Some History of Capitalism

Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
All collectivist-oriented ideas about law and society have one common element: participation is not voluntary and is enforced by armed government agents. Capitalism is voluntary. If you don't like what I'm selling, you are free to choose differently.

I say if your idea requires jack booted thugs to enforce your will, you have a fundamentally bad idea.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.
Agreed. Add to this those bitching the most about capitalism are American bourgeoisie sipping their Starbuck's lattes and driving their Toyota Prius's.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
Most commies only know the brainwashed "but that wasn't REAL communism" logical fallacy.
Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.
Agreed. Add to this those bitching the most about capitalism are American bourgeoisie sipping their Starbuck's lattes and driving their Toyota Prius's.
I thought it was white jesus that made us great?
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
Is that what you were taught at your Socialist commune?
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
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what do you think a classless society is, Mr. pepe the frog?
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
Is that what you were taught at your Socialist commune?
Where are those exactly? Is it just in the paranoid racist fantasy world you imagine too justify your horrible beliefs?
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?

Well...I never heard a public school teacher say "praise white Jesus", but perhaps your local school was different.

Setting that aside, are you suggesting communism was not bad? Did we not win the cold war?

Maybe it's me, but I can't tell what the hell you're saying.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
That's not a response.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?

Well...I never heard a public school teacher say "praise white Jesus", but perhaps your local school was different.

Setting that aside, are you suggesting communism was not bad? Did we not win the cold war?

Maybe it's me, but I can't tell what the hell you're saying.
Are you suggesting you know anything more about communism than that?
Agreed. Add to this those bitching the most about capitalism are American bourgeoisie sipping their Starbuck's lattes and driving their Toyota Prius's.
I thought it was white jesus that made us great?
Nope. It was capitalism. Sure, most Americans are Protestants, but look at other capitalist nations with a high per capita GDP and you'll find they are capitalist, not socialist. BTW, thanks for not denying you are bourgeoisie. ;)

OTOH, even the US has a socialist safety net such as social security (forced savings), welfare (giving people other people's money), jobs programs (that's more of an investment IMO), Medicaid, etc. Capitalism is the money engine that allows country to have socialist programs. A pure socialist country quickly devolves into a poor nation growing beets to survive the winter.

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