Some dude at the grocery store starts talking to me about coronavirus...

I usually buy bulk TP online. I got about 200 rolls and usually keep things stocked up. Just for grins I looked today and it's all out of stock.
200 rolls...200? Who in the fuck keeps 200 rolls of shit paper?
People who prepare for emergency situations like the one we are facing.
I wonder how much they keep of the other needed things, especially when everything that they are able to get has to be paid for because it isn't free.

God bless you always!!!

We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Funny. A stranger struck up a conversation with me at the Walmart. An employee. So there we are...two old rednecks. He says, "Crazy, isn't it. So glad we've got 80 pounds of deer meat laid up. Dad caught 15 crappy just this morning." I said something along the lines that I was contemplating a fishing trip that evening myself.

Different frames of mind entirely between my stranger and yours.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

The undercurrent of just barely controlled primal human savagery has been quite palpable the last couple of times we've gone out in public. A few more notches on the old elastic band of human civilization and people just might revert to herd terror mode and start doing the unthinkable; tensile strength limited. Fascinating, isn't it? How we're always living just a few steps from pandemonium and Stone Age brand chaos—even at the heights of this "modern" world of ours. Let the good times roll. Meanwhile I'm gonna go hand load a few thousand more rounds . . .

Things are still pretty relaxed here. Folks are shocked...but life goes on.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Funny. A stranger struck up a conversation with me at the Walmart. An employee. So there we are...two old rednecks. He says, "Crazy, isn't it. So glad we've got 80 pounds of deer meat laid up. Dad caught 15 crappy just this morning." I said something along the lines that I was contemplating a fishing trip that evening myself.

Different frames of mind entirely between my stranger and yours.

Very different. This guy was probably in his 60's. Didn't seem like an unfriendly guy or an A-hole, didn't seem dangerous, maybe a bit skittish, I didn't talk to him enough to tell. Just odd I suppose, maybe he wanted to explain himself more but I didn't stand around to hear him out.

I think some watch TV and take it all with the worst of expectations. For me, I listen and go about my way. I'm not a Busy Body or someone who sizes everyone up, I just hope for the best in people, hope they mean well, even when some are off the rocker from time to time.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Funny. A stranger struck up a conversation with me at the Walmart. An employee. So there we are...two old rednecks. He says, "Crazy, isn't it. So glad we've got 80 pounds of deer meat laid up. Dad caught 15 crappy just this morning." I said something along the lines that I was contemplating a fishing trip that evening myself.

Different frames of mind entirely between my stranger and yours.

Very different. This guy was probably in his 60's. Didn't seem like an unfriendly guy or an A-hole, didn't seem dangerous, maybe a bit skittish, I didn't talk to him enough to tell. Just odd I suppose, maybe he wanted to explain himself more but I didn't stand around to hear him out.

I think some watch TV and take it all with the worst of expectations. For me, I listen and go about my way. I'm not a Busy Body or someone who sizes everyone up, I just hope for the best in people, hope they mean well, even when some are off the rocker from time to time.
I just hope he got his head screwed on right before he chose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.
6 months from now, we will be equating THIS with the y2K bug as biggest over reaction to date.
I usually buy bulk TP online. I got about 200 rolls and usually keep things stocked up. Just for grins I looked today and it's all out of stock.
200 rolls...200? Who in the fuck keeps 200 rolls of shit paper?

Not your average man.

We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.
6 months from now, we will be equating THIS with the y2K bug as biggest over reaction to date.

I really hope you are right. Canada lost 44 people to SARS, again, via apparently bats in China, either from the lab or otherwise. I have read this particular outbreak has really angered the citizens of China who don't view their communist government anymore as honest or trustworthy (well, many of them don't anyways).

When is the world going to hold them for account? How much is our soul and humanity worth? I smell Germany of the last 1930's all over again. Will we only have Trump as the modern day Churchill to confront them, or will the rest of the world get the message?
but why spaghetti sauce? guy had ten jars of Ragu in his cart....

Dry pasta is a main stay for preppers (just like dry rice & beans). That guy has no imagination. While he's ONLY thinking of spaghetti sauce...I'm thinking spaghetti and mac N cheese & pasta salad chicken noodle soup heavy on the noodles & a million other pasta dishes.

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