jobs for Jihadists Applications Flood State Department Zero Hedge

After U.S. State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf announced that the long-term strategy in the fight against ISIS was to create jobs for potential jihadists, countless terrorists began filling out applications. Here are a few examples (along with a blank application for potential jihadists on the job hunt)...

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Well the White House has said that the real terrorist threat is from the American RW, so they must actually be the ones planning this attack, right ?
Well the White House has said that the real terrorist threat is from the American RW, so they must actually be the ones planning this attack, right ?
It's a way for DHS to ignore Al Shabaab while claiming they are watching a greater threat.
I've not been to the Mall of America. Now they can make some cool t shirts: I went to Mall of America and didn't see a terroist. or... I went to Mall of America and lived to tell about it.
We can thank Slick Willie for going politically correct and letting that cesspool fester


The al Qaeda-linked Somali terror group al-Shabaab has released a video that calls for an attack on the Mall of America, near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Al-Shabaab is the same group that claimed responsibility for the deadly 2013 terror attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, that left more than 60 people dead.

Anna Kooiman reported on "Fox and Friends Weekend" this morning that the new video depicts an image of the mega-mall with its GPS coordinates as a man tells followers to use the Westgate massacre as inspiration.

The Mall of America has taken the threat very seriously, increasing security and releasing a statement that says, "Mall of America is aware of a video that was recently released which included a mention and images of the Mall. We will continue to monitor events with the help of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies."

Somali Terror Group Calls for Attack on Mall of America


Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?

In your thread title idiot.
Why do you imagine obumble increased immigration from Somalia?

I don't know, why has he?

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History?
Since 9/11, immigration has become increasingly tangled with criminal enforcement and national security.

""Since taking the oath of office, Obama has deported immigrants at a faster rate than any other president in US history, nearly a record 2 million people. On a typical day, there are over 30,000 immigrants imprisoned in the world’s largest immigration detention system. Most deportees never see an attorney or have a hearing before a judge before they are expelled from the country."""

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History The Nation
The Nation's report on this is FALSE! and utter nonsense. The situation for a long time has been just the opposite of what the Nation says. There has been catch & release. Illegals get a slip of paper giving them a court date. Few ever show up and instead just melt ino the popualtion and live illegally.

As for Eisenhower, he deported more illegal aliens than any US president, during Operation Wetback in 1954. The orders came straight from the top, where Eisenhower, had put a former West Point classmate, Gen. Joseph Swing, in charge of immigration enforcement.

General Swing's fast-moving campaign soon secured America's borders – an accomplishment no other president has since equaled. Illegal migration had dropped 95 percent by the late 1950s. Part of that is because Ike didn't allow catch & release. If you were caught, you were deported. Obama is allowing in far more illegals than he is deporting.
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Every store manger in that mall should be heavily armed, and ready to shoot. If hat were the case, the terrorists would never get out alive, and be free to repeat or celebrate.
Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?


You put his photo in with your article, Einstein.

Now, I understand why you didn't go find a photo of the al Shabaab group. Because they look pretty silly and won't support your agenda to sensationalize your headline.

So here, I found one real quick for you. This is al Shabaab. These guys look like they can barely afford a boat much less an operation to invade America:

Whatever you may say, they killed 67 people at a mall in Kenya. There's plenty of them here in America, and thyese malls don't have much security.
Why are you posting this photo? This is not a Somalian al-Shabaab member. This is the British guy who killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier, in 2013 in London.

Yes. He is Al Shabab and killed Lee Rigby.

Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010 - BBC News
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?

In your thread title idiot.

Let slow down for dummies lie you, WHERE DID I SAY THE PIC WAS A SOMALI?

Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?

In your thread title idiot.

Let slow down for dummies lie you, WHERE DID I SAY THE PIC WAS A SOMALI?

In your thread title idiot.
Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab is affiliated to al-Qaeda and is thought to have 7,000 to 9,000 fighters. It killed 76 people in a double bomb attack in Uganda as they watched the 2010 World Cup.

BBC News - Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010

Again, this Adebolajo character is a British citizen who had never set foot in Somalia. There are plenty of photos of al-Shabaab terrorists, why do you need to fake up your O/P?

Wait a minute..... where did I ever say he was Somalian?

In your thread title idiot.

Let slow down for dummies lie you, WHERE DID I SAY THE PIC WAS A SOMALI?

He wasn't somalie but he was al Shabaab.
To the government white Christians are a greater threat than muslim terrorists the way to prevent violence at the mall is to prohibit entry by white Christians. Ask them at the door.
Seems to me if they could do it they just would instead of making a video.

This is blustery bullshit. Or else they are the stupidest people on earth to warn the enemy that they're coming, sort of when Bush couldn't shut his fat mouth about the pending attack on Fallujah.
That is really rich, considering Obama telling ISIS Mosul will be liberated in March or April.
This would be all moot if we could just get them jobs


Al Shabaab recruits heavily from individuals without steady work. Promise of money and local power is their standard tactic. They even offer some members a house or car as a sign up bonus.
To the government white Christians are a greater threat than muslim terrorists the way to prevent violence at the mall is to prohibit entry by white Christians. Ask them at the door.
Smart move. That will weed out the school shooters and federal building bombers.

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