Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

That is murder.
These women did not deserve to be killed, were given no warning, and their crimes were at worst, trespassing.
They were told to not enter the building. Babbit was attempting to climb through a window with other republican ratbag.
She persisted by defying the law and she got the appropriate punishment.
The sad part is they security should have shot the lot of the terrorist arseholes then lined Trump up with them.

It was an attempt to overthrow democracy by a wannabe dictator andbtgr world knows it yet you idiots still want to support Trump. There was no election fraud. You were all conned.
Yet there was no insurrection charge. Still at zero over a year later.

NFBW “5” wrote: You want to quibble that the fuckhead Confederate flag flying Trump goobers were charged for sedition not insurrection as if it makes a difference calling it one or the other.

Sedition - incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
insurrection - a violent uprising against a government.

Charges of "felony conspiracy" and "obstruction" are NOT insurrection charges.

The seditious conspiracy charge was always bullshit.

NFBW “5” wrote: How so? Jan6 was not legitimate political discourse or do you think it was?

America was mostly Protestant who basically invited but did not demand. America got enough of that under the kings and queens.

NFBW “5” wrote: Well whoisit you were talking about violent white religionists there and I agree, so do you think in a rational way America got enough of that under white nationalistic Christian / Biblical TRUMPISM on Jan6?

I'm an American who loves my country
My daughter thinks so and many signs are here so thought I'd put up this thread.

NFBW “5” wrote: BIGGER QUESTION - do you love religious freedom whoisit and the Democratic process for which she stands? Because white Christian nationalists in the Patriot Church as a “Trump church,” don’t.

Clemetson described the Patriot Church as a “Trump church,” adding, “Donald Trump represented what we stand for as a nation. You go to flyover country and people have good moral values. They love the Lord and they want the best for the country. And that's what Donald Trump tapped into. That's what he represented.”

But Christian nationalism is by no means universally loved in Christianity. Some Christians, according to Burnett, have a very low opinion of the movement.​

NFBW “5” wrote: PUTIN is Hitler. He must be stopped. This ain’t no Biblical End Times prophecy we are going through. WE NEED RATIONAL humanistic humans like our founding fathers were - like Joe Biden not Donald Trump who thinks Putin is a genius and Jesus is stupid and weak. Putin is inhuman / evil incarnate. .

Burnett explains, “The rise of Christian nationalism is both a symptom and an accelerant of the polarization that afflicts America. And there is more and more pushback.​
Beginning last year, more than 24,000 national church leaders, clergy and lay people have signed a statement that condemns Christian nationalism as a distortion of the faith and idolatrous of the former president​

NFBW “5” wrote: Or are you with Putin @Mashmont’s and Trump’s authoritarian CHRISTIAN political church now killing babies and terminating a democratic free Republic like ours in Ukraine? 22MAR06-POST#802
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You want to quibble that the fuckhead Confederate flag flying Trump goobers were charged for sedition not insurrection as if it makes a difference calling it one or the other.

Sedition - incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
insurrection - a violent uprising against a government.

How so? Jan6 was not legitimate political discourse or do you think it was?

Well whoisit you were talking about violent white religionists there and I agree, so do you think in a rational way America got enough of that under white nationalistic Christian / Biblical TRUMPISM on Jan6?

BIGGER QUESTION - do you love religious freedom whoisit and the Democratic process for which she stands? Because white Christian nationalists in the Patriot Church as a “Trump church,” don’t.

But Christian nationalism is by no means universally loved in Christianity. Some Christians, according to Burnett, have a very low opinion of the movement.​

PUTIN is Hitler. He must be stopped. This ain’t no Biblical End Times prophecy we are going through. WE NEED RATIONAL humanistic humans like our founding fathers were - like Joe Biden not Donald Trump who thinks Putin is a genius and Jesus is stupid and weak. Putin is inhuman / evil incarnate. .

Burnett explains, “The rise of Christian nationalism is both a symptom and an accelerant of the polarization that afflicts America. And there is more and more pushback.​
Beginning last year, more than 24,000 national church leaders, clergy and lay people have signed a statement that condemns Christian nationalism as a distortion of the faith and idolatrous of the former president​

Or are you with Putin @Mashmont’s and Trump’s authoritarian CHRISTIAN political church now killing babies and terminating a Democratic free
Republic like ours in Ukraine?
He ain't the guts to admit it like all the republicans on here. Not one has condemned putin. Not one yet they call themselves patriots. The hypocrite morons.
They are pathetic shivers looking for a spine to run up.
What has been etablished and disseminated? Are you referring to videos where the seditionists were not in active confrontation with the police? I'll bet you can find videos of bank robbers where they weren't robbing a bank. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Denying that cops let people in is a loser retard, it is well established that they did so.
We all saw the Lunar Module on the Moon, no one saw any attempt to take over the government.
Yes, we all saw the attempt to take over the government. Until you are able to perfect that old Jedi mind trick "these are not the droids you are looking for" or "his is not the coup attempt it appears to be" , you are wasting your time denying reality.
Denying that cops let people in is a loser retard, it is well established that they did so.
In some locations, the police stepped back when they saw that they were overwhelmed. There might be some reason to believe some of the cops were in on it. Other than those two instances, any claims that it wasn't an attack, but instead just a leisurely tourist visit is absurd.
It is postings like below that keep me coming back. It's like an entertaining puppet show. With some 'not-really-thoughtful' contributors parading either their proclivity for 'trolling', or their refusal to consider realities that don't mesh with their partisan perceptions.

It's kind of fun to see happen, and then roll your eyes over.
Fun stuff. I visit here just for that.

No rioter ever expressed an intent to kill anyone, they did not kill anyone, and no one brought any means of killing anyone, except the police of course, who were armed to the teeth.
For example, the poster above is either strangely ignorant of the documentaries....Frontline, Pro Publica, etc., or the extensive coverage of January 6th in many many qualifty publications.....(see New York Times and Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, among others.)
And hell, let's even throw in the New York Post which reported this on January 20th, 2021:
"Like so many others, Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith, of Pennsylvania, filmed themselves breaching the Capitol.
“We got inside, we did our part.We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin’ brain but we didn’t find her,” Bancroft said in the footage, according to court documents."

These women did not deserve to be killed, were given no warning, and their crimes were at worst, trespassing.
Well, the good poster 'Rigby5' seems to be indicating that two women were killed intentionally and unprovoked.
That's not what the reportage indicates. 1. Ashli Babbitt....was given multiple warnings. Loudly. Insistently. Even with a gun was pointed in her direction. She ignored 'em all. Ashli Babbitt is dead becaue of Ashli Babbitt.

Then the other gal who died on the steps while her fellow mobsters were violently assaulting and injuring a vastly outnumbered uniformed police squad defending an entranceway into the Capitol. And, it seems, she died of an overdose.
So there is that.

Denying that cops let people in is a loser retard, it is well established that they did so.
There was reportage of three doorways where the police gave way before an onrushing violent mob.....rather than throw themselves into the breach. I've seen no credible reportage that police "let in" rioters, or "invited" rioters. And what videos I've seen, the police in those doorways were vastly outnumbered by the onrushing mob. Where the police were in force, we saw brave and high risk resistance to the MAGAMob.

And then the question remains: Of the near 2,000 people who illegally entered the Capitol to vandalize, smear their poo, hunt down legislators, and stop the approval of the Electoral votes, well, how many of them actually entered through those 3 doorways? Numbers matter.
Without seeing reportage on actual numbers.....I will suggest it was a small minoritly of the approximately 2,000.

In some locations, the police stepped back when they saw that they were overwhelmed. There might be some reason to believe some of the cops were in on it. Other than those two instances, any claims that it wasn't an attack, but instead just a leisurely tourist visit is absurd.

It is absurdity squared.
It is either trolling as a provocateur.
Or it is staggering ignorance.....either because of incapacity, or willfulness.

"Oath Keeper pleads guilty in sedition case. It's a major development in the DOJ's marquee Capitol riot case. On Wednesday, Joshua James, of Arab, Alabama, pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Both charges are felonies carrying maximum sentences of 20 years. More importantly, James — who served as part of Roger Stone's security detail on Jan. 6 — agreed to cooperate against his former co-defendants."

The Reffitt trial makes for riveting reading.​

You cannot read about Reffitt without believing there were real nutters among the MAGAMob that attacked the Captiol of the United States. Nutters, to be sure. But they had a goal. An intent.
Hopefully, the Congressional Committee can determine if there was or was not a link, some communication, connecting these MAGANutters with Roger Stone, or some other DTrump confidante.

(I've underlined some passages I thought were notable.)


"Jackson Reffitt testifies for hours about father's growing extremism, threats against his children"​

"A 19-year-old walked into Judge Dabney Friedrich's courtroom Thursday afternoon, wavy brown hair falling past the lapel of his blazer. He was so quiet and soft-spoken Friedrich repeatedly had to ask him to lean forward.
"Do you know the defendant," assistant U.S. attorney Dabney Friedrich asked him. He said yes. She asked how.
"He's my father," Jackson Reffitt said.
Guy Reffitt watched on tearfully as his 19-year-old son told jurors he "constantly" had a gun on him and said Jan. 6 was just the "preface."

After Jan. 6, Reffitt sent his family a photograph of him advancing on Capitol Police at the front of the mob. Along with the photograph, he included the text: “Me telling Patriots to hold my beer and watch this.”

FBI Special Agent Stacy Shahrani, a member of the bureau’s Computer Analysis Response Team, told jurors she extracted data from four devices belonging to Reffitt. One of those devices, a 360-degree camera, caught him telling people over and over again at the Ellipse in D.C. what his plans for the day were on Jan. 6.
“Alright Rocky, we gotta push forward buddy,” Reffitt says in the government’s first audio clip. A short time later, he follows up with, “I’m prepared to take this capital.”
In multiple ways, and to multiple people, Reffitt repeated the same thought.
“We’re taking the Capitol after this before the day is out,” he says. “Dragging them out f***ing kicking and screaming.”
“I didn’t come here to play games. I’m taking the Capitol with everybody f***ing else,” he tells another person. “We’re taking them out kicking and f***ing screaming. I just want to see [Speaker of the House] Nancy Pelosi’s head hitting every step on the way out.”

Reffitt told another man, after identifying himself as a Three Percenter, that Jan. 6 was “the last day of the war.” And, he said, he and his friends had come armed to make sure of that.
“I’m packing heat, and I’m going to get more heat and I’m going into that f***ing building,”
Reffitt said. “I’m f***ing done with these motherf***ers.”

Jurors saw video of Reffitt at the front of a crowd of people, urging them to move forward against police – first with a bullhorn and then, after succumbing to the O.C. spray, with his arm.

On Thursday, they heard it all again from Reffitt himself.
“I’m not trying to be arrogant, but nobody was moving forward until I took that banister,” Reffitt said in a recorded Zoom video with Texas Three Percenters state leader Russ William Bowen. “I just kept yelling, ‘Go forward! Go forward! Take the House!”

And Reffitt told his family and Bowen the same thing he told multiple people on Jan. 6: that he went to D.C. armed, and that he would have used it if necessary.
“They’re lucky we didn’t shoot them,” he can be heard saying at one point, referencing the guns both he and fellow Three Percenter Rocky Hardy had with them in D.C.

That’s why, a few days later when his father told Jackson and his younger sister, Peyton, he would shoot them if they turned him in, Jackson believed him.
“He said, ‘If you turn me in, you’ll be traitors. And traitors get shot,’” Jackson said. Later, Reffitt allegedly threatened to put a bullet through Peyton’s phone if she was recording him.
Jackson spoke with an FBI agent that same day – after driving to meet friends, first, in case his father was using a GPS tracker on him – and five days after that, agents arrested his father.
Before the arrest, Reffitt told him: “You’ll know that your father was there when an epic, historical thing happened in this country. And guess what? I’m not done yet.”



After Jan. 6, Reffitt sent his family a photograph of him advancing on Capitol Police at the front of the mob. Along with the photograph, he included the text: “Me telling Patriots to hold my beer and watch this.”
Steal an election, expect a protest.
They were told to not enter the building. Babbit was attempting to climb through a window with other republican ratbag.
She persisted by defying the law and she got the appropriate punishment.
The sad part is they security should have shot the lot of the terrorist arseholes then lined Trump up with them.

It was an attempt to overthrow democracy by a wannabe dictator andbtgr world knows it yet you idiots still want to support Trump. There was no election fraud. You were all conned.

Entering the building is at most, trespassing, not a deadly offense.
Even that is questionable since it is a public building and they felt they were being illegally ignored.

I totally disagree with these protestors and do not like or believe Trump, but killing them was outright murder.
NFBW “5” wrote: You want to quibble that the fuckhead Confederate flag flying Trump goobers were charged for sedition not insurrection as if it makes a difference calling it one or the other.

Sedition - incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
insurrection - a violent uprising against a government.

NFBW “5” wrote: How so? Jan6 was not legitimate political discourse or do you think it was?

NFBW “5” wrote: Well whoisit you were talking about violent white religionists there and I agree, so do you think in a rational way America got enough of that under white nationalistic Christian / Biblical TRUMPISM on Jan6?

NFBW “5” wrote: BIGGER QUESTION - do you love religious freedom whoisit and the Democratic process for which she stands? Because white Christian nationalists in the Patriot Church as a “Trump church,” don’t.

But Christian nationalism is by no means universally loved in Christianity. Some Christians, according to Burnett, have a very low opinion of the movement.​

NFBW “5” wrote: PUTIN is Hitler. He must be stopped. This ain’t no Biblical End Times prophecy we are going through. WE NEED RATIONAL humanistic humans like our founding fathers were - like Joe Biden not Donald Trump who thinks Putin is a genius and Jesus is stupid and weak. Putin is inhuman / evil incarnate. .

Burnett explains, “The rise of Christian nationalism is both a symptom and an accelerant of the polarization that afflicts America. And there is more and more pushback.​
Beginning last year, more than 24,000 national church leaders, clergy and lay people have signed a statement that condemns Christian nationalism as a distortion of the faith and idolatrous of the former president​

NFBW “5” wrote: Or are you with Putin @Mashmont’s and Trump’s authoritarian CHRISTIAN political church now killing babies and terminating a democratic free Republic like ours in Ukraine? 22MAR06-POST#802
Thanks for the recap of your stupidity.
Entering the building is at most, trespassing, not a deadly offense.
Why don’t you go to the US Capitol building right now, put a backpack on and you’re fucking Trump flag and then when you get to the security entrance and takeoff running to get past the security officers and down the hallway and just see what kind offfence that your trespassing experience is. keyword “with a backpack“

you may not be living very long once you reach US Capitol security. Dumb ass Babbitt did it with the vice president and a joint such session of Congress was going on. She’s lucky she made it that far.
It is postings like below that keep me coming back. It's like an entertaining puppet show. With some 'not-really-thoughtful' contributors parading either their proclivity for 'trolling', or their refusal to consider realities that don't mesh with their partisan perceptions.

It's kind of fun to see happen, and then roll your eyes over.
Fun stuff. I visit here just for that.

For example, the poster above is either strangely ignorant of the documentaries....Frontline, Pro Publica, etc., or the extensive coverage of January 6th in many many qualifty publications.....(see New York Times and Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, among others.)
And hell, let's even throw in the New York Post which reported this on January 20th, 2021:
"Like so many others, Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith, of Pennsylvania, filmed themselves breaching the Capitol.
“We got inside, we did our part.We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin’ brain but we didn’t find her,” Bancroft said in the footage, according to court documents."


Well, the good poster 'Rigby5' seems to be indicating that two women were killed intentionally and unprovoked.
That's not what the reportage indicates. 1. Ashli Babbitt....was given multiple warnings. Loudly. Insistently. Even with a gun was pointed in her direction. She ignored 'em all. Ashli Babbitt is dead becaue of Ashli Babbitt.

Then the other gal who died on the steps while her fellow mobsters were violently assaulting and injuring a vastly outnumbered uniformed police squad defending an entranceway into the Capitol. And, it seems, she died of an overdose.
So there is that.


There was reportage of three doorways where the police gave way before an onrushing violent mob.....rather than throw themselves into the breach. I've seen no credible reportage that police "let in" rioters, or "invited" rioters. And what videos I've seen, the police in those doorways were vastly outnumbered by the onrushing mob. Where the police were in force, we saw brave and high risk resistance to the MAGAMob.

And then the question remains: Of the near 2,000 people who illegally entered the Capitol to vandalize, smear their poo, hunt down legislators, and stop the approval of the Electoral votes, well, how many of them actually entered through those 3 doorways? Numbers matter.
Without seeing reportage on actual numbers.....I will suggest it was a small minoritly of the approximately 2,000.


It is absurdity squared.
It is either trolling as a provocateur.
Or it is staggering ignorance.....either because of incapacity, or willfulness.


No on ever threatened violence except the police.
Ashli was only warned by other demonstrators, and Byrd freely admits he never said a word before shooting.
And you are lying about Roseanne Boyland, who was also killed by police.
He said the clash “basically created a panic, and the police in turn push[ed] back on them, so people started falling.”
Paramedics tried to revive Boyland, 34, but she died.
The friend she was with, Justin Winchell, recalled her final moments as protesters began falling over one another.
“I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her],” Winchell told CBS46. “There were people stacked two, three deep … people just crushed.”
expect a protest.
expect to be left out and laughed at

So, a MAGAMobster then threatens his children with being shot?
And that is part and parcel of 'protesting' an election result one doesn't like?

Maybe. But only in the world of Q-nuts. These 'election-refuseniks' are the new 'birthers', the new 'Jews-did-9/11', the new flavor of 'Holocaust-deniers'.

Accordingly, being laughed at, and being left out of......the sane rationale society of responsible adults is, indeed, a real possibility. The fate of Q-nuts.
Lie about a stolen election expect to be left out and laughed at for the rest of your miserable sore loser unAmerican anti-democracy life.

You totally don't get it.
I don't think there was a stolen election either.
In fact, I am far more left, progressive, liberal than anyone here.
But regardless of how wrong they were, you do not beat, shoot, and trample them.
They had a right to be heard.
Congress is the bad guy.
They constantly lie to us, like Iraqi WMD, no public health care, the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
Congress is almost entirely crooks who should be in jail.

So, a MAGAMobster then threatens his children with being shot?
And that is part and parcel of 'protesting' an election result one doesn't like?

Maybe. But only in the world of Q-nuts. These 'election-refuseniks' are the new 'birthers', the new 'Jews-did-9/11', the new flavor of 'Holocaust-deniers'.

Accordingly, being laughed at, and being left out of......the sane rationale society of responsible adults is, indeed, a real possibility. The fate of Q-nuts.

Those claims of similarity to other false claims are propaganda by you and you alone.
That is a totally invalid means of discussion.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
The fact the protestors were wrong, does not make them criminals.
They had a right to be heard and responded to.
It was congress who responded incorrectly.
This is fun.

"...then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her],” ..... “There were people stacked two, three deep … people just crushed.”
Yupper, that sounds like pre-meditated murder to me.
If only the police had been better organized, they could have engineered more of this 'stacking'.....two or three deep, people just crushed.'
WHY!!! ....didn't they think of that earlier?

Poster Rigby5, really....think about what you want to convey prior to typing.
It will improve your gravitas.
Not to mention credibility.
Trust me.

Liar. No on ever threatened violence except the police.

Well, one has gotta be careful about calling another a 'liar'.
It implies one knows the so called "liar's" intended to deceive.
And proving another's intention is always fraught.
(It's the reason Glen Kelser's Fact-Check team at WaPo, were careful NOT to term DTrump's 30,000+, ummm, 'fibs'?.... as 'lies'. Instead, they termed 'in error', or 'untruths', 'inaccurate' 'mistatement'.......never calling those 30,000+ 'inaccuracies..... lies.

Accordingly, the good poster Rigby5 would be wise to follow the Washington Post's example.

And too, it has to be acknowledged my poor avatar was merely posting the reporting offered by others.
So, please note that good poster Rigby. Don't let your partisanship overwhelm your good judgement.

Lastly, good poster Rigby, ---and I hate to overdrive the nail here, but ----- you should have noted the part in the pulled quote that I repeat again below. The underlined parts.
It sorta kinda casts doubt on your claim that nobody threatened no one:

"Like so many others, Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith, of Pennsylvania, filmed themselves breaching the Capitol.
“We got inside, we did our part.We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin’ brain but we didn’t find her,” Bancroft
said in the footage, according to court documents."


So, you see, poster Rigby......think! think! before you post.
You are making your poor avatar look dumb and unprepared.
Don't do that. It serves neither of you well.
Trust me.

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