Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

The ability to pay for the military means that one can be called up and funded if we are invaded.
It does not imply we should have a standing army, much less troops in Germany, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, etc.
Wrong no such limit is in nor implied in the Constitution, the ONLY limit is that appropriations be renewed every 2 years.
And yet they SPECIFICALLY gave Congress the power to raise and pay for a standing Army. No limits except that it be renewed every 2 years.

And yet no significant standing army existed for the first 100 years of this country, (except in times of war).
You fools are a hoot ... biggest lie about jan.6th insurrection is that it was not an insurrection... anyone charged for insurrection? Anyone convicted? Just because you princesses keep repeating said lie doesn't make it true. What's next ? You know where Bigfoot is ? So stupid to call a field trip a insurrection, but that's the left for ya ...
How about sedition?
And, if the GOP or Trump funds-compilers wish to help out those charged or jailed mokes with bail or attorney's fees.......well, fine. Put your money where your mouth is. That is what contributions are for. If you believe in what the rioters did....then contribute, be you some moke running a muffler shop,


[ mohk ]SHOW IPA

💼 Post-College Level

Older Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person.

[ mohk ]SHOW IPA
💼 Post-College Level
Older Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person.

Somebody's acorn did not fall far from the tree
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I have very little respect for anyone in law enforcement, considering we have the largest % imprisoned in the world, with lots of illegal legislation, like the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
I ran into confrontations with the police constantly back during the Vietnam protests, and the police were always totally corrupt, violent, bigoted, hateful, brutal, and ignorant of the law.
Most of the federal government is totally illegal, like the BATF, DEA, FDA, CDC, etc.
The constitution is clear the feds can only legally do what the constitution specifically authorizes.
None of these departments are legally authorized.

Vietnam was already settled by the French and Vietnamese, and there was supposed to be an election in 1955, that we illegally prevented.
The invasion of Iraq was completely illegal, and the whole point of creating the UN was to prevent these sorts of illegal arbitrary invasions.
With Libya, we essentially massacred the domestic troops to al Qaeda and ISIS extremists from Iraq and Egypt could take over.
Congress illegally spends over half the national budget on the military, and legally there is not even supposed to be a standing military.
With the Ukraine, they violated the treaties and engaged in criminal activities, so we are aiding and abetting criminals by giving them weapons.
No shit. 65 years ago and the CIA fucked up many times. McCarthyism, Iran, Vietnam and then Nixon. We've come a long way with civil rights, Medicare and race riots. The summer of love and the summer of hate, sadly the former seems to have disappeared, and the latter seems to have grown as too many haters found Social Media and not an education.

Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection​

You mean like the word “insurrection” itself?
People don't show up to protest in military gear, bulletproof vests, pepper spray, wrist ties, build a working gallows, and equipped with tools that could be used as weapons but also allow for deniability with hordes of weapons stashed nearby in case they were needed. All were not guilty of insurrection, but there were elements with hidden within the mob with that intent. If the capital police would have used lethal force on this group surely the backups would have shown up fully weaponized.
From one who should know:

  • Oath Keeper Pleads Guilty to Capitol Insurrection Charges Graydon Young, a member of the right-wing militia group, pleaded guilty to two felony charges related to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Erika Williams / June 23, 2021 Insurrectionists loyal to President Donald Trump breach the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.

Oath Keeper Pleads Guilty to Capitol Insurrection Charges ...
Already addressed. It is sadly true that in our justice system, people sometimes plead guilty when they are either not guilty of the crime charged or only guilty of some lesser offenses. Why? Fear of conviction despite the lack of guilt and fear of harsher sentences if the case were to go to trial and lead to a conviction.

The seditious conspiracy charge was always bullshit.
Already addressed. It is sadly true that in our justice system, people sometimes plead guilty when they are either not guilty of the crime charged or only guilty of some lesser offenses. Why? Fear of conviction despite the lack of guilt and fear of harsher sentences if the case were to go to trial and lead to a conviction.

The seditious conspiracy charge was always bullshit.
If Seditious Conspiracy is his lesser charge to plead to get off easier, what was the bigger charge he was trying to avoid?
People don't show up to protest in military gear, bulletproof vests, pepper spray, wrist ties, build a working gallows, and equipped with tools that could be used as weapons but also allow for deniability with hordes of weapons stashed nearby in case they were needed. All were not guilty of insurrection, but there were elements with hidden within the mob with that intent. If the capital police would have used lethal force on this group surely the backups would have shown up fully weaponized.
Some apparently do show up in gear. Then again, most of the folks who showed up didn’t either enter the Capitol nor did they show up with military gear. Maybe some of the Capitol police shouldn’t have permitted some of the folks such rash entry. Hm.
If Seditious Conspiracy is his lesser charge to plead to get off easier, what was the bigger charge he was trying to avoid?
No. He pled to the highest count perhaps in hopes of gaining a lower sentence. I never said, suggested or implied that she’s it ious conspiracy was a lesser.
Some apparently do show up in gear. Then again, most of the folks who showed up didn’t either enter the Capitol nor did they show up with military gear. Maybe some of the Capitol police shouldn’t have permitted some of the folks such rash entry. Hm.
Can you point out where the capitol police allowed entry?
Can you point out where the capitol police allowed entry?

What? In one video? Or in any of the many videos. You do know it’s been widely established and disseminated already, right?

There are lots more. How about you crawl out from under your rock and do a little of your own research, ya lazy lump? I mean, I can’t do ALL your research for you. Other things require attention. Alas for you.
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No. He pled to the highest count perhaps in hopes of gaining a lower sentence. I never said, suggested or implied that she’s it ious conspiracy was a lesser.
Your posts are still there to see what you had to say.
Already addressed. It is sadly true that in our justice system, people sometimes plead guilty when they are either not guilty of the crime charged or only guilty of some lesser offenses. Why? Fear of conviction despite the lack of guilt and fear of harsher sentences if the case were to go to trial and lead to a conviction.

The seditious conspiracy charge was always bullshit.
That's not an intelligent argument of substance. Try again.
What? In one video? Or in any of the many videos. You do know it’s been widely established and disseminated already, right?
What has been etablished and disseminated? Are you referring to videos where the seditionists were not in active confrontation with the police? I'll bet you can find videos of bank robbers where they weren't robbing a bank. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
No. He pled to the highest count perhaps in hopes of gaining a lower sentence. I never said, suggested or implied that she’s it ious conspiracy was a lesser.
It is sadly true that in our justice system, people sometimes plead guilty when they are either not guilty of the crime charged or only guilty of some lesser offenses.

In the case of this attack on the Capitol, when they entered, they were already guilty. They should consider themselves lucky they weren't shot on the spot.
What has been etablished and disseminated? Are you referring to videos where the seditionists were not in active confrontation with the police? I'll bet you can find videos of bank robbers where they weren't robbing a bank. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
His arguments border on the ridiculous side.

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