Somali Terrorists/Pirates Murder The Four Americans

If America starts throwing Somalis out of airplanes and blowing up pirate boasts off the Somali coast we will be demonized even more, remember, the pirates are Muslims.

I can live with that :tongue:

As long as we know its a boat full of pirates..... sink it!

Let God sort em out, and the sharks eat em alive I guess. :dunno:

I still like the idea of little skinny dumbasses raining down on Samolian cities.... :lol:
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If America starts throwing Somalis out of airplanes and blowing up pirate boasts off the Somali coast we will be demonized even more, remember, the pirates are Muslims.

I can live with that :tongue:

As long as we know its a boat full of pirates..... sink it!

Let God sort em out, and the sharks eat em alive I guess. :dunno:

I still like the idea of little skinny dumbasses raining down on Samolian cities.... :lol:

I agree but pictures of Muslims being thrown out of US Airplanes over Mogadishu is a PR nightmare, never gonna happen.
I agree but pictures of Muslims being thrown out of US Airplanes over Mogadishu is a PR nightmare, never gonna happen.

Lets do it at night then.....

Im dreaming for a minute damn it.... leave me alone! :lol:

We don't even have the nerve to follow the Taliban into Pakistan, and we are fighting a war with them. The US is not going to do anything with the Somalis.
What about putting a few armored decoy boats in that region with hidden crewmen armed with disguised sniper ports, .50 machine guns and rocket launchers? Is that a practical idea?
Take the surviving pirates, fly them over downtown Somalia, and toss them overboard. That w/send an effective message.

This WILL send a straight up message.... FUCK WITH US... WE FUCK WITH YOU.
Everyone should work together the Chinese, Americans, Russians, English etc and fuck these Pirates up. Right now all their doing is playing defense and letting the Pirates run offense and dictate the tempo of the game.

This idea is fun, but how do we know what boats are "pirates" and what boats are just innocent fishermen?

We already have a name that rhymes with mudd over there and frankly everywhere.... the previous method makes for sure the bad guys are weeded out.
YES, we will lose some innocents like these four individuals.... but after a while, the message will be crystal clear..... YOU WILL DIE if you get caught pirating on the high seas.

If America starts throwing Somalis out of airplanes and blowing up pirate boasts off the Somali coast we will be demonized even more, remember, the pirates are Muslims.

You can't lay hands on them. If you do you have to follow the laws of the land. If you just sink them no one would care who matters. In fact most would be happy with us.
What about putting a few armored decoy boats in that region with hidden crewmen armed with disguised sniper ports, .50 machine guns and rocket launchers? Is that a practical idea?

Why put people in harms way? Just fly over with a UAV, spot the pirates with the guns, sink boat. Problem solved.
What about putting a few armored decoy boats in that region with hidden crewmen armed with disguised sniper ports, .50 machine guns and rocket launchers? Is that a practical idea?

Why put people in harms way? Just fly over with a UAV, spot the pirates with the guns, sink boat. Problem solved.
I have no problem with that as long as you're sure who you're killing. But I understand that a lot of those small boats are ordinary fishermen and I'm kind of inhibited about harming innocent people.

I still like the idea of little skinny dumbasses raining down on Samolian cities.... :lol:
What about putting a few armored decoy boats in that region with hidden crewmen armed with disguised sniper ports, .50 machine guns and rocket launchers? Is that a practical idea?

Why put people in harms way? Just fly over with a UAV, spot the pirates with the guns, sink boat. Problem solved.
I have no problem with that as long as you're sure who you're killing. But I understand that a lot of those small boats are ordinary fishermen and I'm kind of inhibited about harming innocent people.

As am I, however with a UAV you can monitor them long enough to make a pos ID without them seeing what's going on. When they don't know they're being watched it's pretty easy to see what they're up to.
Firstly, allow me to offer my condolences to the families of these young men.

Secondly, allow me to put my position across.

The argument that these young men in some way deserved what they got because they were sailing through a notoriously risky stretch of ocean no longer applies in this case, and another recent case involving a British couple. Paul and Rachel Chandler spent just over a year in captivity in Somalia after their boat was hi-jacked by Somali pirates. The British public spent the whole year watching their pleas for help inside Somalia, whilst at the backs of their minds (myself included), they were thinking: you bloody fools. You've only got your stupid selves to blame for the mess you're in. After their release it transpired through official channels that they'd been sailing in a part on the Indian ocean what was widely thought to be beyond the reach of Somali pirates. The Chandlers were in fact, according to the Seychelles coast guard, a long, long way from the Somali coast. Basically, it would now seem that the entire western half of the Indian ocean is within reach of Somali pirates; who are no longer just darting-out from coastal inlets, but are now operating from ocean-going motherships equiped with sophisticated tracking and communication equipment.

I'm with Westwall in terms of how we, US, UK (predictably, we always seem to have to sort this kind of thing out) should deal with this menace. UAV's, pure and simple. Helicopters are out of the question as they're too big, not to mention they make a lot of noise. UAV's can stay in the area for a prolonged period of time and in doing so can establish who's up to no good and who is just fishing the sea. The UAV can then track a confirmed suspect back to their mothership or shore base and then either drop a bomb on the pirates or direct a commando unit to their location. Oh, and arrest these scumbags? Please, all that'll happen to them is they'll rebound around the already unclear legal framework that deals with criminals captured in international water and be set free after it's obvious that no-one wants to take responsibility for them.

Oh, and just one last thing, I promise. If, for whatever reason, you need to navigate a dangerous stretch of water; whether it be off the coast of Venezuala or the Somali coast, do so in a vessel that's fast enough to make an escape; and for pity's sake, at least have a reliable 12-guage on board or a couple of handguns. Because if I were off the Somali coast, and Mohammed and Ishmail drew-up alongside one night, they'd both get a face full of buckshot!
and for pity's sake, at least have a reliable 12-guage on board or a couple of handguns. Because if I were off the Somali coast, and Mohammed and Ishmail drew-up alongside one night, they'd both get a face full of buckshot!

Against RPG's?

That's bringing a knife to a gun fight.
and for pity's sake, at least have a reliable 12-guage on board or a couple of handguns. Because if I were off the Somali coast, and Mohammed and Ishmail drew-up alongside one night, they'd both get a face full of buckshot!

Against RPG's?

That's bringing a knife to a gun fight.

The gist of the section of post you've quoted me on is that you should at least have a potent enough firearm on-board that is capable of repelling a boarding party, or in the case of a shotgun, keeping them at bay.

I am fully aware that these animals have access to old Soviet hardware, and that a conventional firearm will no-doubt do little to dissuade a determined, and more heavily armed, group of hi-jackers. What I'm basically trying to say, is that some protection/preperation is better than none at all. Although it's worth remembering that RPG's are only ever used against tankers. In that they threaten to launch a rocket-propelled grenade at a hull that is shielding an often volatile cargo. It's a persuasion technique that would prove futile against a smaller vessel, but I wouldn't rule-out a hostage-taking scenario at sea involving RPG's altogether.
There was no piracy when the Islamic Courts Union was in power.

Funny how foreign interventionism (mostly Ethiopian in this case) in that part of the world seems to always lead to negative consequences for everyone.
There was no piracy when the Islamic Courts Union was in power.

Funny how foreign interventionism (mostly Ethiopian in this case) in that part of the world seems to always lead to negative consequences for everyone.

The Ethiopians are only doing what their CIA/Mossad handlers tell them to do. :evil:

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