Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

"you let me know when murder is conducted on TV and takes a year to come to charges, mkay?"
Well, I dunno anything about "murder conducted on TV"....... but I'm fairly positive --I think --- that I saw an insurrection at the Capitol of the United States of America a year ago January 6th.

And, personally.....speaking for both me and my overworked avatar.....well, we are both patient. The year-long (and more) incubating of 'charges' are quite OK with us. Let the cake bake.

We are --fairly positive, I think --- that there will be some prison sentences that one could quite rightly store away for eternity in the "So there, you azzhole!"-file.

Trust me, and..........

......we'll betcha.
I do believe my humble avatar scored sort of a........a.......Bazinga!!

On the poor avataree, Lastamender.

We take some.....though modestly small.....satisfaction with that. ;)
:shutupsmiley: :ahole-1: You should be ecstatic now.
Well, I dunno anything about "murder conducted on TV"....... but I'm fairly positive --I think --- that I saw an insurrection at the Capitol of the United States of America a year ago January 6th.

And, personally.....speaking for both me and my overworked avatar.....well, we are both patient. The year-long (and more) incubating of 'charges' are quite OK with us. Let the cake bake.

We are --fairly positive, I think --- that there will be some prison sentences that one could quite rightly store away for eternity in the "So there, you azzhole!"-file.

Trust me, and..........

......we'll betcha.
you compared it to murder going on uncharged. I'm saying there isn't a comparison. the murder wasn't conducted on live TV and no one has been screaming YOU COMMITTED MURDER for year to enforce the idea.

so your comparison was, in short, bullshit

do what you must from there.
you compared it to murder going on uncharged. I'm saying there isn't a comparison. the murder wasn't conducted on live TV and no one has been screaming YOU COMMITTED MURDER for year to enforce the idea.

so your comparison was, in short, bullshit

do what you must from there.
WTF are you babbling about?

NFBW wrote: On December 3 2020 iceberg saw a Georgia election ballot case pulled out from under a table on a video on TV and called it a “suitcase” that had to be containing fake Biden ballots. It was not.
but some people say they saw it on TV so it must be real.
NFBW wrote: On Jan 6 2021 I saw DJT incite an insurrection live and on camera when he lied to the mob that states were defrauded so they wanted certified results back and that he had a chance that day to win an election that he lost.
DJT Jan6 noon at Stop the Steal Rally “States want to revote”
The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people. 22JAN25-POST#0727​
Because he did not order the vote even after the republicans meet the standard for one.
RetiredGySgt wrote: 22JAN15-POST#0647 above

NFBW wrote:
Actually Pence presided exactly as laid out in the Constitution and subsequent election laws and acts. One Senator and one Rep at least submitted a letter injection to Az certification. Both branches of Congress were to return to their chambers to debate the issue and vote whether to count AZ ‘s electors. That was interrupted when a thousand of DJT’s Jan6 mobilized mob weapon attacked the Capitol but the debates and votes resumed and continued into the wee hours of the morning. So I do not understand your point, 22JAN25-POST#0728
Pence had a chance to right a wrong. He failed America
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0729 above

NFBW wrote:
Pence acted with patriotism and honor for three days from Jan5 through 7 but not before and not much after. But for three whole days Pence took his head out of DJT’s ass to breathe the fresh air of reality in public by refusing to violate his oath of office under pressure from the oaf who chose a professed sincere Christian man to be his VP.

Pence is reported to have called his successors which shows he dues not believe the BIG LIE. But I wish he would do more to crush the big lie and aid the investigation to find what Trump knew and when he knew anything about all the attempts to overturn the election. 22JAN26-POST#0730
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Pence had a chance to right a wrong. He failed America.
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0729 above

Lie #1: That it was an insurrection
Bootney Lee Farnsworth wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0731 above

NFBW wrote:
it’s not a lie when the adjective “attempted” is dropped. lennypartiv defines Trump’s inner circle insurrection which of course is in writing in the form of the EASTMAN Memo .

DJT and lennypartiv are referring to the EASTMAN Plan that failed when they refer to Pence’s failure to do the right thing.

Here is Trump’s admission on the day of the failed insurrection that the plan was to overturn the election that he lost. He knew he lost and needed an insurrection to win.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17​

NFBW wrote: plus there’s this which inspired the weapon of strength in numbers to show up on the same day as the Proud Boys and Elmer and the Oath Keepers to attempt insurrection by physical mob force but failed as well.

"Now, Trump and his followers claim that the insurrection wasn't an insurrection," Warshauer writes. "The former president recently (September, 2021) claimed it was all a 'hoax.' Such a statement defines the Trump presidency. He has long insisted that if you say something enough times people will believe it. He has made the denial of basic facts a key political strategy. ...21OCT04-JWright-TBL​
"And be sure – 'The Big Lie' (that Trump actually won the 2020 election) is what culminated in the Capitol Insurrection – this is no minor issue," Warshauer writes. "What has always set America apart is our citizens' willingness to accept elections and the peaceful transition of political power. Without that essential commitment, our Union will fracture; we will be reduced to just another rogue political state. The 'Great Experiment' in representative government will fail."​

NFBW wrote: And There is this investigation news
fake electoral college certifications​
"Major news this morning in a story that CNN broke overnight," CNN's John Berman reported. "For the first time, the Department of Justice is publicly acknowledging that it is looking into a specific aspect of the plot from high-level Donald Trump allies to overturn the 2020 election."​

"We learned that federal prosecutors are reviewing the fake electoral college certifications from 2020 that falsely declared former President Trump the winner of seven states, states that he lost," he explained.
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lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0729 above

Here is Trump’s admission on the day of the failed insurrection that the plan was to overturn the election that he lost. He knew he lost and needed an insurrection to win.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17​
So what? It's Trump pointing out people were trying to right a wrong.
So what? It's Trump pointing out people were trying to right a wrong
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0734 above

NFBW wrote:
It’s a lie and that makes him responsible for attempting to defraud the US Governnent and responsible for the entire seditious conspiracy to overthrow the incoming government that constitutionally won the election that DJT LOST. - - - Without DJT’s lies (1) Republican officials in six states do not sign fake certificates of electors potentially earning them prison time. (2) Ashley dumbass Babbitt does not fly from California to storm the Capitol so QAnon’s selected savior of the entire world and Christianity can hang onto power for at least four more years of Trumpism, and get herself shot and killed. (3) Elmer and the Oath Keepers do not begin planning a massive mob attack against the Joint Session of Congress to sieze and occupy the Capitol Building with his militia being ready to bring ‘heavy arms’ across the Potomac if traitor Generals in the PENTAGON Attemot to take back the Capitol by force. 22JAN26-POST#0735
So what? It's Trump pointing out people were trying to right a wrong.
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0734 above

NFBW wrote:
The problem is lennypartiv , Trump was wrong about the wrong. He made a public statement on Jan6 that in no way could it be based on something he misunderstood or was given bad information. No state requested to have their certified slate of electors returned so they could flip them from Biden to Trump. Reality is certain that no state wanted to correct their votes because no state privately or publicly sought such a thing. It was a creation in the deranged mind of a sore loser who intentionally transmitted it to his gathered mob because the truth would not anger them and have them ready for the events of the day.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m. Trump tweets:"States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17​

What you see lennypartiv as a fair call for justice by the wronged President of the United States is really a Twitter message of his own personal self made truth by a stark raving mad lunatic that no one in their right mind should’ve believed. But there you are. 22JAN26-POST#0736
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The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?
All your claims are correct. The last one about the insurrectionists being mistreated is woefully so, they should be treated with the same respect they showed when they defiled the Capitol. NONE.
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN26-POST#0734 above

NFBW wrote:
The problem is lennypartiv , Trump was wrong about the wrong. He made a public statement on Jan6 that in no way could it be based on something he misunderstood or was given bad information. No state requested to have their certified slate of electors returned so they could flip them from Biden to Trump. Reality is certain that no state wanted to correct their votes because no state privately or publicly sought such a thing. It was a creation in the deranged mind of a sore loser who intentionally transmitted it to his gathered mob because the truth would not anger them and have them ready for the events of the day.
Because some of those states had crooked Dems running the elections there.
Because some of those states had crooked Dems running the elections there.
lennypartiv wrote: 22JAN27-POST#0738 above

NFBW wrote:
The mob violence on Jan6 was incited by a lie by POTUS and that it is your understanding that he included states with elections run by Democrats that wanted their certified slate of electors back so Trump wins and Biden loses. Do you often lennypartiv accept such absurdities as that to be truth when it comes off the face or Twitter account of your beloved DJT? 22JAN27-POST#0739
Lakhota hey maybe if they let the protesters in like they allowed the anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters in they wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Why does one get in and not the other? Liberty for all.

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