Some Discrimination is OK...?

...the incredible [ but not surprising ] aspect is the MSM/blacks/libs/etc think ONLY whites/white companies/groups/etc can be prejudice if the other races are inhuman/perfect/''god''-like/etc
extremely stupid--this is very stupid
Race should only be a tiebreaker between applicants who are equally qualified through objective criteria.

The tiebreaker should favor whichever applicant is in a group that is currently under represented or least represented.
This is the sort of thing that happens in a country with a rich history of racism. It is understandable.
MAYER: I think when you look closely at the organization that he represents, which was filled with money that comes from DonorsTrust, a right-wing organization that's basically built to screen who the donors really are, what you see is this is an ideological play

In other words, one can buy one's kid into Harvard....

THIS SECTION of the INTERVIEW is informative:
"PARK: Right. And 25 organizations of Harvard alumni and students this week filed an amicus brief supporting the limited use of race, which is legal, to be considered in a holistic admissions process. And the reason is that we all know the value of diversity. But we also know what Edward Blum has asked for as a remedy in this is for race - for - I'm sorry, admissions to be completely race-blind. He's on the record as saying he doesn't think admissions should even know a student's name."
Hypocrisy on trial? People will talk themselves into pretzels trying to justify their form of prejudice.
Discrimination based on innate things like race, gender, or a country where one was born is not allowed.

Discrimination based on behavior is allowed. So yes, some discrimination is allowed. You will see this more carefully expressed by the new USSC in the near future. Justice Thomas indicated that the Court will soon draw a distinct line in the sand between the two.
Race should only be a tiebreaker between applicants who are equally qualified through objective criteria.

The tiebreaker should favor whichever applicant is in a group that is currently under represented or least represented.
so race should be used to discriminate...?
The government shouldn’t force anyone to provide their services to anyone else. If people and private business want to discriminate, that is their right. There are black colleges that obviously discriminate, but there is nothing wrong with that, so long as they are private.
Harvard is over 22% Asian? Compared to being 5% of the population? That’s a lot.
The government shouldn’t force anyone to provide their services to anyone else. If people and private business want to discriminate, that is their right. There are black colleges that obviously discriminate, but there is nothing wrong with that, so long as they are private.
black colleges get rid of White employees because they are --------------------------------------------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!
A St. Louis Circuit Court jury has awarded a former Harris-Stowe State University instructor $4.85 million after finding that the historically black university discriminated against the instructor because she is white.
of course this wasn't MSM headlines because a white was discriminated against
more proof the MSM is bullshit when it comes to racism/racist/etc
Instructor at Harris-Stowe gets almost $5 million in racial discrimination suit
Harvard is over 22% Asian? Compared to being 5% of the population? That’s a lot.
....blacks graduate high school at lower levels while Asians graduate at higher rates = they qualify for college at higher rates
The government shouldn’t force anyone to provide their services to anyone else. If people and private business want to discriminate, that is their right. There are black colleges that obviously discriminate, but there is nothing wrong with that, so long as they are private.
black colleges get rid of White employees because they are --------------------------------------------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!
A St. Louis Circuit Court jury has awarded a former Harris-Stowe State University instructor $4.85 million after finding that the historically black university discriminated against the instructor because she is white.
of course this wasn't MSM headlines because a white was discriminated against
more proof the MSM is bullshit when it comes to racism/racist/etc
Instructor at Harris-Stowe gets almost $5 million in racial discrimination suit

That’s a public school, and should be illegal to discriminate against whites.
The government shouldn’t force anyone to provide their services to anyone else. If people and private business want to discriminate, that is their right. There are black colleges that obviously discriminate, but there is nothing wrong with that, so long as they are private.
black colleges get rid of White employees because they are --------------------------------------------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!
A St. Louis Circuit Court jury has awarded a former Harris-Stowe State University instructor $4.85 million after finding that the historically black university discriminated against the instructor because she is white.
of course this wasn't MSM headlines because a white was discriminated against
more proof the MSM is bullshit when it comes to racism/racist/etc
Instructor at Harris-Stowe gets almost $5 million in racial discrimination suit

That’s a public school, and should be illegal to discriminate against whites.
that's why they are paying
...most private schools do not have many blacks--some try to recruit more blacks for diversity
...private school graduation rates are, of course, higher than public schools --which mean the graduation rates for blacks are even lower
Race should only be a tiebreaker between applicants who are equally qualified through objective criteria.

The tiebreaker should favor whichever applicant is in a group that is currently under represented or least represented.
Race shouldn't be a factor at all.

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