Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

China sees America as a power in decline, exhausted from decades of imperialist overstretch and war. China wants to dominate the world and build its dominance on the ashes of the existing world order

its stated goal is to be the world's biggest superpower by 2050, and will do anything, ANYTHIIIIIIIIING to achieve its goal

And this Dude a Harvard military expert anal- list from Rand Corporation is so fascinated with Trump ineptness and amateurism.

China’s military build up has a very very loooong way to go before they can catch up US military might. Let alone the world. They can never catch up. Guarantee you 100%. Yes they are building their military but just about every countries are doing that.

2050 that is 30 years from now. Where do you think the US military might 30 years from now?

NOW. PAY ATTENTION. Why are you and the rest of you poorly informed Trump supporters here are so worried of China and other countries?

Russia has enough warheads to wipe us out in this planet. Why are you not concerned? Why are you not worried. Right now they are challenging us with bombers, fighter jets and reconnaissance plane off Alaskan coast as late as this month March 2020. That is very scary. don’t you think?

US intercepts Russian bombers, fighter jets off Alaskan coast for second time in two days

US, Canadian jets intercept Russian reconnaissance planes near Alaska - Business Insider
China sees America as a power in decline, exhausted from decades of imperialist overstretch and war. China wants to dominate the world and build its dominance on the ashes of the existing world order

its stated goal is to be the world's biggest superpower by 2050, and will do anything, ANYTHIIIIIIIIING to achieve its goal

And this Dude a Harvard military expert anal- list from Rand Corporation is so fascinated with Trump ineptness and amateurism.

China’s military build up has a very very loooong way to go before they can catch up US military might. Let alone the world. They can never catch up. Guarantee you 100%. Yes they are building their military but just about every countries are doing that.

2050 that is 30 years from now. Where do you think the US military might 30 years from now?

NOW. PAY ATTENTION. Why are you and the rest of you poorly informed Trump supporters here are so worried of China and other countries?

Russia has enough warheads to wipe us out in this planet. Why are you not concerned? Why are you not worried. Right now they are challenging us with bombers, fighter jets and reconnaissance plane off Alaskan coast as late as this month March 2020. That is very scary. don’t you think?

US intercepts Russian bombers, fighter jets off Alaskan coast for second time in two days

US, Canadian jets intercept Russian reconnaissance planes near Alaska - Business Insider

U.S. fighters intercept Russian bombers two days in a row
Russia has an economy the size of France's. China has almost come even with the USA, and they will soon surpass us. That's why smart people are worried. Only dumbasses like you aren't worried.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
How would you know? We had our chance to get ahead this and we failed... That’s a fact.
No, that isn't a fact. If you knew it ahead of time, why weren't you screaming about it on this forum?

Because you didn't know, shit for brains.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

If you are a racist dog. You wouldn’t know the difference if that words are offensive or not. Just like lots of your buddies here.

We have pandemic like WW2. Jerks like you will point fingers to Asians.
You're defending the communist government of China. You're spouting the exact same rhetoric.

You're a douchebag and a traitor.

If not for China cheap supplies of products. You’ll be outside the restaurant at night waiting for bread that they discarded.
If not for China your favorite shopping center Walmart will be out of business. Now what you are going to do?
What's your point, asshole? I'm not defending China. You are.
Just like I just previously posted. Donnie should just STFU and let VP Pence run the show

What good does it do? Pathological liar you have to guess or wonder if he is telling you the truth. Exaggerating and giving false hope. Just STFU.

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

The host let loose on "our fearless misleader" in another quarantine monologue.
By Ron Dicker
03/20/2020 06:59 AM ET

Jimmy Kimmel had a message Thursday for “our fearless misleader” President Donald Trump in the fight against coronavirus: “Just shut up already.

What does that even mean? What are we going to win? We can’t even find eggs,” Kimmel sniped. “What are we winning?”

The comedian blasted Trump for apparently using a Sharpie to change “corona virus” to “Chinese virus” in his news conference notes Thursday. It was yet another example of the president putting a racist label on the virus that causes COVID-19.

“I’ve really had enough of this guy,” Kimmel said. “Just shut up already and let the doctors take over. Seriously, you Trump the shark. Go away, hand it over to Mike Pence, go sit in your room at Mar-a-Lago and scream at the television all day. We’re tired of all the winning.”
I hope you go crazy listening to Trump every day.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
How would you know? We had our chance to get ahead this and we failed... That’s a fact.
No, that isn't a fact. If you knew it ahead of time, why weren't you screaming about it on this forum?

Because you didn't know, shit for brains.
I didn’t know asshole and therein lies the rub. Wow you’re dense aren’t you
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
How would you know? We had our chance to get ahead this and we failed... That’s a fact.
No, that isn't a fact. If you knew it ahead of time, why weren't you screaming about it on this forum?

Because you didn't know, shit for brains.
I didn’t know asshole and therein lies the rub. Wow you’re dense aren’t you
So if you didn't know, then why do you believe anyone else should have known?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
As far Chinas military build up and aggression. That is true. They are currently and almost complete making one of the Spratley Island called Taiping a complete military base with airport port armed with anti aircraft.

Philippine President Fidel Ramos & Joseph Estrada of the Philippines asked for assistance from ( 1992 to 2001) US presidents. Again with Bush Sr but all ignored. Now it’s way too late unless we go to war.

spratly islands china - Google Search

Spratly Islands - Wikipedia
Then what the fuck are you responding to my posts for if you agree with me? Go away, useless troll.

Are you sitting in the corner of a dark room thrashing at the air? You really need to check the dosage, mental case.
What is wrong with you? Surely you must have better things to do than argue with someone you agree with.

That fact of where the virus originated is not in dispute. This does not validate your constant, impotent, racist angst.
Racist... blah blah blah. Shut up you virtue signalling ignoramus.

If you are a racist dog. You wouldn’t know the difference if that words are offensive or not. Just like lots of your buddies here.

We have pandemic like WW2. Jerks like you will point fingers to Asians.
I never said a thing about asians. I said "Chinese retards who sell and eat wild meat in the city". Fuck them, and fuck their dog torturing culture. Race has nothing to do with this, but that never stopped you retards from making it about race.
can you imagine if the corona virus originated in Guam? and then Trump would be called a racist?
Just like I just previously posted. Donnie should just STFU and let VP Pence run the show

What good does it do? Pathological liar you have to guess or wonder if he is telling you the truth. Exaggerating and giving false hope. Just STFU.

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

Jimmy Kimmel Tells Donald Trump To 'Shut Up Already' In Coronavirus War

The host let loose on "our fearless misleader" in another quarantine monologue.
By Ron Dicker
03/20/2020 06:59 AM ET

Jimmy Kimmel had a message Thursday for “our fearless misleader” President Donald Trump in the fight against coronavirus: “Just shut up already.

What does that even mean? What are we going to win? We can’t even find eggs,” Kimmel sniped. “What are we winning?”

The comedian blasted Trump for apparently using a Sharpie to change “corona virus” to “Chinese virus” in his news conference notes Thursday. It was yet another example of the president putting a racist label on the virus that causes COVID-19.

“I’ve really had enough of this guy,” Kimmel said. “Just shut up already and let the doctors take over. Seriously, you Trump the shark. Go away, hand it over to Mike Pence, go sit in your room at Mar-a-Lago and scream at the television all day. We’re tired of all the winning.”

To you Kimmel is relevant? Who could make this up?
China sees America as a power in decline, exhausted from decades of imperialist overstretch and war. China wants to dominate the world and build its dominance on the ashes of the existing world order

its stated goal is to be the world's biggest superpower by 2050, and will do anything, ANYTHIIIIIIIIING to achieve its goal

And this Dude a Harvard military expert anal- list from Rand Corporation is so fascinated with Trump ineptness and amateurism.

China’s military build up has a very very loooong way to go before they can catch up US military might. Let alone the world. They can never catch up. Guarantee you 100%. Yes they are building their military but just about every countries are doing that.

2050 that is 30 years from now. Where do you think the US military might 30 years from now?

NOW. PAY ATTENTION. Why are you and the rest of you poorly informed Trump supporters here are so worried of China and other countries?

Russia has enough warheads to wipe us out in this planet. Why are you not concerned? Why are you not worried. Right now they are challenging us with bombers, fighter jets and reconnaissance plane off Alaskan coast as late as this month March 2020. That is very scary. don’t you think?

US intercepts Russian bombers, fighter jets off Alaskan coast for second time in two days

US, Canadian jets intercept Russian reconnaissance planes near Alaska - Business Insider

U.S. fighters intercept Russian bombers two days in a row

Your ignorance about China is not at all surprising. My only question would be if your ignorance is intentional or you really are this uninformed.
Why is no other country calling it “Chinese Virus”?

Because no other country is led by an asshole
How would you now what other countries are calling it? According to the fake news, we aren't calling it the Chinese virus.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Now is not the time for name calling and finger pointing what we need now is leadership, something Trump lacks in spades.
The idea that you're an authority on leadership doesn't pass the laugh test.
How would you know? We had our chance to get ahead this and we failed... That’s a fact.
No, that isn't a fact. If you knew it ahead of time, why weren't you screaming about it on this forum?

Because you didn't know, shit for brains.
I didn’t know asshole and therein lies the rub. Wow you’re dense aren’t you
You just said "leadership, something Trump lacks in spades." Now you're saying you don't know? One thing I do know is that you're an idiot.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.

The worst question thought was from the bimbo who said "How does it look to the world" or "What message does it send to the world.."

Ridiculous. I can't stand these people
“China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages.”

Isn’t that exactly what our President tried to do?
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.

How about when Trump announced we had 15 confirmed cases and that number would shortly go down to zero?

Her can only repeat what his agencies tell him. I know you expect a whole lot from your President and government, but that's not the way it works.

ISIS was not the "JV Team", you couldn't "keep your doctor", the manufacturing jobs did come back, a Youtube video didn't cause Benghazi, he didn't close Gitmo or legalize marijuana, Cash for Clunkers did not help the environment, he did not pass any gun control legislation, he did not cut the deficit in half in his first term, he paid his female employees less that the males, called the Fort Hood Shooting "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist act, illegally refused to submit a budget on time for four of his first five years.....

I could go on and on and on about how much Obama lied, but everyone already knows what a detestable liar he was.
That seems to be the problem

I don’t know if it is a low attention span or twisting facts to meet his agenda
But the fact remains that he is providing misinformation to the public.

The people have learned they can’t trust a word the President says and listen to Fauci to find the truth.
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.

How about when Trump announced we had 15 confirmed cases and that number would shortly go down to zero?

Her can only repeat what his agencies tell him. I know you expect a whole lot from your President and government, but that's not the way it works.

ISIS was not the "JV Team", you couldn't "keep your doctor", the manufacturing jobs did come back, a Youtube video didn't cause Benghazi, he didn't close Gitmo or legalize marijuana, Cash for Clunkers did not help the environment, he did not pass any gun control legislation, he did not cut the deficit in half in his first term, he paid his female employees less that the males, called the Fort Hood Shooting "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist act, illegally refused to submit a budget on time for four of his first five years.....

I could go on and on and on about how much Obama lied, but everyone already knows what a detestable liar he was.
That seems to be the problem

I don’t know if it is a low attention span or twisting facts to meet his agenda
But the fact remains that he is providing misinformation to the public.

The people have learned they can’t trust a word the President says and listen to Fauci to find the truth.
Fauci says Trump is not responsible for the delays in testing. None of you turds believe that, so why should anyone believe anything else you or Fauci claims?
What would you call downplaying the threat and providing overly optimistic predictions on how quickly it would be cured?

Just how is he "downplaying" the threat? In case you haven't crawled out from under your rock lately, you probably haven't noticed how everything is shut down.

How about when Trump announced we had 15 confirmed cases and that number would shortly go down to zero?

Her can only repeat what his agencies tell him. I know you expect a whole lot from your President and government, but that's not the way it works.

ISIS was not the "JV Team", you couldn't "keep your doctor", the manufacturing jobs did come back, a Youtube video didn't cause Benghazi, he didn't close Gitmo or legalize marijuana, Cash for Clunkers did not help the environment, he did not pass any gun control legislation, he did not cut the deficit in half in his first term, he paid his female employees less that the males, called the Fort Hood Shooting "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist act, illegally refused to submit a budget on time for four of his first five years.....

I could go on and on and on about how much Obama lied, but everyone already knows what a detestable liar he was.
That seems to be the problem

I don’t know if it is a low attention span or twisting facts to meet his agenda
But the fact remains that he is providing misinformation to the public.

The people have learned they can’t trust a word the President says and listen to Fauci to find the truth.
Fauci says Trump is not responsible for the delays in testing. None of you turds believe that, so why should anyone believe anything else you or Fauci claims?

But there still are delays in testing, there is a scarcity of kits, a scarcity of testing labs
Other countries got it done, we didn’t.

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