Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on

I don't have a "side", Princess Pea. I posted about the Cult of Ignorance and how it tries to bullshit, and in response you dredged up some cockamamie shit about "Xi" and "leftwing". You're a fucking moron.

I am one (1) person. Get over your childish GI Joe game of fucking "sides" and "tribes". And learn how the fuck to read. You've just illustrated Cult of Ignorance all over again.
If you dont have a side then you are just the chronic malcontents who complains about everything

Actually what it means is you're just too god damn stupid to deal with concepts like "individuals".
I get it

You refuse to make the hard decisions and pick a side

so that no matter what happens you can say its not your fault

No, shitgibbon, you DON'T get it. You can't even fucking READ. You have no clue what the post you quoted even says.

Speaking of which how's that search for a basis of your theorem that honesty is "stupidity" coming along?
Another Liberal media member in the President's briefing just implied calling it "The Chinese Virus" is racist. Yea, playing racial politics is exactly what people need right now. smh Calling it the Chinese Virus IS NOT racist and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot and political hack. China is where the virus originated from.

I don't think it was it was racist but it not helpful, China is sending Doctors and equipment to Italy to help.

This is not a blame game like some child... Sorry this is finger pointing rather than solving the problem.

Trump is offering nothing at this stage and is better stay out of it...
That’s what you think. Then why bother used those term that are offensive to American Asian?

You don’t know how these people feel because you are a racist.

MERS Virus a racist? What is that has anything to do with covid 19?

Amusing, so very typical of far-left Progressives. President Donald Trump is doing a phenomenal job of handling this world-wide crisis. What are they left with? Whining and moaning about calling the dangerous virus, that originated in Wuhan China, the Chinese Virus. Come on, quit fighting America and start working with America.

"MERS Virus a racist? What is that has anything to do with covid 19".

MERS = Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness that is new to humans. It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to several other countries, including the United States.

China has done nothing to merit they're being separated from the name. The virus originated in Wuhan CHINA.

Worse than doing nothing, in violation of the WHO rules, China did not disclose that the new virus had appeared in a timely manner. They delayed for weeks giving us (the USA) DNA coding so work could begin finding a cure and vaccine. Worse still, they attempted to blame the US Army for having brought the virus to China so they would be blamed.

You posted lots lots of lies. You posted lots of lies degrading homeless people.
That is what you are good at.

Ask me if I bother reading your post. Ask me if you have any credibility of what you are saying. NONE.

And I know you are craving for my attention.

On top of that you are a racist piece of shit.
You're guilty of defending the communist government of China, rooting for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and praying for another Great Depression. How could I say anything that's lower than what you've already said?

Well, he IS an Iranian agent here to destroy the Great Satan after all. You don't expect his to PRAISE us, do you?

The same what I’ve been telling to this FUCKED Dude.

Americans are getting killed in Iraq because of dumb Trump foreign policy.
3 died and several wounded in last 2 weeks inside Iraq. Coalition forces are now leaving that leaves us alone.

I regularly deal with active and retired US military here and they are very angry because they are getting killed because of VERY POOR STUPID foreign policy.

And you are calling me an IRANIAN? How am I destroying America when I’m speaking for the American soldiers?

How fucking dumb and ignorant idiot can you be?

But you are here supporting a dumb president that getting Americans killed.

Yeah, yeah. Trump killed your terrorist leader, you're still throwing a fit. Too fucking bad. He save a LOT of American lives by doing so,

Save American lives? They just killed 3 US soldiers on the first wave. second wave they wounded several.
And they will not stop because of your Stupidity.
I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
Trash talking doesn’t change anything which you are good for.

But I will not lower my class to your low class miserable life.
You're guilty of defending the communist government of China, rooting for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and praying for another Great Depression. How could I say anything that's lower than what you've already said?

No I’m not defending China. I’m just explaining and try to dig into your thick skull the facts and reality.
Yes, you are defending China. Every time you turds attack Trump for saying "Chinese virus," you're using the exact same rhetoric put out by the Chinese government.

Explain to me why you think I’m defending China.
I know lots of Asians here and lots of them working for me.

I’m in the medical industry business. They voluntarily came to work even I said they should stay home. ALL of them are offended of Trump using Chinese Virus.
Horseshit. You're a lying TDS moron.

Dude I don’t fucking lie. All my post are real straight facts.

You post nothing but a tough guy.
You're guilty of defending the communist government of China, rooting for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and praying for another Great Depression. How could I say anything that's lower than what you've already said?

No I’m not defending China. I’m just explaining and try to dig into your thick skull the facts and reality.
Yes, you are defending China. Every time you turds attack Trump for saying "Chinese virus," you're using the exact same rhetoric put out by the Chinese government.

Explain to me why you think I’m defending China.
I know lots of Asians here and lots of them working for me.

I’m in the medical industry business. They voluntarily came to work even I said they should stay home. ALL of them are offended of Trump using Chinese Virus.
Horseshit. You're a lying TDS moron.

Dude I don’t fucking lie. All my post are real straight facts.

You post nothing but a tough guy.

No one has disputed that, mental case. Check the dosage.
Then what the fuck are you responding to my posts for if you agree with me? Go away, useless troll.

Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

If you are a racist dog. You wouldn’t know the difference if that words are offensive or not. Just like lots of your buddies here.

We have pandemic like WW2. Jerks like you will point fingers to Asians.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
Then what the fuck are you responding to my posts for if you agree with me? Go away, useless troll.

Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

If you are a racist dog. You wouldn’t know the difference if that words are offensive or not. Just like lots of your buddies here.

We have pandemic like WW2. Jerks like you will point fingers to Asians.
You're defending the communist government of China. You're spouting the exact same rhetoric.

You're a douchebag and a traitor.
The practice of selling wild meat in China caused this. They deserve 100% of the blame.
It wasnt wild meat. It was dead lab animal meat.

The Chinese have black market butchers who will butcher diseased carcases and then corrupt meat middle men will use it to supplement their trades.

I do not buy meat if I know it is from China.

You got that from Facebook. Right?
Why is no other country calling it “Chinese Virus”?

Because no other country is led by an asshole
That’s what you think. Then why bother used those term that are offensive to American Asian?

You don’t know how these people feel because you are a racist.

MERS Virus a racist? What is that has anything to do with covid 19?

Amusing, so very typical of far-left Progressives. President Donald Trump is doing a phenomenal job of handling this world-wide crisis. What are they left with? Whining and moaning about calling the dangerous virus, that originated in Wuhan China, the Chinese Virus. Come on, quit fighting America and start working with America.

"MERS Virus a racist? What is that has anything to do with covid 19".

MERS = Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness that is new to humans. It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to several other countries, including the United States.

China has done nothing to merit they're being separated from the name. The virus originated in Wuhan CHINA.

Worse than doing nothing, in violation of the WHO rules, China did not disclose that the new virus had appeared in a timely manner. They delayed for weeks giving us (the USA) DNA coding so work could begin finding a cure and vaccine. Worse still, they attempted to blame the US Army for having brought the virus to China so they would be blamed.

You posted lots lots of lies. You posted lots of lies degrading homeless people.
That is what you are good at.

Ask me if I bother reading your post. Ask me if you have any credibility of what you are saying. NONE.

And I know you are craving for my attention.

On top of that you are a racist piece of shit.

And yet, you post nothing which proves your allegation that I posted lies. Go figure!

Just like I just previously posted. Donnie should just STFU and let VP Pence run the show

What good does it do? Pathological liar you have to guess or wonder if he is telling you the truth. Exaggerating and giving false hope. Just STFU.

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

The host let loose on "our fearless misleader" in another quarantine monologue.
By Ron Dicker
03/20/2020 06:59 AM ET

Jimmy Kimmel had a message Thursday for “our fearless misleader” President Donald Trump in the fight against coronavirus: “Just shut up already.

What does that even mean? What are we going to win? We can’t even find eggs,” Kimmel sniped. “What are we winning?”

The comedian blasted Trump for apparently using a Sharpie to change “corona virus” to “Chinese virus” in his news conference notes Thursday. It was yet another example of the president putting a racist label on the virus that causes COVID-19.

“I’ve really had enough of this guy,” Kimmel said. “Just shut up already and let the doctors take over. Seriously, you Trump the shark. Go away, hand it over to Mike Pence, go sit in your room at Mar-a-Lago and scream at the television all day. We’re tired of all the winning.”
Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

If you are a racist dog. You wouldn’t know the difference if that words are offensive or not. Just like lots of your buddies here.

We have pandemic like WW2. Jerks like you will point fingers to Asians.
You're defending the communist government of China. You're spouting the exact same rhetoric.

You're a douchebag and a traitor.

If not for China cheap supplies of products. You’ll be outside the restaurant at night waiting for bread that they discarded.
If not for China your favorite shopping center Walmart will be out of business. Now what you are going to do?
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
How would you know? We had our chance to get ahead this and we failed... That’s a fact.

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