Some white men arrested for inciting riots

There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
Thanks, Soro$

You're accusing us of doing an Alinsky?? LOL!!
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.

Congratulations. You've figured out that the looting is being organized. Now ask yourself, the most important question. Who is benefitting most from the looting. Who is paying and bankrolling these gangs of white supremacists, to go in and hit high end stores?
There are no white supremacists doing any looting, dingbat.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.

Congratulations. You've figured out that the looting is being organized. Now ask yourself, the most important question. Who is benefitting most from the looting. Who is paying and bankrolling these gangs of white supremacists, to go in and hit high end stores?

Soros gets % of the loot
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

Antifa is a honky dominated organization, no doubt about it.

However, where are the "payments" to which you refer? I saw the pic of the gentleman in Pittsburgh turning himself in, he just looked like a lost liberal living in mum's basement.

He an alt right I suspect.
We suspect that you're a major dingbat. You assume things just because they conform with your biases.

Who is this "We" you speak of. You make accusations that others are "stupid" but it's always the people who post links to reputable sources which you never read, and wouldn't believe even if you did. You call people who factually contradict Trump's lies, with both words and pictures, "stupid". All while your sick, broke, unemployed, and burning nation, collapses around you.


No, we're not sick. Govt is broke because they love never ending wars and social engineering. Unemployed because of extended lockdowns, burning because of radical liberals who hate this country.
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:

How many conspiracy theories do you people have to eat up?

what the fuck?

Have we forgotten the nothing that was russiagate already?

I was so upset about the black guy that I robbed the local liquor store!
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
Here is those dumb four kids that hit the
Southside here. Tried to break into a liquor store on the Tribes

Hardly the image of right wing extremists...caught by AIM patrols. Just dumbasses like anyone of any color who took Anything or damaged Anything that didn't belong to them.
Black or white, they are despicable humans.
Last night the coward you elected President used rubber bullets, tear gas
Exactly what our liberal governor ordered in Mpls.
Now it is two nights of peace and quiet now that the trouble makers realized the MN National Guard wasn't fucking around with the curfews.
We will take care of ourselves and dumbassed Canucks like you can kindly Fuck Off and mind your own business.
These riots certainly gives us very good reason not to trust the poor. They give me good reason to buy and AR-15.
what it actually shows is their voting pattern for demofks over 50 years has failed them. It can't say anything else.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
Here is those dumb four kids that hit the
Southside here. Tried to break into a liquor store on the Tribes

Hardly the image of right wing extremists...caught by AIM patrols. Just dumbasses like anyone of any color who took Anything or damaged Anything that didn't belong to them.
Black or white, they are despicable humans.

Its obvious that integration - as necessary as it was - has had the opposite affect intended

rather than lifting blacks up it is dragging whites down


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Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
Here is those dumb four kids that hit the
Southside here. Tried to break into a liquor store on the Tribes

Hardly the image of right wing extremists...caught by AIM patrols. Just dumbasses like anyone of any color who took Anything or damaged Anything that didn't belong to them.
Black or white, they are despicable humans.

Its obvious that integration - as necessary as it was - has had the opposite affect intended

rather than lifting blacks up it is dragging whites down

What? Looting shit is sort of a white people speciality brah

like most violence

Never seen a black guy start a world war
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
Here is those dumb four kids that hit the
Southside here. Tried to break into a liquor store on the Tribes

Hardly the image of right wing extremists...caught by AIM patrols. Just dumbasses like anyone of any color who took Anything or damaged Anything that didn't belong to them.
Black or white, they are despicable humans.

Its obvious that integration - as necessary as it was - has had the opposite affect intended

rather than lifting blacks up it is dragging whites down

What? Looting shit is sort of a white people speciality brah

like most violence

Never seen a black guy start a world war

I guess so

but I already commented on that in post #132

Its obvious that integration - as necessary as it was - has had the opposite affect intended

rather than lifting blacks up it is dragging whites down”
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

These riots just didn't "happen" , colfax.

This are planned events, well coordinated on a national and international basis.

Its more than fair to identify the genesis of it, whether it was in Biden's Wilmington basement, at Soros' HQ in Budapest or in Xi's compound in Beijing.

Or someplace else for that matter.

The source has been identified: Evropa - a white supremacist group from Europe. Piles of loose bricks dropped off on street corners near stores and businesses being targetted. Vans passing out molotov cocktails once the umbrellas have broken the windows. Blending into the crowds of peaceful demonstrators after the damage is done. Vans being used to transport the high end merchandise and store fixtures from the looting targets in high end shopping areas.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

These riots just didn't "happen" , colfax.

This are planned events, well coordinated on a national and international basis.

Its more than fair to identify the genesis of it, whether it was in Biden's Wilmington basement, at Soros' HQ in Budapest or in Xi's compound in Beijing.

Or someplace else for that matter.

The source has been identified: Evropa - a white supremacist group from Europe. Piles of loose bricks dropped off on street corners near stores and businesses being targetted. Vans passing out molotov cocktails once the umbrellas have broken the windows. Blending into the crowds of peaceful demonstrators after the damage is done. Vans being used to transport the high end merchandise and store fixtures from the looting targets in high end shopping areas. Now scamper along and go put blackface on like a good little canuck.
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

These riots just didn't "happen" , colfax.

This are planned events, well coordinated on a national and international basis.

Its more than fair to identify the genesis of it, whether it was in Biden's Wilmington basement, at Soros' HQ in Budapest or in Xi's compound in Beijing.

Or someplace else for that matter.

The source has been identified: Evropa - a white supremacist group from Europe. Piles of loose bricks dropped off on street corners near stores and businesses being targetted. Vans passing out molotov cocktails once the umbrellas have broken the windows. Blending into the crowds of peaceful demonstrators after the damage is done. Vans being used to transport the high end merchandise and store fixtures from the looting targets in high end shopping areas.

Evropa is a wee group of only a couple hundred members from coast to coast, this would be quite the caper for a such a small cadre.

However, the good news is that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, as well as the media have a number of moles and informants in the Evropa and other known extremist groups in America. If you're theory was correct, why didn't these government employees let the people know?
Anyone attempting to categorize the perpetrators of looting and rioting is doing everyone a disservice.

Just as an example, four rural teenagers drove 90 minutes to Minneapolis to loot. Political? Nah. Just dumb kids.

Four kids looting. Yeah, thats going to happen. The riots and looting and pillaging are much more organized and nefarious than 4 kids though.
My point is that anyone attempting to categorize the source and etiology of the riots is full of shit. It's just a reflection of their own politics (this goes for both sides) as opposed to what is actually happening. No one has any idea what faction constitutes what percentage of the trouble. It's just way to chaotic to make proclamations such as yours.

These riots just didn't "happen" , colfax.

This are planned events, well coordinated on a national and international basis.

Its more than fair to identify the genesis of it, whether it was in Biden's Wilmington basement, at Soros' HQ in Budapest or in Xi's compound in Beijing.

Or someplace else for that matter.

The source has been identified: Evropa - a white supremacist group from Europe. Piles of loose bricks dropped off on street corners near stores and businesses being targetted. Vans passing out molotov cocktails once the umbrellas have broken the windows. Blending into the crowds of peaceful demonstrators after the damage is done. Vans being used to transport the high end merchandise and store fixtures from the looting targets in high end shopping areas.

Evropa is a wee group of only a couple hundred members from coast to coast, this would be quite the caper for a such a small cadre.

However, the good news is that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, as well as the media have a number of moles and informants in the Evropa and other known extremist groups in America. If you're theory was correct, why didn't these government employees let the people know?

They're desperate. Their own racial and radical groups are causing it.
There are people being paid to create mayhem and discredit the protests against policy brutality.
WaPo reports:
Thanks, Soro$

I find it hard to believe that some red-necks from the rural countryside with their camos and deer-hunter shirts, are organizing a high-tech campaign to setup bots and pay people to raise mayhem.

It could be true. It could be.

If they are, then ship them to prison with the rest of the rioters and looters.

Well read this and we're not talking about some rednecks.

Fringe groups point finger back at Trump, Democrats

Even some alt right turning on the trumpturd.

Administrators of pages such as Big Igloo Bois and Boojahadeen Memes actively supported the anti-racist and Black Lives Matter protests.

Doesn't that make them left-wing? How do you identify with everything the left-wing stands for, and then claim to be right-wing?

What exactly do the boogaloo bois stand for, that is the opposite of the left-wing BLM and Anarchists?

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