Some History of Capitalism

you dont know what "totalitarian" means either.... i bet you think it means high taxes or some bullshit
ROFL. Go ahead and believe all the socialist crap you want, kid. Nobody can stop you. It's still a free country.
since when is America a free country?
Blackhawk copters are on their way to your tiny apartment right now. Flee while you still can.
Too late.

We have him surrounded and he's not coming out.

We'll just have to go in and.. Get him!
You nailed that. Funny thing when you remove consent of the governed as Lincoln did. The government is no longer answerable to the people, they since then have just ruled as they no longer needed our approval to govern.

And Wilson certainly began the era of removing the rest of the Constitutional checks on government. By FDR, picking our leaders was just the inmates voting on the warden
Time for the "inmates" begin taking helicopter pilot lessons. :D
...Calling shit like it is will get you a lot further than those rose glasses you've been wearing.
Isn't it really great you have the freedom to say this without secret police showing up at your door?

When you really believe we live under a LW authoritarian dictatorship, let me know when you plan to start shooting.
only in right wing fantasy. socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a for-profit clue and a for-profit Cause.
Lemme guess, you live in a Pot-is-legal state? Unless you are asserting that the United States is a socialist nation, please name a socialist nation which has put men on the Moon and returned them safely to Earth.
Capitalism was revolutionary. It eventually pitted kings against money. The winner is clear. Revolutions can change things.
...Calling shit like it is will get you a lot further than those rose glasses you've been wearing.
Isn't it really great you have the freedom to say this without secret police showing up at your door?

When you really believe we live under a LW authoritarian dictatorship, let me know when you plan to start shooting.
When it's time to start shooting, it'll be too late.

Progressive despotism with an (R) by it's name is no better than that with a (D). Wake the fuck up.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
I'm an atheist and a capitalist. It seems your imbecile theory is wrong.

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Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

Capitalism in of it self did not make you or anybody else great. People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great. Asshole.

Some of those people literally built the foundation from which our nations industrial base was built from that lead directly to our becoming the most powerful nation on earth. Asshole b
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When you really believe we live under a LW authoritarian dictatorship, let me know when you plan to start shooting.
When it's time to start shooting, it'll be too late.

Progressive despotism with an (R) by it's name is no better than that with a (D). Wake the fuck up.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
Gravity's affect on water is responsible for a lot of the energy we use. It helped power capitalism.
An autogyro isn't a "real helicopter" (it can't hover because the rotary-wing isn't powered), but it is a real "rotary-winged flying machine" and the law of gravity works against everyone regardless of politics.
Now you sound like Bernie blabbering on about "democratic socialism".

It's a fucking funny mene, go with it ferchrissakes.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Radar? Ears are enough. Unfortunately, they seem to be 'rather noisy', sort of the H-Ds of the sky. A nice view for one at a noise pollution cost to many.
People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great.

Capitalism allowed the individual you mentioned above to do what they did. What they brought to America was a blueprint for success. Using many of their principles were used to create, and maintain, a free marked society. It added an industrial aspect to our agrarian society that allowed a more free flow of wealth.

In Communism/Socialism, prosperity, profit, and success, BAD. In Capitalism, prosperity, profit, and success, GOOD.
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Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

only in right wing fantasy. socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a for-profit clue and a for-profit Cause.
How is that socialism? Where did the capital for the projects come from? Socialists only know how to spend money, not make it.
State Capitalism is a form of socialism. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

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