Some dude at the grocery store starts talking to me about coronavirus...

But then there is not much I can do about it.

Sure there is ...


"Give us the toilet paper, and the sanitizer, and I spare you lives. Just walk away, and there will be an end to the horror."
- The Lord Humongous

If you want toilet paper ... you talk to me...

We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

This. Wife and I were in a Target yesterday and you could cut the tension with a knife. People running out with carts of toilet paper and paper towels furtively looking askance if the person walking past you wasn't six feet away.

By the way, what make and model of cereal was it?

Shreddies. One of the few items there was plenty of.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

This. Wife and I were in a Target yesterday and you could cut the tension with a knife. People running out with carts of toilet paper and paper towels furtively looking askance if the person walking past you wasn't six feet away.

By the way, what make and model of cereal was it?

Shreddies. One of the few items there was plenty of.

I'm already stocked up on food ...

they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Preppers have thought about things and had 20 years to absorb alot of these ugly possibilities.

Non preppers are being hit in the face with it all at once.

You can tell by the blank stare & cart full of toilet paper that they don't even know what to shop for. They're in shock.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

This. Wife and I were in a Target yesterday and you could cut the tension with a knife. People running out with carts of toilet paper and paper towels furtively looking askance if the person walking past you wasn't six feet away.

By the way, what make and model of cereal was it?

Shreddies. One of the few items there was plenty of.

I'm already stocked up on food ...


Very timely with the arrival of cookies this week.

The world NEEDS this virus.
Who in the world would engage in a conversation with a "strange dude" in a grocery store about the political and border implications of a pandemic except a polite Canadian?

Precisely. We were both in the meat section and we looked around at how barren it was. That was how it started. Sort of as in "can you believe this?" as we looked at one another. Then the new border creed came up as it relates to this. I told him we have to worry about the border closing as we rely on Mexican and U.S vegetables too.

Peameal bacon (I think you guys refer to it as "Canadian Bacon") was going for $9-13 for a small slab, I can sometimes get it for $3 for the same size. Most of the stuff that is left is full/premium price, except margarine, that sort of thing. Only a few premium Omega eggs left, at a ridiculous price.

I'm one of those polite guys and I think people feel comfortable around me, shooting the breeze. I also try to lead by example, show a relaxed exterior, try to be helpful to others. The odd thing was, after I grabbed the cereal and walked away he looked at me as if he wanted to keep chatting. Come on man, grab your stuff and go home if you are so worried.

Also, what makes this even more absurd, if Canada has had 4 deaths total to date. I think 3 of them from an Old Age home. I feel for them obviously, but we aren't like Spain, Italy, France, Iran etc. We are slightly proportionally lower in our deaths than the U.S. Let's get a grip.

Scary yes, no need to go insane in the process and look back at it and say "why did I lose myself?". Nobody wants to catch this, but let's not go overboard.
I directed my wife to shop two weeks ago. I saw this coming as the hand to mouth hordes of meat puppets always react the same.

Is she your property, white trash?
they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Preppers have thought about things and had 20 years to absorb alot of these ugly possibilities.

Non preppers are being hit in the face with it all at once.

You can tell by the blank stare & cart full of toilet paper that they don't even know what to shop for. They're in shock.

They're food ...

Weird things are gone from the shelves like TP and canned Beans and spaghetti sauce....but they have plenty of booze...I was able to restock my bar and fill my beer fridge....but why spaghetti sauce? guy had ten jars of Ragu in his cart....
they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Preppers have thought about things and had 20 years to absorb alot of these ugly possibilities.

Non preppers are being hit in the face with it all at once.

You can tell by the blank stare & cart full of toilet paper that they don't even know what to shop for. They're in shock.

They're food ...


Yes. I was walking down the empty toilet paper/paper towel aisle on Friday thinking about this exact scene and wondering will the zombie be fast? or slow?
The world NEEDS this virus.
Who in the world would engage in a conversation with a "strange dude" in a grocery store about the political and border implications of a pandemic except a polite Canadian?

Precisely. We were both in the meat section and we looked around at how barren it was. That was how it started. Sort of as in "can you believe this?" as we looked at one another. Then the new border creed came up as it relates to this. I told him we have to worry about the border closing as we rely on Mexican and U.S vegetables too.

Peameal bacon (I think you guys refer to it as "Canadian Bacon") was going for $9-13 for a small slab, I can sometimes get it for $3 for the same size. Most of the stuff that is left is full/premium price, except margarine, that sort of thing. Only a few premium Omega eggs left, at a ridiculous price.

I'm one of those polite guys and I think people feel comfortable around me, shooting the breeze. I also try to lead by example, show a relaxed exterior, try to be helpful to others. The odd thing was, after I grabbed the cereal and walked away he looked at me as if he wanted to keep chatting. Come on man, grab your stuff and go home if you are so worried.

Also, what makes this even more absurd, if Canada has had 4 deaths total to date. I think 3 of them from an Old Age home. I feel for them obviously, but we aren't like Spain, Italy, France, Iran etc. We are slightly proportionally lower in our deaths than the U.S. Let's get a grip.

Scary yes, no need to go insane in the process and look back at it and say "why did I lose myself?". Nobody wants to catch this, but let's not go overboard.
I directed my wife to shop two weeks ago. I saw this coming as the hand to mouth hordes of meat puppets always react the same.

Is she your property, white trash?
Yes, she is my wife. I am her husband. I am the head of my home.

I bet you nuzzle your boyfriends neck and talk like a baby.
" want go chocolate"
Weird things are gone from the shelves like TP and canned Beans and spaghetti sauce....but they have plenty of booze...I was able to restock my bar and fill my beer fridge....but why spaghetti sauce? guy had ten jars of Ragu in his cart....

He must REALLY love spaghetti sauce ...

The world NEEDS this virus.
Who in the world would engage in a conversation with a "strange dude" in a grocery store about the political and border implications of a pandemic except a polite Canadian?

Precisely. We were both in the meat section and we looked around at how barren it was. That was how it started. Sort of as in "can you believe this?" as we looked at one another. Then the new border creed came up as it relates to this. I told him we have to worry about the border closing as we rely on Mexican and U.S vegetables too.

Peameal bacon (I think you guys refer to it as "Canadian Bacon") was going for $9-13 for a small slab, I can sometimes get it for $3 for the same size. Most of the stuff that is left is full/premium price, except margarine, that sort of thing. Only a few premium Omega eggs left, at a ridiculous price.

I'm one of those polite guys and I think people feel comfortable around me, shooting the breeze. I also try to lead by example, show a relaxed exterior, try to be helpful to others. The odd thing was, after I grabbed the cereal and walked away he looked at me as if he wanted to keep chatting. Come on man, grab your stuff and go home if you are so worried.

Also, what makes this even more absurd, if Canada has had 4 deaths total to date. I think 3 of them from an Old Age home. I feel for them obviously, but we aren't like Spain, Italy, France, Iran etc. We are slightly proportionally lower in our deaths than the U.S. Let's get a grip.

Scary yes, no need to go insane in the process and look back at it and say "why did I lose myself?". Nobody wants to catch this, but let's not go overboard.
I directed my wife to shop two weeks ago. I saw this coming as the hand to mouth hordes of meat puppets always react the same.

Is she your property, white trash?
Yes, she is my wife. I am her husband. I am the head of my home.

I bet you nuzzle your boyfriends neck and talk like a baby.
" want go chocolate"
??? Are you hitting on me? Weird.
they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

Preppers have thought about things and had 20 years to absorb alot of these ugly possibilities.

Non preppers are being hit in the face with it all at once.

You can tell by the blank stare & cart full of toilet paper that they don't even know what to shop for. They're in shock.

Well, I have nothing against those prepared for a major emergency, kudos to them. I make light of it, but if I was a billionaire without question I would have a massive lot of land with a shelter stocked for survival for as long a period of time as I felt I needed.

Only a small percentage are in that boat and it's impossible to be prepared for every eventuality. If you have to go out and prepare for some time indoors for awhile, at least be rational. Worrying, is a waste of my time, as Jesus said. Not that I don't from time to time, but it has to be with a clear and immediate reason.
We talk about the possible shutdown of the U.S/Canada border with all the worries, he then tells me that Mexicans laughed at Trump when he built the wall and said "we've got planes". I tell him "and then Trump replied, we have missiles".

Dude then tells me "this is like living in a really scary movie (as we look at all the empty shelves) and then suddenly says, "I don't want to live anymore". I realize this guy is going off the deep end with this Conoravirus stuff.

"Speak for yourself man" I reply, "I'm gonna try to make it", I grab a box of cereal and walk away

Just the craziest stuff going on, all the Nervous Nellies feel free to let their guard down now that they feel the world is coming to an end. You can smell the fear and uneasiness in the air.

This. Wife and I were in a Target yesterday and you could cut the tension with a knife. People running out with carts of toilet paper and paper towels furtively looking askance if the person walking past you wasn't six feet away.

By the way, what make and model of cereal was it?

Shreddies. One of the few items there was plenty of.

It appears it wasn't Shreddies (it wasn't on sale), but it was a reputable brand which I won't advertise for. Shreddies is good though. :badgrin:
Things are going to get a lot worse than this. I'm not talking about the Coronavirus®, but things in general. There IS hope though, this current messed up age we're in will come to an end. Some of us have peace, because we know how it all ends.

As Johnny Cash put it, it's all "goin' by the book."

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