Some History of Capitalism

People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great.

Capitalism allowed the individual you mentioned above to do what they did. What they brought to America was a blueprint for success. Using many of their principles we were able have, and maintain, a Free-Market society.

In Communism/Socialism, prosperity, profit, and success, BAD. In Capitalism, prosperity, profit, and success, GOOD.

Without the people capitalism fails.
Had the people I mentioned earlier in this thread lived in a communist state, that communist state would have developed the base I spoke of from which their industrial might could have rose from.
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Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

Capitalism in of it self did not make you or anybody else great. People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great. Asshole.

Some of those people literally built the foundation from which our nations industrial base was built from that lead directly to our becoming the most powerful nation on earth. Asshole b
Obviously you are from the aforementioned loser class. Those "giants" were crony capitalists (crony socialists would be a more accurate term) and they screwed a bunch of people. That's what socialists do, eliminate competition and make everyone your slave.
State run capitalism is monopoly. A monopoly is a money run state. There is nothing inherent in capitalism to keep it from eventually becoming one overarching company. Regulation was found to be necessary.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
That's where hand grenades in peanut butter jars come in.

Alternatively, if body disposal is the goal, a 2X4, zip ties and a quick release knot are useful in strapping it to the side.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
That's where hand grenades in peanut butter jars come in.

Alternatively, if body disposal is the goal, a 2X4, zip ties and a quick release knot are useful in strapping it to the side.
Peanut butter jars....
...took me a minute.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Radar? Ears are enough. Unfortunately, they seem to be 'rather noisy', sort of the H-Ds of the sky. A nice view for one at a noise pollution cost to many.
You don't think the enemy can hear a flight of V-22s? It's not that they make noise, but whether or not you can tell where they are going. Flying low allows aircraft to mask themselves using terrain and vegetation. You might hear them, but won't be able to tell where they are until they are right up on you.

Another strategy is High bird/low bird.
So your plan is just to give up or just sit and bitch like PurpleOwl ?

Wake the fuck up and do what? What you are unwilling to do?
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
That's where hand grenades in peanut butter jars come in.

Alternatively, if body disposal is the goal, a 2X4, zip ties and a quick release knot are useful in strapping it to the side.
Peanut butter jars....
...took me a minute.
:D Funny how simple things can solve complex problems like making a time delay device.
Well, I'm certainly not suffering under the delusion that I will make myself less a slave by electing a better master.

My solution is with the agorists: non-compliance. If the commies get in my face, warm up the choppers.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
That's where hand grenades in peanut butter jars come in.

Alternatively, if body disposal is the goal, a 2X4, zip ties and a quick release knot are useful in strapping it to the side.
Peanut butter jars....
...took me a minute.
:D Funny how simple things can solve complex problems like making a time delay device.

...or a thousand small airplanes instead of one helicopter.
State run capitalism is monopoly. A monopoly is a money run state. There is nothing inherent in capitalism to keep it from eventually becoming one overarching company. Regulation was found to be necessary.
Isn't "state run capitalism" part of fascism?

Agreed on regulation. IMHO, the best form of government is what we have now; Federal Constitutional Republic, fueled by regulated capitalism with a socialist safety net. Most of our leadership discussions are not whether or not this is the best system, but where the lines are drawn on "regulation" and "safety net".
State run capitalism is monopoly. A monopoly is a money run state. There is nothing inherent in capitalism to keep it from eventually becoming one overarching company. Regulation was found to be necessary.
Isn't "state run capitalism" part of fascism?

Agreed on regulation. IMHO, the best form of government is what we have now; Federal Constitutional Republic, fueled by regulated capitalism with a socialist safety net. Most of our leadership discussions are not whether or not this is the best system, but where the lines are drawn on "regulation" and "safety net".
Certainly part of 'classic fascism', if we can use that term. In a general way, empire functions that way. People can accumulate wealth, but at the center the decisions are made and the cream is skimmed and questions are not asked. Fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarianism is fascism.
Being allergic to the term 'capitalist' or 'socialist' is silly. Words don't kill, people kill. Systems exist for people. A system that turns that around invites destruction.
You've got to learn to fly one first.

FWIW, ultralights are cheaper, easier to fly and less visible to radar. Just a thought.
Yeah, but they don't hold as many commies.
That's where hand grenades in peanut butter jars come in.

Alternatively, if body disposal is the goal, a 2X4, zip ties and a quick release knot are useful in strapping it to the side.
Peanut butter jars....
...took me a minute.
:D Funny how simple things can solve complex problems like making a time delay device.

...or a thousand small airplanes instead of one helicopter.

Additionally, small arms fire is only effective up to about 1500' AGL. A small plane or two-seat ultralight with a pilot and a gunner armed with a semi-auto, magazine-fed rifle can circle above firing on a target on the ground with relative impunity.
...Fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarianism is fascism.
Being allergic to the term 'capitalist' or 'socialist' is silly. Words don't kill, people kill. Systems exist for people. A system that turns that around invites destruction.
Agreed on all these points.
"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
Intelligent Americans know that socialism is noyhing more than an elabirate con. Dumbasses think other Americans don"t understand socialism.

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"the capitalist class was the slavery class"
Most people who are self described "capitalists" are really just christians they see socialism as a form of atheism a religion to compete with there's. Americans know everything about socialism except the definition, most of them couldn't tell you what the word soviet even means.
What's soviet have to do with anything? I think most people over the age of 21 know socialism is spreading wealth around. Which sounds cool when you're still nursing off the teat. Not so cool when you start working for a living.
most americans only know the brainwashed diatribe you get from high school history class "communism is bad we won the cold war praise white jesus".... thats about all you know as well and your like 90 right?
They don't teach that in highschool, dumbass. They teach that capitalism is evil and that USA is the great Satan

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Nobody in today's America actually believes in government ownership of everything, although there is possibly a growing movement for employee/worker ownership of businesses through employee stock ownership plans or worker cooperatives.
Nobody in today's America actually believes in government ownership of everything, although there is possibly a growing movement for employee/worker ownership of businesses through employee stock ownership plans or worker cooperatives.
There are millions that want government controlling everything. I'm sure many of them would like ownership as well.

And there's nothing stopping anyone from starting employee owned businesses.
Nobody in today's America actually believes in government ownership of everything, although there is possibly a growing movement for employee/worker ownership of businesses through employee stock ownership plans or worker cooperatives.
As long as those partnerships are voluntary -in both entry and exit- that's great.
State Capitalism is a form of socialism. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

And it's fucking up famously everywhere it exists.

This is why nobody who knows jack shit about economics takes Keynesian progressives seriously.
Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

Capitalism in of it self did not make you or anybody else great. People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great. Asshole.

Some of those people literally built the foundation from which our nations industrial base was built from that lead directly to our becoming the most powerful nation on earth. Asshole b
Obviously you are from the aforementioned loser class. Those "giants" were crony capitalists (crony socialists would be a more accurate term) and they screwed a bunch of people. That's what socialists do, eliminate competition and make everyone your slave.
there are no true capitalists.
Capitalism is what made us great. Everything you enjoy right now came to you via capitalism, the inventions, innovations, manufacturing, etc. Socialism is the religion for losers. Those that can't telling other people to provide.

Capitalism in of it self did not make you or anybody else great. People like Carnegie, Rockerfeller, bell, Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse and Ford made us great. Asshole.

Some of those people literally built the foundation from which our nations industrial base was built from that lead directly to our becoming the most powerful nation on earth. Asshole b
Obviously you are from the aforementioned loser class. Those "giants" were crony capitalists (crony socialists would be a more accurate term) and they screwed a bunch of people. That's what socialists do, eliminate competition and make everyone your slave.
there are no true capitalists.
Sure there, dumbass. I'm one.

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