Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

The same what I’ve been telling to this FUCKED Dude.

Americans are getting killed in Iraq because of dumb Trump foreign policy.
3 died and several wounded in last 2 weeks inside Iraq. Coalition forces are now leaving that leaves us alone.

I regularly deal with active and retired US military here and they are very angry because they are getting killed because of VERY POOR STUPID foreign policy.

And you are calling me an IRANIAN? How am I destroying America when I’m speaking for the American soldiers?

How fucking dumb and ignorant idiot can you be?

But you are here supporting a dumb president that getting Americans killed.

This post has exactly what to do with this thread? You got your behind handed to you on this thread so, typical of a far-left Progressive, you start flailing around, deflecting and giving us a show and dance.

As you know, our military loves this president! President Donald Trump took off their handcuffs and removed the Draconian Rules of Engagement put on them by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama policies that led to the creation of a huge Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. As you know, President Trump has eliminated that Caliphate.

Now try to get back to the topic of this thread. The fact that you see the great job being done, typically, by President Trump in fighting the world-wide Pandemic so you stoop to whining about the name of the virus.

You're quite a piece of work.
Yep, we do know where it began. It began in China......

No one has disputed that, mental case. Check the dosage.
Then what the fuck are you responding to my posts for if you agree with me? Go away, useless troll.

Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.
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You're defending the communist Chinese government. You're a traitor and an anti-American piece of shit.

I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
Trash talking doesn’t change anything which you are good for.

But I will not lower my class to your low class miserable life.
You're guilty of defending the communist government of China, rooting for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and praying for another Great Depression. How could I say anything that's lower than what you've already said?

No I’m not defending China. I’m just explaining and try to dig into your thick skull the facts and reality.
Yes, you are defending China. Every time you turds attack Trump for saying "Chinese virus," you're using the exact same rhetoric put out by the Chinese government.

Explain to me why you think I’m defending China.
I know lots of Asians here and lots of them working for me.

I’m in the medical industry business. They voluntarily came to work even I said they should stay home. ALL of them are offended of Trump using Chinese Virus.
Horseshit. You're a lying TDS moron.
"Chinese" is not a race. "Mexican" is not a race. "Jew" is not a race. "Muslim" is not a race.

Asian is a race. It includes humans from a large number of countries, including China, Japan, the Korea's, etc.

The Corona Virus originated in China through no fault of anyone in particular, then it spread locally and AROUND THE WORLD through the negligence (or lack of appropriate diligence) of the Chinese government, and it now plagues the world (though not so much China anymore).

There is nothing "racist" about identifying this virus according to its origin - the COUNTRY (not the "race") of China.

Thank you for your kind attention. Fuck you very much.

Here are good examples of racism...

View attachment 313351 View attachment 313352 View attachment 313353

All from blob supporters such as yourself. You’re welcome
Not racist but definitely true.
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on

I don't have a "side", Princess Pea. I posted about the Cult of Ignorance and how it tries to bullshit, and in response you dredged up some cockamamie shit about "Xi" and "leftwing". You're a fucking moron.

I am one (1) person. Get over your childish GI Joe game of fucking "sides" and "tribes". And learn how the fuck to read. You've just illustrated Cult of Ignorance all over again.
If you dont have a side then you are just the chronic malcontents who complains about everything

Actually what it means is you're just too god damn stupid to deal with concepts like "individuals".
I get it

You refuse to make the hard decisions and pick a side

so that no matter what happens you can say its not your fault
No one has disputed that, mental case. Check the dosage.
Then what the fuck are you responding to my posts for if you agree with me? Go away, useless troll.

Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

The medicine doesn’t work unless you take it.
“China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages.”

Isn’t that exactly what our President tried to do?
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.
The comment wasn't racists as much as xenophobic.

Is saying that Chow Mein originated in China xenophobic?

Better question, are you fucking stupid?
Actually, chow mein originated in America.


{Chow mein (/ˈtʃaʊ ˈmeɪn/and /ˈtʃaʊ ˈmiːn/, simplified Chinese: 炒面; traditional Chinese: 炒麵) are Chinese stir-fried noodles with vegetables and sometimes meat or tofu; the name is a romanization of the Taishanese chāu-mèn. The dish is popular throughout the Chinese diaspora and appears on the menus of most Chinese restaurants abroad.[1] It is particularly popular in India,[2] Nepal,[3] the UK,[4] and the US.[5]}

Chow mein - Wikipedia

Now General Tso's Chicken, THAT'S American.
“China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages.”

Isn’t that exactly what our President tried to do?
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.

How about when Trump announced we had 15 confirmed cases and that number would shortly go down to zero?
It is a Chinese virus, ergo it is not racist to call it Chinese virus.
TDS morons believe facts are racist.



Thanks Farouk, you Savak agents are always so clever.... :eusa_whistle:

Wrong again dude. We are now talking China.

So call me something else now.

I don't care if we are talking Watermelon. You're still an Iranian troll.. :eek:
You're guilty of defending the communist government of China, rooting for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and praying for another Great Depression. How could I say anything that's lower than what you've already said?

Well, he IS an Iranian agent here to destroy the Great Satan after all. You don't expect his to PRAISE us, do you?

The same what I’ve been telling to this FUCKED Dude.

Americans are getting killed in Iraq because of dumb Trump foreign policy.
3 died and several wounded in last 2 weeks inside Iraq. Coalition forces are now leaving that leaves us alone.

I regularly deal with active and retired US military here and they are very angry because they are getting killed because of VERY POOR STUPID foreign policy.

And you are calling me an IRANIAN? How am I destroying America when I’m speaking for the American soldiers?

How fucking dumb and ignorant idiot can you be?

But you are here supporting a dumb president that getting Americans killed.

Yeah, yeah. Trump killed your terrorist leader, you're still throwing a fit. Too fucking bad. He save a LOT of American lives by doing so,
“China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages.”

Isn’t that exactly what our President tried to do?
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.

How about when Trump announced we had 15 confirmed cases and that number would shortly go down to zero?

Her can only repeat what his agencies tell him. I know you expect a whole lot from your President and government, but that's not the way it works.

ISIS was not the "JV Team", you couldn't "keep your doctor", the manufacturing jobs did come back, a Youtube video didn't cause Benghazi, he didn't close Gitmo or legalize marijuana, Cash for Clunkers did not help the environment, he did not pass any gun control legislation, he did not cut the deficit in half in his first term, he paid his female employees less that the males, called the Fort Hood Shooting "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist act, illegally refused to submit a budget on time for four of his first five years.....

I could go on and on and on about how much Obama lied, but everyone already knows what a detestable liar he was.
Democrats have played the "race card" so long and so often that it no longer has any meaning.


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