Some History of Capitalism

you dont know what "totalitarian" means either.... i bet you think it means high taxes or some bullshit
ROFL. Go ahead and believe all the socialist crap you want, kid. Nobody can stop you. It's still a free country.
since when is America a free country?
Blackhawk copters are on their way to your tiny apartment right now. Flee while you still can.
no kidding, ive committed so many thought crimes in this thread
Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

only in right wing fantasy. socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a for-profit clue and a for-profit Cause.
How is that socialism? Where did the capital for the projects come from? Socialists only know how to spend money, not make it.
I love the fact you nazi trolls are so up your own asses you think shitposting memes is what got Trump elected

You elected Trump by nominating a corrupt, arrogant, lying old hag to run against him. You thought being a criminal wasn't an issue, if she's a Democrat. You were wrong.

You made it so easy for him. Now repeat after me, President Trump
actually red states voted for clinton in the primary, blue states voted for bernie sanders. who im sure you would hate just as much because your nothing but a hack
since when is America a free country?
I'll be happy to start answering your questions again when you start answering mine. Are you bourgeoisie? Are you American middle class? Do you work for a living, drive a car and have nice home? Or are you living on the streets or off your bourgeoisie parents? What is your education level?

Obviously you are free to answer all of these questions, some of them or none of them since America is a free country. :)
I love the fact you nazi trolls are so up your own asses you think shitposting memes is what got Trump elected
Obviously you are free to answer all of these questions, some of them or none of them since America is a free country. :)
Well, let's not go totally overboard here.

However, nearly al of what's wrong with Murica is because, at one point or another, commies like him got their way.
actually red states voted for clinton in the primary, blue states voted for bernie sanders. who im sure you would hate just as much because your nothing but a hack
Falling for the red/blue state false dichotomy! How droll!

Talk about hacks! :laugh2:
I love the fact you nazi trolls are so up your own asses you think shitposting memes is what got Trump elected

You elected Trump by nominating a corrupt, arrogant, lying old hag to run against him. You thought being a criminal wasn't an issue, if she's a Democrat. You were wrong.

You made it so easy for him. Now repeat after me, President Trump
actually red states voted for clinton in the primary, blue states voted for bernie sanders. who im sure you would hate just as much because your nothing but a hack

So you're saying Democrats didn't nominate Clinton? That's a novel approach. Who did Trump run against then?
Obviously you are free to answer all of these questions, some of them or none of them since America is a free country. :)
Well, let's not go totally overboard here.

However, nearly al of what's wrong with Murica is because, at one point or another, commies like him got their way.
While I'm among the first to agree we have both RW and LW authoritarian assholes pushing to impose their agenda upon others, we still have a Constitution limiting government and a culture that prizes individual rights and freedom.
While I'm among the first to agree we have both RW and LW authoritarian assholes pushing to impose their agenda upon others, we still have a Constitution limiting government and a culture that prizes individual rights and freedom.
The Constitution has been a piss poor "limit" on government for at least a century, if not dating back to Lincoln. Moreover, Wilsonian progressives have polluted and debauched the culture, nearly to the point of no return.

Calling shit like it is will get you a lot further than those rose glasses you've been wearing.
While I'm among the first to agree we have both RW and LW authoritarian assholes pushing to impose their agenda upon others, we still have a Constitution limiting government and a culture that prizes individual rights and freedom.
The Constitution has been a piss poor "limit" on government for at least a century, if not dating back to Lincoln. Moreover, Wilsonian progressives have polluted and debauched the culture, nearly to the point of no return.

Calling shit like it is will get you a lot further than those rose glasses you've been wearing.

You nailed that. Funny thing when you remove consent of the governed as Lincoln did. The government is no longer answerable to the people, they since then have just ruled as they no longer needed our approval to govern.

And Wilson certainly began the era of removing the rest of the Constitutional checks on government. By FDR, picking our leaders was just the inmates voting on the warden
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
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what do you think a classless society is, Mr. pepe the frog?

Yes.....and obviously murdering 100 milllion innocent men, women and children wasn't enough to get us to a classless society....the socialists need to work harder and murder even more people to get us there...

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