Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Certifying the electoral count does not mean counting ballots.
The electoral count is already a finished tally that Congress can not possibly count or recount themselves.
And chants like "hand mike pence" are like the common tradition of hanging politicians in effigy.
It is not an actual deadly threat.
It is a harmless tradition.

It means counting the electoral votes, ya pathological liar. And by "harmless tradition," when was the last time in the U.S. a violent mob of domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol while chanting to kill the vice president??
Congress counts nothing.
They are given the finally tally.

Congress has become so corrupt and indifferent to the people, it should likely be disrupted and occupied annually.

Do you ever stop lying??

the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;
It is postings like below that keep me coming back. It's like an entertaining puppet show. With some 'not-really-thoughtful' contributors parading either their proclivity for 'trolling', or their refusal to consider realities that don't mesh with their partisan perceptions.

It's kind of fun to see happen, and then roll your eyes over.
Fun stuff. I visit here just for that.

For example, the poster above is either strangely ignorant of the documentaries....Frontline, Pro Publica, etc., or the extensive coverage of January 6th in many many qualifty publications.....(see New York Times and Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, among others.)
And hell, let's even throw in the New York Post which reported this on January 20th, 2021:
"Like so many others, Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith, of Pennsylvania, filmed themselves breaching the Capitol.
“We got inside, we did our part.We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin’ brain but we didn’t find her,” Bancroft said in the footage, according to court documents."


Well, the good poster 'Rigby5' seems to be indicating that two women were killed intentionally and unprovoked.
That's not what the reportage indicates. 1. Ashli Babbitt....was given multiple warnings. Loudly. Insistently. Even with a gun was pointed in her direction. She ignored 'em all. Ashli Babbitt is dead becaue of Ashli Babbitt.

Then the other gal who died on the steps while her fellow mobsters were violently assaulting and injuring a vastly outnumbered uniformed police squad defending an entranceway into the Capitol. And, it seems, she died of an overdose.
So there is that.


There was reportage of three doorways where the police gave way before an onrushing violent mob.....rather than throw themselves into the breach. I've seen no credible reportage that police "let in" rioters, or "invited" rioters. And what videos I've seen, the police in those doorways were vastly outnumbered by the onrushing mob. Where the police were in force, we saw brave and high risk resistance to the MAGAMob.

And then the question remains: Of the near 2,000 people who illegally entered the Capitol to vandalize, smear their poo, hunt down legislators, and stop the approval of the Electoral votes, well, how many of them actually entered through those 3 doorways? Numbers matter.
Without seeing reportage on actual numbers.....I will suggest it was a small minoritly of the approximately 2,000.


It is absurdity squared.
It is either trolling as a provocateur.
Or it is staggering ignorance.....either because of incapacity, or willfulness.


Rightards are truly dumb enough to believe it didn't happen as long as they deny it did. :cuckoo:
The only point of a "mob" is to get media coverage.

do you actually think the leader of the oath keepers Elmer Stuart Rhodes could get his column of 20 storm troopers all the way to the house floor without defenders of the capital contending with 20,000 angry ‘fit to be tied’ asshole Trump voters at the same time. Trump incited the mob in order to carry out the Eastman plan to overturn the election. . That is a fact and you need to quit lying about it.

The MAGA mob was not there to be heard. There was really nothing to be heard. The election was certified on December 14. The mob was there to what they called “stop the steel“ on that day somehow force Congress to toss out the constitution and postpone the inauguration of the winners of the election. That is an insurrection, that is a revolt, it was a riot, it was a conspiracy to disrupt Congress doingDoing their job for the peaceful transfer of power.
You keep repeating 3rd party quotes that have consistently already been proven false.
There was NEVER any threat of violence, or any use of weapons by these misguided protestors.


So expressing their desire to drag politicians through the streets and cut their firggin' heads off is not a threat of violence, huh, ya pathological liar?

Fuck if that's so. Come into my house and you'll get a wad of trespassing you've never seen before.
I wouldn’t visit a moron like you if you were handing out sacks of C Notes. But it’s funny that you missed the point again, you tool.

A trespass is a minor criminal offense. I recognize that you libtards bend your knee to all status authoritarianism. But it is actually wrong in our society to shoot a violator over a minor offense. Not just for public lands: but even for private lands your notion could land you in a heap of trouble with the law.
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down"
Thanks, your definition aligns with mine. It was an insurrection against the authority of the United States. That's exactly what happened January 6th, 2021.
No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Thanks for playing. But you’re clearly unwilling to face reality.
do you actually think the leader of the oath keepers Elmer Stuart Rhodes could get his column of 20 storm troopers all the way to the house floor without defenders of the capital contending with 20,000 angry ‘fit to be tied’ asshole Trump voters at the same time. Trump incited the mob in order to carry out the Eastman plan to overturn the election. . That is a fact and you need to quit lying about it.

The MAGA mob was not there to be heard. There was really nothing to be heard. The election was certified on December 14. The mob was there to what they called “stop the steel“ on that day somehow force Congress to toss out the constitution and postpone the inauguration of the winners of the election. That is an insurrection, that is a revolt, it was a riot, it was a conspiracy to disrupt Congress doingDoing their job for the peaceful transfer of power.

They were there to "fight like hell"...

... and hold "trial by combat" ...

I wouldn’t visit a moron like you if you were handing out sacks of C Notes. But it’s funny that you missed the point again, you tool.

A trespass is a minor criminal offense. I recognize that you libtards bend your knee to all status authoritarianism. But it is actually wrong in our society to shoot a violator over a minor offense. Not just for public lands: but even for private lands your notion could land you in a heap of trouble with the law.
As always, you are nothing more than an ignoramus; Federal Trespassing - Columbus Federal Defense Lawyer | LHA
No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Thanks for playing. But you’re clearly unwilling to face reality.
Did you read your own response? I did. No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Thanks for playing. But you’re clearly unwilling to face reality. Do you understand that you explained nothing? No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Dude, wake your retarded ass up. That's not an argument of substance. You could have manufactured a more intelligent argument, had you said my shoes were ugly.
The fact is is not in jail, condemns all of the capital police as well as Congress and the entire criminal justice system in the WA.
I think he means to say "the fact that he is not in jail". ??
And the rest of it is just plain fun, condemning the Capitol police, all of Congress and the entire justice system in (I think he means DC, not the state of Washington?).

So, good poster Rigby, with all this condemnation runnin' around loose in the pen, how have you, yourself, fared in getting anything done on the 'condemn all'-thingy?
Or is it just a keyboard enema here on USMB that serves as your catharsis for all that vexes you?

Good luck. We wish you more success in other endeavors.
Remember, Mick Jagger advised....'You can't always get what you want, but if you try real hard.........."
So goget'emsic'em!!

Keep us apprised of your progress, mon ami.

Anyone who takes the side of the Ukraine in their abuse of ethic Russians, oil thefts, attempts to get NATO nukes, etc., is the racist liar.
Well, I just included this one in here. After all, it is in the same thread, so clearly poster Rigby thought there was a linkage between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and January 6th.

Yeah, I don't get it either.
But perhaps he can explain it to us optimistic skeptics.

Saddle up, poster Rigby. Show us what you know about January 6th and Ukraine. Was Vlad-the-Bad part of the MAGANutter attackers? Or the 'hidden hand'? ;)
Entering the building is at most, trespassing, not a deadly offense.
Even that is questionable since it is a public building and they felt they were being illegally ignored.

I totally disagree with these protestors and do not like or believe Trump, but killing them was outright murder.
It must have escaped your attention. The officers have not been charged with murder for doing their job and they will not be.

You are delusional with your interpretation of the law. I know I'm right and they should have shot more of them
It means counting the electoral votes, ya pathological liar. And by "harmless tradition," when was the last time in the U.S. a violent mob of domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol while chanting to kill the vice president??

Congress does NOT count the electoral college votes.
They are recorded by the states, and electronically transfered.

Violent mobs use weapons, and the protestors possessed no weapons.

Terrorists use violence to extort innocent civilians, and Congress is neither innocent, nor civilians.

A chant to hang the VP is not at all violent in any way.
It is like Iranians chanting "death to America" and only a liar would try to claim that was a literal threat.
Did you read your own response? I did. No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Thanks for playing. But you’re clearly unwilling to face reality. Do you understand that you explained nothing? No. It wasn’t an insurrection as the legal definition clearly shows. Dude, wake your retarded ass up. That's not an argument of substance. You could have manufactured a more intelligent argument, had you said my shoes were ugly.

But the point is NO ONE has been charged with insurrection or sedition over Jan 6.

A member of right-wing militia group Oath Keepers pleaded guilty on Wednesday to felony conspiracy and obstruction charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.
do you actually think the leader of the oath keepers Elmer Stuart Rhodes could get his column of 20 storm troopers all the way to the house floor without defenders of the capital contending with 20,000 angry ‘fit to be tied’ asshole Trump voters at the same time. Trump incited the mob in order to carry out the Eastman plan to overturn the election. . That is a fact and you need to quit lying about it.

The MAGA mob was not there to be heard. There was really nothing to be heard. The election was certified on December 14. The mob was there to what they called “stop the steel“ on that day somehow force Congress to toss out the constitution and postpone the inauguration of the winners of the election. That is an insurrection, that is a revolt, it was a riot, it was a conspiracy to disrupt Congress doingDoing their job for the peaceful transfer of power.

That is a lie.
There was no significant violence except by the police.
There were no weapons, or any indicator of any illegal intent.
It must have escaped your attention. The officers have not been charged with murder for doing their job and they will not be.

You are delusional with your interpretation of the law. I know I'm right and they should have shot more of them

The fact the police have not been charges only shows the extent of the criminality.
Congress does NOT count the electoral college votes.
They are recorded by the states, and electronically transfered.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Again, the Constitution demands Congress does count the votes. Again...

the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

Here's more ...

Your State’s Certificate of Vote is sent to Congress, where the votes are counted, and NARA, as part of the official records of the Presidential election. Each State’s electoral votes are counted in a joint session of Congress on the 6th of January in the year following the meeting of the electors.

Violent mobs use weapons, and the protestors possessed no weapons.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

That violent mob of domestic terrorists had weapons. Baseball bat, hockey stick, flag pole, spear, stun stick, crutches, chemical spray, fire extinguisher.

Terrorists use violence to extort innocent civilians, and Congress is neither innocent, nor civilians.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Even Republican Senator Ted Cruz called them domestic terrorists.

A chant to hang the VP is not at all violent in any way.
It is like Iranians chanting "death to America" and only a liar would try to claim that was a literal threat.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Iranians in Iran chanting, "death to America" is not a direct threat because they don't have the ability to carry it out. Whereas a violent mob of domestic terrorists storming into the Capitol where the vice president can be found, threatening to kill him is a real threat. I also note you ignore the video where politicians were at risk of being dragged through the streets and decapitated. That was also a very real threat.

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