Some North Carolina magistrates say no to same-sex marriages

No gay marriages, then no straight marriages, for a time, by law. Works for me...

"Supervising Judge Randy Poole said that, by law, the McDowell magistrates cannot perform any kind of marriages for six months if they refuse to wed gay couples."

How about lawyers and notaries for civil union contracts between couple of any make up
How about obeying the law? Works for me...

As long as the objector is not the one actually getting married to same sex they should not impose their faith or beliefs on others.
This is becoming a ridiculous game of attrition.
Was it this bad when mix couples tried to marry? What of mixed faiths?

What do they teach in the churches here that makes people so intolerant of others? I can understand some areas of the world, but I would have through tolerance should be the norm not the exception in such a melting pot of people
It was exactly like this when mixed couples tried to marry. The bigots eventually got over it, at least enough to do their jobs. I know many who still whine about it,
Imagine that. Some people don't care for beastiality being called marriage.
^ Again Odium demonstrates his inability to distinguish between animals and people when it comes to his sexual! protect your herds and flocks!
Your kind has never liked equal rights for others, and never will...
Behaviors don't have rights. So your point is flawed in its premise.
Religion is almost always a choice, and a behavior. Free speech even moreso. Try again...
So gay is a religion? Gay is a habituated sexual fetish. Try again.
Poor Sil, can never quite get analogies. Always falling short in the reasoning dept.
Maybe I can help her?

Sil, getting down on your knees to suck another man's cock, behavior.
And, getting down on your knees to pray to your God, behavior.

And both protected by the Constitution per the Supreme Court. That help?

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