Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.
Amen. And you might want to note that they kicked the crap out of the USSR not so long ago.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Not at all. Had we reasonable gun laws concerning the types of weopons used in three shooting in one week in this nation, we would not be having this problem.

The cold hard facts are that the assault rifles are designed and created for only one purpose, that of killing large numbers of people rapidly. And, as we have seen this week, they do that well.

Why should they not have the same rules for ownership as fully automatic weopons? When you can empty a 30 shot clip in under ten seconds, is there any real differance? Especially in a crowded mall, or a school room?

Simply require that any one with such a weopon outside their home be required to have such a license, and that if they do not, the weopon is confiscated and destroyed, and they face jail time.

Second, if you store your gun carelessly, and someone takes it, you own any crime committed with it.
Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

Facts known. It was an AR-15, an assault weopon. The gunman had several 30 shot clips, all loaded with ammo designed to inflict maximum damage to the human body. They worked.

There are huge numbers of these and other assault weopons in our nation now. And the number of shootings like this is on the rise.

At the same time, the fruitloops here and in the NRA are claiming what is needed is more guns.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Because human life isn't important to global elite like you.
I bet you're pro abortion?
There has been overwhelming sympathy toward the dead kids. The only NUTS here are the ones climbing on the pile of dead children & using them for a soap box to take away our freedoms before their bodies were even cold or the facts have come out.

Why wait until the facts come out? We know the facts - a gun was used to murder 28 people.

Facts known. It was an AR-15, an assault weopon. The gunman had several 30 shot clips, all loaded with ammo designed to inflict maximum damage to the human body. They worked.

There are huge numbers of these and other assault weopons in our nation now. And the number of shootings like this is on the rise.

At the same time, the fruitloops here and in the NRA are claiming what is needed is more guns.

You said you were a gun owner?
There is no such thing as a 30 round clip.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Your statement, "Why is a gun more important than a human life?", shows you lack any understanding of the topic being discussed and look at the topic from a 2nd grader's perspective. It has nothing to do with a gun being more important than a human life, though many guns ARE more important than many human's lives, as many guns serve a good purpose and are beneficial to society, where as many people serve no good purpose and are quite detrimental to mankind and society, but that's neither here nor there, that's just to humor your childish comment. To the meat of the matter, it's not the guns that are important, it's the freedom that the firearm represents and protects that is important. The Jews in Nazi Germany could tell you a thing or two about the importance of an armed populace, if they were around to tell their strories that is, they aren't because the first thing the Nazis did when gaining power, was to disarm all but their own. If there would have been more Warsaw Ghettos in Germany, there may have been less Treblinkas in Europe, unfortunately it's hard to fight evil when evil is armed with automatic weapons and the good guys have pocket knives. You may want to live in a nation that allows just the govt to have firearms, but I, and millions of other Americans for that matter, KNOW that our leaders are just as capable as the Nazis, the Soviets, the North Koreans and every other dictatorship that ruled over an unarmed populace, of committing the same horrible atrocities against the people they rule over that they did and we alsoi KNOW the only thing stopping them is the fact that over 80,000,000 American citizens are armed with over 300,000,000 weapons and many of them would die before they allowed themselves to be enslaved by the govt. Anyone who trusts the govt 100% is a fool as history has shown us that there is no greater threat to man's life and freedom than governments.
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

Can't do much for the dead must protect the living from globalist like you.
Sure Bigrabble, if you cannot have a gun with which you can rapidly shoot up a shopping mall or a school full of little kids, you are disarmed, right?
Not at all. Had we reasonable gun laws concerning the types of weopons used in three shooting in one week in this nation, we would not be having this problem.

Bullshit. The weapons used were no more deadly than than the average hunting weapon. I thought you were supposed to be a hunter. And the gun laws in place when these murders were well on the repressive side of "reasonable" and not only did not prevent the crimes but may well have made them more likely.
Sure Bigrabble, if you cannot have a gun with which you can rapidly shoot up a shopping mall or a school full of little kids, you are disarmed, right?

You fucking god damn piece of fucking shit I hope you sorry ass meets a painful death. How fucking dare you insinuate I would shoot innocent children.
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