Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

They had a right to be heard.
They weren’t there just to be heard. They were there to be amassive mob as a weapon to force Mike Pence to not certify the votes from seven states where a lot of black voters would’ve been disenfranchised. I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on ; you’re a racist and an idiot and a Russian troll. A Putin apologist. America doesn’t want you anymore.
This is fun.

Yupper, that sounds like pre-meditated murder to me.
If only the police had been better organized, they could have engineered more of this 'stacking'.....two or three deep, people just crushed.'
WHY!!! ....didn't they think of that earlier?

Poster Rigby5, really....think about what you want to convey prior to typing.
It will improve your gravitas.
Not to mention credibility.
Trust me.

Well, one has gotta be careful about calling another a 'liar'.
It implies one knows the so called "liar's" intended to deceive.
And proving another's intention is always fraught.
(It's the reason Glen Kelser's Fact-Check team at WaPo, were careful NOT to term DTrump's 30,000+, ummm, 'fibs'?.... as 'lies'. Instead, they termed 'in error', or 'untruths', 'inaccurate' 'mistatement'.......never calling those 30,000+ 'inaccuracies..... lies.

Accordingly, the good poster Rigby5 would be wise to follow the Washington Post's example.

And too, it has to be acknowledged my poor avatar was merely posting the reporting offered by others.
So, please note that good poster Rigby. Don't let your partisanship overwhelm your good judgement.

Lastly, good poster Rigby, ---and I hate to overdrive the nail here, but ----- you should have noted the part in the pulled quote that I repeat again below. The underlined parts.
It sorta kinda casts doubt on your claim that nobody threatened no one:

"Like so many others, Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith, of Pennsylvania, filmed themselves breaching the Capitol.
“We got inside, we did our part.We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin’ brain but we didn’t find her,” Bancroft
said in the footage, according to court documents."


So, you see, poster Rigby......think! think! before you post.
You are making your poor avatar look dumb and unprepared.
Don't do that. It serves neither of you well.
Trust me.

You keep repeating 3rd party quotes that have consistently already been proven false.
There was NEVER any threat of violence, or any use of weapons by these misguided protestors.

As for the police, they deliberately pushed protestors back down a stairway, knowing full well that would cause stumbling and death. It WAS deliberate murder. They saw the bodies pile up and continued.

With Ashli Babbitt, again it was not even legal for Bryd to even point a loaded gun at Ashlie, much less pull the trigger.
And anyone claiming Bryd warned anyone or had any legal authority to fire, is just lying.
There were 2 cops next to Ashlie and Bryd almost hit killed them by accident.
It was the most illegal and irresponsible thing I had ever seen.
The fact is is not in jail, condemns all of the capital police as well as Congress and the entire criminal justice system in the WA.
The only thing the constitution authorizes is funding for the military in times of war.
In all other times, it was not supposed to exist.
That is not only factual as to what was done at the time, but also is detailed by other writings by the founders.
They wanted citizen soldiers ONLY because they correctly did not trust a standing military, and one should never have been created.
We actually did not have a permanent standing military until around 1900.
If you notice, before then each division was created, armed, and uniformed by the individual states, and did not all wear the same uniform.

If there was to be a peacetime standing army, then the Constitution has to explicitly authorize it, and it does not.
There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation, and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors, that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot, but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army.
Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 1789, 549

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

To raise and support Armies...

To provide and maintain a Navy;

... nothing there limiting maintaining our military to wartime.
They weren’t there just to be heard. They were there to be amassive mob as a weapon to force Mike Pence to not certify the votes from seven states where a lot of black voters would’ve been disenfranchised. I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on ; you’re a racist and an idiot and a Russian troll. A Putin apologist. America doesn’t want you anymore.

The only point of a "mob" is to get media coverage.
They could not force Pence to do anything, and the only possible point had to be only to get media coverage they felt was lacking.

Your claim of racism is a lie because Blacks were more in favor of Trump than Biden, because Trump promised a better economy.

Anyone who takes the side of the Ukraine in their abuse of ethic Russians, oil thefts, attempts to get NATO nukes, etc., is the racist liar.
You keep repeating 3rd party quotes that have consistently already been proven false.
There was NEVER any threat of violence, or any use of weapons by these misguided protestors.

As for the police, they deliberately pushed protestors back down a stairway, knowing full well that would cause stumbling and death. It WAS deliberate murder. They saw the bodies pile up and continued.

With Ashli Babbitt, again it was not even legal for Bryd to even point a loaded gun at Ashlie, much less pull the trigger.
And anyone claiming Bryd warned anyone or had any legal authority to fire, is just lying.
There were 2 cops next to Ashlie and Bryd almost hit killed them by accident.
It was the most illegal and irresponsible thing I had ever seen.
The fact is is not in jail, condemns all of the capital police as well as Congress and the entire criminal justice system in the WA.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

To raise and support Armies...
To provide and maintain a Navy;

... nothing there limiting maintaining our military to wartime.

Of course there is nothing specific about only war, because there can be a conflict without actual declaration of war.
But anyone reading anything about what the founders wanted, and it clearly and unambiguously says "citizen soldiers" instead of a standing military. About the only permanent thing the founders wanted was training academies and coast guard.

Again, anyone who knows anything at all about the constitution knows it NEVER has to specifically list limits, since limits are infinite. The 9th and 10th amendments are clear that all is denied the feds unless specifically authorized in the Constitution, and no such standing army is ever authorized.
The ability of Congress to finance, does not at all imply a standing army.
Already addressed. It is sadly true that in our justice system, people sometimes plead guilty when they are either not guilty of the crime charged or only guilty of some lesser offenses. Why? Fear of conviction despite the lack of guilt and fear of harsher sentences if the case were to go to trial and lead to a conviction.

The seditious conspiracy charge was always bullshit.

Poor, deranged Welshy. There is no evidence Jane's was coerced to plead guilty. There is, however, evidence of seditious conspiracy.
Of course there is nothing specific about only war, because there can be a conflict without actual declaration of war.
But anyone reading anything about what the founders wanted, and it clearly and unambiguously says "citizen soldiers" instead of a standing military. About the only permanent thing the founders wanted was training academies and coast guard.

Again, anyone who knows anything at all about the constitution knows it NEVER has to specifically list limits, since limits are infinite. The 9th and 10th amendments are clear that all is denied the feds unless specifically authorized in the Constitution, and no such standing army is ever authorized.
The ability of Congress to finance, does not at all imply a standing army.

What the Founders wanted is only relevant in answering unsettled Constitutional questions. Otherwise, what they wanted is irrelevant and all that matters is what's in the Constitution. And what's in the Constitution is Congress' authority and obligation to maintain a military, irrespective of wartime.
No. You didn’t. You retard. I simply noted that YOUR contention was stupid even by your retarded standards. In America we don’t shoot trespassers. Your suggestion was typical of your massive ignorance. You’re stupid squared.

We do when they're threatening the lives of others.
You’re right. We can’t fix your endless levels of stupidity. There was no Insurrection.

“18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection​

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

For future reference, try to be accurate. I know you’re a dolt. It’s ok. But words have real meanings. And legal words (alleging crimes) come with actual legal definitions.

There was no insurrection on 1/6.

Of course there was, Welshy...


an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
You keep repeating 3rd party quotes that have consistently already been proven false.
There was NEVER any threat of violence, or any use of weapons by these misguided protestors.

As for the police, they deliberately pushed protestors back down a stairway, knowing full well that would cause stumbling and death. It WAS deliberate murder. They saw the bodies pile up and continued.

With Ashli Babbitt, again it was not even legal for Bryd to even point a loaded gun at Ashlie, much less pull the trigger.
And anyone claiming Bryd warned anyone or had any legal authority to fire, is just lying.
There were 2 cops next to Ashlie and Bryd almost hit killed them by accident.
It was the most illegal and irresponsible thing I had ever seen.
The fact is is not in jail, condemns all of the capital police as well as Congress and the entire criminal justice system in the WA.
The weapons they used were things they got their hands on; But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs. An additional suspect also allegedly planted pipe bombs by the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties the night before the riot and remains at large. They are right, and I will ad, you are a worthless piece of shit liar.
No. You didn’t. You retard. I simply noted that YOUR contention was stupid even by your retarded standards. In America we don’t shoot trespassers. Your suggestion was typical of your massive ignorance. You’re stupid squared.
Fuck if that's so. Come into my house and you'll get a wad of trespassing you've never seen before.
Certifying the electoral count does not mean counting ballots.
The electoral count is already a finished tally that Congress can not possibly count or recount themselves.
And chants like "hand mike pence" are like the common tradition of hanging politicians in effigy.
It is not an actual deadly threat.
It is a harmless tradition.
" Harmless tradition." Got it.
That is stupid.
An insurrection is when you kill the police in order to take over.
Since no one was being killed, it was not an insurrection by any definition.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Nothing in the definition of "insurrection" requires killing cops.
You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

That is ridiculous.
There is no electoral vote counting ever going on in Congress.

Of course there is, per the Constitution...


the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

No rioter ever expressed an intent to kill anyone, they did not kill anyone, and no one brought any means of killing anyone, except the police of course, who were armed to the teeth.

Some absolutely threatened to kill politicians...

You’re right. We can’t fix your endless levels of stupidity. There was no Insurrection.

“18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection​

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

For future reference, try to be accurate. I know you’re a dolt. It’s ok. But words have real meanings. And legal words (alleging crimes) come with actual legal definitions.

There was no insurrection on 1/6.
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down"
Thanks, your definition aligns with mine. It was an insurrection against the authority of the United States. That's exactly what happened January 6th, 2021.
That is murder.
These women did not deserve to be killed, were given no warning, and their crimes were at worst, trespassing.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Yes, they were warned to get back and yes, you've been shown this before...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21
That is murder.
These women did not deserve to be killed, were given no warning, and their crimes were at worst, trespassing.
They should have shot everyone of them. A mob comes it me, and I'm emptying my piece.
You can shout “insurrection” from the rooftops.

It would make more sense to just pay your phone bill. When speaking your stupidity, you won’t have to strain your vocal chords.
Damn that's retarded.

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