Some Decisions Must Be Made

Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
...but a lefty did the shooting. You're confused.

So did Dylan Root. Or are you going to argue he was right wing???

Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
...but a lefty did the shooting. You're confused.

So did Dylan Root. Or are you going to argue he was right wing???
I'm a right winger and have nothing in common with him. I realize that's too much for your pea brain to process so I'll just make fun of your stupid comments instead.
Well, these guys keep bringing up that the founders of the KKK were democrats (in the 1870’s—150 years ago or so). I brought up Eric Rudolph’s bombing of an Abortion Clinic in 1996 yesterday and told it was an “old story”.
Old and irrelevant since he had no support within Christianity and it doesn't make all the shit the left is doing look any better. It's obfuscation. A typical leftist tactic.

Pfft… the fact that the Dems brought up the KKK will be mentioned by right wing losers here 20 times today if it hasn’t happened already.

As for “support”, Rudolph got support for the entire time he was on the run from the “jack booted thugs”—oh sorry. That was another right wing reference to the police. My bad. LOL
Those snowflakes would not last a week....take away their video games and cell phones and they would kill themselves


Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
i think we both know if you dig you'll find anything. but when i google "violence from the left" you get link after link after link after link.

do it for "violence on the right" and tell me the results.

hardly scientific i know. but it *is* the "popular culture" today to not just hold up a sign, but to act upon it. which side has been doing more of that lately in a general sense? if you want to put up links and count them all, i can do that, i got time. but i think i'd be a lot busier linking up the violence from the left than you would be from the right.

all that said, it's all wrong regardless of the side.

Gee, you admit that the right wing losers promote violence as much as left wing losers. They’re going to kick you out of the club.

Do you honestly believe that ANY of these losers represent the mainstream liberal or the mainstream conservative?
Put another way…

I do not think the mainstream conservative favors violent solutions
I do not think the mainstream liberal favors violent solutions.

Do you feel the same way?
not at all. yesterday a left wing loser started shooting people in public. did a right wing loser do that lately?

at some point it simply goes too far from threat to reality and that line is so blurred it's hardly a line anymore but a faded memory of a better time when we didn't do this to each other.

not sure what you're trying to prove. we are in a very violent time and while the right has rattles some sabres, the left has normalized violence in politics with their NO YOU'RE THE ANTI-FA while they conduct the very violence the rest of us don't want to see.

i don't think the mainstream on either side supports the violence. but i do see more of the alt-left using violence to get their way and then condoning it once done in a "they deserved it" fest. i see the right do it also but not as much. whether cause it's my side or true, dunno. but feel free to show me the last a conservative went on a shooting spree.

Firearms-Related Homicides: Democratic vs. Republican Affiliation - The Truth About Guns

yes a right wing site but the network is acting up and other sites are hard to get to right now. i've seen the meme that puts all mass shootings on democrats, or simply leaves off the ones the right did for effect, but that's what i'm finding this am.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
i was referring to your quote of the person i had ignored - not you. i referenced said same person in my reply to candy and then you replied to the same person again so i dug into it and looked at who you both were talking to - which is why i put what he said in quotes to ensure, at least in hope, the difference was called out.

rage on but i wasn't talking to you in that post, but i can see where my quote of you would make it seem as such.

Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.

Lets go back 27 hours. There is a shooting at the Baseball diamond in virginia. Within seconds of it hitting the wire, the “left” is blamed for the shooting by multiple persons here. I was mentioned personally and was told “no doubt” I”d be partying tonight because of this.

Since as we both know, there are loons on both sides that do crazy assed shit like this, the rhetoric by MULTIPLE persons on the right wasn’t to say “we all have these people in our midsts, lets marginalize the voices of hate within our sides”. It was to attack.

Antonio is simply responding as am I; pointing it out.
View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
i was referring to your quote of the person i had ignored - not you. i referenced said same person in my reply to candy and then you replied to the same person again so i dug into it and looked at who you both were talking to - which is why i put what he said in quotes to ensure, at least in hope, the difference was called out.

rage on but i wasn't talking to you in that post, but i can see where my quote of you would make it seem as such.
You responded to my post, how else would I take it?
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.

Lets go back 27 hours. There is a shooting at the Baseball diamond in virginia. Within seconds of it hitting the wire, the “left” is blamed for the shooting by multiple persons here. I was mentioned personally and was told “no doubt” I”d be partying tonight because of this.

Since as we both know, there are loons on both sides that do crazy assed shit like this, the rhetoric by MULTIPLE persons on the right wasn’t to say “we all have these people in our midsts, lets marginalize the voices of hate within our sides”. It was to attack.

Antonio is simply responding as am I; pointing it out.
fair enough.

except i have also seen both sides come out and say "stop it" myself being one of 'em. coyote did as well and i believe she's on "the other side".

so how about giving credit to people who are trying and stop arguing with those who are continuing the divide on either side?
Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
i was referring to your quote of the person i had ignored - not you. i referenced said same person in my reply to candy and then you replied to the same person again so i dug into it and looked at who you both were talking to - which is why i put what he said in quotes to ensure, at least in hope, the difference was called out.

rage on but i wasn't talking to you in that post, but i can see where my quote of you would make it seem as such.
You responded to my post, how else would I take it?
and did i not say as much?

i also put in quotes what i was referencing but yes, it was confusing. now keep calling me an asshole or move on. don't care at this point.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.

Lets go back 27 hours. There is a shooting at the Baseball diamond in virginia. Within seconds of it hitting the wire, the “left” is blamed for the shooting by multiple persons here. I was mentioned personally and was told “no doubt” I”d be partying tonight because of this.

Since as we both know, there are loons on both sides that do crazy assed shit like this, the rhetoric by MULTIPLE persons on the right wasn’t to say “we all have these people in our midsts, lets marginalize the voices of hate within our sides”. It was to attack.

Antonio is simply responding as am I; pointing it out.
The left was blamed because reports came out right away from people who were there that the shooter asked if it was Republicans before hand. Now you're here still trying hard to spin it as a Republican shortcoming. You won't get away with it, it was a lefty nutcase and you can't obfuscate it away.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
i was referring to your quote of the person i had ignored - not you. i referenced said same person in my reply to candy and then you replied to the same person again so i dug into it and looked at who you both were talking to - which is why i put what he said in quotes to ensure, at least in hope, the difference was called out.

rage on but i wasn't talking to you in that post, but i can see where my quote of you would make it seem as such.
You responded to my post, how else would I take it?
and did i not say as much?

i also put in quotes what i was referencing but yes, it was confusing. now keep calling me an asshole or move on. don't care at this point.
You should learn to quote instead of blaming others for your shortcomings.

Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
i think we both know if you dig you'll find anything. but when i google "violence from the left" you get link after link after link after link.

do it for "violence on the right" and tell me the results.

hardly scientific i know. but it *is* the "popular culture" today to not just hold up a sign, but to act upon it. which side has been doing more of that lately in a general sense? if you want to put up links and count them all, i can do that, i got time. but i think i'd be a lot busier linking up the violence from the left than you would be from the right.

all that said, it's all wrong regardless of the side.

Gee, you admit that the right wing losers promote violence as much as left wing losers. They’re going to kick you out of the club.

Do you honestly believe that ANY of these losers represent the mainstream liberal or the mainstream conservative?
Put another way…

I do not think the mainstream conservative favors violent solutions
I do not think the mainstream liberal favors violent solutions.

Do you feel the same way?
not at all. yesterday a left wing loser started shooting people in public. did a right wing loser do that lately?
No. You got me there. A left wing loser was the latest moron.

at some point it simply goes too far from threat to reality and that line is so blurred it's hardly a line anymore but a faded memory of a better time when we didn't do this to each other.

not sure what you're trying to prove. we are in a very violent time and while the right has rattles some sabres, the left has normalized violence in politics with their NO YOU'RE THE ANTI-FA while they conduct the very violence the rest of us don't want to see.
I have absolutely no idea of what you’re talking about. Anti-FA? Anti Firarm? How many liberals do you think there are in the nation—80 million or so? About the same number of conservatives. How many nut jobs are there on each side? I’d say less than 8,000. We are talking 0.01% of the political population (indies and agnostics not counted).

i don't think the mainstream on either side supports the violence. but i do see more of the alt-left using violence to get their way and then condoning it once done in a "they deserved it" fest. i see the right do it also but not as much. whether cause it's my side or true, dunno. but feel free to show me the last a conservative went on a shooting spree.
Was Dylan Roof recent enough for you? The guy who shot up the Planned Parenthood office in Colorado?

Not sure why it matters if it is “recent” or not…except that it fits the narrative of the right wing since we currently have a right wing president.
ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.
Pop your head out of your ass, Einstein. You totally ignored the point it isn't remotely equitable so you could be a dick. Who do you think you're fooling?
i was referring to your quote of the person i had ignored - not you. i referenced said same person in my reply to candy and then you replied to the same person again so i dug into it and looked at who you both were talking to - which is why i put what he said in quotes to ensure, at least in hope, the difference was called out.

rage on but i wasn't talking to you in that post, but i can see where my quote of you would make it seem as such.
You responded to my post, how else would I take it?
and did i not say as much?

i also put in quotes what i was referencing but yes, it was confusing. now keep calling me an asshole or move on. don't care at this point.
You should learn to quote instead of blaming others for your shortcomings.
yea, like using "insert quote here" - but like i said, i didn't blame you i said yes what i did was confusing.

but if you must continue to be a dick, your call. i'm out.

Yeah, and you guys are so tough and scary, whining on the internet. We're all so impressed.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
...but a lefty did the shooting. You're confused.

So did Dylan Root. Or are you going to argue he was right wing???
I'm a right winger and have nothing in common with him. I realize that's too much for your pea brain to process so I'll just make fun of your stupid comments instead.

So you get to disavow nut jobs in your midst but people on the left don’t get to? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.
you know, i've given up counting how many times i've been threatened by "the left" when i say things they don't like. now true a lot of it is the usual YOU MORON! type crap cause i just don't agree with them. i also can't count the times i've been "internet warrior" threatened and at that point i just walk away. i know full well in person at most they'd do is give me a strange look.

people are venting. both sides are scared cause one side is destroying america and the other side is out to destroy the first side. now - am i talking 2017 or 2012?

i put more belief that those on the right will carry out what they say cause i don't usually see a gathering of conservatives in black and dime store bandanna's with their leader springing an extra $1 to get the one with the skull on it so they look tougher. i mean seriously, do you think they check their look in the mirror before the "rumble" and go "yea, that looks good!" in reference to their "mask"? i can just see that shit. pick up a toy baseball bat on the way out and you'll show them!

that's the left. i got no fear someone who hides online or in public is going to do much more than talk. well not until yesterday when now shooting people is becoming normal and we actually can debate on here whether or not it was a good thing.

if you put your "causes" down you would understand how bad that is for us as a country. i don't give a flung mouse turd in a hurricane which side you are on - anything other than "holy shit that was bad" is the wrong reaction.

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting

go ahead. show me some of the right doing that shit. i looked. all i could find was the left and to be honest, i'm not sure the left i know would claim these assholes either. this alt-left.

but anyone - ANYONE - advocating more violence is the problem. but are you advocating violence if you saying you will "stand your ground" and not put up with that shit, or have you said ENOUGH in the only way you know how?

the left is the one normalizing violence and to date it's all been against the old white dudes who had it coming. looks like it still is, i suppose. i would much rather read someone saying they won't give up that the alt-left is trying to take without a fight than read someone who openly encourages the death of another american.

if you can't see the difference in the two, maybe you should stop and think about it.

View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
...but a lefty did the shooting. You're confused.

So did Dylan Root. Or are you going to argue he was right wing???
I'm a right winger and have nothing in common with him. I realize that's too much for your pea brain to process so I'll just make fun of your stupid comments instead.

So you get to disavow nut jobs in your midst but people on the left don’t get to? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.
ok - getting what you're saying better now.
Well, these guys keep bringing up that the founders of the KKK were democrats (in the 1870’s—150 years ago or so). I brought up Eric Rudolph’s bombing of an Abortion Clinic in 1996 yesterday and told it was an “old story”.
Old and irrelevant since he had no support within Christianity and it doesn't make all the shit the left is doing look any better. It's obfuscation. A typical leftist tactic.

Here it is!
View attachment 133217

I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence in support of the left wing President Obama?
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after a GOP candidate talked about “2nd Amendment Solutions”
I forget, was this protest threatening armed violence before or after the current President said “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.

Lets go back 27 hours. There is a shooting at the Baseball diamond in virginia. Within seconds of it hitting the wire, the “left” is blamed for the shooting by multiple persons here. I was mentioned personally and was told “no doubt” I”d be partying tonight because of this.

Since as we both know, there are loons on both sides that do crazy assed shit like this, the rhetoric by MULTIPLE persons on the right wasn’t to say “we all have these people in our midsts, lets marginalize the voices of hate within our sides”. It was to attack.

Antonio is simply responding as am I; pointing it out.
fair enough.

except i have also seen both sides come out and say "stop it" myself being one of 'em. coyote did as well and i believe she's on "the other side".

so how about giving credit to people who are trying and stop arguing with those who are continuing the divide on either side?

I would say it as well…but if Sandy Hook didn’t get us to change our opinion of persons with questionable mental stability having personal arsenals…nothing will.

As for Coyote…why this site gives a megaphone to obvious racists and lets comments like “liberals will be partying tonight” stand…only inflame the hatred. Theoretically he could do something about it in 5 seconds. He doesn’t.

I applaud all honest efforts to quell violence. I don’t see a lot of posts on here inciting violence...admittedly What I do is point out those on my own side who are clearly out of bounds on the rhetoric side….

What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 8.22.28 AM.png
Selective memory is strong with these assholes.
The assholes are the ones like you that compare mountains to molehills to further your sick agenda.

ah - there it is.

"selective memory is strong in these assholes" -

i was right. being a dick and also accusing others of things they do each and every post. their own memories justify their actions and the entire "us vs them" is all that drives 'em. they can have fun but i've stopped playing that game.

Lets go back 27 hours. There is a shooting at the Baseball diamond in virginia. Within seconds of it hitting the wire, the “left” is blamed for the shooting by multiple persons here. I was mentioned personally and was told “no doubt” I”d be partying tonight because of this.

Since as we both know, there are loons on both sides that do crazy assed shit like this, the rhetoric by MULTIPLE persons on the right wasn’t to say “we all have these people in our midsts, lets marginalize the voices of hate within our sides”. It was to attack.

Antonio is simply responding as am I; pointing it out.
fair enough.

except i have also seen both sides come out and say "stop it" myself being one of 'em. coyote did as well and i believe she's on "the other side".

so how about giving credit to people who are trying and stop arguing with those who are continuing the divide on either side?

I would say it as well…but if Sandy Hook didn’t get us to change our opinion of persons with questionable mental stability having personal arsenals…nothing will.

As for Coyote…why this site gives a megaphone to obvious racists and lets comments like “liberals will be partying tonight” stand…only inflame the hatred. Theoretically he could do something about it in 5 seconds. He doesn’t.

I applaud all honest efforts to quell violence. I don’t see a lot of posts on here inciting violence...admittedly What I do is point out those on my own side who are clearly out of bounds on the rhetoric side….

What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders
View attachment 133224

yea, "our side" doesn't like it when you tell them to cut it out it seems. :)

as for making people stop - that's a hard line to cross. he *could* do something about it but that would likely anger people on both sides at their sudden loss of ability to call other people "asshole" and the like. being a mod / owner of a site like this isn't easy.
I would say it as well…but if Sandy Hook didn’t get us to change our opinion of persons with questionable mental stability having personal arsenals…nothing will.
Why should it? No one wants nuts to have guns, the libs simply lie about it because that's all they know. The kid was a spoiled brat that should not have had access and law abiding people don't want to hand over their firearms because of what some dimwit's inactions. Plus doping up kids often makes them worse. He should have been taught to work instead of becoming a trained victim in life.

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