Some comments on Trump's Davos speech:


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

During the introduction of Trump, when the bald guy said "Your strong leadership is open to bias and misinterpretation" at 19:05, and the audience started to react but the guy spoke louder and quelled the audience.

In fact, the audience didn't applaud during the entire speech unless I missed it. But at the end, during tepid applause, Trump's contingent gave him a standing ovation. I'm guessing they thought they could get others to stand. Didn't happen.

Most hilarious, at 42:30, Trump was asked to introduce his cabinet and he said, uh, oh, there's Steven, Wilbur, Gary, Robert, long pause, even my general, my various other generals you know. Couldn't name a single general. Hilarious.

At 44:44 he started talking about the press but they cut it.

At 47:16 they started talking about "regular" men and women and that was also cut.

The only to parts of the speech that were obviously edited out or as we like to call it, censored.
And this is the mf, that's suppose to make us great again......hated by just about every country, save for these piss poor countries that he wants to band from the US. Its one thing to brag about your country, but not by this guy....the most corrupt, racist, stupid ingrate ever to enter the white house, not you!!

But he'll come home, run to a fuck filled hillbilly rally and President Stupid as hell, will feel all better!!
thing that i liked best was when PRESIDENT Trump told these 'euro types' , hey , America First you wankers , DeanRD !!
thing that i liked best was when PRESIDENT Trump told these 'euro types' , hey , America First you wankers , DeanRD !!
Some day you morons are gonna wake up and the only thing we'll be first being the first super power you pass up if you want to do business and get shit done!!
thank you and good morning TRed . Here , check out this link for some info . --- America First: European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US (VIDEO) – True Pundit --- looks like all these 'euro wankers' approached President Trump on bended knee to tell him that they were all investing billions of Dollars into USA Business TRed . [yeah . wussy 'euro wankers' meet the Big Dog on bended knee] TRed .
Indeed. And Carrier told Trump they wouldn't ship American jobs to Mexico if he gave them a massive tax break. He did and now they're shipping American jobs to Mexico. Not so much a "great deal maker" as a person easily manipulated by those who are smarter than him....which is essentially everyone except his supporters. lmao
I believe the /media/ started to react, not fond of being called out as biased by someone other than Trump it seems.

At some point the MSM is going to have to wake up and realize that they're not going to make as much money off /just/ the stupid folks heh
During the introduction of Trump, when the bald guy said "Your strong leadership is open to bias and misinterpretation" at 19:05, and the audience started to react but the guy spoke louder and quelled the audience.

In fact, the audience didn't applaud during the entire speech unless I missed it. But at the end, during tepid applause, Trump's contingent gave him a standing ovation. I'm guessing they thought they could get others to stand. Didn't happen.

Most hilarious, at 42:30, Trump was asked to introduce his cabinet and he said, uh, oh, there's Steven, Wilbur, Gary, Robert, long pause, even my general, my various other generals you know. Couldn't name a single general. Hilarious.

At 44:44 he started talking about the press but they cut it.

At 47:16 they started talking about "regular" men and women and that was also cut.

The only to parts of the speech that were obviously edited out or as we like to call it, censored.

When President Dotard reads off a teleprompter he does a little bit better - but GAWD is he horrible at it.

It's actually painful to watch - and I guarantee that POS was written by Stephen Miller.


During the introduction of Trump, when the bald guy said "Your strong leadership is open to bias and misinterpretation" at 19:05, and the audience started to react but the guy spoke louder and quelled the audience.

In fact, the audience didn't applaud during the entire speech unless I missed it. But at the end, during tepid applause, Trump's contingent gave him a standing ovation. I'm guessing they thought they could get others to stand. Didn't happen.

Most hilarious, at 42:30, Trump was asked to introduce his cabinet and he said, uh, oh, there's Steven, Wilbur, Gary, Robert, long pause, even my general, my various other generals you know. Couldn't name a single general. Hilarious.

At 44:44 he started talking about the press but they cut it.

At 47:16 they started talking about "regular" men and women and that was also cut.

The only to parts of the speech that were obviously edited out or as we like to call it, censored.

A year into his presidency and he is still making an ass out of himself.

I just don't see him as presidential.

The Moonie Times.

In the rest of the world, here is what they thought of Trump’s speech. Big yawn. He received tepid applause from the assembled oligarchs. Trump’s delegation responded with much enthusiasm and gave him a standing ovation. No one else in the room joined in.

Every world leader who goes to Davos say his/her country is “open for business” so that cliche basically had no meaning to the oligarchs.

Here is the problem for Trump. No one trusts anything Dumb Donald says. What he says today, he will say the opposite of tomorrow, especially if he says words his speechwriters put on the TelePrompter. Or he’ll deny what he said in the first place. There is no consistency in his messaging or his positions.

I’m willing to bet that the Trump’s new mantra “America first, but not alone” is to counter the loss of business which is starting to happen because of Trump’s protectionism. Mexico won’t be buying $3 billion in agricultural products from the US. They signed a deal with Argentina for that.

And Trump was booed during the speech. He was booed when he attacked the media as “fake news”.

The world economy is strong. There are lots of other countries. Some of them even have stable, consistent and reliable leaders who don’t say things today that they deny tomorrow.

The US is now seen as a less stable country than it was before Trump. There are lots of stable first world countries, with better education, better and cheaper health care options, and much better infrastructure than the US.

The conservative right has run your country into the ground since Reagan. American infrastructure is rated as a D on the annual report card. Many bridges are dangerously close to collapse. 40 years of neglect got you to this point. Other countries were smarter.

While Americans relied on the “free market” to provide internet access to the country, other country invested tax dollars into ensuring everyone in the country has access to high speed data connections. The result for Americans is a patchy network which is inadequate to support business needs in many parts of the country. There wasn’t enough potential profit in these areas to make the capital expenditure worth while.

Except for Israelis and Russian, no one other than Trumpbots, thinks Trump is a rock star. He’s just a fat lying fool wearing a “kick me” sign.
thing that i liked best was when PRESIDENT Trump told these 'euro types' , hey , America First you wankers , DeanRD !!
Keep drinking the Trump Hooch're too pathetic for words.
------------------------------------ America , the goal is Free and Independent . Heck , as a 68 year old i have peace , security , freedom , walking around money , wide open spaces , food , a full belly , heat in the house , electricity in the house and the American Constitution . What more could i want and icing on the cake , gravy on the potatas is that the USA has publicly gone America First Worldwide TRed and DragonLady .
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