Some other things you refuse to consider


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
-it's possible to dislike different racial groups and conversely it's possible to like different racial groups, in any combination; the possible permutations are really large; for example one could be white and like mexicans and dislike blacks, or like blacks and dislike mexicans, or one can be a mexican immigrant and dislike both whites and blacks, etc. etc.
-it's possible to exist in a gray area between love and hate of other groups

But you guys deny that. Everything to you is either/or. Either someone is a progressive, tolerant, liberal person who loves all of humanity, or one is a racist, nazi murderer who wants to kill everyone else.

Why can't you accept the gray in between? Why is that so difficult for you.
It's official: The above thread has been awarded the 'Stupid Post of the Month Award'. The 'Stupid' award, the highest award for inane comparison and stupid thinking, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid posts far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. Please accept this award with our fondest wishes it is not an inheritable trait.

FN: Rarely is the board of selectors for the 'Stupid' award unanimous, but in the case noted above, many wished they could vote twice or more.
-it's possible to dislike different racial groups and conversely it's possible to like different racial groups, in any combination; the possible permutations are really large; for example one could be white and like mexicans and dislike blacks, or like blacks and dislike mexicans, or one can be a mexican immigrant and dislike both whites and blacks, etc. etc.
-it's possible to exist in a gray area between love and hate of other groups

But you guys deny that. Everything to you is either/or. Either someone is a progressive, tolerant, liberal person who loves all of humanity, or one is a racist, nazi murderer who wants to kill everyone else.

Why can't you accept the gray in between? Why is that so difficult for you.
Racism is not about not liking someone of another group.

Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.

White racism leads to job discrimination, inferior schools, police brutality, unjust incarceration and death.
-it's possible to dislike different racial groups and conversely it's possible to like different racial groups, in any combination; the possible permutations are really large; for example one could be white and like mexicans and dislike blacks, or like blacks and dislike mexicans, or one can be a mexican immigrant and dislike both whites and blacks, etc. etc.
-it's possible to exist in a gray area between love and hate of other groups

But you guys deny that. Everything to you is either/or. Either someone is a progressive, tolerant, liberal person who loves all of humanity, or one is a racist, nazi murderer who wants to kill everyone else.

Why can't you accept the gray in between? Why is that so difficult for you.
Racism is not about not liking someone of another group.

Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.

White racism leads to job discrimination, inferior schools, police brutality, unjust incarceration and death.
Like zimbabwe? :rolleyes:
Like zimbabwe? :rolleyes:
No white person is African
White people born in Africa are Africans. Now you know.
No white person is African. Never have been. Never will be

What they should doing with them all in Africa




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