Some Decisions Must Be Made

Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Yep, peaceful right wingers quickly get to polishing their guns and talking about armed conflict as they decry the uber violent, crazy, rhetoric activated left. :rolleyes:

Well.... you DID shoot first.

What you are doing is driving a rediculous rhetoric. Gunman was a mentally disturbed loon first and foremost, he is not "us", he is a fucking reject among other murderous rejects and terrorists.

No part of American leftwing ideology itself is about violence towards fellow Americans.

That can't be said of the right, which does have special gun fetishes, allowance for 2nd amendment remedies and paranoid "over my dead body!!!" sentiments.
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The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Yep, peaceful right wingers quickly get to polishing their guns and talking about armed conflict as they decry the uber violent, crazy, rhetoric activated left. :rolleyes:

You don't think that those that believe in the organic constitution are just gonna let commie fucks like you take over either covertly or in covertly, do ya? Not gonna least not in your lifetime. I doubt that you have the balls to fight and die for your commie utopia...but etch this in stone and commit this to memory.....I WILL die fighting to prevent it from happening during my watch.....capiche'???? No way will I EVER acquiesce or surrender and I will make it my mission to pile up leftard dead-weights like those of your ilk like it was cord wood....are we clear? Do you get the message that I am sending? Help me, help you get the true gist of what I am sayin'.........

Dummy, you do know that you are just underscoring my point, don't you?
I propose we outlaw caffeine. Maybe if everyone just calmed the fucked down and communicated like adults, things might improve a bit.

Instead of getting amped up by your winger website or screaming with like-minded zealots at a protest march, you could go out to lunch with someone who has different views.

Just a thought there.
Perhaps if the lunatic left focused on acceptance of defeat and winning the next elections to restore ummm their "rightful" place, we can move on without their usual, predictable, guranteed, drama queenery.... isnt in their daily activist, agitating, protesting, posturing, obstructing, hysterical nature...
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Drama Queen
No part of American leftwing ideology itself is about violence towards fellow Americans.

Well, see .... you SAY that ...

“If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

“Real freedom will come when [U.S.] soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors.” — Warren County Community College adjunct English professor, John Daly

A friend of ours said if the same laws were applied to U.S. Presidents as were applied to the Nazis after WWII, that every single one of them, every last rich white one of them, from Truman on would be hung to death and shot. And this current administration is no exception. They should be hung and tried and shot as war criminals.” — Zack de la Rocha, Rage Against The Machine

I can go on ... do I need to ?
No part of American leftwing ideology itself is about violence towards fellow Americans.

Well, see .... you SAY that ...


Quote to me American leftwing ideology about resorting to violence. Because I'll be glad to quote to you rightwing ideology that calls for armed conflict and vigilatism.

And oh by the way I can quote to you right wingers saying rediculous, vile shit all day long.
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun.

No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.

Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the tea party is called Resistance, and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called Antifa. Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
-Judson Phillips. The Washington Times

Well, when you have two sides who play politics, get further and further from reality and winning becomes the only thing, civil war is one possible solution.

You can see in Spain that happened in the 1930s. In Germany one side took total control and it wasn't nice either.

But history continually repeats itself, and all empires have fallen and will continue to fall for the same reasons.
Who's getting further from reality? The left was never there to begin with. Liberalism is a religion. The believe what they do as a matter of faith and questioning their faith is blasphemy. We won't have a civil war because only one side is armed. Liberals are even unarmed in the arena of wits.

Yeah…”fake news” is the only thing all you guys believe exists.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 7.16.18 AM.png

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.

Well, these guys keep bringing up that the founders of the KKK were democrats (in the 1870’s—150 years ago or so). I brought up Eric Rudolph’s bombing of an Abortion Clinic in 1996 yesterday and told it was an “old story”.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
i think we both know if you dig you'll find anything. but when i google "violence from the left" you get link after link after link after link.

do it for "violence on the right" and tell me the results.

hardly scientific i know. but it *is* the "popular culture" today to not just hold up a sign, but to act upon it. which side has been doing more of that lately in a general sense? if you want to put up links and count them all, i can do that, i got time. but i think i'd be a lot busier linking up the violence from the left than you would be from the right.

all that said, it's all wrong regardless of the side.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
...but a lefty did the shooting. You're confused.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.

Well, these guys keep bringing up that the founders of the KKK were democrats (in the 1870’s—150 years ago or so). I brought up Eric Rudolph’s bombing of an Abortion Clinic in 1996 yesterday and told it was an “old story”.
you've got to be quoting someone i have on ignore who i'm sure is just being insulting.

if i'm wrong feel free to correct me.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
i think we both know if you dig you'll find anything. but when i google "violence from the left" you get link after link after link after link.

do it for "violence on the right" and tell me the results.

hardly scientific i know. but it *is* the "popular culture" today to not just hold up a sign, but to act upon it. which side has been doing more of that lately in a general sense? if you want to put up links and count them all, i can do that, i got time. but i think i'd be a lot busier linking up the violence from the left than you would be from the right.

all that said, it's all wrong regardless of the side.

Gee, you admit that the right wing losers promote violence as much as left wing losers. They’re going to kick you out of the club.

Do you honestly believe that ANY of these losers represent the mainstream liberal or the mainstream conservative?
Put another way…

I do not think the mainstream conservative favors violent solutions
I do not think the mainstream liberal favors violent solutions.

Do you feel the same way?
Well, these guys keep bringing up that the founders of the KKK were democrats (in the 1870’s—150 years ago or so). I brought up Eric Rudolph’s bombing of an Abortion Clinic in 1996 yesterday and told it was an “old story”.
Old and irrelevant since he had no support within Christianity and it doesn't make all the shit the left is doing look any better. It's obfuscation. A typical leftist tactic.

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