Some white men arrested for inciting riots

There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

Antifa is a honky dominated organization, no doubt about it.

However, where are the "payments" to which you refer? I saw the pic of the gentleman in Pittsburgh turning himself in, he just looked like a lost liberal living in mum's basement.
You seem to live in a world where there are many basements. Where I am from there are few basement in ranch style homes.

Even ranch style homes usually have basements here in the great state of Pennsylvania.
Not around here where the ground is very hard and the hills are steep. The cops around here tried to harass me when I first moved here but after a simple case of entrapment of them breaking the law with the prosecuting attorney as a witness and my lawyer witnessing it happening they never do anything but say hi now.
You said you live in Missouri. The only houses in the Midwest that don't have basements are berm houses, trailers, dumps & OLD houses. So which do you live in.
You live in the flat part of Missouri I don't.

Don't think it has to do with hills or flat...I think it is soil composition. Very few basements here...and we are very flat. High clay content in the soil though. We have a cellar...and two sump pumps to keep it dryish in the rainy season.

We built a house with a basement for a friend of mine. The clay soil pushed the block wall in twice. Finally held after we ran rebar down through the blocks and poured a soupy cement to fill up the blocks.
But no one ever protests about the horrors happening in chicago. Nope, not a peep.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

No, the riots are being funded by some socialist organization to create massive chaos. This is a well organized group.

Every time Donald Trump lies to you about the sources of violence, he's been proven wrong: The violence IS coming from the right; Donald Trump has been cited by more than 80 violent criminals who are committing crimes against minorities as "inspired" by the President's words and deeds, and their desire to stop the "replacement" of white people with minorities, and the loss of power by white males.

From Charlottesville, to LaFayette Park, Trump continues to align himself with the forces of white supremacy. Their desire to foment a race war to incite fear and hatred of minorities among more moderate white people is well known. These are white elements which are very well organized, and well financed.

The white oligarchs on Wall Street are making money hand over fist in this chaos of the pandemic. That's why Trump has lost interest in stopping it. The rich are getting richer. You know who gets richer if black neighbourhoods get burned to the ground? Here's a hint: it's not America's working poor.

Nope, we're seeing violence right now from the left on an epic historic scale.
But no one ever protests about the horrors happening in chicago. Nope, not a peep.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

No, the riots are being funded by some socialist organization to create massive chaos. This is a well organized group.

Every time Donald Trump lies to you about the sources of violence, he's been proven wrong: The violence IS coming from the right; Donald Trump has been cited by more than 80 violent criminals who are committing crimes against minorities as "inspired" by the President's words and deeds, and their desire to stop the "replacement" of white people with minorities, and the loss of power by white males.

From Charlottesville, to LaFayette Park, Trump continues to align himself with the forces of white supremacy. Their desire to foment a race war to incite fear and hatred of minorities among more moderate white people is well known. These are white elements which are very well organized, and well financed.

The white oligarchs on Wall Street are making money hand over fist in this chaos of the pandemic. That's why Trump has lost interest in stopping it. The rich are getting richer. You know who gets richer if black neighbourhoods get burned to the ground? Here's a hint: it's not America's working poor.
Orange Man Bad.

Get a new record, yours is broken.
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

Antifa is a honky dominated organization, no doubt about it.

However, where are the "payments" to which you refer? I saw the pic of the gentleman in Pittsburgh turning himself in, he just looked like a lost liberal living in mum's basement.
Lol, it isn't liberals who live in mom's basement, kiddo.

When was the last saw the sun?
They all just live in apartments in the major cities with 10 roommates. Because they are broke.
As I keep pointing out probably the most freightened liberals in America are the ones living in apartments near the center of most major cities

they walk their dogs within blocks of the mayhem

and they dont own guns

they are just lambs waiting for the slaughter
Your fantasies are not reality.
Maybe you dont get out much

but in every major city in America old warehouses and abandoned buildings near downtown are being replaced with trendy two story apartments VERY near the hood

And 20-30 year old snowflakes are flocking to them in mass

or should I say WERE?

Did you see Iron Mike Tyson's one man show? He shows a pic of his former home in the Brooklyn hood as a kid and has a bit of a chuckle how white people are living there now.
It really ties in with the thread about declining IQs in modern society

If someone is broke and living in the hood, or if someone is properly armed, doesn't mind the drama and wants to save $$$ by living in the ghetto, fine.

But I never understood why unarmed Urbanist Millennials want to pay top dollar to live in a dangerous part of town.
As BluGin pointed out many of them cant even afford a place of their own

sometimes 3 or 4 adults share the same place

thats how desperate they are to be Kool
Sorry but at some point (which we are well past) the peaceful protesters should realize their protests are counter productive towards the message they are trying to get across and come up with a different platform.
White guys in a car hand a brick to a black girl standing on the curb. Black girl starts yelling at those ANTIFA Motherfuckers and tells them to get the fuck out of her town before she puts that brick upside their heads.

I saw this on YouTube yesterday.

Who discredited who?
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

Antifa is a honky dominated organization, no doubt about it.

However, where are the "payments" to which you refer? I saw the pic of the gentleman in Pittsburgh turning himself in, he just looked like a lost liberal living in mum's basement.

He an alt right I suspect.
We suspect that you're a major dingbat. You assume things just because they conform with your biases.

Who is this "We" you speak of. You make accusations that others are "stupid" but it's always the people who post links to reputable sources which you never read, and wouldn't believe even if you did. You call people who factually contradict Trump's lies, with both words and pictures, "stupid". All while your sick, broke, unemployed, and burning nation, collapses around you.

There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
Paywall no good.

Actually The Washington Post allows a certain amount of articles viewed each month before the paywall kicks in.

Today is June 2. I just clicked the link and was able to read the article.

Unless you've read a bunch of articles from that site already in a 24 hour period, you should be able to read that site.

However, there are ways to find that article on a site without a paywall. I do it all the time. All you have to do is copy and paste the title of the article into any browser. I just did it. Here's the article reposted without a paywall on the Sun Journal.

There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
White guy walks up to a store and knocks out the glass. Colored folks run inside and steal everything trashing the place

Who is discredited here?

It's not the "coloured" guys who are cleaning out these high end stores. They people have trucks, and tools. This is a highly organized and well funded criminal gang. You can't carry off counters, display cases, and mannequins are of no value. Successful black businesses in particular were being target and burned right from the get go.

Now these attacks are being linked to white supremacists groups in Europe.

ANTIFA are white supremacists. Who else would exploit the pain of George Floyd’s death to promote rioting,target the black communities, burn them to the ground and then try to place blame on them for the very rioting they incited. Then all the people in the entertainment industry that openly support them turn around and bail them all out of jail.

Hell ..John Cusack melted down because he wanted more shit burnt to the ground.

uhm-----the rioting is targeting black communities?
On what planet? In my town the rioters are black looters-------looting------whitey stores for black faves like big time PRESTIGE SHOES
In ALBQ they targeted downtown and the university area. Lots of poor neighborhoods,gang activity and homeless. LA they targeted fact an ESPN writer ( I believe ). Was cheering them on on Twitter until they came to his neighborhood. Then he hit Twitter again to rail at them to “take that shit downtown,we care about our neighborhood “. Plus there is plenty of video footage of older black men and woman distressed and sobbing because their communities were destroyed. Actually I’m quite appalled that you haven’t researched any of this for yourself. Just be careful some of the video footage is pretty horrific.
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ANTIFA are white supremacists. Who else would exploit the pain of George Floyd’s death to promote rioting,target the black communities, burn them to the ground and then try to place blame on them for the very rioting they incited. Then all the people in the entertainment industry that openly support them turn around and bail them all out of jail.

Hell ..John Cusack melted down because he wanted more shit burnt to the ground.

uhm-----the rioting is targeting black communities?
On what planet? In my town the rioters are black looters-------looting------whitey stores for black faves like big time PRESTIGE SHOES
In ALBQ they targeted downtown and the university area. Lots of poor neighborhoods,gang activity and homeless. LA they targeted fact an ESPN writer ( I believe ). Was cheering them on on Twitter until they came to his neighborhood. They he hit Twitter again to rail at them to “take that shit downtown,we care about our neighborhood “. Plus there is plenty of video footage of older black men and woman distressed and sobbing because their communities were destroyed. Actually I’m quite appalled that you haven’t researched any of this for yourself. Just be careful some of the video footage is pretty horrific.

gangbusters were doing stuff? what else is new?
There is no depravity or filth that would be NEW to me. ------but you are off topic
ANTIFA are white supremacists. Who else would exploit the pain of George Floyd’s death to promote rioting,target the black communities, burn them to the ground and then try to place blame on them for the very rioting they incited. Then all the people in the entertainment industry that openly support them turn around and bail them all out of jail.

Hell ..John Cusack melted down because he wanted more shit burnt to the ground.

uhm-----the rioting is targeting black communities?
On what planet? In my town the rioters are black looters-------looting------whitey stores for black faves like big time PRESTIGE SHOES
In ALBQ they targeted downtown and the university area. Lots of poor neighborhoods,gang activity and homeless. LA they targeted fact an ESPN writer ( I believe ). Was cheering them on on Twitter until they came to his neighborhood. They he hit Twitter again to rail at them to “take that shit downtown,we care about our neighborhood “. Plus there is plenty of video footage of older black men and woman distressed and sobbing because their communities were destroyed. Actually I’m quite appalled that you haven’t researched any of this for yourself. Just be careful some of the video footage is pretty horrific.

gangbusters were doing stuff? what else is new?
There is no depravity or filth that would be NEW to me. ------but you are off topic
How am I off topic?
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

Antifa is a honky dominated organization, no doubt about it.

However, where are the "payments" to which you refer? I saw the pic of the gentleman in Pittsburgh turning himself in, he just looked like a lost liberal living in mum's basement.

He an alt right I suspect.
We suspect that you're a major dingbat. You assume things just because they conform with your biases.

Who is this "We" you speak of. You make accusations that others are "stupid" but it's always the people who post links to reputable sources which you never read, and wouldn't believe even if you did. You call people who factually contradict Trump's lies, with both words and pictures, "stupid". All while your sick, broke, unemployed, and burning nation, collapses around you.

You wouldn't know a "reputable" source of someone slapped you accross the face with it. No TDS moron has ever posted a factual contradiction to anything Trump has said. You're a congenital liar. everything you post is not only a lie, it's just plain stupid.
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
White guy walks up to a store and knocks out the glass. Colored folks run inside and steal everything trashing the place

Who is discredited here?

It's not the "coloured" guys who are cleaning out these high end stores. They people have trucks, and tools. This is a highly organized and well funded criminal gang. You can't carry off counters, display cases, and mannequins are of no value. Successful black businesses in particular were being target and burned right from the get go.

Now these attacks are being linked to white supremacists groups in Europe.

They are "linked" only by lying douchebags like you. No one has provided a shred of evidence that any right wingers are involved. The only tool you need to loot a "high end store" is a sledge hammer.
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
Thanks, Soro$

I find it hard to believe that some red-necks from the rural countryside with their camos and deer-hunter shirts, are organizing a high-tech campaign to setup bots and pay people to raise mayhem.

It could be true. It could be.

If they are, then ship them to prison with the rest of the rioters and looters.

Well read this and we're not talking about some rednecks.

Fringe groups point finger back at Trump, Democrats

Even some alt right turning on the trumpturd.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.

Congratulations. You've figured out that the looting is being organized. Now ask yourself, the most important question. Who is benefitting most from the looting. Who is paying and bankrolling these gangs of white supremacists, to go in and hit high end stores?
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
This is the lib lie of the week

I suppose DHS and the FBI are in on this wash post conspiracy too.

As I read the story this is guilt-ridden white LIBERALS supporting ANTIFA and BLM

There is nothing far-right about this guy:

In interviews with POLITICO, followers of both the far-left Antifa and the far-right Boogaloo Bois — diffuse, mostly white, movements without any clear hierarchy or central organization — pointed their fingers back at government officials and expressed their support for black protest leaders.

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