Some History concrning Current Events


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It's been said, there are lies and there are damn lies.

The US gov't has a history of lies for evidence, that, it is indeed a liar. Usually *officially* sanctioned and presented. Would that make them "damn lies"? Or just "lies"?

The article here presents some more of the same. As is usual, at this web site, there is interesting commentary- well, at least somewhat better informed than here. This particular offering of comments zeroes in on a small part of the article's bigger picture- imagine that. Attempting a detraction. I've never seen that before :rolleyes:

The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was[1 not “Spanish”,[2] not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss.


The photo is from Army Hospital No. 4, Fort Porter, NY during the 1918- 1919 "Spanish" Influenza pandemic
It's been said, there are lies and there are damn lies.

The US gov't has a history of lies for evidence, that, it is indeed a liar. Usually *officially* sanctioned and presented. Would that make them "damn lies"? Or just "lies"?

The article here presents some more of the same. As is usual, at this web site, there is interesting commentary- well, at least somewhat better informed than here. This particular offering of comments zeroes in on a small part of the article's bigger picture- imagine that. Attempting a detraction. I've never seen that before :rolleyes:

The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was[1 not “Spanish”,[2] not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss.

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The photo is from Army Hospital No. 4, Fort Porter, NY during the 1918- 1919 "Spanish" Influenza pandemic

Parallels with 1918 we've been noting: another President (Wilson) who played down the pandemic (they're not conducive to the business of war) who also contracted the virus himself and lied about that too.

Then he sent thousands of troops he knew were infected on closely-packed ships to Europe, where they first solidified their own infection and then spread it to Europe where it devastated that population. The reason it came to be disingenuously called "Spanish" was that Spain wasn't involved in the war and was the only major country NOT lying about the dying while Germany, France, Britain and the US all continued to play it down. More US troops died from that pandemic in Europe, than died from battle.

Another interesting factoid is that Rump's grandfather Frederick Trump, dropped dead from the same virus in 1918, while out for a walk with Rump's future-father Fred. And yet Rump told the world at the CDC visit that he "never heard of anybody dying from the flu".
That is an interesting article. I’ve never read that Chinese slaves were transported across the Pacific to Canada. Then railroaded across Canada in locked cars, to ships taking them to Europe across the Atlantic. Ultimately to support the Allied war effort during WWI, where most of them died.

The author claims wealthy Jews were behind this effort and Chinese leaders allowed it.
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Should be in conspiracy theories
STFU stupid and tell us how 2 airplanes brought down 3 bldg;s in near identical fashion at near free fall speed into their own foot print, moron.
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That is an interesting article.
Thank you for reading it- most refuse to read anything unless their tribe tells them it's their tribe and then their comprehension skills are tested and fail miserably.
Good article, thanks for sharing OP.

I dont trust anything told to us once we were lied to about masks. Fuck the government.

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